The Pussy Trap (37 page)

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Authors: Ne Ne Capri

Tags: #Fiction & Literature

BOOK: The Pussy Trap
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When Star woke up, she stared at the back of Terrance’s head. He had just did it to her in ways that she had never experienced before. All she could do was wonder who it was that he had been practicing on. Why would he think that she would enjoy all that rough sex? To Star it was confirmation that her bed was not the only one he was sleeping in. Just as she started to feel down a false reality kicked in. Whatever it was that he did never came home, and if there were any other bitches he lived with her and she definitely knew he loved her. Then she remembered that he had got her a gift. She got up, went right to the bathroom, and retrieved the little bag. Excited, she came back into the room and jumped on the bed waking Terrance up so she could open the gift. She was acting like a kid trying to open the bow and box. What she saw next had her totally blown her away, a platinum and black diamond necklace.


“Awww, this is beautiful.”


“Just like you,” Terrance said in his sleepy voice. She dove on him and began raining kisses all over his face. Terrance spent the rest of the day with Star then prepared for his sweet chocolate, KoKo.


Meanwhile, KoKo was on the prowl, setting her plan into motion to get at Terrance’s stash and that invite to his place was the welcome mat she needed. That night KoKo obliged Terrance and came to spend the night at his house. She had slipped half of a sleeping pill in his drink so once she got finished riding it until he couldn’t take any more he would pass clean out. And lo and behold, it worked like a charm. That gave KoKo the opportunity she needed to take a small snoop around. She found what she needed in a drawer in the kitchen. It was a bank statement. She took a picture of it with her cell phone then went into his wallet and pulled out his license and took a picture of that as well. As she went through it, she saw his social security card in there as well. Dumb ass! Who the fuck walks around with their SS card? Wow, he needs to get out the game. And I think I'm the one to help him with that. Once she was done, she sent all the stuff to her bogus e-mail account. Then she got back in the bed. Just as she was about to doze off, Terrance woke up and put his arm around her.


“Thank you, baby,” he said in a groggy voice.


“Thank me for what?”


“For just being you. A nigga needs a strong woman who he can depend on by his side.”


Koko thought for a minute, No this nigga cannot possibly think that we are an item. When I get done with him he’s going to wish he never met me. Then she managed to say. “No problem. You stole a piece of my heart. Now go back to sleep. We have to get up early. I have a flight to catch. Plus, you have some shopping to do.”


“Shopping? Shopping for what?


“My gift,” she said matter-of-factly.


“Why do I have to go get you a gift? Is it because you saw me give Star one? You feeling a little jealous?” he said playfully.


“Why the fuck should I be feeling jealous when you gave her something you were planning on giving me?” Terrance looked at her like: How the fuck did she know that? Then he spoke his thoughts. “How the fuck did you come up with that idea?”


“First of all, you’re sleeping with one of the baddest bitches on the planet, who just happens to have you eating pussy on your girl’s counter. You’re on the road all the time. You woke up with her. If that were for her, you would have given it to her last night when you first saw her. Sheeit, guilt alone would have had you passing shit out like Santa Claus. But it’s okay; it’s a small price for the games that we play. Just make my shit another color. See you in the morning.”


She picked up his arm and kissed his wrist. “Sleep tight,” she said. Terrance didn’t know whether to go to sleep or look to find a rabbit in the pot. Then he dozed off right behind her.







Two days after KoKo left, Terrance received a call in the middle of the night from his partner’s wife. She needed him at the hospital right away. Someone had critically wounded four of his top workers. Not bad enough to kill them, but definitely enough to make them suffer and put a big ass dent in his manpower. When he arrived at the hospital, all their wives and girlfriends were standing around accompanied by several of his friends. He and Star walked over to where everyone else was standing.


“Why Terrance? Why did they do this to us?” his boy’s wife asked as she put her head on his chest and cried. She was nine months pregnant and closing on their first house. Terrance walked her over to the chairs outside her husband’s room. He wanted to be strong for her, but his emotions were riding high and his eyes also filled up with tears.


“Don’t worry, sis. I’ll find out who’s behind this and believe me, they will pay.” He tried to comfort her. Star looked on in confusion and wondered what kind of life she had gotten herself into. Was this man who she loved with everything worth it? Terrance saw how much of a toll it was having on Star, so he got two of his boys to take her home. Terrance and his boys spent another two hours at the hospital giving support to the families of his fallen soldiers. Then they broke out to start putting the dogs to the street. He knew he had to put his boys on this shit hard. Hasan was one of his most loyal friends. As Terrance passed out orders, his mind was torn between what had just happened in LA and what he had pending in NY. In fact, this weekend he had a meeting with the Columbians and the Russian dudes to close some shit he had hanging for four months. Terrance was getting ready to go over the next thing when his phone rang.


“Hey baby, I got to the house safe.”


“Good. Make sure you’re locked in. I got a few boys that are going to keep an eye on you until I get back. I have to leave town for a couple days.”


“Well, maybe I can stay by Monica’s until you get back, and if she needs to stay with us she can.”


“Yeah, that’s a good idea. Thank you, baby. I need you to hold shit together for me.”


“No problem. I have a few meetings and some personal stuff to wrap up, but I have your back. Will I see you before you leave?”


“I’ll try.”


“All right. If I don’t see you, travel safe, and bring you back to me. Love you.”


“Love you, too.”




Back in New York ….


“Yo, my nigga, you need to get back here. These niggas said they ain’t doing shit without you being here,” A man said to Terrance with desperation in his voice.


“Yeah a’ight, I’ll be there tomorrow. I got a lot of shit going on.”


“Well, hurry up because every day we are losing money.”


“Let me handle some shit here. Then I will get on the first flight I can,” Terrance assured his partner. Then he hung up.


Star looked at him like are you serious? Terrance had stopped by the house on his way to NY to get him some of those sweet peaches, and then he had to spring the news on her that he was leaving.


“Baby, please don’t look at me like that. I got shit to handle. Didn’t we go over this already?” Then he got off the bed.


“You got shit here to handle.” As she looked at him she didn’t know who the fuck he had turned into. Every time he got one of those phone calls, his whole demeanor changed.


“Watch your mouth,” Terrance said sternly and disappointed because Star wasn’t the cursing type. Terrance put on his pants and shirt. He looked back at Star. “Look, it’s something going on and I need my number one to have my back.”


“I got your back. But lately, I don’t know who you are. All this back and forth and mood swings. You running into something I don’t think you’re going to be able to get out of.” She got off the bed and headed to the bathroom. Terrance sat on the bed and put his head in his hands, running all the shit that was going on through his mind. Then he got up and went to the bathroom behind Star.


“Look, you’re right. I’m going to wrap this shit up and then I will make all this up to you. I promise.” Then he took her in his arms and hugged her tight.


“I don’t want to lose you,” she said, inhaling his scent.


“You won’t. Just hang in here with me. Everything will be fine.”


“I hope you’re right,” Star said, wanting to convince herself that what he was saying was true, but deep inside she felt him slowly slipping away from her. They stood there for a few minutes more, then he was gone.

Meanwhile ….

Ring . . . Ring . . .


“What’s up?”


“I’m on my way over there.”




Thirty minutes later, Night walked into her office. He sat down and lit one of the blunts she had in the ashtray.


“You know that info you were looking for?” Night asked.


“Yeah, what’s the verdict?”


“That nigga, Terrance. He sent them niggas after Kayson and is now in a deal with the Russians and our Columbian connects. That nigga is going for your spot. He has been running with my man’s brother and he gave him up for a nice penny. The good thing is, he doesn’t know you’re in charge. He thinks Aldeen is. And it’s a bounty on Aldeen’s head.”


“Is that right?” KoKo said.


“Yeah. Terrance is coming back in town tomorrow. What do you want to do?”


KoKo sat there for a minute. “Tell the Russians to get that money and then wipe out his crew and I’ll take care of him. Find out who has the contract on Aldeen, and tell him to lay low until we figure this shit out.”


“KoKo. Why don’t you just let me take care of that nigga?”


KoKo smiled then said, “Nah, I got it. I want to pay his bitch a visit first so he can feel what I feel. Then I’ll hit that muthafucka with a painful chastisement.”


Night stood, walked over to KoKo, and kissed her forehead. “KoKo, please baby girl, don’t be no rebel. I can handle this nigga for you.”


“I got it, Night. That nigga got to suffer by my hand,” she said as she looked up at him. “I got this. Go do what I asked you.”


Night nodded in approval then moved out.


KoKo quickly called the pilot and headed to the airport. Star was getting ready to get the KoKo experience.






Chapter 33



KoKo arrived in Cali in full killah mode. She quickly called Gwen to meet her at the hotel. She got the outfit she had for the mission then headed to Star’s place. KoKo grabbed the keys she had stolen and copied from Terrance’s key chain. Then she headed in the building with her fitted cap pulled down. Reaching the third floor, she tried each key then walked in. Moving slowly through the apartment, careful not to touch anything she went into the closet and squatted down then closed the door. She knew she was going to have a wait because she had her followed to the hospital.


Visiting hours were just about over and KoKo got the call that Star and the others were leaving the hospital. She first had some shit jump off at one of Terrance’s spots causing everyone to panic and get off guard.


“Shit. Look, we got to roll out,” one of Terrance’s boys yelled out.


Star and Monica looked at them like what’s wrong? Then watched as they all hurried into the cars. “Look, I’ll drop y’all off,” Rodney said.


“No, drop off Monica. I’ll just drive home and call you when I get there.” He hesitated and then said, “A’ight.” Escorted Star to her car then drove off.


KoKo’s informant called her to let her know that she’d seen Star get in the car. “Thanks, now go into the room and hit that nigga’s veins with that shit and move out.”


“Got you.” Gwen hung up and headed down the hall with her nurses uniform on and a needle of battery acid in her hand. She hit that nigga so quick and then moved out the exit door as she heard him coding. She smiled and was gone.


KoKo was patient and it paid off because she heard keys in the door then heard it close. Then came the sound of her victim’s voice. “Hey Rod. I’m in. Yes, I locked the door. I’ll see you later.” She hung up then KoKo heard the familiar sound of mail being opened. “Yes, it came,” Star said, obviously very excited about what she had in her hands. She quickly pulled out her cell then called Terrance.


“Hey baby.”


“What’s good, sexy?”


“I got the mail I was looking for,” Star said with excitement.

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