The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series) (2 page)

BOOK: The Runaway Cat (Book 2 Cloverleah Pack Series)
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“Oh shit.”  Saul wriggled out of Griff’s grasp and took off. Griff ordered Diablo another drink and a beer for himself.

“Well he took off fast enough.” 

“Yeah, well he was one of Kane’s many conquests, a one nighter, like they all were.  Saul made the mistake of rutting all over Kane at a car show we went to and Shawn got a little bit upset.”

“He’s still walking so it couldn’t have been that bad.”

“Oh, bad enough.  Shawn threatened to tear his limbs off one by one and turn him into a human footstool for him to fuck his mate on.  I think the graphics of that idea was enough to put the fright into Saul for life.”

“Really?”  Diablo was grinning.

“Oh yes and he could do it too.”  Griff was laughing now at the memory as the two men under discussion came over.  As per normal Kane had his arm over Shawn’s shoulder, while Shawn had his arm snug around Kane’s waist.  Diablo could see how well they fit together and for a brief moment he dreamt of the big man beside him holding him the same way.  He imagined it would feel pretty good.

“Hey guys, was that Saul I saw heading out of here like the hounds of hell were after him.”  Kane’s voice was deep and low and tinged with laughter.

“Yep, seeing Shawn here seems to have that effect on him.”  Griff had stopped laughing but his grin lit his face. “Oh Kane, Shawn, this is Diablo.”  The men all shook hands.

“Shawn and I are heading off, Shawn style.  Are you okay to take the truck home?”  Kane was looking at Griff the question in his eyes.  Not so much was Griff okay to take the truck home, was he okay with a sexy looking cat shifter named Diablo.

Griff nodded firmly. “Yep, no problem boss.  See you in the morning at work, okay?”

Kane fished around in his back pocket and pulled out Claude’s key. He passed it over to Griff.  “Can you get this back to Claude before you leave?  I er…can’t be bothered looking for him.”  He was looking at Shawn and the lust was evident in his eyes.

Griff put it on the bar and grinned at Kane and Shawn.  “Yep, I will take care of it.  You guys take it easy going home now.”  Laughing, Kane waved at Griff and Diablo as he pulled Shawn with him and they disappeared out the door of the club.

“Do I want to ask how they are getting home?”  Diablo asked curiously not really expecting an answer.

Griff looked at him for a minute as if weighing him up.  Whatever he decided must have been positive because he said, “Shawn has some extra abilities that make him kinda special.  One of them is the ability to zap his mate straight into their bedroom from wherever they are.  If Kane is in a hurry, like he appears to be tonight, then it is the quickest way to get home.”  He grinned as he remembered how many times Kane had gotten Shawn to zap him from the workshop to home and back in their lunch breaks.

“Hmm must be handy.  I wouldn’t mind a few of those skills myself.”  Diablo thought about the more than couple of times he wished he could just zap out of wherever he was at the time and then purposefully shook his head.  Now was not the time or place. He looked over at Griff who was still watching him with a half smile on his face.  Yep he could lost in this big man and that was exactly what he wanted to do. 

Without breaking their gaze Diablo stepped closer to Griff and put his arm around the man’s waist. He gave a little tug and Griff came forward willingly until they were standing flush against each other.  The electricity Diablo had felt when they shook hands now pulsed through his body and his cock jumped
fully hard in seconds.  Griff’s own cock was already hard against his thigh and the half smile on his face turned into a full blown grin.

Nodding to the key on the bar, Diablo said quietly, “How soon do you have to get that back to Claude?”

“Sometime in the morning will be fine.”  The lust in Griff’s voice was evident in his raspy response.

“You know I don’t bottom.”  As much as Diablo really felt he wanted to do that with Griff, he hadn’t thought it through properly and he didn’t want to make any decisions half-cocked.

Griff put a big arm around Diablo’s shoulder and scooped up Claude’s key with the other hand.  “You are lucky that I can be persuaded then, if you are good enough, of course.” Griff’s voice was teasing.  He already knew the cat in his arms would be more than good enough.

“I’ll just have to bring my ‘A’ game then won’t I?”  Diablo smirked at the bigger man.

“I don’t deserve anything less man.”  Grin still firmly in place Griff led Diablo off through the club to Claude’s suite.  He was going to have some fun tonight.



Chapter Two


The door slammed behind them, cutting out the noise of the club below.  Diablo flicked his eyes over the room, habit more than anything else.  Dim lighting, huge bed, couch in the corner, no lurking bad guys and a solid lock on the door.  A lot better place for a hook up than some of the places he had been.  Then he looked over at Griff and saw that the man had done the same thing.  Checked the place out, deemed it safe enough.  Something was off, but not enough to pierce Diablo’s lust.  But he couldn’t help himself. 

Looking up at Griff’s handsome face he asked quietly, “What are you?”  A dark look passed over Griff’s face, fading as quickly as it was there, replaced by his trademark grin.

“A wolf shifting mechanic looking to get laid.  What are you?”

Hmm, okay.  There was more to Griff than that, and Diablo knew it, but then Griff leaned over him, pushing his body up against the door with his chest.  Leaving his hands rested on the door above Diablo’s head, Griff leaned his head down and placed his lips on Diablo’s pressing ever so gently.  Diablo gasped as his cat suddenly went into a frenzy of want and he pushed his lips closer to Griff’s desperately seeking more of the same.

Still grinning, Griff pulled back and whispered
against his lips, “What are you?  Don’t lie now.”

Diablo’s brain was scrambled and the man in front of him had barely kissed him.  His cat was going crazy and his cock was throbbing so hard he was going to come in his
pants if he wasn’t careful.  Fuck he wasn’t a teenager, he was twenty eight years old for goodness sake, but Diablo had never felt this alive and he wanted Griff more than anything in his life.

Panting hard and not thinking at all Diablo blurted out, “Agency…undercover…
Louisiana…cat shifter…please.” 

Griff chuckled as he muttered, “God you Feebs are so easy.  Pleasure will get you over torture every time.”  And before Diablo had a chance to process the comment Griff kissed him again.  A real kiss.  Slow and sensual and so full of promise that Diablo unraveled.  He threw his arms around Griff’s neck to pull him closer and pressed his full body against the man, kissing him back with every ounce of passion he could muster.

Griff held back for just a moment.  He wasn’t sure boffing an FBI agent was a good idea especially given his own history but Diablo smelt and felt so good under his lips, everywhere their bodies touched, he had to have more. Sliding his hands down Diablo’s body to his waist, Griff grabbed him, turned him and with two quick steps was at the bed throwing the man in the middle of it.  Taking just a second to pull his shirt over his head, he looked to see Diablo was doing the same thing.  Kneeling, Griff laid himself down Diablo’s side before kissing him again, one hand fisted in Diablo’s hair and the other trailing over firm pectorals, tight abs and long lean sides.

Tongues dueling, gasps and moans rising both men feasted on each other rolling first one way and then the other
as each man fought to find more of the other. Finally Diablo found himself on top and he sat up, his hips straddling Griff’s legs as he bent to undo Griff’s jeans.  Flushed beneath him, Griff raised his hips to allow Diablo to slide them down his legs, pulling off the man’s boots as he went.  Looking down at Griff’s long hard cock, purple and leaking against the man’s abs, Diablo groaned and bent forward to take it into his mouth. 

Stretching his lips wide, he took it down in one go, swallowing to allow the length to fit down his throat.  Griff moaned long and loud and fisted the sheets, resisting the urge to thrust.  Fuck nothing in his life had ever felt so good.  He felt Diablo’s hands on his, moving them to his head, before Diablo swirled his mouth up and back down Griff’s cock, his tongue licking and lapping as he went.  Holding onto Diablo’s
silken hair gently, Griff gently rocked into the man’s mouth, trying so hard to be careful but losing the battle fast.  Diablo moaned in encouragement and Griff thrust a little harder and Diablo took it, moving his mouth up and down Griff’s cock, continuously sucking and licking until Griff felt himself on the edge of coming.


Diablo nodded and pushed his mouth down hard over Griff’s cock, taking him to the hilt, his hands pulling at Griff’s ass to bring him even closer if that was possible.  Griff gave one short thrust and came long, loud and messy.  Diablo groaned himself as he tasted Griff’s come on his tongue and he swallowed again and again taking all of Griff’s essence deep inside himself.   Only when there was nothing more to be had, did Diablo sit up and look at the man underneath him. 

God what a picture.  Griff’s eyes were half closed as he watched Diablo above him.  His heaving chest was surrounded by tattoos that came up Griff’s arms and swept down each side of Griff’s solid pectoral muscles.  Across Griff’s heart was the tattoo of a leaping black panther, its face grimaced
, teeth flashing and its claws extended.  Diablo grinned at that but he had a more pressing need than to ask about tattoos. 

Raising an eyebrow at Griff he said “good enough?” the rasp in his deep liquid silver voice the only indication of the lust he was still feeling.

“Definitely.”  Whoever said wolves couldn’t purr was so wrong.

Diablo scooted off the bed and removed his boots and jeans, reaching over to the bedside table for a bottle of lube strategically placed there.
He got back on the bed, kneeling between Griff’s now open thighs. 

“You want me to roll over?”

Diablo looked at Griff again and said, “I want to see you come apart again,” the promise in his voice evident.

Snagging a pillow from the top of the bed Diablo settled the pillow underneath Griff’s
ass, tilting it up so Diablo could see the hidden spot beneath Griff’s balls. Coating his fingers on one hand with lube Diablo stretched his body out over Griff’s, curling the man’s long hair in the other hand, and pulling Griff up for a kiss.  With his lubed fingers he reached down and stroked down Griff’s cock until it started to harden again before running his fingers down further past Griff’s balls to the hole below. At the first point of contact Griff gasped and writhed his hips up seeking more.

Diablo gently teased at Griff’s opening, tapping and stroking until he breach the hole with just the tip of one finger. As Griff moaned and pushed down on the finger he added a second scissoring gently as he felt Griff resist.  When Griff started bucking at his fingers again he added the third, twisting his fingers until he felt Griff’s prostrate. As he fluttered a finger over the little nub, Griff’s
ass came up off the bed and he groaned loudly and thrust again seeking a repeat of the sensation.

“Come on cat, get on with it.”  Griff growled.

Sitting up, Diablo grabbed more lube and applied it liberally over his own cock that was shaking so hard Diablo knew he wasn’t going to last long.  But damn he wanted to.  As he knelt between Griff’s thighs he nudged his cock against the hole, lining himself up perfectly, before he thrust in one strong fluid motion pushing the head of his cock through the resistant muscle in one go.  He felt Griff push out against him, grabbing with his muscles trying to pull Diablo in further.  When that didn’t work Griff half sat up, grabbing Diablo’s shoulders and pulling him down over his body.  The movement pulled Diablo’s cock deeper into Griff and Diablo gave one hard thrust to find he was fully encased.  Fuck Griff was tight, hot and absolutely fucking perfect.

Diablo raised himself up on his arms, his hands placed on either side of Griff’s head, Griff’s hands now sitting on the top of his hip bones.  Diablo took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself before he started to pull out slowly until he was almost out.  Then he flexed his hips and thrust back in again Griff’s fingers digging into him as he tried to keep the movement slow.
  Pulling back he repeated the motion, slow slides in and out.  Griff growled and Diablo grinned.

“Stop being a bossy bottom wolf.”

“Then pick the pace up cat and show me what you’ve got.” 

Diablo grinned again and increased the pace slightly. Griff growled again and Diablo
moved quicker. Supporting his weight on his hands Diablo started thrusting in, flexing his back and hips, harder and faster and he felt Griff’s approval as the man started to moan and thrust up to meet him.

“God that feels so good.” 
Griff drawled out his pleasure as he reached down and grabbed his own cock, the drags and tugs of his hand matching Diablo’s thrusts.  Together the two men rocked together in a frantic rhythm.  Words became gasps and moans.  Griff lost in the pleasure, Diablo fighting a need he had never had before that night.  To come hard and to bite. He wanted to claim this man. His cat was going ballistic. He felt his gums throbbing as his huge cat’s eye teeth became evident.  His cock was humming as he was so close to coming, his man was writhing, thrusting and moaning beneath him and there was nothing he could do to stop.  On and on it went harder and faster, until Diablo could stand it no more and with a loud cry he came, biting down on the corner of Griff’s neck as he did.  Griff shouted long and loud and came beneath him, his spunk coating them both as he did. Without thinking, Diablo retracted his teeth, licking gently over the wound as he did.  Then pulling out carefully, he collapsed on his side exhausted, sated and for some reason really, really happy.

For a moment all the two men could do was lay there and regain their breath.  Then Griff reached over and turned Diablo onto his other side, pulling him with one big arm back into his embrace, Diablo’s back firm against the bigger man’s chest.
It was still sticky but Diablo didn’t care.  Griff’s legs curled behind Diablo’s and he muttered something like, “Damn good pussy cat,” before dropping into a contented doze.

Diablo lay there in the soft light as he worked out what he had done.  His cat was settled into a contented purr, his body felt really good despite the fact he was exhausted.  Fuck he didn’t need to work out what he had done.  Griff’s smell, his taste, his own huge attraction to the bigger man from the moment he saw him.  Griff was the mate he had never thought he would ever meet.  And he had claimed him, while Griff was drunk, in a bedroom above a BDSM club.
Not an auspicious beginning.

He turned his body slightly within Griff’s gentle embrace so he could look at the man beside him.  Even in sleep Griff was magnificent.  Big, strong and so handsome.  Diablo gently traced the panther Griff had tattooed on his chest and shook his head in wonder.  Without realizing it, Griff had marked himself as a cat’s mate, the fighting panther protecting his heart.  Shit
Diablo was going to be in so much trouble when Griff realized what he had done.

For one moment Diablo allowed himself to think about what it would be like to be with a man like Griff full time.  To have someone who loved him like the couple he had met earlier.  To just live an ordinary life without worrying about having to give head or be shot
at every five minutes. He could set up his own security firm he thought idly. He had always planned to do that when he got out.  He and Griff could live together and be happy.  He knew that in his heart.

And stuff it was there any reason that he couldn’t do it?  This case had gone on far too long; surely the bloody warrants would be in place by now.  He could just ring his handler in the morning and tell him that he wasn’t coming back and that he was resigning permanently. Diablo had gotten them all of the information they needed to convict his mark ten times over.  He knew that. It had taken two bloody years to do it. He had more than enough money saved.  It wasn’t as though he had a home of his own, or much in the way of personal possessions.  He could walk away, go off the grid completely and live with his mechanic wherever the man might live.  Can’t be too far from Claude’s, as Griff was obviously a regular here.

Diablo thought back to the two dancers, Kane and Shawn.  They seemed like decent enough guys.  But what they had was so tangible, so real and so amazing how could anyone not want that sort of thing for themselves.  He knew that Griff was looking for his life partner.  Diablo chuckled to himself.  If the wolf hadn’t gotten so drunk he probably would have found himself bottoming a lot sooner than he would have liked.  He knew wolves were hellishly possessive and once they found their mate there was no stopping them in the whole claiming side of things.   He looked over again at the sleeping man, his mate.  If he led with that side of the conversation first, then maybe Griff wouldn’t be too pissed off with what he had done.  Could be a good tactic to deal with any potential anger Griff might feel about being claimed without so much as an ask.

Smiling to himself, Diablo curled up against Griff’s chest and fell into one of the best sleeps he had ever had.


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