The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic) (20 page)

BOOK: The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Returning to the room hours later, practically dawn, he knocked on the door. “Bethany, it’s me,” he called just loud enough she should hear and knocked again. He could use the key but with the chain on the door he’d never get in without breaking in. Hopefully she wasn’t in the bedroom otherwise she’d never hear him. He was dirty, exhausted, and just wanted a hot bath and sleep.

Moving to the door, Bethany looked through the peephole first and then when she was sure that it was Zaidu she opened it to him. Reaching out she grabbed him and pulled him in close. “Are you okay, honey?” she whispered softly and looked up at his poor filthy body.

Nodding, he shrugged out of his jacket and hung it on the doorknob before pulling her into his arms. “Exhausted,” he said quietly to her. “We caught the Rogue and he wasn’t exactly in the mood to give up easily. He made us work for it. It was a long hunt,” he murmured, rubbing his cheek to hers.

“Come on then, love, let’s get you in the shower, and while you are showering, honey, I will order us up some pizza and that way when you get out of the shower it should be here. Lots of meat, right?” she asked softly. “That way you will get your meat fix? I will get myself a small one that’s veggies only, though.”

Letting her lead him to the shower he didn’t even argue as she stripped him down. Or when she pushed him in under the hot water. It was kind of nice to have someone looking after him, even if it was only for a few minutes. Ducking his head under the water, Z let it pound over his neck and back as he stood with his forehead braced to the wall.

“Will one large one be enough for you, honey, or should I get two?” She knew how much the man ate and worried that one large just wouldn’t cut it. “I will get two. We can always put the leftovers in the mini-fridge.” Watching him for another moment she finally nodded and walked to the other room to make the pizza orders.

His little mate was much too good for and to him. Smiling ever so slightly, Zaidu lost it the next moment when he yawned wide. He needed to sleep soon, but she was right, he needed to eat first. If he didn’t the Wolf would drag him up out of sleep at some point for sustenance and it wouldn’t be overly picky where it got the meat from.

Grabbing a towel, Bethany came back into the bathroom and smiled. “Come on there, Z, time to get out so that you can be dressed and ready when the food comes because we both know that you won’t let me answer the door.” God love the man but he was so very overprotective, and she loved it, a lot.

Groaning softly, he turned off the water and got out of the stall. Letting her dry him as he stood swaying slightly, Zaidu watched her under heavy lids. “What did you do while I was out?” he asked quietly. He needed her to talk, to keep him focused on her long enough to get the door for the food. He didn’t care if he ate any. At least it would be there for later.

“Well let’s see. I shaved my legs, underarms, and waxed.” She grinned. “Well, you get that part,” she teased him. “I walked holes in the floor waiting on you to come back to me but then you came to me, love. That’s all that matters. All that matters is that I have you in life.” She whispered to him softly, “Come on. Food will be here in five.”

Following after her, he stood as she grabbed him a clean pair of jeans. “Just the pants. I’m too tired to bother with the shirt,” he said softly. Taking the pants from her, he tugged them on and buttoned them up enough to keep them on his hips.

As the knock on the door sounded Bethany smiled. “I timed that just right,” she stated happily. “Go. I will go clean up the bathroom so that I’m out of the way.” She knew the way that Zaidu thought and would do it just to make him happy. “Go, love. Do what you need.”

Lifting her hand, he kissed her fingers and headed for the door, pausing to grab his wallet and weapon. Checking the peephole he stuffed the gun in his waistband and pulled it open. Digging out the money and a tip he passed it over and took the boxes with thanks. Shutting the door and locking up, he moved to the sofa and set everything on the coffee table before dropping onto the sofa.

Bethany came out of the bathroom and dropped onto the sofa beside him, passing him a bottle of water that she had grabbed along the way. “Okay, baby, time to eat, my love. Eat and then you and I are going to crawl into that big fat bed, darling, and we are going to curl into each other so that we can sleep off your aches, pains, and then tomorrow you can love me, darling.”

Passing her the smaller box he flipped the lid open on one of the two of his and inhaled. “You’re sure you’re okay with me eating this in front of you?” he asked, lifting a meaty slice from the box. He normally ate what the Wolf needed in meat out of her view and out of range of her nose.

“I don’t mind at all, honey. It’s cooked and I didn’t have to watch it being cooked so I’m good with it.” She took out a thick slice of her pizza and inhaled the veggies. “Extra veggies just like I asked for. Damn they are good,” she murmured and took a nice big bite.

Devouring the first slice he took a second, third, and fourth, putting them down in quick succession. The fifth he savored a little more and by the sixth he wasn’t quite as ravenous. He made it through the whole first pizza before sleep overwhelmed his need to eat more. Drinking the bottle of water, he yawned and leaned back. He’d save the other one for later when he woke hungry for food.

She had only eaten half of her small pizza and knew that look. “Get into bed, Z. I will put these in the fridge and then tomorrow you can heat it up.” Thankfully the hotel they were in was like a mini apartment, had all of the kitchen appliances as well as a separate bedroom and bathroom. “I will be there in like three minutes, promise.”

Nodding, he passed her the empty bottle of water and headed for the bedroom. Dropping his jeans, he tugged on the blankets enough so he could fall onto the sheets. Easing up into the middle he collapsed and, in seconds, was sound asleep.

Bethany had everything put away, lights off, and then was in bed with him after peeling out of her clothes. Snuggling against him, Bethany smiled happily and shook her head when he pulled her in closer and growled as he did so. Smiling, she shook her head. “I love you, too, my darling Zaidu. Sleep. I’m good, honey. I’m safe.”

Sometime in the daytime Z woke and got up to eat more, the Wolf demanding more sustenance. Eating the other pizza cold, he quickly finished it and then climbed back into bed with his mate. Tucking her close he rested his cheek between her breasts, her skin warm and smooth, and her heartbeat a steady rhythm that eased him back into sleep.

Bethany woke just before night and smiled. She’d felt Zaidu wake in the middle of their sleep and then come back to bed to pull her in closer. When she woke, she wanted to have him and nothing would hold her back from that. Pushing him to his back, Bethany began to move her lips down his chest slowly. She didn’t say anything, just simply let her mouth move over him, her teeth nipping his chest and her tongue easing the pain.

Jerking awake, he shuddered at her sensual bed play. “What are you doing?” he rumbled out on a low growl. His body was wide awake, his mind a few moments behind but quickly starting to catch up. He had to admit, finding her mouth moving over his flesh first thing in the morning was a fantastic way to wake.

“Well here I am hoping”—she moved her lips so that she was hovering just over his cock—“that you wanted me to maybe, just maybe”—she licked him then—“lick you. Fuck you. I don’t know, maybe do anything that you want in the world, my love?”

“I like your ideas.” He breathed out, licking his lips slowly. “You do whatever you want to do to me, darling.” He was all for anything she wanted to try, especially if it involved her mouth on his cock or his cock buried deep inside her slick pussy. Hell, he was up for both of those. He was Wolf after all and had a hell of a lot more sexual stamina than any mere human—his mate notwithstanding of course.

Bethany moved her mouth up and down on Z’s cock. She began to work him as needfully, as hungrily as she needed to be doing so. “Like this?” she asked with a smile and moved down and back up on him. “Is this what you need and want?”

“That totally works for me,” he wheezed out, his mind still a little sluggish. His body was fully on board and really, that’s all that mattered. “Or more, more would work, too,” he suggested in what he hoped was a helpful and not pleading tone.

She moved on him again, a grin as she worked him. “I think that…” She licked up the full length of him and back down to let her tongue move over his balls. “I happen to really think that you should touch me, too.”

“You’re going to have to move then, darling.” He was still half-asleep and feeling damned relaxed under her ministrations. “Swing your gorgeous self around so I can lick up all your sweet cream I can smell on you.”

That had her smiling and she did just that. Moving so that she was settled over his face she rubbed herself against him. “Lick me, darling,” she whispered softly and whimpered happily when he did just that. “So good, honey.” She then began to lick him once more.

Sliding his tongue slowly over her damp flesh, Zaidu growled happily at her rich liquid. Cupping her bottom he held her down over him and lapped at her, one finger moving to stroke and tease her anus. Rubbing, he slid it in to give slow strokes that mirrored the actions of his tongue.

“God that feels so very good,” she moaned. Pushing back against him again she shivered and renewed her efforts at taking him over the edge right along with her. “More,” she demanded and, taking a deep breath, moved her mouth down his shaft hungrily.

Moving his hips slightly he pushed his finger deeper into her anus and stroked her as he suckled on her clit before licking at her pussy. Thrusting his tongue into her, he drew out all the liquid he could as he held on to his sanity and made her work him hard.

She sucked harder, needing more and more as she did so. Pressing back on him time and again it wasn’t but minutes before she came, her hands clenching on his thighs and body letting go with her desperation.

Growling at her orgasm, Zaidu drank her down and gave in, letting go as he drew his hips down a bit so the knot wouldn’t catch in her mouth. Groaning, he stroked her anus lightly as she drank him down before collapsing on top of him.

Her breath was coming out in gasps. She lay limply on him, a smile on her face as she did so. “Good morning,” she whispered to him softly and moved so that she could curl up at his side once more. “There, much better.” She laid her head on his shoulder and simply relaxed there with him.

Rolling them over so she was tucked under him he pressed a kiss to her neck. “Good morning, love,” he whispered. “That was a wonderful way to wake up, thank you for that. He’d have to return the favor one of these mornings.

“You are very welcome. I happened to really, really like waking you like that.” Her finger traced over his cheek and fingers traced his lips. “I think that I am going to love coming on missions with you if I get to wake you like this every time.”

“Me, too,” he breathed out as he nibbled along her jaw with a feeling of happiness and contentment. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he propped himself up on his elbows. “We should order some room service and then get back into bed for another few hours.”

“I happen to really love that idea. Will you order me a veggie omelet and milk please? In the mean time”—she pulled back from him—“I’m going to go and get into a nice hot, bubbly tub and wait for my bond-mate to come join me so we can turn on the jets please.”

“No girly scented bubbles,” he requested, softly pressing a kiss to her lips. “I’ll ask them to bring it all up in a half hour, if that’s enough time for a good soak that is.” He didn’t know. He wasn’t a bath person in the least.

“No girly bubbles. The clean-scented ones that you like, honey, promise,” Bethany promised. “Now go. Get our food ordered and forty-five minutes if you would please. I want that extra fifteen minutes with you if I could, please.”

“Done,” he told her softly as he eased up off the bed. Pausing a moment he watched as she stretched slowly. “Keep that up and it will be a lot longer than forty-five minutes before I let you eat,” he warned as he turned to head for the other room and the phone there.

Bethany grinned a silly and happy grin and moved from the bed and to the bathroom. God she was happy. She didn’t think that life could be any better than as it was right there and then in those moments. Starting the bath, she put the unscented bubbles into the tub and stepped into the hot water with a smile and leaned back, waiting on Z to come to her.

Hanging up the phone after placing their order he padded back into the bedroom and to the big bathroom. Stopping in the doorway, he reached up to grab the door frame and stretch out his still-tender muscles. “Got room in there for one more?” he asked, curious as to what her answer would be.

“You bet. Only as long as that one is you.” Moving back slightly she smiled. “Come on, Zaidu.” She held her hand out to him. “Come and get in here with me so that we can start the jets on this wonderful tub so that the aches and pains you are feeling can hopefully be eased a bit, darling.”

Dropping his arms, Z walked to her and took her hand, leaning in to kiss her fingers before he stepped into the tub. Sinking down he let out a small sigh as the hot water wrapped around all his aches and strains.

Pushing the button for the jets, Bethany smiled. “Turn around, honey, and let me rub your back. Come on, you would do it for me so now it’s time for me to do it for you. Turn around and I’m going to give you a massage.”

Blinking at her words, Zaidu gave a mental shrug and shifted so his back was to her. Jolting a little when she put her hands on him he soon relaxed as she rubbed at his back. Unfortunately as she eased the ache in his back she caused another to grow in his groin.

Lifting her feet, she let them rest on his upper thighs, pulling him tighter as she did so. “There, feeling better, honey?” She hoped that he was because she was aching, she was needy, and she was about to come apart at the seams with being able to touch him as she wanted and needed to. “Please tell me that you are because I really think that we need to have some bathtub sex.” Seemed all she wanted at the moment was sex, sex, and more sex. Damn her hormones were in full control right then.

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