The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic) (22 page)

BOOK: The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Reaching out, he rubbed his hand up her bare calf. “That is a lot, Bethany, more than you can even know. Having you here with me, looking out for me, looking after me after a hunt, it’s incredible and something I’ve never had before, little mate.”

“And it’s something that you will now have forevermore, Zaidu.” She was his and he was hers. She would take care of him just like he took care of her. Life was good, as far as she was concerned. “Now. Finish eating. Then we are going to go and rumple that bed even more. Eat again. Get on the plane and go home.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, squeezing her leg gently before letting go. Turning back to the plate he immersed himself in the enjoyment of just eating, the flavors and the textures of the food. All too soon though, he was down to scraping the plate since he didn’t think he’d hear the end of it if he licked it. Sitting back, he let out a breath. “Gods that was good.”

“Feeling better now?” Bethany ran her fingers through his hair and smiled. “You should have ordered two plates of food, honey. You don’t have to hold back on how much you eat and what you do because of me. You know that, right?”

“Hush,” he said, wrapping his arm around her to hug her close. “I had snacks sent up, too.” He pointed to the cart’s second shelf. “For later,” he told her, pressing a kiss to her hair. “I knew you still had the pizza but I figured some finger foods between bouts of sex would be in order.”

That had her giggling like mad. “I love it,” she told him with a smile. “I happen to absolutely love to think of you needing snacks because I’m wearing you out so much.” She winked. “So tell me, darling, what kinds of snacks did you get?”

“Some fruit, little sandwiches, whip cream, caramel sauce,” he said in a bored tone. “You know, all the usual things that we might like to nibble on when we have a free hand and a bit of time.” He had other plans for the whip cream and caramel sauce, but that was him.

That had her laughing and she shook her head. “And what is the whip cream and caramel sauce for?” She hoped it was for her. Damn, she hoped it was for her. “I really hope that you are going to let me play with the whipped cream and caramel as well?”

“Well I was thinking I’d make love to you and then lay you out and decorate you with some of the cream and fruit, maybe a bit of sauce and then lap you up. But if you wanted to return the favor I wouldn’t be overly opposed.”

“Oh I love how that sounds.” She licked her lips. “And yes I will totally want to return the favor because I want to be able to lick you up and down. I want to be able to feel every inch of your body, darling. I love the idea, a lot.”

“Thought you would.” Thus why he’d ordered it up even though it had felt strange to. “Come on, darling. I’m feeling hungry for a little dessert.” He growled and nipped her earlobe lightly. Standing, he held out a hand. “And we both know that leaving the Wolf hungry just isn’t right.”

“Oh I would never want to leave my Wolf hungry, ever.” Bethany slipped her hand into his and let him pull her up. “I happen to really, really love feeling you loving on me, darling, and it will be even better to have you licking me and enjoying a treat as well.”

“Excellent,” he whispered, dipping his head to kiss her and then smacking her bottom. “Go, I’ll bring the cart in,” he told her softly. Stepping back, Zaidu watched her as she wiggled her bottom toward the bedroom. “Drop the robe when you’re doing that wiggle, woman. It’s not as effective with it all covered up.”

“Ah but you see it has you wanting to see what’s below the robe.” She dropped the robe, but let it catch at her elbows so that only her back and the very top of her ass showed. Turning, she looked to him again. “Like this, this way you get to see my back, you get to see the top curve of my ass, and you get to anticipate just what you are going to do to me. You know you love it.”

“I’m going to leave teeth marks on that ass,” he warned her. Pushing the tray he wheeled it after her. “You won’t sit for a month because of it.” She was teasing him, and while the Wolf could take a lot, it would only take so much.

Shrugging, she let the robe fall down just a bit more and grinned down her shoulder and then back to him again. “You would never hurt me, darling. You would, however, make sure to bite and lick and make it all better. We both know that.” And she would love every moment of it, too.

Growling, he snorted as he parked the tray and watched her as she lounged next to the bed. Moving up behind her, he caught the robe in a quick move and twisted it just a little to trap her hands in it. Spinning her around, Zaidu caught her mouth for a kiss. “Quit teasing the hungry beast.”

“I like teasing you, though,” she told him and nibbled his lips. “I happen to love you, darling. I love teasing you and I really, really love when the Wolf comes out and growls.” She looked up at him and smiled. “Are you going to tie me down now?”

“I think I may have to,” he told her. “You are being rather naughty and I’d hate for you to think to slip away from me.” Shifting his hold on her, he tugged the robe off, and grabbing the belt, he moved her to the bed. It would be a little tricky but he could tie her to the headboard and then she’d be his to toy with freely.

She smirked and watched him. “I think that I’m going to have to be rather naughty far more often, darling mine,” she told him with a smile. “God, especially when you have that look on your face, darling.” That hungry look, she loved it.

Snapping his teeth at her, he growled and, letting her hands go in a quick move, he spun her, dropped her to the bed, and laid her out so he could tie her hands together and then to the headboard. Leaning back he looked at her and tipped his head. “Only needs one more thing,” he told her and dug up one of his shirts. Folding it just so, he went to her and tied it over her eyes with a grin. Grabbing the pillows, he put one under her hips and then settled her legs spread eagle. She was fully at his mercy and she wouldn’t have a clue what he was doing until he did it. Grabbing the whip cream he shook the container and eyed her breasts. A little swirl there and some fruit to nibble on would be good.

She shivered when the cold cream hit her nipples and whimpered, “Not so sure that I like the blindfold but God I love the growls.” She was a sucker for the growls and every single one that he gave made her wetter and wetter.

“I like the blindfold,” he told her with a tip of his head while he wound whipped cream around her other nipple in a lazy circle. Moving down the bed he sprayed some cream on her pussy and over her mound. “Not Picasso but not bad,” he commented, grabbing the caramel sauce. Checking to ensure it wasn’t hot he lifted the spoon and dribbled a little over her chest, down her belly, and made sure some hit the whipped cream between her legs and just up her thighs a bit.

“Oh Jesus.” Bethany breathed out as the warm sauce hit her body. “Oh Zaidu, Gods, please.” She lifted her hips. Desperation clawed at her. Never had she even dreamed of playing with food, but right now, damn, she was so happy that he had thought of that and was playing right along with her.

Sorting through the fruit he pressed a couple of strawberries into the cream over each nipple and slid another into the cream on her pussy so it was against her clit. Drawing his tongue down her thigh he licked up the sauce there and moved to her other thigh. “Tasty,” he growled against her flesh.

She moaned and bit her lower lip. “Feels so good, too.” She felt his hair brushing against her inner thighs, that short dark hair of his. His rough five-o’clock shadow brushing against her thigh had her sobbing in need. “God that feels so good. Again?” It was surreal how the loss of her sight with the blindfold had her other senses amped up.

Nipping lightly at her soft flesh, he slid his tongue over her. “Later,” he promised. Moving around her, he began to clean her belly and then her breasts little by little. Saving the strawberry for last, he sucked on it, chewed, and swallowed before sucking her tight nipple into his mouth to clean it thoroughly. Then he repeated with her other breast, making sure he got every last bit of cream and sauce from her flesh. After he was positive her torso was clean he settled back between her legs to clean her pussy with tiny little licks.

“God damn.” Bethany sobbed. “Zaidu!” She screamed his name and tugged at the binds that held her tightly and sobbed. “Killing me.” She arched up into him. “God that feels so good, more.”

Wiggling his tongue to her flesh as he uncovered her he slid it up and over her clit to scoop up the strawberry. Swallowing the treat, he worked at cleaning her mound off and rubbing the flat of his tongue over her. “I think I should have seconds, I don’t know if I got enough,” he told her and waited for her reply.

“I think that if you do you will kill me,” she said, grinning. “But damn, what a way to go. I think you totally should, my love. I really and truly think that you need to make me scream again, please.”

Growling happily, he nipped her inner thigh. “I like that idea.” Reaching over, he grabbed the caramel sauce and dribbled some over her mound so it slid slowly down her pussy and between her folds. Holding the container, he leaned in to lap at the sauce before it got too far and made a real mess. “I think I’ve found my new favorite dessert,” he whispered, dribbling a little more over her flesh to lick at it slowly.

“And I think that I’ve found that I’m really into bondage. I would never have believed I could willingly give anyone this kind of control. Feels so very, very good.”

Smiling slightly at her words, he spread her open and let more sauce dribble over her clit and down over her pussy. Watching it, he leaned in to catch it before it hit the pillow and lapped at her slick flesh slowly as he watched her. “We’ll have to figure out what else you like.” He breathed against her, setting the sauce aside once he was sure she was as clean as he could get her with his tongue.

“That’s something I like a lot,” she moaned. “So very, very much. Anything that has you licking, touching, smoothing over me, baby, is more than perfectly fine with me. Anything that has you fucking me is even better.”

“Oh I was thinking of just that,” he told her honestly. Sliding his tongue up her torso he pressed a kiss to each of her nipples. “But I think you should roll over.” There was enough play in the belt holding her hands together. “Then I will stick my cock into your super-sweetened pussy and fuck you.”

“Oh I love that feeling,” she teased with a grin. “Help me roll,” she murmured. “And while you are fucking me from behind are you again going to start to get me ready for you to take my ass?” She loved the way he teased her. She loved the way he fucked her. She loved it all.

“If you’d like,” he told her honestly, shifting her up on the bed a bit, pulled out the pillow to throw it aside, and helped her to roll to her front. Lifting her hips, Zaidu got her on her knees and elbows, knowing she was still trapped by the tie around her hand. Moving up behind her he rubbed his cock to her. She was a little sticky but it would add to the loving.

Bethany clenched on him. She bit her lower lip and whimpered, “God that feels so good.” To just feel him touching her, to feel him entering her body. It was truly, truly perfect. “More please,” she whispered softly. “I need more of you, darling.” He was teasing her and it was killing her.

Grinning slightly, he rubbed his cock over her until she was slick again before pressing into her and thrusting hard to seat himself. Holding her hips tight, he withdrew slowly and thrust in hard, out slow, in hard as he held her to keep her head from smacking into the headboard.

“So good,” she whimpered. “Harder,” she begged. “I love it when you fuck me. So very much.” She licked her lips. “The harder the better.” She was a glutton for his fucking her and she couldn’t get enough of him.

Pushing into her hard, he rubbed at her anus as he withdrew slowly. Slamming in, he pressed his finger in slightly as he withdrew. Each thrust he worked his finger deeper into her tight hole, stroking her deeply as he listened through their bond to what she was feeling.

“There, just like that.” She pushed harder back against him and bit her lips as she did so. Her hands were bound but she could still push back against him, still try to get as much from him as he was willing to give her.

Letting her ride him he stayed close enough that she wouldn’t have to stretch, his focus on stretching her anus enough to take his cock. He wouldn’t be able to come in her. He’d hurt her with how he knotted. Wiggling his finger a little he growled when she clenched on him. “You like that?”

“Yes, God yes I love that,” she told him with a whimper. “Please.” She pushed back harder against him. “Please, fuck me there, Zaidu.” She was begging him, needing him, needing this. “I want this. I need this. Forever.”

“Not yet, darling,” he told her, pulling back and pressing two fingers in, slowly stretching her. Rocking his hips in a slow rhythm he eased his fingers in deeper, his hand on her hip to keep her from pushing back and hurting herself. “I need you to be stretched enough to take me,” he said quietly.

“I am, honey. God I am,” she whimpered. “I need this, honey. I need you.” She was begging. She was in desperation and she knew it. She was about to try to undo the binds on her arms but resisted. She wanted to submit to him, knew he needed it as much as she did.

“Not yet.” He slid his fingers in deeper. “You’re still too tight to take my cock, love. I think we need to send you over the edge and then I’ll slide in.” All her silky juices coating his cock wouldn’t be a bad thing either.

“Then you are so very, very close. Please, honey,” she whimpered. “Because I’m so very, very close. I’m ready to simply scream and come, desperate to come actually, damn it.”

“Then come,” he told her, reaching around to pinch and squeeze her clit lightly. “Scream for me and come hard,” he demanded. “Then as you lay there recovering I will slid my cock into your tight little ass nice and slow.” As he spoke, he grabbed a condom to roll onto his cock when he could finally slide into her tight ass.

She did just that. Bethany screamed as she came. Her whole entire being tensed up she came. She screamed his name, the pressure of her orgasm clenching him tight.

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