The Purloined Panties - An Erotic Detective Adventure (2 page)

Read The Purloined Panties - An Erotic Detective Adventure Online

Authors: Carol Gregory

Tags: #lesbian, #group sex, #threesomes, #cuckold, #femdom

BOOK: The Purloined Panties - An Erotic Detective Adventure
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The telephone rang. It was Sissy Harwell.
She asked if I could swing by to talk later that morning. The ABG
president would be there and she thought it would be a good idea if
we talked. We set it for eleven.

One of the attorneys, Fred Watson, was
hanging around and we talked for a while. Fred was a young attorney
about my age. Fred was planning a tennis weekend with his
girlfriend in Palm Springs and had to tell me all about it. I had
played some tennis a few years back, but not since my injury. I had
met his girlfriend Sandy, who seemed very nice. He kept asking me
to try playing doubles. I said I might try it.

A little before eleven I headed out to the
ABG house. A young woman met me at the door.

"Hello, I’m Valerie Petersen," she said. I'm
the ABG president." We shook hands as I introduced myself.

Valerie was twenty-two. She was cheerful and
cute in that just out of adolescence way. She was average height
and about ten pounds heavy, all in the butt. Her hair was dark and
reached the middle of her back.

Sissy brought us back to her office area in
her room. We talked for a few minutes and I asked Sissy if I could
speak with Valerie alone. Sissy objected briefly, but I held up my
hand. "It will be okay," Valerie said.

Sissy left. "Valerie," I started, "I need to
talk with you candidly. I will use discretion when talking with

Valerie agreed. I asked her about male
visitors in the bedrooms.

"Guys are pretty common. Most of us have a
boyfriend or two. A few of the relationships are sexual. The guys
know about the panties because that's who we thought took them as a
prank. I've talked with all of them and I think they told me the
truth. They all denied taking them. Frankly a couple of them have
panties as trophy gifts, but they were donated if you get my

"Are any of the girls gay?" I asked.

Valerie tried to look shocked. "It's okay,"
I said. I used to be a college student and we experimented. It's

"Well," she thought, "I think we have all
had some experience. But I think we all like boys."

"How long have you lived in the house?" I

"The last three years. I have lived here the
longest, although we have several sisters who have been here as
long as I have. This is my fifth year." Valerie said.

We talked about the sorority members and
individual issues. I felt Valerie had a good read on the girls. She
intuitively thought that she could see one getting into it with one
other member, but not others. She thought the thief was someone
from outside the group. I agreed, but with some reservations.

"Is anything special happening in the next
couple of weeks?" I asked.

"It will be quiet until a week from
Saturday. We have our annual dress up party hosted by the Delta
Dogs. That's the Delta Daled fraternity. Guys wear coat and tie and
the gals dress up."

“Can we set up a meeting with some of the
residents?” I requested.

“For how long?” asked Valerie.

“About thirty minutes,” I said.

“Can we set it for five this afternoon?”

“Great. I look forward to it.”

I thanked Valerie and asked her to send in
Sissy. Sissy asked if I learned anything.

"Maybe, I'd like to set up something for the
following weekend. Are you here on weekends?"

"Sometimes I am here. If there is an event I
am always here."

"There is something with the Delta Dogs," I

"I would be here to help the girls if they
needed it to get ready. Usually I am out of here by party time,"
Sissy said.

"Good," I said. "I have a plan."

I went back to the office. Fred Watson came
into my office looking glum.

"No tennis weekend," he said. "I just
canceled our reservations. Sandy called and said her former
co-worker and a friend will be in town and we are having dinner
with them Saturday. Sandy asked if you wanted to come over. I don't
think wants to be the only the only female there. We are going to
Del Rae."

"Well, since you are going to Del Rae I
guess I'll come," I teased. "What time and do you want to meet
there or at you place?"

"Come over to my place at six. You will like
Chris. He worked with Sandy before moving to Illinois with a
promotion. Sandy ended up with his spot at Hughes Aircraft."

Fred went back to his office. I decided to
head home. It was a nice day and I thought I would lay out by the
pool. I stopped at the Ralph's on the way home to do some quick
grocery shopping. While there I ran into Betty Blake. Betty is my
ex husband's wife. I was lucky with the divorce. There was no
bitterness. We wanted different things in life. I liked Betty and
my ex, Mike, seemed happy. They had a toddler.

"Where is little Mike?" I asked.

"My mom is watching him so I could run some
errands. Want to grab a sandwich? I would love to be around adults
for a few more minutes."

Ralph's had a snack bar in the corner of the
store. We placed our order and talked. Betty took a deep breath,
"Did Mike like to do anything kinky ?"

"Betty, we defined the word. You know we did
some pretty wild stuff before we got married."

"I know about you Wesson oil party. No, I
mean, well, weirder?"

"You mean like handcuffs?" I said with a
raised eyebrow.


"Betty, has he ever told you about how we
split up?"


"Well, we were having problems. The sex was
always good, but he wanted kids and I wanted a career. He likes me
to tie him up. It was always playful and, frankly, I got a kick out
of it. But he has to be in control all of the time and when he is
tied up he yields all control."

"We have been doing that a lot," Betty said.
"I think it is fun. But how did you split up?"

"We used to have a Chevy van that was done
up in back. You know, a fuckmobile? Well, we had these hand
harnesses that we used to tie him up. I would drive around and he
would be naked in the back, spread eagled. We would drive around
and I would stop and we would fool around. He loved it when we
parked and he was tied spread eagled in the back. I would give him
a blow job or ride his cock.

"Well, one day he had been really on me to
quit my job and have a family. He wouldn't let it drop. That night
we were driving around and Mike was naked and tie-up in the back of
the van. We drove over to the police station in Anaheim where he
worked. I went in the back of the van and sucked his cock until it
was really rigid. I then left the car, locked it, and called a cab
from the library next door. After a couple of hours he started
calling for help. I guess it gave the station something to talk
about for a long time. Now when someone gets handcuffed they call
it getting 'Blaked."

Betty laughed. "I guess he didn't hold a
grudge for long," she said.

"I apologized. I also let him keep the house
and the van. He sold the van. It was an easy divorce. And he really
appreciates being married to you and not me," I added.

"Remind me not to get you pissed off," Betty
said. We hugged and I picked up the tab.

I went home and unloaded the bags. I
stripped off my clothes and grabbed a Michelob and a towel. I
turned up the pool heater so I could enjoy it over the weekend. I
absorbed some rays and decided it had been too long since I had any
male action. I was always around guys, but I hated to mix business
with sex. Clients were off limits. Respect was a necessity. I did
not want to be known as a private detective who would solve your
case and suck your joint. I was envious of Sheila who would through
caution and good sense to the wind for a stiff rod. Of course I was
her comfort zone.

I must have dozed off. I didn't know Sheila
was home until I was awakened by a cold can of beer pressed between
my tits. Sheila was naked and jumped in the pool. The beer tasted

Sheila got out of the pool and sat with me.
We talked and drank the beer. She asked if I was doing anything in
the evening. I told her I had to head out and meet with a client.
Then I was looking forward to doing nothing.

“Let’s see a movie,” suggested Sheila.
‘Women in Love’ is playing at the Titan Theater.

“How about going to a drive-in?” I came back
with. I grabbed the paper and looked at movie listings. “Let’s see
‘Airport’ at the Orange Drive-In. I hear it’s pretty entertaining,”
I said.

“Okay, I’ll be back by six. Be ready to

I got dressed in some jeans and a
comfortable blouse. I threw a sweatshirt in the car in case it got
cold at night and left for my meeting. Traffic was not bad. It took
twenty minutes before I parked the car.

Valerie Petersen met me at the door. Six of
the sorority sisters who lived at the house were present. I
introduced myself and gave my background. I told them I had no
clues who was doing the thefts, but it was most likely someone they
knew. I asked them to think about boyfriends, girls they may have
had a problem with, and anyone else who might have a grudge against
the sorority. I gave them each my card and told them to call me if
anything came to mind, whether or not the thought it was important.
A couple of the girls had questions, but I did not want to commit
to any theories. I asked Valerie to gather names and call me. I
thanked them and headed home.

As soon as I walked in Sheila gave me one of
her pouty looks. “Shane called and asked if I was busy tonight,”
she started.

“Of course,” I interrupted, “You said you
had plans to go to the movies with your best friend, Petra.” I
paused, “What time is he picking you up?”

”Seven,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. I am pretty tired
anyway. I’ll grab a bite and call it an early evening,” I said.

“If we go to the drive-in do you want to
come?” Sheila asked have heartedly.

“Thanks, but I wouldn’t be able to hear the
movies with all of your groaning and moaning in the back seat.”

Sheila finished getting ready for her date.
I went through the cupboards to look for something to eat. I
decided to settle for a grilled ham and cheese sandwich and the TV
Guide. Get Smart was on that night. It was something about plants
spying on people. I liked the role of Agent 99. It was one of the
few roles on TV that had a strong female character. Friday Night at
the Movies was about it.

Sheila’s date showed up. I let him in while
she finished getting ready. She came out with a blue mini skirt
outfit. Her shoes said “Fuck me!” I told her to be good.

After Sheila left I watch television and
drank a glass of wine. I was drifting with the plot when the phone
rang. I picked it up.

“Hi Petra, it’s Rich,” said the voice. Rich
French was a good friend. We had dated a few months back. He was a
third year law student involved in a three way relationship with
his roommates Liz and Jim. “My old college friend Adam is in town
and we are looking for something to do. Are you interested in
joining us?”

After a second of reflection I said, “I
think I’m in for the evening. If you want you can come over here.
Pick up a couple of six packs. The pool is heated.”

I heard Rich talk to his friend on the
phone. “That sounds good. We’ll be over in about thirty minutes. I
Sheila home too?”

“No, it’s just me. Sheila is out.”

“Okay, see you in thirty.”

The place was in good
shape. I cleaned up in the kitchen and ran a brush through my hair.
I turned off the television and turned on the stereo. I pulled
Moondance, Morrison Hotel,
The Bridge over
Troubled Waters
albums and set them up on
the stereo turntable. The music started as the doorbell rang. Rich
was carrying a couple of six packs of Michelob. His friend was
holding a pizza.

“Petra, this is Adam; Adam, Petra,” Rich
muttered as he came in the door. I smiled at Adam. He was gorgeous.
He was maybe six, three, with dark hair just above the collar and
deep blue eyes.

Rich put the brews in the refrigerator
pulling three out for us. I set out some plates and napkins. We sat
around the table and talked. Rich and Adam had gone to school
together at Long Beach State. Rich went to law school. Adam moved
to Seattle and had an administrative position with Boeing. He had
just finished his MBA.

“What’s a good looking guy like you doing
alone in Seattle,” I asked Adam.

He smiled and said, “I guess I just haven’t
found the right woman yet. How about you? I would think you would
have guys just lined up.”

“Who says I don’t? Besides, I’ve been
married and divorced. I’m damaged goods.”

“You look all right to me,” Adam said.

We talked for a while and started our second
beers. Adam excused himself and went to the bathroom. I asked Rich
if I should get some towels for the pool. He smiled and said yes. I
went in the linen closet and pulled out three towels. I went in my
bedroom and took of my clothes, returning to the front of the house

Adam stood up as I handed him a towel. I
tossed one to Rich and just walked out to the patio. I could feel
Adam’s gaze on me. I dropped the towel on a table and dove in the
deep end. The water was very comfortable. I came up to the surface.
Rich had his clothes off and Adam was slowly removing his shirt.
Rich is nice looking, but nothing remarkable. He was about my
height and in decent shape. He jumped in the water.

“Come on Adam,” I said. “Are you shy?”

He finally took off his clothes. He was well
muscled and broad shouldered. He hit the diving board and executed
a nice dive into the pool. Rich and I were in the shallow. Adam
swam underwater to us. He surfaced right in front of me. I put my
arms over his shoulders and pulled him against my body.

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