The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1) (26 page)

BOOK: The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1)
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“Can I stay at Gabby’s tonight? We’re gonna watch a movie?” I ask my mom when she walks in the door at five. I know she snuck away from the bar in an effort to check on me. She went in a little earlier than usual to take care of something important.

“I need to talk to her mom,” she answers.

“Gabby already asked,” I tell her from my spot on the couch. I’m lying down, holding my phone above me so I can text Gabby with Mom’s answer. “Her mom said yes. I’ll tell Gabby you’re gonna call her.”

My mom appears in the living room. “You sure you wanna spend the night? I can always see if Julie’ll fill in for me and hang with you if you don’t wanna be left alone.”

I smile. “I really do want to spend the night with her. We’ve been working on…” Crap. I almost let it slip about the Facebook post. “We’re working on a music video.”

My mom gives me a funny look. “A music video?”

That was the first thing that came to mind. “Yeah. You know. The singing and stuff.”

“Are you the one singing?”

I giggle. Gabby and I have recorded ourselves singing a few times. It’s funny. “Sometimes.”

“All right. I’ll call her, then I’ll drop you off.”

“Yeah!” I hop up and run upstairs to grab my stuff. I already packed my bag because my mom never says no when I want to go to Gabby’s. I double-check to make sure I put my laptop in the bag.

Yep. It’s there.

We really are working on a project. We’re trying to come up with a way to ensure my dad sees that Facebook post. We haven’t come up with anything yet, but surely there’s something we can do. It feels like I’ve been waiting forever.

I’m tired of waiting.



I haven’t seen Ellie since last Saturday, after the hospital benefit when we… Yeah. Although our schedules didn’t mesh—our games were away—I spent far more time than is probably healthy thinking about that night in the limo.

In fact, I’m thinking about it now…

Fuck. I think it’s getting hot in here.

I really have to keep my head out of the gutter.

It would probably be a hell of a lot easier to do if I would act on some of these urges, rather than dancing around them the way I have been. However, I keep telling myself I have to take it slow with Ellie. I don’t want to rush her, don’t want to pressure her. More importantly, I don’t want to push her away. So I’ve managed to be a total gentleman—on too many nights as of late—which my balls aren’t too happy about.

Since we’re heading out on the road on Monday, the weekend will be my only opportunity to see her until Thanksgiving, and quite frankly, I can’t wait to be alone with her again.

“Mount Rushmore!” Noelle exclaims when I step up to the bar.

I smile at Ellie’s best friend, hugging her when she throws her arms around my neck.

“You’re not working tonight?” I ask. It’s rare not to see either of them working.

“A girl gets a night off every now and then.”

Funny how on her night off, Noelle still comes to work.

“Why didn’t you get here with the guys earlier?” she asks, sipping from the straw in her glass.

“I had a couple of errands to run.” I don’t bother telling Noelle that was only about an hour and a half ago. I don’t know how long she’s been sitting here or how many drinks she’s had, but I think it’s safe to say she has lost track of time.

“Please tell me Ellie took my advice and decided to challenge your kinky side.”

Someone should probably put a warning label on Noelle for her abrupt subject changes.

I pull back, staring down at the blonde who’s been practically glued to Ellie’s side ever since I met Ellie. “Challenge?”

Her smile is slow and mischievous. “She hasn’t shagged you again, has she?”

Laughing because I have no intention of answering that, I order a beer when Julie passes by. While I wait, I search behind the bar for Ellie, but she’s nowhere in sight.

“That girl, I tell you. I told her not everyone has to be looking to get married just because they want to have sex.”

Yep, I think Noelle’s had one too many drinks tonight. I’m not above taking advantage of the situation, though. Especially when a little encouragement will get Noelle to elaborate.

Obviously Ellie told Noelle at least part of what happened between us, but since Noelle hasn’t out and out said it, I’m attempting to be discreet when I say, “Why would Ellie think that?”

“Because she’s a hopeless romantic.” Noelle takes another sip, still grinning. “I told her, we’ve evolved. A woman is allowed to command a heart-stopping orgasm before she thinks about long term. Not Ellie. She seems to think sex requires commitment.”

I have to wonder if that’s because she got pregnant with Bianca at such a young age and has raised her by herself. It does explain why she doesn’t date much.

I thank Julie when she returns with my beer.

“Y’all are good for each other,” Noelle continues.

One thing about Noelle, it isn’t necessary to be able to carry a conversation with her. She manages that all on her own.

“She doesn’t want strings, you’ve never shown any interest in settling down, so why the hell not?”

I’m not sure whether that is a compliment or not.

I glance past Noelle, seeing Ellie talking to some guy at a far table. She’s smiling and laughing at something the guy said.

“If you’re waiting for her to make the next move, it won’t happen.”

I turn my attention back to Noelle, too curious not to question her. “What makes you think that?”

“It makes her vulnerable. She’s been there, done that. If you want another shot at shower sex, you’re gonna have to make the next move. And trust me, she won’t turn you down.”

I get the feeling Ellie hasn’t shared
the details of our time together with Noelle.

I think about how Ellie initiated our first date. Did she tell Noelle about that? But then I think about the night we watched TV at her place. I’m pretty sure she was thinking about jumping me, but oddly enough, she didn’t. I won’t lie, I was disappointed, but I honestly hadn’t gone to her house for sex, so I didn’t pursue it myself. Spending time with her had been on my agenda, and we somehow accomplished that.

Then, of course, there was the closet and the limo…

I have to shake off the thought. Now is not the time to take a trip down pornographic memory lane.

I watch as Ellie nods at the table of men, her hand landing on the guy’s arm as she laughs again, and something tightens in my gut. Is it jealousy? I know Ellie isn’t the kind to hook up with guys. Hell, she rarely dates. And yeah, I’ve seen her flirt a time or two. It’s good for tips, she says.

When she pats the guy’s arm once more, then turns away, her smile instantly falling, I know it was an act. A sigh of relief escapes me and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Ellie goes back to the bar, then leans in and whispers something in Julie’s ear before slipping down the hall toward the back.

“Excuse me a minute,” I tell Noelle as I get to my feet.

I head in the same direction Ellie disappeared, and I find her in the small back office, rummaging through a filing cabinet.

“Looking for something?”

As though she expected me, Ellie doesn’t even look up. “You here to dance on my bar tonight?”

“You said it had to be a Saturday,” I remind her.

“Yeah, well… Tonight’s good, too.”

“Then it depends.” I don’t finish, wanting her to look at me.

When her gaze strays my way, I can’t deny that I like the slow perusal she gives me, her eyes traveling the length of my body and then back up.

“On what?”

“On whether or not you accepted Noelle’s challenge.”

Ellie shakes her head, then pulls a sheet of paper from the drawer before shutting it. “That girl. She’s got a big mouth.”

I have the sudden urge to kiss Ellie. I’m not sure how I’ve resisted this long. Not because I don’t want her so bad my balls are aching, but I get the sense that Ellie needs to take things slowly, which I’m trying to accommodate. It’s easy when I don’t get to see her. But now … here … not so easy.

Taking a step into the room, I close the door behind me.

Ellie’s gaze shoots my way, her eyes wide. “Kingston Rush, don’t you dare think about it.”

“Think about what?” I stalk her.

Ellie backs up, as though there is anywhere for her to go.

“Tell me about this challenge,” I insist.

She shakes her head. “Noelle already told you.”

“I want to hear it from you.” Noelle didn’t exactly elaborate, and now, based on the blush on Ellie’s cheeks, I’m curious.

I crowd her against the wall, planting my hands on each side of her head.

“She said…” Her gaze falls to my lips, and I’m tempted to crush my mouth to hers, but I manage to refrain.

I want to hear this.

Cocking one eyebrow, I wait.

Ellie sighs. “She said I should let you kinkify me.”

“How so?” Not that I need clarification. It sounds fairly self-explanatory. Still, I want to hear it from Ellie’s mouth.

“I don’t know,” she says with a huff, clearly not intimidated by me in the least.

“Does limo sex count?” I probe.

Heat flares in her gaze. Good. She remembers it the way I do.

“Probably not. Sure, that was a start, but…”

“But what?” I don’t want her to stop now.

Ellie sighs. “Noelle said something about vibrators and dildos. I think she might’ve mentioned anal beads.”

That does it. Those words from Ellie’s sweet mouth are so damn sexy I can’t resist crushing my lips to hers and inhaling her. Her soft moan precedes her arms wrapping around my neck, her leg curling behind mine as she jerks me closer. I have to keep my hands on the wall so I don’t crush her, but I give in to the kiss. It’s explosive, electric. I feel the impact straight to my dick.

I have always suspected there was a fire burning inside this woman, but never did I imagine she’d turn that heat on me. And I can’t deny the relief I feel. My errands… Well, let’s just say that I might’ve acquired a few of those particular items. Maybe it was intuition.

Nah. Probably more like hope.

The thought of using those toys on her makes me kiss her harder, pulling her body against mine. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of this woman.

Several minutes later, I manage to pull back from her. “About the challenge?”

Her eyes never leave my mouth as she sucks her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Are you up for it?”

Ellie looks me in the eye, and I see the unwavering heat reflected there. She wants this.

And maybe Noelle is right. Maybe Ellie isn’t looking for long term or permanent. That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the time with her that I do have. It also doesn’t mean that I can’t change her mind.

“I’m up for it,” she whispers. Her face sobers. “Just as long as we agree that it’s temporary.”

I’ve already told her how I feel about that, but Ellie’s stubborn; she isn’t going to give me an inch.

I lean in and brush my lips against her ear, pressing my hips to hers. “I’ll trade you.”

“Trade me what?” she whispers, her hands gripping my shirt.

“You don’t make me dance on your bar, and I’ll pleasure you in ways you’ve never imagined.” She inhales sharply when I gently kiss the spot where her pulse is pounding right beneath her ear before pulling back to meet her gaze. “As long as
agree we don’t put a time limit on it.”


I lean in close to her ear once more. “I hope you know what you’re agreeing to, little girl.”

Her breath hitches.

I nibble her earlobe as I say, “You think vibrators and dildos are kinky … you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”


Ever since Kingston cornered me in my office, I haven’t been able to not think about him or the things he said to me. I want to blame this on Noelle because she’s the one who clued Kingston in to our conversation and the fact that my best friend suggested I let the man kinkify me. It really isn’t Noelle who instigated this, and I know that. It’s merely easier to blame her.

What it boils down to is that I really want Kingston. With a passion I haven’t known in … too long. In fact, I haven’t felt this way since the night I spent with Bianca’s dad—a man I haven’t seen since that night all those years ago. Not to say that I haven’t had sex in all that time, but I certainly haven’t experienced this insane attraction since then.

“It’s all locked up,” Lance calls from the kitchen, his head peeking around the wall. “Heading out. You good?”

Putting the last glass on the rack, I nod. Everyone has left except for Kingston and two other players, who are standing in the corner talking about something. I know Kingston is waiting for me, and I can’t deny that I’m happy about that. Nervous, too. Okay, maybe not nervous. That doesn’t seem like the right word. More like … anxious. Eager.

Yes, that’s more like it.

With a wink, Lance disappears almost at the same time Kingston says good-bye to his teammates, letting them out the door and then locking it back.

When he turns to me, I see the heat register in his dark gaze.

We are alone. Completely.

The way he stalks toward me … that predatory gleam in his eyes … it makes my body temperature spike. I’m not sure a guy has ever looked at me the way Kingston is right now. It both pleases and terrifies me. I know what this is and I’m good with it, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m a little hesitant. Although it’s easy to tell myself that this is temporary and that I will not fall for a guy like Kingston … I’m not sure that’s entirely true.

When he walks around and joins me behind the bar, I turn to face him, my back against the wooden edge. His lips curl at the corners and the heat in his gaze intensifies.

“What are—”

Before I can get the words out, Kingston is lifting me up and planting my butt on the bar top.

In this position, I’m an inch or two taller than him. The way his hands slide up my thighs as he comes to stand between my legs sends a chill dancing down my spine. There are a million things I want to say, but words don’t form on my tongue.

His big hands slip beneath my T-shirt, coming to rest on my waist, his thumbs splayed across my stomach. I suck in a breath as the warmth of his rough hands caresses my greedy nerve endings. I’m hyperaware of every sensation he causes in my body. From the dull ache that has started between my thighs to the heat waves that crash in my veins, everything is magnified by a million right now, right here.

“Please tell me Bianca is spending the night with her friend.”

I smile. “She is.”

A rumble sounds in his chest as he leans closer. “Kiss me, Ellie,” Kingston whispers, his tone dark and seductive.

A few things occur to me.

One, we’re actually not hidden from sight. Two, my common sense has taken a backseat to my baser urges. And three, if Kingston Rush wants to lay me out on this bar and have his wicked way with me right now, I’m game.

Leaning forward, I cup his face, sliding my fingers over the beard that lines his jaw, then up to his hair. The short strands tickle my palms as I lean forward, our breaths mingling.

Instead of kissing him, I nibble his bottom lip briefly, and the resulting rumble in his chest sends a frisson of heat slamming into me.

Our lips meld together, tongues searching, seeking, tasting.

This isn’t a hesitant kiss like we’ve shared before. We’ve already learned the feel of one another’s mouth. This is powerful, almost desperate. I can feel the flex of Kingston’s fingers on my abdomen as he pulls me closer to him. My legs circle his torso, the heels of my boots pressing into his lower back as I try to eliminate what little space is left between us.

“I’ve wanted to do that all night,” Kingston mutters, his lips gliding down my jaw.

Tilting my head, I feel my nipples harden as his mouth travels to my neck, teasing the sensitive skin there.

“I’ve fantasized a million times about laying you out on this bar,” he continues, his hands moving up to my ribs, his thumbs sliding over the satin of my bra to torment my nipples.

An eager cry slips past my lips and I tighten my grip on his hair.

He forces my shirt higher, revealing the red satin beneath.

“Fuck, this is nice,” Kingston mumbles against my skin, his lips skimming between my breasts. “Take the shirt off.”

Although I highlighted the points before, right now, I’m vaguely aware of where we are and the fact that the windows are tinted but they certainly aren’t opaque. If someone wants to see in, all they have to do is lean against the glass. Since all of the lights are off, with the exception of the small ones at either end of the bar, I don’t figure they’ll see all that much. But for some strange reason, I don’t care if they do.

I release his hair long enough to remove my shirt, setting it on the bar beside me.

“So fucking beautiful.”

Kingston’s fingertips brush the upper swell of my breast as he pulls my bra cup down, exposing my nipple. I can’t look away, watching intently when his tongue lashes my hypersensitive skin. Heat explodes in my core, my legs tightening around his waist. And when he sucks me into his mouth, a moan escapes.

For long minutes, Kingston worships my breasts, teasing, tormenting, driving me higher and higher. At one point, I even wonder if he can make me come like that. With just his mouth on my nipples.

Kingston’s mouth finds mine once again as he works the front clasp of my bra. When he releases it, he returns his attention to my breasts, this time nipping and sucking until I think I’m going to lose my mind.

“I wanna take you home, lay you out on my bed, and lick every inch of your body,” he says.

I want that, too.

He lifts his head and smiles at me, that wicked gleam in his eye telling me that he has something else in mind first.

And surprisingly, I’m okay with that.

Hell, at the moment, I’m okay with damn near anything he wants from me.

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