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Authors: Unknown
and the world are justified.
infinite possibilities
for us.
themselves and their childhood,
especially negative ones, about
This is not to say one turns a blind
their symptoms unfortunately
events. For example, if a man who
eye to negative factors in favor of
remained. It seemed that when one
is an irrational thinker loses his job,
naïve, positive beliefs—rational
problem was resolved, the patient
to him it is not merely unfortunate,
thinking does acknowledge
would put another in its place.
. He believes that he is
reasonable feelings of sorrow, guilt,
The issue, Ellis decided, lay in the
worthless because he was fired,
and frustration. The rational thinker
way the person was thinking (their
and that he will never find another
may lose her job; it may have even
cognition), and it required more
job. Ellis describes irrational
been her fault that she lost the job,
than insight to change it.
beliefs as illogical, extreme,
but she knows she is not worthless.
damaging, and self-sabotaging
She may be upset with herself, but
Irrational thinking
because they cause unhealthy
she knows that rationally there is
Ellis began to describe his way
emotional consequences.
the possibility of another job.
of working as Rational Therapy
Rational thinking creates the
Rational thinking is balanced and
because he believed that the
opposite effect. Ellis defines
always allows room for optimism
majority of long-standing emotional
rational thinking as helpful to the
and possibilities; it creates healthy
problems are almost always due to
self. It is based on tolerance and
emotional consequences.
irrational thinking. One of the most
the ability to bear distress without
Ellis’s notion of irrational
common ways in which irrationality
assuming catastrophic negative
thinking is influenced by Karen
occurs, he says, is the tendency to
conclusions, and is rooted in a
Horney’s idea of the “tyranny of
draw extreme conclusions,
belief in positive human potential.
the shoulds”—a preoccupation ❯❯
reaction becomes inextricably
linked to the event itself. However,
Ellis aimed to teach people to
recognize how an event may
contribute to a feeling, but it does
not directly cause that feeling. Our
People and things do
emotional response depends on
not upset us. Rather, we
the meaning we put on what took
upset ourselves by
place, which in turn is governed
believing that they
by rational or irrational thinking.
can upset us.
As the name implies, Rational
Albert Ellis
Emotive Behavior Therapy
examines both the emotional
If someone has
been unlucky
response (a cognitive process) and
in love they may feel sad and rejected.
the behavior. The links between
However, there is a difference between
these two flow in both directions:
feeling these emotions and allowing
it is possible to change your
them to become a belief system.
thinking through changing your
with the idea that something
behavior, and to change your
to irrational responses. This
should (magically) be different from
behavior through changing your
process is known as “disputing.”
how it is. The struggle to reconcile
thinking. Ellis suggests that the
For instance, some people hold the
these thoughts with reality is a
way to change one’s thinking
belief that “I am the only really
painful and unending one. Rational
involves being able to recognize
dependable person I know” or “I am
thinking, on the other hand, focuses
and then dispute irrational
destined to be always alone in this
on acceptance; it maintains the
beliefs, challenging them with
world.” In therapy, the individual is
balanced sense that sometimes
rational thoughts.
encouraged to search their personal
things happen that we would prefer
history to find rationalizations for
not to, but they are a part of life.
Challenging beliefs
these belief systems. Someone who
During REBT, an individual is
has been through the break-up of
Conditioned response
asked to consider whether they
several relationships may have the
We become so used to our responses
have several overriding beliefs
delusion that it is their “destiny to
to people and events that they
about themselves and their
be alone” or that they are somehow
appear to be almost automatic; our
position in life as these contribute
“unlovable.” REBT encourages
Albert Ellis
Albert Ellis was born in Pittsburgh,
considered to have led the shift
Pennsylvania. His father was
toward cognitive behavioral
often away on business and his
therapy. He is recognized as
mother suffered from bipolar
one of the most influential
disease; Ellis frequently took
psychologists in the US. He
care of his three younger siblings.
wrote more than 70 books,
Ellis began a career in business
continuing to write and teach
and then became an author,
until his death at the age of 93.
before his writing on sexuality
led him to start studying clinical
Key works
psychology at Columbia University
in 1942. Initially, Ellis practiced
How to Live with a
psychoanalysis and was influenced
by Sigmund Freud, Albert Adler,
A Guide to Rational Living
and Erich Fromm. However, his
Reason and Emotion in
Rational Therapy broke away from
psychoanalytic theory and is
Optimal Aging
people to allow for the pain of loss
choose healthier pathways; and
or loneliness, and to logically
how to internalize and habituate
evaluate factors that led to the loss;
new, more beneficial beliefs. In
but discourages the practice of
so doing, the therapist becomes
believing that one or two instances
obsolete—once the client grasps
mean that something will always
the idea of becoming self-aware
The best years of your life are
happen, and therefore being happy
in decision-making, and choosing
the ones in which you decide
is impossible.
deliberately (and often differently),
your problems are your own…
One of the difficulties inherent
the therapist is no longer needed.
You realize that you control
in irrational thinking is that it tends
your own destiny.
to perpetuate itself, because in
An active therapy
Albert Ellis
thinking, for instance, “nothing
Albert Ellis’s theories challenged
good ever happens to me,” there
the slow-moving methodology of
is little or no motivation to seek
psychoanalysis and created the
opportunities where good things
first form of cognitive behavioral
might happen. The irrational
therapy, an approach that is popular
thinker sees the possibilities of
today. He was an active and
having a good experience as so
directive therapist and in place of
unlikely that he gives up searching
long-term, passive psychoanalysis,
action, action,” he said. REBT
for them. It also makes him blind
he put the work and power squarely
became one of the most popular
to the good things that do happen.
in the hands of the client—an
therapies of the 1970s and 80s, and
Many people express the self-
approach that prefigured Carl
was highly influential on the work
perpetuating belief: “Yes, I have
Rogers. He also emphasized that
of Aaron Beck, who described Ellis
tried, and
I know
that good things
theorizing was not enough—“you
as an “explorer, revolutionary,
never happen,” which rationalizes
have to back it up with action,
therapist, theorist, and teacher.” ■
and reinforces their belief system.
Irrational thinking is “black and
REBT identifies
An event that
white;” it stops an individual from
patterns of irrational
may cause mental distress.
recognizing the full spectrum of
thinking that lead to
possible experiences. If a faulty
unhealthy and entrenched
belief system leads us to always
beliefs, and describes
I’ve lost my job!
interpret situations negatively,
how to challenge them.
then it prevents the possibility
of alternate positive experiences.
The initial
Though it often appears that “seeing
(irrational) thoughts
The feelings
is believing,” the reality is that
about the event.
caused by these beliefs.
what we believe is what we see.
I’m worthless.
Constructivist theory
I’m depressed
I’ll never get
and anxious.
REBT is a constructivist theory,
another job!
suggesting that although our
preferences are influenced by
our upbringing and culture, we
construct our own beliefs and
Revised and rational
reality. As a therapy, it attempts
a rational look at beliefs.
beliefs about the event.
to reveal people’s inflexible and
absolutist thoughts, feelings, and
Hang on, I’m looking
I’ll be able to get
actions; and helps them see how
at this all wrong!
another job—it’s not
they are choosing to “disturb
that bad.
themselves,” as Ellis puts it. It
suggests how to think of and