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Authors: Unknown
the world with rationality and an
World War I, he studied
They prefer mechanical objects to
open mind, willing to change their
jurisprudence, then sociology
other people. In moderation, these
beliefs in the light of new evidence.
(to PhD level), before training
people are pessimistic nay-sayers
A productive person can truly love
in psychoanalysis. After the
whose glasses are perpetually
another for who they are, not as a
Nazis took power in Germany
in 1933, Fromm moved to
half empty, never half full.
trophy or safeguard against the
Switzerland and then New
world. Fromm calls this brave
York, where he established a
person “the man without a mask.”
psychoanalytic practice and
Fromm’s work has a unique
taught at Columbia University.
perspective, drawing on psychology,
Fromm married three times
sociology, and political thinking,
and had a well-documented
especially the writings of Karl Marx.
affair with Karen Horney
His writing, aimed at a mainstream
during the 1930s. In 1951,
audience, influenced the general
he left the US to teach in
public more than academia—mainly
Mexico, returning 11 years
because of his insistence on the
later to become professor
freedom of ideas. He is nonetheless
of psychiatry at New York
recognized as a leading contributor
University. He died in
to humanistic psychology. ■
Switzerland at the age of 79.
Key works
Hitler’s fascination with death
and destruction marks him out as
The Fear of Freedom
an example of Fromm’s necrophilous
Man for Himself
personality type, which is obsessed
The Art of Loving
with control and the imposition of order.
CARL ROGERS (1902–1987)
uring the 19th and into mental health is not something
the early 20th century,
that is suddenly achieved at the
much of the approach to
end of a series of steps. Nor is it
psychological treatment was based
attained because an individual’s
Person-centered therapy
on the idea that mental illness
previously neurotic state of
was a fixed pathological malady
tension has been reduced by the
that needed to be cured. Popular
satisfaction of biological drives and
Austrian psychoanalyst
psychoanalytic theory, for example,
impulses, as the psychoanalysts
Otto Rank proposes that
defined people struggling with their
insisted. Neither is it cultivated
separation from outdated
mental health as “neurotic.” Mental
by following a specific program
thoughts, emotions, and
illness was seen in a negative light
designed to develop and preserve
behaviors is essential for
and most psychological practices
a state of inner impermeable
psychological growth and
and theories of the time offered
homeostasis, or balance, reducing
strict definitions with structured
the effect of the world’s external
Abraham Maslow
explanations of the underlying
chaos on the self, as the
says that people must not
causes of the mental illness, and
behaviorists recommended.
be viewed as a collection
fixed methods to cure it.
Rogers does not believe that
of symptoms but first and
American psychologist Carl
anyone exists in a defective state
foremost as people.
Rogers took a much more esoteric
that needs to be fixed in order to
route to mental health, and in so
provide them with a better state,
doing expanded the approach of
preferring to view human
Fritz Perls popularizes
psychotherapy forever. He felt that
experience, and our minds and
the concept of externalizing
the philosophies of the time were
environment, as alive and growing.
other people’s expectations
too structured and rigid to account
He talks about the “ongoing process
to find one’s truest self.
for something as dynamic as the
of organismic experience”—seeing
human experience, and that
life as instantaneous and ongoing;
American humanistic
humanity is much too diverse to be
life exists in the experience of
psychologist Clark Moustakas
fitted into delineated categories.
every moment.
explores the uniquely human
For Rogers, a healthy self-
components of life: hope, love,
Achieving mental health
concept is not a fixed identity
self, creativity, individuality,
Rogers takes the view that it is
but a fluid and changing entity,
and becoming.
absurd to view mental well-being
open to possibilities. Rogers
as a specific fixed state; good
embraces an authentic,
The good life is a process, not a state of being.
In order to enjoy the good life, we need to…
…treat ourselves
…be fully
…live in the
and others with
open to
for our
positive regard
See also:
Fritz Perls 112–17 ■ Erich Fromm 124–29 ■ Abraham Maslow 138–39 ■ Rollo May 141 ■ Dorothy Rowe 154 ■
Martin Seligman 200–01
Unlike a maze
with only one route across, Rogers
asserts that life is full of possibilities and offers multiple
routes—but individuals are often unable or unwilling
to see them. To experience “the good life” we need
to stay flexible and open to what life brings, by
experiencing it fully moment by moment.
unprescribed, free-flowing definition
essential ingredient is the ability to
the limits of our world and reduce
of healthy human experience, with
stay wholly present in the moment.
our ability to stay present and open
limitless possibilities. Humans are
Since self and personality emerge
to experience. In living the good
not traveling a road where the
out of experience, it is of the utmost
life and remaining open to
destination is to become “adjusted”
importance to stay fully open to
experience, Rogers believes we
or “actualized,” as fellow humanistic
the possibilities offered by each
adopt a way of being that prevents
psychologist Abraham Maslow
moment, and to let experience
us feeling trapped and stuck. The
had suggested. Indeed, the purpose
shape the self. The individual
aim, as Rogers sees it, is for ❯❯
of existence is not about reaching
lives in an environment of constant
any kind of destination, Rogers
change, yet frequently and all too
claims, because existence is less
easily, people deny this fluidity
a journey toward an endpoint
and instead create constructs of
and more an ongoing process of
how they think things should be.
growth and discovery that does
They then try to mold themselves
not stop until we die.
and their idea of reality to fit the
What I will be in the next
constructs they have made. This
moment, and what I will do,
Living “the good life”
way of being is the very opposite
grows out of the moment,
Rogers uses the phrase living
of the fluid, flowing, and changing
and cannot be predicted.
“the good life,” to refer to the range
organization of self that Rogers
Carl Rogers
of characteristics, attitudes, and
believes the nature of our
behaviors displayed by people who
existence requires.
have embraced the foundations of
Our preconceptions about
his approach—people who are
how the world is, or should be,
“fully in the stream of life.” One
and our own role within it, define