The Purloined Panties - An Erotic Detective Adventure (3 page)

Read The Purloined Panties - An Erotic Detective Adventure Online

Authors: Carol Gregory

Tags: #lesbian, #group sex, #threesomes, #cuckold, #femdom

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“Are you more comfortable now?” I asked. I
looked at Rich behind him and winked. I could feel Adam begin to
stiffen against my body. I pushed away from him and swam a few
yards away. I went under water and came up between Rich and Adam.
Rich turned me towards him and gave me a kiss, running his hand
underwater between my legs. As Rich and I kissed Adam came up
behind me. I could feel his cock pressing against my butt.

I moved over to the shallow end and sat on
the steps. The boys came and sat with me. Rich fingered me. Adam
began kissing me and playing with my nipples. I began to think my
dry spell might be coming to an end.

After a few more minutes I stood up and
exited the pool. Quickly I grabbed a towel in the cold night air.
Rich and Adam were right behind me as I walked inside. The house
was warm. We dried ourselves and walked into the family room. I
turned the records over. Rich brought over more cans of beer.

I started dancing with Adam and kissed him.
Rich came behind me and held my breasts from behind, his now hard
cock pressed against my crack. We danced for a while until I
grabbed their hand and led them into my bedroom.

I pulled down the bed spread and climbed
onto the bed. Rich spread my legs and dove between my thighs,
licking my pussy. Adam kissed me and played with my nipples. Adam
was getting very hard. Where Rich’s cock was average, five inches
and well shaped, Adam’s dick was large. It was a good eight inches
and thick. I stoked it and pulled him to my lips. I sucked the tip
and licked the underside. I cupped his balls with my hand while I
let the head of his cock slip between my lips.

Rich was doing an excellent job on my clit.
I was getting aroused quickly and knew that he would not have to
work hard to make me come. With our history together I was certain
he knew exactly how to please me.

Adam slowly fucked my mouth. I tried to take
all of his cock, but couldn’t quite manage it. He looked very
intense as he stroked. Rich was slowly bringing me to climax. I
pulled Adam from my mouth as I leaned back, letting the warmth or
arousal permeate my body. I came with an explosion, my juicy
flowing freely onto Rich’s face.

“Fuck me, Rich,” I begged. He brought his
cock to my pussy and put it in. It felt wonderful. I jerked on
Adam’s cock as Rich fucked me. He started slowly and gradually
picked up the pace until he slammed into me. I came again as he
grunted and released his load into my cunt. I felt several blasts
until he went limp. He slowly pulled out.

“Fuck me, Adam!” I ordered, pushing him
down. He quickly obeyed and slipped his ready rod into me. It felt
great as inserted his large cock. I felt my pussy lips stretch to
take his larger member. It was an incredible sensation. I was
coming again as he wildly screwed me. He must have been ready,
because in what seemed like seconds he was groaning and making come
again. He grunted and let loose a huge wad, followed by shorter
spurts. He slowed and collapsed on me.

Rich kissed me and lay down next to me. Adam
climbed to my other side. We were all in bed together, exhausted
from our threesome tryst. I had no clue what the time was, but it
had to be past eleven. I got up to get some water. Rich followed me
out to the kitchen.

"How is it going with Liz and Jim?" I

"Okay, I guess. I don't see it lasting too
long with the three of us. Liz and I deal with it okay, but I think
it is a bit too much for Jim. You'd think we would do a three way,
but Jim has trouble with that. Liz and I are really in tune with
each other. I think it's a matter of time before he leaves."

Adam came out and got dressed. Rich followed
suit. I went up to Adam and kissed him. "Thanks for the fun time,"
I said.

"No, thank you," he replied. "I've never met
anyone like you before. Can we see you tomorrow night?"

"I'm sorry. I have a prior commitment or
else we could spend the rest of the weekend together," I replied.
We swapped phone numbers and promised to see each other again. I
walked Rich and Adam to the door and kissed them both. I was still
naked. Rich playfully grabbed my ass as we hugged.

I took a quick shower and hopped into bed
when I heard Sheila come in. I came out to check on her. She was

"How did it go?" I asked.

"Okay, I guess. Shane's cute, but kind of
boring. The movie was good. I wish you had been with us instead of
home alone," she said.

"Don't worry," I replied. "I can always find
some way to amuse myself," I answered. I kissed her and went to my
room and back to bed.

The next morning I slept in. I heard Sheila
up and showering before work. The next thing I remember it was past
eight. I made coffee and had an English muffin. After reading the
paper I grabbed a towel and walked out to the patio. I threw my
robe over a chair and dove in the pool. In my younger days I was a
competitive swimmer. Now it was good exercise. I swam for about
forty-five minutes. I dragged myself out of the pool and toweled
off. Even though it was still a bit cool, I plopped down on a
lounge chair and rested.

As I was getting up the phone rang. I went
inside and answered it.

“Hi, this is Sandy Laughlin, Fred’s
girlfriend. We met once,” the voice on the phone said.

“Sure, I remember.”

“I guess we are having dinner and I was
trying to figure out what to wear. Do you have any thoughts?” she

“No, I was going to go to the mall and see
if anything caught my eye. I live right next to Anaheim Plaza.”

“Would you like some company?” she asked. I
said it would be great. I gave her my address and directions. I
hung up and hit the shower.

As I was showering I was trying to remember
Sandy. We had met briefly when she came by the office once. I
recalled her as tall and thin. She looked like one of those runway
models. She seemed aloof when we met, but it was only for an
instant. I dried my hair and brushed it. I dressed in a simple
blouse and skirt. I wore sandals.

The doorbell rang. It was Sandy. I invited
her in and grabbed my purse. She was as I remembered her, thin,
tall and attractive. Her hair was dark and short. She had moderate
make-up. Sandy had that Twiggy – like build. Her boy’s haircut gave
her a stern, no nonsense appearance. She gave off that
intimidating, but sex look that challenges men.

We took her car, a white Ford LTD. We parked
by the Broadway. As we talked I warmed up to her. She was very
bright with a public administration degree. She worked at Hughes
Aircraft in Fullerton as the Personnel Director.

We had lunch at the coffee shop in the
Broadway and chatted. She and Fred had been dating for seven
months. He moved into her house three months ago, giving up his
apartment. She lived in Placentia.

The guy we were having dinner with was named
Charles, but whom everyone called Skeeter. She said she had worked
with at Hughes before he took a job with NASA in Houston. He’s in
town for a conference at the Grand Hotel.

“What’s he like?” I asked.

“He’s tall, dark brown hair, and very
handsome. He’s really nice,” Sandy said.

“Does Fred know you used to be lovers?” I
asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Is it that obvious?” she asked. “No, he
doesn’t know. I really like Fred and I don’t want to mess things
up. I was the one who suggested you join us. I remember meeting you
and thinking how beautiful you were.”

“Same here,” I said, smiling. “I think Fred
has a pretty good idea about you and Skeeter. Skeeter must have
been something.”

“Yeah, he’s a bit of a player, but he was a
great lover.”

We talked about guys over lunch and hit the
store. We made fun of the clothes at Broadway and decided to walk
through the mall. We found some cute outfits at Robinsons and
decided to through fashion rules to the wind and wear the same
miniskirt dress. Of course her dress was a few sizes smaller than
mine. They were navy blue with a beige trim. We hit the shoe
department and bought the same open-toes heels.

We had a great time together and were like
old friends when we got back to my house. It was about two and I
invited her in. I opened a bottle of cabernet and we sat out by the
pool and talked.

Finally Sandy stood and said she better go
so we could get ready. She gave me a big hug and a kiss. The kiss
lingered with a promise that there might be more yet to come. I
said I would see her at six.

The stereo was playing KMET as I got ready
for the evening. I actually put make-up on and did my hair. Sheila
came in as I was in front of the mirror.

“Big date?” she asked.

“We’ll see. I’m meeting Fred from the
office, his girlfriend and a friend from out of town. What are you
up to tonight?”

“Robert is taking me out. Do you remember
Robert? I hope he is more fun than Shane. We’re going to dinner at
Angelo’s and Vinci’s and a movie at the Fox. It turns out Robert is
a Dean of something at Chapman College.”

Sheila left to get ready as I finished up. I
put on my dress and stood in front of the mirror. “Not bad,” I said
to myself. The short skirt showed plenty of thigh. I thought about
going with no panties, but I figured that might be pushing my luck.
I yelled “Good luck,” to Sheila as I headed out.


Fred and Sandy lived in Placentia just past
Cal State. I had no trouble finding it and pulled up just before
six. Fred greeted me at the door and offered me a drink. Skeeter
was on his way. I had a rum and Coke. It was obviously Sandy’s
house. Things were tasteful and immaculate. Sandy made her
entrance. She looked incredible. I stood up and gave her a long
kiss. Fred grinned.

We sipped on drinks and chatted for about
fifteen minutes when the doorbell rang. Fred answered it and let in
a tall, sexy guy who oozed charm. Sandy gave him a hug and a peck.
We were introduced. Fred grabbed his sport coat and we headed to
his car, a Mercedes W115. Sandy and I sat in the back.

We drove down Bastanchury past Harbor to Del
Rae. The restaurant is a nice restaurant. Our table was waiting. We
sat down and Fred ordered a bottle of wine. Normally I would have
liked to have some input into the wine selection, but it was Fred’s
tab. He ordered an array of appetizers as we scanned the menu.

The dynamics were interesting. I was not
clear why I was there. It seemed like this was more about Sandy and
her friend. I figured I would enjoy dinner and see how it played
out. We ordered. I ordered a halibut dish. They guys ordered
steaks. Sandy ordered a crab salad.

After we ordered Sandy excused herself to go
to the restroom and gave me the nod to follow. Once there she said
that Fred has been pushing her into the idea of sleeping with
Skeeter and she was thinking about giving him what he was asking
for. She took off her panties and held them up so I could see.

We walked back to the table. I saw her
discretely slip her panties into the pocket of Skeeter’s jacket.
During the meal Sandy paid extra attention to Sandy, holding eye
contact and laughing too hard at his jokes. Sandy and I shared a
Pinot Gris while the men drank a cabernet.

At one point Fred excused himself to go the
rest room. Sandy told Skeeter to check his pocket. He pulled out
the panties. She then guided his hand between her legs. He held it
for a second before withdrawing it. When Frank came back we acted
innocent. Our waiter asked if anyone was interested in dessert,
rattling off a list of specials. Fred asked if there was any cream
pie. She said not today. Sandy said for him not to worry, there
would be cream pie when they got home. No one else was interested
in dessert. We finished the wine and Fred paid the tab.

We walked out to the car. Fred opened the
car door for me behind the driver’s seat. Skeeter opened Sandy’s
door. Before she sat down she put her arms around his neck and gave
him a long kiss. I watched Fred watching them. He remained
emotionless. Sandy sat down and we headed back.

The drive back was quick. Sandy grabbed my
hand to get my attention. I looked at her and she leaned over to
whisper that I should just go along with what would happen when we
got back to her house. I nodded.

When we got to the house Fred unlocked the
door. Sandy went in first and I followed. She walked into the back
of the house and returned wearing a short white silk robe that was
open at the waist. She wore nothing else. She told Fred to go into
the bedroom get undressed, sit on the chair, and wait. Fred

Sandy went into the kitchen and poured wine
doe the three of us. She handed me a glass and kissed me. She
handed Skeeter a glass and kissed him. She put her glass down and
unbuttoned his short and took it off. She ran her hands over his
chest and unbuckled his pants belt. She slipped down his pants and
took hold of his cock. She stroked it several times and told him to
take off his clothes. She told me to do the same and led us into
the bedroom.

I disrobed in the bedroom. Sandy handed me
three silk scarves and told me to tie Fred to the wooden chair.
Fred was naked and sitting in the chair. He did not resist as I
tied his hands behind his back behind the chair and tied each leg
to a leg of the chair. He looked pathetic sitting there, his cock
standing at attention.

Sandy walked over to Fred and slapped his
cock. It bounced back and forth after the hit. She turned and went
to the bed.

Sandy motioned me to the bed. She was
clearly in charge and I went along with it. She had me lie down and
spread my legs. She kissed me and rubbed my tits. Skeeter stood and
watched us. He was incredibly good looking. He was tall and
obviously worked out. His cock was about seven inches long and
fairly thick. It was semi erect.

Sandy pointed at Skeeter and motioned for
him to come to me. He climbed on the bed and ran his hands along my

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