The Race Underground: Boston, New York, and the Incredible Rivalry That Built America's First Subway (56 page)

BOOK: The Race Underground: Boston, New York, and the Incredible Rivalry That Built America's First Subway
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Miller, John Anderson.
Fares, Please! A Popular History of Trolleys, Horsecars, Streetcars, Buses, Elevateds, and Subways.
New York: Dover Publications, 1941.

Morison, Samuel Eliot.
One Boy’s Boston, 1887–1901.
Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1962.

Murray, Don.
Man Against Earth: The Story of Tunnels and Tunnel Builders.
Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1961.

Nevins, Allan.
Abram S. Hewitt with Some Account of Peter Cooper.
New York: Octagon Books, 1967.

New York Transit Museum with Vivian Heller.
The City Beneath Us: Building the New York Subway.
New York: W. W. Norton, 2004.

O’Neill, Gerard.
Rogues and Redeemers: When Politics Was King in Irish Boston.
New York: Crown Publishers, 2012.

Passer, Harold C.
The Electrical Manufacturers, 1875–1900.
New York: Arno Press, 1972.

Puleo, Stephen.
A City So Grand: The Rise of an American Metropolis.
Boston: Beacon Press, 2010.

Rowsome, Frank Jr.
Trolley Car Treasury: A Century of American Streetcars, Horsecars, Cable Cars, Interurbans, and Trolleys.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1956.

Sandler, Martin.
Secret Subway: The Fascinating Tale of an Amazing Feat of Engineering.
Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2009.

Sprague, Harriet Chapman Jones.
Frank J. Sprague and the Edison Myth.
New York: William Frederick Press, 1947.

Sproat, Barbara J.
Boston: Studies in Urban Political Economy: Henry Whitney’s Streetcar Suburb: Beacon Street, Brookline, 1870–1910.
Center for the Study of Metropolitan Problems, 1974.

Strong, Samuel Meredith.
The Great Blizzard of 1888.
New York: Samuel Meredith Strong, 1938.

Swanberg, W. A.
Whitney Father, Whitney Heiress
. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1980.

Vrabel, Jim.
When in Boston.
Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2004.

Walker, James Blaine.
Fifty Years of Rapid Transit.
New York: Law Printing, 1918.

Warner, Sam Bass Jr.
Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870–1900.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1962.

Weinstein, Asha Elizabeth. “The Congestion Evil: Perceptions of Traffic Congestion in Boston in the 1890s and 1920s.” PhD diss., University of California, Berkeley, 2002.

Williams, Rosalind.
Notes on the Underground: An Essay on Technology, Society and the Imagination.
Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008.

Wolmar, Christian.
The Subterranean Railway: How the London Underground Was Built and How It Changed the City Forever.
London: Atlantic Books, 2004.




The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.


Adams, Cyrus


air quality in subways

Albany, New York

Albert Edward, Prince of Wales

Algonquin Club

Allen, Horace G.

American Institute Fair

Crystal Palace of

American Museum of Natural History

Amory, William Nowland

Annetello, Alfonzo

Arcade Railroad

archaeological finds

Arthur, Chester A.

Astoria, New York

Atlanta, Georgia

Auburn Tunnel, Pennsylvania




Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore Belt Railroad

barge travel

Baring Brothers & Co.

Barone, Joseph

Barrett, Henry


Bates, Amelia M. and Georgianna H.

battery-powered rail cars

Beach, Alfred Ely

secret tunnel under Broadway

Beach, Frederick

Beach, Moses Yale

Beach Institute, Savannah, Georgia

Beach Pneumatic Transit Company

Beacon Street, Boston

Beal, B. Leighton

Beamish, Richard

Beckford, William


Bell, Alexander Graham

Belmont, August

Belmont, August, Jr.

death of

finances Cape Cod canal

finances New York subway

obtains charter to operate subway

at opening of New York subway

and subway construction

and transit plans

Belt Line Street Railway Company (New York)

fire in stables of (1886)

search for a new power source for streetcars

Bentley, Edward



Big Dig (Boston)

“Black Friday” (September 24, 1869)

Blaine, James G.

Blaxton, William

blizzard of 1888

blizzard of 2013

Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners (New York)

Borges, Jorge Luis


1840–1890 population growth

1890 population

birthplace of innovation

land speculation

municipal government

Boston Board of Railroad Commissioners

Boston Common

The Boston Evening Record

The Boston Evening Transcript

Boston Gas Light Company

The Boston Globe

Boston & Maine Railroad

Boston Post

Boston Public Library

Boston subway

bids for construction

blizzard of 2013

building of

connection with elevated lines

construction methods

construction workers

cost of

damage to, possible, after gas explosion

deaths during construction

depth of


groundbreaking for

injuries during construction

lack of official recognition of its opening

legislation and referendum enabling

length of lines

opening day (September 1, 1897)

operation of

opposition to

praised by New York visitors

public construction and ownership of

question of where to dig


tours of

walls and roofs of

Boston Transit Commission

Boston transit system

1825 traffic

1840s traffic

1850s traffic

1890s traffic

before consolidation

consolidated from individual lines

electrification of

planning of

public ownership recommended

rapid transit commission

subway vs. elevated lines debate

traffic congestion

tunnels planned

Boswell, William A.

Bowery, New York City

Bowne, Walter

Bradford, William

braking systems, electric

Broadway, New York City

Beach’s tunnel under

travel along

tunneling under, proposed

Broadway & Seventh Avenue Railroad

Brookline, Massachusetts

Brooklyn, New York

absorbed by New York City

elevated rails in

Brooklyn Bridge

deaths while building

opening celebrations

Brooklyn Museum

Brower, Abraham

Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

Brunel, Marc Isambard

Bryan, William Jennings

Bryant, William Cullen

Buchanan, James


burial grounds, encountered on subway digs

Burt, George

Bushe, Eugene

Butler, Nicholas Murray

Byrne, Samuel J.

Byron, Lord

Cable Building, Broadway, New York


as power source

in subways

cable streetcars

cities with systems of

disadvantages of

in New York City

Cambridge Railroad (Boston)

Canal Street, New York

canal tunnels

Cape Cod Canal

Carnegie, Andrew

Carnegie Steel Company

Carr, James

carriages, private

Carroll, John

Carson, Howard Adams

Castle Garden, New York

Chambers & Grand Street Ferry Railroad Company

Chanute, Octave

Cheatham, William

Chicago, Illinois


elevated rails



World’s Fair (Columbian Exposition, 1893)

Church, Sanford E.

Cincinnati, Ohio

City and South London Railway (London)

City Hall, Boston

Civil Service Commission

Civil War, American

Clapp, W. W.

Clark, J. Latimer

Clement, Judith

Cleveland, Grover

marriage to Flora Folsom

Cleveland, Ohio

coach-making industry

coal used for underground locomotives

cobblestone streets, travel on

Coliseum (Rome)

Collins, Laurinda

collisions, subway


Colosseum (Rome)

Columbia School of Mines

Columbia University

Columbus Circle, New York

Commission to Promote Rapid Transit for the City of Boston and Its Suburbs

Commonwealth Avenue, Boston

commuters, in 1825


first subway

Connors, Maurice

Conway, Massachusetts

Cooper, Edward

Cooper, Hewitt & Co.

Cooper, Peter

The Courier & Inquirer

Crawford and Company

Crocker, Charles

Crocker, George G.

Croker, Edward F.

Croker, Richard

Crosby, Oscar T.

crossings on separated grades

Crystal Palace Electrical Exhibition (London, 1882)

Cummings, Prentiss

Curtis, Edwin

Daft, Leo

The Daily Advertiser

Dalton, Charles H.

Darlington, Dr. Thomas

Davis, C. W.

the dead, encountered on subway digs


electrical accidents

rail accidents

tunneling accidents

Degnon Contracting Company

Delmonico’s Restaurant, New York City

Democratic Party

Denver Railroad, Land & Coal Co.

department stores


devils, underground

Devlin, Daniel and Jeremiah

Dickens, Charles

Dimock, Henry

dirt, hauling away

Doherty, William

Dominion Coal Company

doors on subway cars



Eagen, Michael

Edison, Thomas

early career

electrical interests

and electric lighting

and electric motors

hires Sprague


meets Ford


undercuts Sprague’s reputation

Edison Electric Company

Electrical World

electric lighting

electric locomotives

electric motors

electric power

commercial development of

compared to steam power, as to cost

delivery method (overhead wires or underground)

for transit

electric railroads

advantages of

development of

Edison’s opinion

multiple-unit control

number of

test runs

electric streetcars

opponents of

elevated railroads, urban

in Boston

danger of

halted by the blizzard of 1888

in New York City

number of passengers

objections to

preferred to subways

property values lowered by

simplicity of construction

elevators into subways

Elkins, William

Ellis Island

Ellsworth, Elmer Ephraim


Epps, Moses

Erie Canal, New York

Erie Railroad

Europe, transit systems in

Evening Mail

Everson, Edward W.

Everson and Liddle

“Everson Stockade”

explosions during subway construction

fans, as power source




ferry boats

fertilizer industry

financial crises.
See also


electrically powered subway

New York subway ride

paying passenger in Boston

paying passenger in Richmond

pickpocketing in a subway

pneumatic railway tube

street railway accident

subway accident

subway conductor

subway motorman

tunnel for vehicular traffic

Fitzgerald, John Francis

Folsom, Frances

Folsom, Oscar

Ford, Henry

Fourteenth Street armory, New York City

Fowler, Sir John

Gaffney, Patrick

Gaines, Henry

garment industry

gas leaks

and explosion in the Boston subway construction

gay nineties

General Electric

George, Henry

Gilded Age

glanders epidemic (New York, 1870)


gold, price of

Goodrich, Arthur

Gould, Jay

Grace, William R.

grain elevators

Grand Central Terminal, New York

Grant, Hugh J.

Grant, Ulysses S.

Great Epizootic Outbreak (1872)

Greathead, James Henry

Greeley, Horace

Green, Joseph F.

Green, Margaret

Green, Dr. Samuel

Greene, Asa

Greene, Dana

Greenhalge, Frederic Thomas

Groake, James

Grogan, Michael

Guild, Courtenay

Hackett, Paul

Hall, Abraham

Hamilton, Alexander

Hardeman, James

Harecastle canal tunnel, Staffordshire, England

Hargraves, Michael

Harlem, New York, “fifteen minutes to!”

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