The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic) (23 page)

BOOK: The Rogue Hunter's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 10] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Easing his cock out of her as she screamed louder, now in denial, he removed his fingers from her ass. Rolling the condom onto his cock, he pressed his cock to her tight hole. Pressing in slowly, he let her orgasm and the ripples of the muscles pull him in deeper as her breathing switched from huge sucks of air to short pants.

She didn’t tense up, she didn’t pause, but instead she pushed back against him. Moaning as she did so she shivered, gooseflesh rising on her skin as she pushed back against him. “That feels so good.” She never would have believed that anal sex would have felt so good but it did, he did.

“Easy,” he said quietly, stroking his hand down her back as he pressed forward. Growling deep, he cupped her pussy as he bent over her and withdrew to press into her again, his fingers sliding into her slick pussy to stroke her lightly.

“Oh Gods,
!” she screamed when his fingers dipped deeply into her pussy. She felt such intense and incredible pleasure and never, ever would give it up. “Zaidu.” She began to shake. She began to shudder. Her body began to move eagerly with his and happiness filled her body and soul.

“That’s it, baby,” he growled as he began to move harder, faster. So tight, so fucking good. “You like this?” he asked her, pumping his fingers in and out of her wet pussy. “My cock up your ass, you seem to like it. You’re so fucking wet.” He breathed against her ear. He was close. He’d have to pull out soon. Couple more thrusts into her tight hole and he’d pull out and finish in her pussy.

“Yes, yes, I love it,” she told him. “I love every single part of it.” She moaned. “Please, please harder. I want and need to come again.” She was never going to get enough of this, of being with him. This was what they both needed, to be able to fuck each other until they couldn’t see straight.

He needed to come, too. “Hold on, darling.” He went to pull out but thrust in once more on a groan. “I need to pull out before I come, don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered and found himself slamming into her again with a shudder, his balls tightening up between his legs.

“You won’t hurt me. Please,” she begged to him. “Somehow, someway. Please, honey, I need and want to feel you coming. Don’t care where but it needs to be inside of me.” So if it wasn’t going to be in her ass he needed to be in her cunt, now.

Pulling out before he hurt her, he pulled the condom off and tossed it into the wastebasket in the same movement as he spread her pussy wide and slammed into her hard. Driving into her twice he came on a howl, his cock leaping inside her hot depths as he knotted and his seed was pumping into her over and over.

Bethany’s scream echoed along with his howl and she shuddered. Clenching on him over and again Bethany’s vision wavered and she fell back against the bed hard, her hands still tightly tied around the headboard and unable to move.

Dropping with her when she dragged him down by his dick, Zaidu grunted and growled at her softly. Nipping her shoulder, he reached up to untie her hands but left her to figure out the blindfold. He was having a hell of a time even thinking, let alone moving.

She blindly tugged the blindfold off and moved her hand so that their hands could entwine and smiled. “Gods, I love you so very, very much,” she whispered quietly. “I will never, ever be able to get enough of you, sweetheart.”

Brushing a kiss to her shoulder he smiled slightly. “Good because I have the intention of devouring you inch by inch. We really should buy some caramel sauce though. I like my Bethany with a little sauce to her.”

Bethany grinned at that and sighed happily. “I like that,” she whispered. “A great deal. But later, baby. Right now I’m exhausted and I think we both need a bit of a nap, sweetheart, before we get up and fuck like bunnies again.”

“Good plan,” he said with a groan and, once he could, he pulled free of her body and fell over onto his back next to her. “Gods, I can barely move. I think you nearly killed me that time, woman,” Zaidu told her, dropping his hand to her ass with a light smack.

Bethany smiled and moved so that she was curled against him. “Good thing I didn’t.” She yawned again and then pulled the blanket up to cover herself and him. “I love you, Zaidu. Rest well. Wake me when you wake and we will finish our meals, okay?”

Wrapping his arm around her, he pulled her closer and nodded. “Of course I will, love,” he assured her softly. Pressing a kiss to her hair, he closed his eyes and yawned wide. Shifting her closer to him he laid a hand on her ass and the other on her arm. “Sleep, baby,” he whispered before dropping off himself.

“Already there,” she whispered softly and with one last kiss to his shoulder, dropped off and into a dead sleep, exhausted and simply giving in to the desire for rest.

Chapter Seventeen


Walking slowly through the house, Zaidu climbed the stairs and went to the room Bethany was using as her office. Leaning his shoulder to the door he watched her as she puttered around. Clearing his throat softly he smiled slightly when she looked up. “Just heard back from Talon,” he told her quietly. “We’re to be at the base at ten tomorrow to go with him to the Council for your statements to be given.”

Bethany nodded and licked her lips. “Will it help them find Brian, my twin?” That’s who she was most worried about. She knew that Zaidu could handle anything thrown his way. She just worried about how crafty and sneaky Brian was.

“Can’t hurt, but this is about the Rogues,” he told her quietly. “We’ll chat with Quincy about your twin and see if he can’t help us on that score.” Especially since Z’s last talk with the cops had been less than stellar on finding the bastard. Brian had gone quiet so they had no way to find him, and he was too careful to get caught before he was good and ready, so they were screwed.

“Oh.” She licked her lips and shook her head. “But I’m not really going to be very helpful for the Rogue thing,” she muttered. “So while you talk to Talon I will talk to Quincy?”

“Nope, you have to give your statement to the entire Council before they pass down final judgment on the Rogues that I let live,” Zaidu said, moving in closer to her. “Quincy’s on the Council, sugar, so you can’t talk to him until after it’s all done and they render the verdict. But you will have to talk to Talon. He’ll be the one questioning you and me.”

“Oh them,” she groaned. “Goodness I had tried so very hard to forget them. I will do it though, whatever it takes to ensure that those fuckers never again come after any woman.” She growled, getting better at them with hanging around her Wolf.

“Yes, you are getting better at them,” he agreed, sliding an arm around her. Brushing his lips to her temple, he breathed her in. “Do it again, Bethany,” he demanded, quietly resting a hand on her ass.

Bethany smiled and leaned into him and said, “I can’t do it if I’m thinking about it, but I can when we make love or when something makes me all grumbly. So yeah, I can’t do it on command but it wouldn’t take much to make me growl again.”

Snorting, he shook his head at her. “You trying to proposition me, little mate?” he asked her curiously. “And, for the record, since you are mated to a Wolf you really should learn to growl on command. After all, what if I’m being mobbed by females while we’re out and you freeze up. Whatever will I do then?”

That did have her growling. “If any bitch dares to touch you I will rip her fucking hand off.” She growled. “I mean it. I will not let anyone fucking touch you that I don’t want touching you. Family is one thing, friends are one thing. Fucking anyone else will not work.”

Smiling slowly he kissed her. “See that, I knew you could growl on command,” he teased with a chuckle. Rubbing his hand up and down her back lightly, he nipped at her lip gently. “What were you doing up here, darling?” Zaidu asked curiously looking around at—well—slight chaos would be the best description.

“I have a showing in the gallery next month and I’m trying to arrange the setting for the dinner party prior to the opening so that enemies aren’t at the same tables, lovers and adulterers aren’t at the same tables, and so on.” She sighed and leaned back. “If it weren’t for the Children’s Hospital I would cancel it but I can’t,” she grumbled. Looking to him, she smiled. “Will you please come with me? I’m late in asking you but I didn’t want to give you anything else to stress about while hunting the Rogues so I waited. Now I’m asking. Will you be my date?”

“A date?” he asked, quite frankly shocked at the concept. At her happy nod he thought a minute. “Well I don’t know, darling,” he hedged, deciding to play it up a little. “It’s so sudden, so last minute, whatever will I wear?” he teased with a slight smile.

“A suit,” she said without hesitation. “It’s a black-tie affair so you will have to wear a tux. Sorry, hon. But if it makes you feel any better I have a gown that is going to make you drool when you see me in it. It’s one that I had custom made and will have to wear double-sided tape to keep my boobs from showing.”

Growling at the idea of anyone seeing her breasts, he pulled her in tighter. “You’d better have a lot of that tape,” he said. “Because you flash even one person and there will be a bloodbath at your hoity-toity little affair.” Which brought up the next thing, “I don’t own a tux, or even a suit for that matter. I’m a jeans and tee guy, Bethany.” Z pointed out the obvious. She’d seen his closet after all.

“And I love that about you, love, so very much. I love that you are able to do jeans and tees the way that you do. We will just go and get you a tux. There is a clothier in the town that we love who adores me.” Mostly because she had given his daughter a painting worth a small fortune. “And he will make you a suit.”

“You sure?” he asked quietly. “I just don’t want to embarrass you, darling. It’s not exactly my scene.” Like that was a stretch. He was down and dirty, rough and tumble, definitely not someone that fit into her world.

“You would never, ever embarrass me. I love you, Zaidu. No matter what you do it would never bother me. Trust me, it’s not my favorite thing by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s for a good cause so I do it.”

“I hope you remember that, darling,” he told her, softly rubbing his nose to hers. “I will promise not to drink out of the toilet bowl, but that’s the only promise I’ll make.” Not really, but the only one he’d verbalize about that night. “When is this?” he asked with a frown. He’d have to arrange for security.

“Two weeks, well…” She counted. “Nine days. I completely and totally forgot all about it until I received a text from my assistant asking me for the seating chart. I about shat myself to say the least,” she admitted. “So yeah. Nine days. It’s black tie, invitation only, with a minimum starting bid on the paintings of two hundred fifty grand.”

“Seriously, two hundred and fifty G’s for a painting?” he asked skeptically. At her nod he shook his head. “People are weird,” he muttered. “I can’t imagine paying that amount of money for anything, well, except this house, and even this I got for a steal.”

“I’m not cheap,” she told him with a smile. “I only do three paintings a year and they are very, very highly sought-after paintings. These are ones that I did just for this auction.” Bethany told him with a smile. “And they pay it and a hell of a lot more, believe me.”

“They’re your paintings?” he asked, staring down at her. Then the little tidbit of information came back to him and he nearly groaned at his idiocy. He’d completely forgotten she was an artist. “Well, you’d better get a hell of a lot more than that. You’re bloody priceless, babe.”

She smiled at that and winked. “I’m glad that you think so, honey. I happen to think that you are rather priceless myself.” She stood and moved toward him. “Now then, what more do we have to do today before we can go and get you fitted for a tux?” Okay so she was also putting off seeing Talon as well, but she really had to get this party up and going to.

“Today? Nothing,” he told her honestly. “Tomorrow we’ll be in the Council Chamber most of the day.” Zaidu brushed her hair back. “So if you want to go and torture me for a little while I’m totally there for it, but you will be making it up to me later.”

“Oh I love how that sounds.” Bethany purred. “Okay, let me make a quick call and then we will see about going and getting you fitted for that tux.” She smiled and licked her lips. “If you are really very good I might give you a preview of my gown if it’s ready.” They had to go by the dressmaker’s on the way to the tux shop so it would work.

“I should go and see if I can find a pair of boxers,” he muttered. At her look, he lifted a brow. He said, “You know well and good I don’t wear underwear.” He owned a couple pairs of boxers, but he rarely wore them, unless he was being too lazy to dress.

“Yeah, I know that you don’t and God I love it. I happen to really and truly love it when you are able to just unzip and slide into me. Why do you think I’ve stopped wearing panties and have switched to wearing skirts or dresses as often as possible?”

“You have?” he asked, pasting on a shocked look that faded into a slight lopsided grin. “I just figured you liked to tease me with your tight and very fine ass is all.” Course it did give him some seriously hot thoughts about her all the time.

“Oh yes, I love teasing you with my ass and I really, really hope that you take full advantage and fuck me every single chance you get. Ass or pussy, I want you and need you, always.” She was already getting hot and needy. “God dammit, I need you now.”

Growling, he leaned in to breathe her in. “I can smell your arousal getting rich and heavy,” he whispered. “Call the shop and arrange a time and then I want to fuck you right here in your office,” he told her honestly.

“Thank God you feel it, too.” She moaned, pulling back only enough so that she could grab her phone and made a quick call. After a couple of moments she was hanging up. “Four p.m. so that gives us three hours.” She told him with a whimper, “So naked. Yep, naked is good.”

“Then why are you still dressed?” he asked her, tugging his shirt off over his head. Undoing the button on his jeans he poised his fingers at the zipper and waited. “You have way too many clothes on, Bethany. I need you to get naked so I can fuck you, now.”

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