The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis (11 page)

BOOK: The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis
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“You will get in the car with me and Kortez and we gon’ drop you off over by Breland’s. You will get in the car and wait until we drive past before pulling off. You will follow us to our location and then we will let your ass go. But if you deviate from this shit even a little bit, I got a line on where your granny, mama, and baby mother live. Play wit' it.”

Alonzo nodded his head slowly as Legacy tossed him the spare keys. We walked back to our cars where Kortez snatched my arm as Alonzo got in the back seat.

“What the fuck you on? Since when you think you can just disregard what the fuck I say?” I looked at him sideways because he was holding up progress; plus all eyes were on us. If he wanted to talk his shit, now was not the time.

“Cat got your tongue now? You had so much to say earlier when you were ignoring me.” I snatched my arm away from him and reached for the door.

“Don’t keep playin’ with me Alisha. I hate to have to embarrass you in front of your lil’ girlfriends.

“If you don’t get out of my face then you will be the one embarrassed. I just risked life and limb to make sure you got the fuck out of that cage. I don’t need this shit!”

“You risked life and limb? Mane every day I am in these streets I’m risking life and limb. You step up once and that makes you a woman? Get the fuck outta here! You so worried about who I am fuckin’ that you can’t see the blessings we getting. What bitch you know can rock whatever designer she wants? Who you know can get that expensive-ass Brazilian hair fresh off the boat? Who gets to go on vacations out of the country? You need to respect my fucking gangsta because I’M the reason we eating!”

I had to take a step back and look at this smug son-of-a-bitch because he was really feeling himself. “So I guess my lil’ labor was in vain? The penitentiary chance I just took didn’t mean shit, huh?” Kortez’s butter pecan face and long dreads suddenly seemed less appealing. I didn’t recognize the man standing before me. My chest was heaving up and down as I stared up at him in disbelief.

“You know what? Just shut the fuck up talking to me bitch!” Kortez had the balls to say.

“Bitch?” I repeated.

“You heard what the fuck I just said!” he confirmed.

Hearing him call me a bitch for the very first time hurt me to the core of my very soul. Why couldn’t he see that I did what I felt needed to be done to protect him and keep him safe? All this disrespectful shit he was spitting to me had me torn all up on the inside of my heart.

“So I’m a bitch now?” I repeated pointing to myself. I saw Legacy open the door, but I held my hand up holding her off. I needed to handle him myself.

“Don’t start getting in your feelin's. You only did what you did to protect your lifestyle; a lifestyle I work hard to maintain. What you do all day but sit up and gossip? Bitch please.”

“There you go calling me a bitch again. I’m not a bitch, so stop calling me that shit.”

“Bitch, whatever.”

Tears repeatedly flowed down my face onto my shirt. I had never seen this side of him and didn’t know why it was coming out now. I felt like my knees would buckle beneath me as I struggled to stand there and take his verbal assault. I could see Alonzo fidgeting around in the back seat. My girls were all giving Kortez the evil eye and the fellas seemed to be shaking their heads.

“So you gonna’ pretend like all this is about money? I was with you when you were nickel and diming, Tez. How you gonna come to me like this? I don’t want you for your money. You ain’t even the most paid nigga I know!” He replied to that statement by kicking the tire behind me. I can’t lie I did jump a little but I stood my ground.

“I deserve better than a project hoe like your freaky ass. My mother warned me before she died. She told me not to marry you. She told me that your hot ass was nothing but trouble. Why the hell did I not listen to her? She was right. Got your girls thinkin’ I’m fuckin all these hoes when we bring bitches into the bedroom for both our pleasure! If you wanna tell something then tell that!”

“Fuck you Kortez!”

“No it’s too late for that. I already did that. I fucked you with no Vaseline with your dry ass, no walls, loose-pussy-having ass. Yeah I cheated on you with Plum and she carrying my babies. Bitch how do you feel?”

Kortez had just struck a nerve and I could no longer control myself. I lunged at him full force screaming to the top of my lungs while slapping him. I punched him directly in his right eye as hard as I could. Crying hysterically and fighting him was all that my emotions allowed me to do. I was at my breaking point and all I saw was red. He had just disrespected me and my love but he wouldn’t have to worry about my hoe-ass, as he called it, any longer. My limit on my love had been reached and my heart was being shattered by the one and only person I loved the most. I never felt so low, ashamed and unappreciated in my life then he had hit the ultimate betrayal. He cheated on me and produced not only one baby, but two. There was no coming back from that. Homicide was in my eyes.

I pulled out my pistol, aimed it directly at Kortez’s heart, said a quick forgiveness prayer and pulled the trigger. Everybody ran up on us as I lowered the gun. I felt it being snatched from my hands as Legacy calmly stated, “We got to get this nigga to a hospital, but we can’t call no ambulance or we all done.”

“The only thing we can do is drop his ass off and keep it moving,” Jacori chimed in. I took their words in as everything seemed to move in slow motion. I found myself behind the wheel and pulling off leaving them to figure out what the fuck to do with this nigga. It wasn’t until I was around the corner that I felt the warm blood seeping through my shirt. I stopped at the light, pulling it up to reveal a wound. How the fuck had I shot myself?



As Jacori, Davion, and Javon went to lift Kortez, he sat up effortlessly. “I can’t believe that crazy bitch shot at me,” he commented as Jacori helped him up. He lifted up his shirt to survey the damage, but other than blood, there was no wound on him.

“Oh my God!” Legacy screamed diverting our attention. “If she didn’t shoot that nigga then whose blood is that on him?” His eyes grew large as saucers as we realized what happened. Alisha pulled off in Kortez’s bulletproof Denali and left her car. That meant that when she shot at Kortez the bullet must have ricocheted off of his truck and hit her.

“Fuck!” Kortez yelled walking towards the alley.

“We ain’t got time for the bullshit. We gotta find her. Somebody get her on the phone!” Legacy ordered. She hopped in her car revving the engine to life, damn near leaving Jacori. Javon grabbed the gas can and walked back towards the house. We had to get the fuck out of here and quick. I looked at Davion, who looked toward Kortez, who was on the phone.

“Go talk to your boy, baby. I’ll wait right here.” Davion kissed me on my lips before walking over to Kortez, who was struggling to keep from breaking down. I didn’t feel sorry for him one bit the way he talked to my girl. I watched as Legacy peeled out, disappearing down the alley. A few minutes later Javon ran out of the back of the house shaking the empty gas can.

Kortez walked towards Alisha’s car. He used the spare key Alisha leaves in her console to start the car and pull off. Javon waited for me and Davion to get in our car before he pulled up close to the house and quickly lit a piece of paper and threw it towards the house, igniting the fire. At first we didn’t think it had done anything, but soon we saw the first flickers of a fire. By the time we got down the alley, the old house was engulfed in flames. A funny feeling came over me as if we had forgotten something but I shook it off as Davion got on the phone to see what the next move was.             


They shoved wires down Makayla’s throat. The doctors were trying to get the bleeding to stop while the nurses assisted the doctors. I paced back and forth. Time seemed to stop moving. The obnoxious ticking of the large clock on the wall didn't seem to ease my nerves, either.

Legacy wore a similarly pained expression on her face as she impatiently watched the doctors work. Five minutes later the doctors asked us to go wait in the waiting room lobby while they got her stabilized. The hospital smelled like a gang of bleach and the fluorescent hospital lights flickered on and off every time an airplane flew past. It seemed like it was taking the surgeons forever to come out and inform us of her condition. Looking up at the door the first person I spotted out of the fellas to come through was Kortez punk-ass looking like a broken hearted puppy.

“Fuck are you doing here?” I asked boldly walking up on him. Davion grabbed my hand, but I shook out of his grasp.

“I’m here for the same reason you are. I’m checking on my wife.”

“Nigga you played her like a sucker. How could you be here when you’re the reason that she is in there laid up, hooked to all kinds of machines fighting for her life in the first place?

“Come on Kay, chill out.” I shot Davion a look, but I didn’t intend on shutting up.

“No, Davion. I can’t chill out. You didn’t hear the foul shit he said to my girl? He got two kids on the way by some other bitch. This nigga don’t love her. He don’t even care about her feelings. I pray she divorce his sorry ass when she make it out of this.” Tears began pouring down my face. Davion grabbed me by my waist because he knew me well enough to know that I was about to go upside Kortez head with my fist. “You’re lucky that my husband is here because if he wasn’t your ass would be laying in one of these rooms, too.”

Davion tried to whisper something in my ear, but I wasn’t hearing him right now. It wasn’t until Legacy and Jacori walked over that I was able to calm down. Jacori pulled Kortez to the side as Legacy and Davion wrapped their arms around me. I never hated anybody in my life, but right now that nigga Kortez was on my list. This whole shit was going down because of him and he had the nerve to do my girl like that? Yeah he would see me one of these days even if I did play it cool for now.


















                                               It Goes Down


As much as I hated the shit that went down I still had to keep a level head. To my surprise Alonzo had driven Alisha to the hospital so I knew that we would have to give him a pass. My plan was to leave the girls up here and take the niggas with me to finish out our mission. I knew that would be hard because my wife was so fuckin hard-head and always felt the need to know every move I made. Honestly that was the shit that irked me the most. I knew what her connections were and she knew, but that was our secret. If that was the case then why the fuck did she feel the need to be in the fold on every situation that I had going on? The whole reason I didn’t tell her shit is because she tends to spazz and act like she has a dick. There is only one dick in this relationship even though she had that fake one in her night stand.

              I was fucked up with the way Kortez had talked to Alisha, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t understand where he was coming from. I mean she did like nice shit and she had a pill habit so it wasn’t like she was an angel. I was surprised about the threesome shit because she didn’t seem like that type, but looks can be deceiving. “Mane look, I know this is a setback but we gotta get the rest of this shit done ASAP.” Kortez, Javon, and Alonzo gave me their full attention as we huddled in the corner of the waiting room out of ear-shot of the women.

              “We gonna’ follow the plan and then get back up here to check on Alisha.” Kortez looked up with red rimmed eyes, threatening to cry. It was heartless of me to ask him to leave while his wife was fighting for her life, but a big part of this shit was because of him. He nodded his head but I could tell his heart wasn’t in it. We said a quick prayer for her and disbanded before I called Legacy over to tell her what was going on. She agreed it was a good idea so we proceeded to leave…then all hell broke loose.


Just as I told the fellas I would catch up with them later, the doctor came out to update us about Alisha.

“Is there anyone here for Alisha Monroe?” My heart skipped beats as I stood from my seat. The doctor's face was emotionless as I walked directly in front of him.

“Yes, I am her husband. How is my wife doing?”

“Hello, I am doctor Rashine.” The short, Indian man answered. “We had to perform a minor surgery on her, but I am happy to say it was a success.”

“When will we be able to see her, doc?” I asked.

“We removed the bullet from out of the right side of her stomach and rib cage and finally got the blood to stop. She is out of surgery and stabilized, however we have to keep her for another week maybe two.”

“If she is stabilized and doing okay, why do you have to keep her for a week or two?

I'm not understanding this at all.” I know I was coming off as demanding, but he had no idea how guilty I felt; nobody did.

“If you let me finish, I was going to tell you that even though we have her stabilized, we couldn't do so without putting her unborn son in distress, so…” I instinctively stop listening when I heard him say son. Me and doctor Rashine couldn't have been talking about the same person. I would know if Alisha was pregnant. She never would have hid something like that from me any way.

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