The Purloined Panties - An Erotic Detective Adventure (4 page)

Read The Purloined Panties - An Erotic Detective Adventure Online

Authors: Carol Gregory

Tags: #lesbian, #group sex, #threesomes, #cuckold, #femdom

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“You have great legs. I love the form. You
are a beautiful woman,” Skeeter said. He rubbed my belly and
inserted his thumb between my legs. He finger fucked me as Sandy
licked and sucked my nipples. I stole a glance at Fred. He had a
small grin.

Skeeter deftly manipulated me. He played
with me for several minutes. I could feel warmth begin in my vagina
as he stroked me. I was very wet.

Sandy repositioned herself and pushed
Skeeter aside. She knelt between my legs and began to eat my pussy.
I was already intensely aroused. Sandy expertly put me over the
top. Skeeter played with my tits and kissed me as Sandy licked my
clit. I came with a flood of moisture, my body tensing with the

I pushed Skeeter over, onto his back. I
kissed him as Sandy licked his fully erect cock. She took his balls
in her mouth and gummed them. I grasped his cock and stroked it
gently. I kissed him again and kissed his nipples, biting them just
hard enough to make him groan. As Sandy sucked and licked his
balls, I sucked and licked his cock. Sandy hummed as she pushed me
off his rod and took it in his mouth.

Abruptly Sandy stopped. She got off the bed
and walked over to Fred. She kissed him and smiled. “Are you
enjoying the view?” she asked.

“Yes, Mistress,” he replied.

She stroked his cock and slapped it hard. He
grunted with the hit.

Sandra climbed back on the bed. She pulled
Skeeter on top of her. “Fuck me!” she said.

Skeeter positioned himself between his legs
and entered her. I sat on the other side of Sandy so as not to
obstruct Fred’s view. Skeeter slowly screwed Sandy. His pace
gradually quickened. I knew he could not hold off long. He
increased his speed as he slammed his cock into Sandy’s cunt.

“I’m going to come!” he yelled.

“Come in me!” said Sandy. He did. He kept
his cock in Sandy’s pussy. Sandy turned to me and said, “Untie

I untied Fred. He walked over to the bed.
“What is your desire, Mistress,” he said humbly.

“Clean my lover,” she commanded.

Skeeter withdrew his half erect cock, a
string of cum stretching to Sandy’s cunt. Fred dutifully took the
cock in his mouth and licked all of the cum and juice off of

When Fred finished Sandy said, “As a reward
you may fuck me.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Fred said as he straddled
Sandy. He slipped his cock between her legs and entered her easily
as Skeeter’s seed was leaking out. Skeeter sat next to me on the
bed. He put his arm around me. I played with his cock, trying to
resurrect it.

Fred slowly fucked Sandy. “Don’t come until
I tell you to!” Sandy ordered.

“Yes, Mistress,” Fred replied. He slowed his
pace. Beads of perspiration were forming on Fred’s face as he tried
to hold back.

“Do not come until I permit it!” yelled
Sandy. “You are a pathetic man with a small cock who does not
deserve to come before me.”

We all knew that try as he might, Fred would
not be able to hold off. “Don’t stop!” yelled Sandy. Fred groaned
and came hard, emptying his wad into Sandy’s pussy.

“I am sorry, Mistress. I could not help it,”
he whimpered like a puppy caught doing something wrong.

“Make me come! Lick me and suck all of the
semen out. Don’t stop until I tell you!,” ordered Sandy.

Fred did as was instructed. As sticky, white
ooze leaked out of the well fucked cunt, Fred lapped it up. He
licked inside her pussy lips and cleaned her. Fred sucked Sandy’s
clit and nibbled on it. He worked hard and she made him work

Skeeter and I were kissing. He was almost
hard again as I continued to stroke him. I jerked him harder. “Do
you think you can go again?” I asked. He bent me over the bed and
spread my legs. He entered me from behind, filling me. I reached
between my legs and put pressure on my clit and the underside of
the cock as he fucked me.

Fred was eating Sandy with frenzy. “Yeah,
you got it. Keep it up. God yeah!” shouted Sandy. Sandy’s thighs
held Fred’s in a vice grip. She came as Fred continued. “Stop!” she
finally ordered. Fred obeyed.

Skeeter pounded me from behind. I came
between his cock and my finger. I then felt his body stiffen as he
unloaded, his heat inside me.

“Fred, your job!” ordered Sandy.

Fred went over to Skeeter and sucked his
cock clean, licking the last drops. He then bent behind me and
cleaned the cum leaking out of me. His nose was buried between my
cheeks as he sucked out the last drops.

I collapsed next to Sandy. We were quiet for
several minutes. Fred sat back in his chair. “Am I forgiven?” he
asked Sandy.

“No, I will punish you after our guests
leave,” said Sandy in a stern tone.

Skeeter and I got up and found our clothes.
Sandy was still naked and Fred was sitting stiffly in his chair. I
waved at Fred as I walked out. He nodded his head, daring not to

Sandy walked us to the door. She kissed me
and gave Skeeter a long kiss. “It’s good seeing you again,” she
told him. “I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said to me.

Skeeter and I walked to our cars. We kissed
briefly. “It’s been fun,” I said as I got in my car and drove home.
I wondered what was in store for poor Fred. At least he got his
cream pie.

Sunday morning I slept in. I dragged myself
out of bed at nine. Sheila wasn’t home and I did not know if she
made it home at all last night. I made coffee and grabbed the
Sunday Times. As the coffee was perking I called Sheila’s gym. She
answered on the second ring. She said she was going to work until
things got quiet and then come home. Her trainer was coming in at

I grabbed my robe, the coffee and the paper
and sat out on the patio. It was cool, but not cold. It looked to
be a nice day. The Dodgers beat the Mets 1-0. Ryan pitched for the
Mets and gave up two hits, but took the loss. The Angels beat the
Senators. The Lakers were licking their wounds after their game one
loss to the Knicks of Friday.

I shucked my robe and dove into the pool and
began my laps. When I swim I don’t think about anything. It is
peaceful exercise. That’s probably why I enjoy it. I swam for
thirty minutes before I dragged my tired body out onto the lounge
chair, throwing my terrycloth robe over me.

I dozed for a while, but was awakened by the
ring of the telephone. It was Valerie Petersen. “Ms. Jameson, I
have some names. Do you think we can meet somewhere?” she asked.
“I’m at my folk’s house in Tustin.”

“Call me Petra,” I said. “Why don’t you
swing by my home?” I gave her my address and directions. I hung up
the telephone and went back to my nap.

Sheila woke me up as she came outside. She
looked worn out. I asked her about her date.

“It was wonderful. Robert was a real
gentleman. We had dinner and watched the movie. He offered to take
my home, but I said the night was young. I asked where he lived. It
turned out he lived in an apartment in Brea. I think he was shocked
when I asked if we could go there. He is such a nice guy I had to
take control. When we got to his place I stripped his clothes off
of him and gave his cock attention I don’t think it had ever had.
We fucked three times last night and once more this morning. He
dropped me off here so I could get my car and go to work. How was
your night?

“It was okay, but nothing as wild as yours,”
I lied. “I guess I have to live vicariously through you.” The
images of Rich, Adam, and Skeeter all became blurred in my mind. It
had been a busy weekend.

The doorbell rang. I put on my robe and
answered the door. I invited Valerie in. Sheila was making
sandwiches. I introduced them to each other. Sheila asked Valerie
if she was hungry, but she just left brunch with her parents. I
showed her to the back while Sheila brought out lunch.

“Is this your house?” she asked. “It’s so
nice. I love the pool.”

“Thank you,” I said. “It is mine. Sheila has
been living here since she left her husband a few months back. Have
you a list of names?”

Valerie gave me the names. We discussed
them, but none jumped out as a probable perpetrator. “How long have
you been a member of the sorority?” I asked.

“I joined in 1965. I moved in the house in

“Besides the members and Sissy, who else
stayed there for any length of time?” I inquired.

“Sissy has been with us only three years.
Before that it was Ruth Philips. She was there for several years as
the house mom. She was a single mom. She left so that her son could
change his high school,” Valerie said.

We talked for a while. I felt like the sage
person giving advice. Valerie wanted to get an MBA. She talked with
Sheila and me about being a woman in a man’s business world.

“I don’t want to use sex to succeed. I will
not prostitute myself for success,” she said. Sheila and I

“First,” I said, “Don’t be afraid to be
feminine. You don’t have to be a slut to get places.”

“Yeah,” added Sheila. “You can be slutty
without being a slut.” I just stared at her.

“I think what Sheila is trying to say is
that there is nothing wrong with sex. You have to make sure that
there is no expectation of sex. Keep things professional when doing
business. There is nothing wrong with fun for fun’s sake,” I

“I guess that makes sense,” Valerie
remarked. “I had better be going. I have a paper to finish.”

I showed Valerie to the door. I watched her
plump ass as she walked in front of me. It was everything I could
do not to grab it, but I did not want to appear slutty.

The beginning of the week was slow. I worked
on locating a missing wife who was not really missing. She had
moved in with her boyfriend. I had to suppress a grin every time I
saw Fred at the office. I kept thinking about Skeeter. I worked out
every day. Sheila was spending her nights with Robert.

On Wednesday I went to the La Palma Chicken
Pie Shop and bought a banana cream pie and took it to the office
for everyone to share. I cut a piece for Fred and left it on a
plate on his desk. I was at my desk reading the paper when he came
by, eating the pie.

“Thanks for the cream pie. It’s my
favorite,” Fred joked. He came in and sat down, closing the door.
“Sandy wanted me to thank you for the evening. She asked if you
were seeing anyone to double date.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I’m just a lonely

Fred laughed and walked out. A bit later
Sissy called. I told her I would be there in a few minutes.

I arrived at the ABD house. Valerie met me
at the door and took me back to Sissy’s desk. We went over the
plans for Saturday. I would arrive in the afternoon and help Sissy
with the girls. Sissy would leave at seven after the girls went to
the Delta Dog house. I assured them I could take care of things.
Valerie looked concerned. I told her to have fun at the party.

Valerie walked me out of the house and came
with me to the car. “Thanks for talking with me Sunday. You two
helped me with some concerns. I would like to get to know you
better. I told her to call me anytime. I was usually home at nights
if I did not have a big case going.”

I headed home, stopping by the Alpha Beta on
Euclid and La Palma. I picked up a couple of steaks, potatoes,
fresh broccoli and a loaf of sourdough bread. Sheila would probably
not be home, but I bought for her just in case. Traffic was still
light when I got home. I put the groceries away and put my clothes
in the hamper. I grabbed a towel and headed naked to the backyard.
I put charcoal in the grill and got the fire started.

I was about to jump in the pool when the
phone rang. I went inside. It was Valerie. “Hi,” she said. “I know
I am being a pain, but can I come over?”

This was becoming interesting. Clearly there
was something on her mind, but I would have to pry it open. “Sure,
Valerie, I am grilling some steaks if you are interested.”

“Thanks, I’ll be there in a half hour.”

I wrapped two potatoes in foil and put in on
the coals. I then dove in the pool and started my laps. I finished
and grabbed my towel as the doorbell sounded. I answered with the
towel wrapped round me and let Valerie inside. I grabbed an extra
towel and tossed it to Valerie. “If you don’t mind going in naked,
put your clothes in the bedroom and take a swim.” I took of the
towel and walked nude out the patio door.

The potatoes were still hard. I went back
inside and cleaned the broccoli as Valerie walked out with the
towel wrapped around her. I started the water and walked back out,
Valerie following me. I took the towel from around her and put it
over a chair. I took her hand and led her into the shallow end of
the pool. It was heated and Valerie waded in after me. I turned to
look at her. She had a pretty face. Her tits were moderate, but
firm with nipples hard from the cooler water. She had a slight
belly and her thighs were on the soft side.

Valerie stood next to me and looked up. I
was several inches taller than her. I took her face in my hands and
kissed her. She did not pull away, but pressed hard against my
body. We stood embraced for several moments.

“I was afraid,” Valerie said.

“Why? I thought you were interested the
other day.” We kissed again. I reached behind Valerie and grasped
her ass, massaging the soft cheeks. “We better get dinner

We got out and dried off. Using tongs I
pulled out the potatoes. I spread the charcoal and put the grill on
top. Still naked, I went inside and tossed the broccoli in the pot
and grabbed the steaks.

Valerie tied the towel around her. In twenty
minutes we were seated at the dining room table, eating a steak
dinner and sipping a cabernet sauvignon. She followed my lead and
sat nude on the towel.

“What’s your relationship with Sheila?” she

I smiled. “We have been best friends since
college. We were both married. She split with her husband in
January and is going through the divorce process. She is staying
here for awhile.”

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