The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis (12 page)

BOOK: The Real Trap Wives Of Memphis
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I scratched my head in confusion. “Wait doc, we may not be talking about the right person. My wife ain’t pregnant.” At the mention of the word pregnant, Legacy’s bald-headed ass pushed me to the side demanding answers. “Will the baby be ok?”

“We have to keep a close eye on the both of them. The profuse loss of blood, and his mother’s surgery is what caused him to be in distress, but he should be fine after a few days. We are going to take excellent care of the both of them. And Mr. Monroe, yes she is most definitely pregnant, eighteen weeks to be precise!”

Eighteen weeks, wow. I never suspected this at all. Alisha was having my baby. I can’t believe I found out this way. I had to sit my ass down as the shock and excitement crept over me. Even with the good news there was still a dark shadow over my head in the form of the twins that Plum was carrying. Although she was due much sooner than Alisha was, I still had to face the fact that I was about to have three kids. As everybody stood around me talking I started to really go through it. Sweat beads formed on my forehead. A host of emotions went through my body.

How could I not notice that Alisha was pregnant? How could she not tell me? I felt like a complete asshole. It was all my fault she was lying in the hospital with my son feeling pain before he even had a chance to enter this cruel world. If he was anything like his mother and I, he would make it out on top and strong. All I wanted to do now was get us pass this. I wasn't sure how to feel at this point, but I wanted to make things right between Alisha and I. From now on I would make sure that Alisha didn't have any access to any pills other than prenatal and I would apologize for everything that I said and did to her. It dawned on me that she had been taking Xanax left and right and that made me question if she really wanted this baby. Either way it goes I know that I had dropped a huge bombshell on her a few hours ago by telling her about the twins. Karma was kicking me in the ass and the bitch had stilettos on.

“Doctor, when can I see her?”

“She is resting and I would really like to leave her that way. But you can sit by her bedside if you would like.” Just then the doctor’s phone rang and he took the call like I wasn’t standing there. He held up a finger for me to hold on before walking toward the reception area. I tried to hear what he was saying but Legacy and Makayla were being so loud and extra. I heard them bitches over there popping shit about me but I wasn’t trippin’ off of none of that. I would check them later; especially Legacy because I could stand her mouthy ass least of all. The doctor walked back towards us, but curiously stopped in front of Legacy and Makayla like he didn’t see me standing there.

“Is there a Makayla and Legacy present?” As the doctor asked for them, I saw four body building, ugly-looking mother fucking police officers appear from the double doors that the doctor had just come out of moments before. I knew right then that it was about to be some bullshit, but no one else seemed to notice.

“Yes, we are both here doc!”               That was my nurse on the phone and she is saying that Alisha has asked to see you two.” He looked back at me regretfully, “She doesn't want anyone other than you two to visit her. We are under strict orders about patient visitation, so we have to oblige Ms. Monroe. If you two would follow me, I will escort you to her room.

I felt like choking this short motherfucker. “Hell no, Doc! You have my life twisted, and bent if you think that I'm going to stand here and not be able to be with my wife and unborn son!”

“I'm sorry for that Mr. Monroe, but this is her doing not mines. My job is to respect her wishes by all means.”

“Fuck you mean, Kortez?Did you forget the events that just took place a few hours ago
You don't deserve to be back there with her, we do,” Legacy stated, placing her hands on her ample hips.

My blood was boiling as it took everything in me not to slap this bald-headed bitch all over this hospital. Adrenaline was flowing through every vein in my body. Without a word I quickly ran pass the doctor and police officers and tried to run through the double doors before they closed. Two of the police officers grabbed me, slamming me into a nearby wall as they twisted my hands behind my back.

“Sir, I need you to calm down please!” The most muscular officer barked into my ear. I had never seen him before so I knew he wasn’t on my payroll.

“Fuck you, let go of me. You pussy ass flashlight cops!” I spat.

“Sir I am going to ask you to please watch your language because you are making a scene. I do not want to have to get you locked up.” I continued to struggle throwing my body in every direction, but I could not break his hold on me. The other officers stood around like the shit was amusing them. After a few minutes I realized I was wasting my time so I stopped struggling.

“Sir, are you calm yet?”

“Yeah, just unhand me my nigga!”

“Okay, sir I'm going to let you go. I'm about to release you from my grip. Now I understand you're mad that your wife doesn't want to see you at this moment, but when I let you go, if you try anything, and I do mean anything at all, I'm going to have you locked up. Are we clear?”

“Yes, I can comprehend just fine! Just get the fuck up off me ole John Coffee- Green Mile- lookin- ass- nigga!”

“Okay, here we go.” The cop released me.

Sweat was pouring down my face as I quietly left the hospital. I really wanted to get back there to Alisha, but I knew that I had already made shit too hot; especially considering all that we had going on. My arms were stinging from being held behind my back in an uncomfortable position. I didn't waste any time pulling out my pre-made rolled and wrapped blunts when I got to my car. At this point I didn't care who saw me smoking. I placed the blunt in my mouth and inhaled, taking in deep pulls and blowing it out my nose and mouth.

I hit Jacori to see what they were on as I slid into Alisha’s car. He informed me that they were still handling business and that they already had nabbed his car. We would have to get together real soon to figure out what to do about Breland and Alonzo because I still didn’t trust neither of them. Even though Alonzo had saved my wife, I was still in my feelings about her not wanting to see me or telling me that she was pregnant.

I sat there in the hospital parking lot for another hour smoking until I figured I had felt sorry for myself long enough. Alisha had showed out on me and now I felt like we were even, but she knew that she was going to have to straighten up real quick now since she had pulled this shit. I slid into traffic with my next goal being to get my dick sucked. I know it was wrong, but in my mind Alisha was dead wrong for the way she was carrying this. Something wet and juicy would definitely get my mind off of her. After I got Plum’s throat wet I might throw her a bonus and slid up in her ass since her pussy walls were tumbling down like Jericho. Either way I would give Alisha her time, but by no means would I wait forever.



All I could do was cry hysterically. I felt broken and low. The man I loved the most had disrespected me for the last damn time. Trying to kill him made me feel better a little bit, but I felt like it was the biggest mistake. I could have lost my freedom over it. Karma had finally caught me slipping. My husband was more than comfortable with breaking my heart into a million pieces. The man I planned on spending the rest of my life with didn't want me any longer and every distasteful and stomach turning word he said was just the validation I needed to divorce his cheating no good ass.  The thought of him touching another woman other than me caused my flesh to crawl. Waking up my eyes focused in on my surroundings. Doctors and nurses surrounded me. A nurse changed my IV while the doctor checked my eyes with a flashlight.

The beeping noises from the metal wire machines surrounding my bed annoyed the hell out of me.  The anesthesia had begun to wear off causing me to feel chronic pain with every movement I made. I frantically searched for something to hold on to thinking that would help cease some of the pain, but moving only made it worse for me.

Every detail of my day came flooding back to my memory. Anger boiled my body, my muscles tensed up and my heart rate increased. Kortez had definitely got under my skin all over again.  Nurse's came from every which direction trying to stabilize my blood pressure. They tried to get me to relax. Four minutes later my doctor came strolling through the door.

“Hello Mrs. Monroe. I am doctor Rashine. The nurses tell me that your blood pressure keeps fluctuating up and down. We can't afford for your blood pressure to skyrocket. It's bad under your condition. I understand that you are in a great deal of pain from being shot, but it is very important that you keep your stress level down.

“What condition? I don't have any condition that I know of.”

“Calm down because you are causing your son to go in a state of distress and it could be very fatal to the both of you.” Hearing the doctor say son caught me totally off guard, but I forced myself to relax as I processed the news. Ideally, Kortez would be with me to hear this exciting news but I refused to let my guard down with him just because I found out that I was pregnant. This life changing news made me regret what I had tried to do to Kortez. He just made me so angry that my trigger finger started itching for a body, Kortez’s body to be exact. Anxiety was sinking in as I thought about everything again.

“You’re saying that I’m pregnant?” I responded with my mouth wide open.

“Yes, Mrs. Monroe you are about 18 weeks pregnant and you're having a boy. Congratulations on your little awaiting bundle of joy.”

“Oh my God how could I possibly not know that I was pregnant?”

My mouth still hung low while my hands began trembling with fear. What if I wasn't a good mother? How could I have a baby by Kortez when he had cheated and created two other children by someone else? There was no way that I would play step mother to someone else’s children, but this made it impossible for me to leave him.

“Many women don't realize that they are pregnant in high stress situations. They're thinking about a lot of other things. I have to mention that with the amount of Xanax found in your bloodstream I made the assumption that you were taking it for stress. Please tell me that it was prescribed and not used recreationally.” I quickly shook my head up and down lying. He smiled seeming to believe me which was a relief.

“You actually would be surprised about how many women I see daily that don't know that they are pregnant until they are almost seven months pregnant.”

“I'm usually always on top of things when it comes down to my body,” I told the doctor.

“I'm supposed to report drug use when a baby is involved but since you seem genuinely concerned and you didn't know that you were pregnant, I'm going to let this slide just this once. However, if your son is born with any narcotics in his system, he will be taken away from you.” My heart almost stopped.

“No, doc. I promise I didn't know that I was pregnant. If I had my purse I would show you my prescription.” I instantly started breaking down into tears just by thinking about all the pills I had been consuming lately. The pregnancy explained why I had been feeling so damn moody and emotional these last couple of months.

“Please don't cry, just relax,” Dr. Rashine said.

“What happens if my son goes into distress?” I asked curiously.

“If he goes into distress he will lose all oxygen, or worse, it could cause a placental abruption. As of this very moment his heartbeats are stable so that means that we're going to keep checking on his progression along with yours. We have you hooked up to this fetal monitor. That noise you are hearing right now is actually your baby's heart beating. If you can try to lie on your left side to keep your blood flowing properly for you and your son, please do, that but if it is too painful, then I understand.

“Thanks so much Dr. Rashine.”

“No problem, it's my job. I will be back to check on you in a little while. Please try to rest.” When he walked out of the door I laid all the way back in my bed. I couldn’t believe how this day turned out. It was crazy that I was mad enough at Tez to shoot him and ended up getting myself. The nurse came in to check on me before putting something in my IV. In no time I felt myself drifting off.

Yeah bitch I got your man. You big mad or little mad? I see how you waltz out the door every day in your designer ass clothes and pretty hair; lookin’ at everybody like we ain’t shit. That’s cool because the moment you leave your man be calling me up. I walk my sexy ass up in your house like I own the bitch. I take a couple bottles of perfume and maybe some jewelry each time I leave and you don’t even know that it’s gone.”

I wanted to charge at Plum like a bull while she stood before me with one hand on her stomach. She looked around my living room like it was all too familiar to her as she ran her hands up and down my freshly painted dining room wall. I tried to move towards her but something kept me glued to the ground. I willed my legs to move but they refused to follow my command.

“Yeah girl, we got us some good dick don’t we? I love when he be deep-dickin’ me from the side. He calls that a corner pocket. He said you can’t take it. I can take all of it though. He said you be live when you have ya lil’ threesomes though. You must like pussy better huh?” She laughed. I could feel the tears burning my eyes but when I went to speak nothing came out. “Me and my babies gonna love this house. You got it decorated all cute and shit. Don’t worry you won’t be lonely. You can have Alonzo broke ass. You all can stay living next door and watch me and Kortez walk out every day in style. You can watch us come back with shopping bags and drive nice ass cars. You want that bitch? Is that what you want?” She began throwing my grandmother’s China at me but I was still not able to move. The glass hit me but it never made a mark on me. I didn’t even feel it. What the fuck was wrong with me?

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