The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1) (27 page)

BOOK: The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1)
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As much as I would’ve liked laying Ellie out on the bar, I’m not about to risk someone looking in the window and seeing her. As far as I’m concerned, her body—at least for now—is only for my viewing pleasure.

Sliding my hands beneath her ass, I lift her off the bar, her legs still wrapped around me as I carry her to her office.

“My desk is kinda messy,” she whispers.

“No worries. It’ll only be uncomfortable for a little while. Ten minutes, tops,” I tell her.

“Way to woo a girl, Rush. Telling her you’ll be done in ten minutes,” she says with a chuckle.

“I didn’t say
would be done,” I clarify. “But I fully intend to make you come with my mouth in under ten minutes.”

Her sharp inhale makes my dick throb.

But that really is my plan. And then I intend to take her back to my place so I can spend the rest of the night making her come again and again.

Once in her office, I set her on the edge of her desk, then force her backward when I lean over her, fusing my mouth with hers. My hands return to her fantastic tits, kneading them gently as I eat at her mouth. My dick is rock fucking hard, and no doubt I will have an indention from my zipper by the time we’re finished, but this is about Ellie.

While I kiss her, I let my hands trail down her stomach to the button on her jeans. It isn’t long before I have worked them open and managed to pull them down to her thighs. She is bucking beneath me, attempting to get closer, which only makes my dick more eager.

“Not yet, little girl,” I whisper as I stand up and stare down at her.

Ellie truly is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. Especially laid out on her desk, her shirt gone, bra open, jeans around her thighs… Fuck, she makes me ache.

Sliding my hands up the insides of her thighs, I watch her as she squirms on the desk.

“Fuck, I need to taste you,” I tell her, my gaze drifting down to the barely there red panties she is wearing.

I have to admit, I really like her choice in lingerie. I doubt I’ll ever be able to look at her again and not think about what she might possibly be hiding beneath her clothes.

Because I’m eager to get her back to my place, I set out to pleasure her, leaning over and pressing my lips to the soft, smooth skin beneath her navel. Leaving her panties in place, I graze them with my chin, then hook my finger along the elastic and shift them to the side.

Her pretty pink lips glisten in the overhead light. “You’re wet for me.”

Ellie nods, though she probably figures it isn’t a question.


Again, I love how eager she is, how she doesn’t mind begging for what she wants.

Using the tip of my tongue, I graze her swollen clit. When she hisses, her hips bucking up off the desk, I flatten my tongue and lick her fully, savoring the taste of her. Holding her silky flesh open with my fingers, I dive in, licking, sucking, bringing her closer and closer to where I want her to be.

Twice, when I think she might go over the edge, I pull back, kissing her thigh before returning my attention to her sweet pussy. I don’t simply want her to come, I want her to come apart.

“Make me come,” she rasps. “Please, Kingston … make me come.”

Her wish is my command.

I flick her clit with my tongue, sucking her into my mouth, then drive two fingers inside her tight entrance, curling them just so…

“Oh, God!”

Ellie’s back bows as she comes on my fingers, her clit pulsing against my tongue, her inner walls clamping down. I want to draw out her orgasm a million more times, but I don’t want to do it here, so I let her ride out her climax, easing my fingers from her body, kissing her smooth skin a few more times before helping her back into her clothes.

“Our ten minutes isn’t completely up,” Ellie says with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “I could always return the favor.”

The thought of her blowing me in her office is almost too much to resist. The only reason I do is because I want to savor the rest of the night, not rush through it.

And in order to make that happen, I need to get her back to my place.

“We’ve got the rest of the night,” I tell her, pressing my lips to hers. “And I promise, we’ll make good use of all those minutes.”


I smirk. I’ve never meant anything more.



It’s extremely rare that I will go to a man’s house. Even rarer that I’ll bring a man to mine, so I guess this is one of those extremely rare occasions. Then again, Kingston is a rather special kind of guy, so I’m willing to break my own rules. I can always deal with the consequences tomorrow. Right now, I have other plans and they involve a big, sexy goalie. Naked.

After all, it’s temporary, right?

Not to mention, after that freaking orgasm in my office … I’d be completely insane to turn the guy down. I mean seriously fucked up in the head. I’ve been with enough men to know that what Kingston does … with his tongue… Not all men know how to do that. For the sake of womankind, men should be required to take a class on cunnilingus so that there are more men like Kingston in the world.

And because I’m not willing to pass up the opportunity for at least one more mind-blowing orgasm—I wonder if it’s possible to die from too many orgasms? I don’t think so, but I’m more than willing to test the theory—I’m parking in Kingston’s circle driveway while he pulls his truck into the garage. Rather than race up to his front door and show how overly anxious I am, I sit in my car until he comes out. When I put my hand on the door handle, I realize it’s shaking. No doubt about it, I’m nervous. You’d think I was a virgin or something.

I’ve already had sex with the guy—twice—so it’s not first-time nerves. However, I can’t deny that there is something different about tonight. For the past few weeks, it’s been as though Kingston and I were solidifying our bond. We already know that sex between us is downright explosive, so I’m not sure what else is at play.

When I make it up to the porch, Kingston is waiting for me, his eyes blazing with heat, but there’s something else there, too. I can’t put my finger on it. When he leans down and presses his lips to mine gently, I nearly melt. It’s sweet and tender and has the same effect as that damn orgasm. My insides ignite and I’m ready to climb him.

Apparently he has other things in mind, because he takes my hand and leads me inside.

Here I’d been thinking we would end up naked in the entryway, maybe get it on right on the stairs. That’s not what happens, and now I’m a bit confused. It’s as though Kingston’s had time to think, and he’s altered the course of events.

“You want something to drink?” he offers.


Kingston nods toward the couch, which, from what I can tell, is a nonverbal communication for me to have a seat. I wander that direction while he disappears into the kitchen.

For the record, I absolutely love Kingston’s house. I’ve been here on many occasions because he is my brother’s best friend. Bianca has spent many hours in his pool, I’ve chilled in his hot tub, we’ve had drinks, played card games… I’ve always enjoyed my time here.

As for the actual house… It’s stunning. There’s dark wood and sturdy, masculine furniture everywhere. The almost-white walls are a stark contrast to the cherry hardwood that flows throughout the house. The kitchen is a stainless steel masterpiece, and I happen to know that Kingston spared no expense when he had it designed. The man lives in his kitchen when he’s not on the ice.

The place feels the same as the last time I was here. Only this time, I’m alone with Kingston. In other words, Spencer isn’t here tonight. And I’m not here because of my brother.

Not entirely, anyway. The favor doesn’t count.

I plop onto the couch and grab the remote, hitting the button to see what Kingston last watched. I’m nosy like that. I do it to Bianca all the time.

No surprise, SportsCenter is on.

“What’re you doing?”

I turn my attention to Kingston as he moves across the room, carrying two wineglasses and a bottle. He smiles and I pat the cushion beside me. He sets the glasses on the table, pours the wine, then holds one out for me.

Not sure what he is up to, I decide to get more comfortable, so I toe off my boots, then take the glass from him as I ease back into the overstuffed, comfy cushions. When he sits beside me and pulls me closer, I settle against his side, his arm around my shoulders. He kisses my temple, then turns his attention to the television.

I notice the sound is muted, and since I didn’t do that, it means he probably wasn’t listening to it to begin with.

“I wanted to talk,” Kingston says, his voice soft, firm.

I can tell by his tone that we aren’t about to have a conversation regarding our little agreement—the one where he agrees to teach me some things in the bedroom. “About?”

It seems like an hour ticks by while I sip my wine and wait for him to speak. It’s probably more like seconds, but the tension is thickening, and I’m tempted to down my wine in one gulp.

“That woman’s name is Wendy Jacobsen,” he begins.

It takes me a minute to realize he’s referring to the incident from last season. The girl who blatantly lied.

“I don’t know her. The only time I met her was at a bar. She asked for a picture, so I posed for one. Her friend took it. I didn’t take her back to my hotel room, I didn’t go back to hers. I’d never met her before and never talked to her after. She literally said five words to me and that was it. I have no idea where her accusations came from, nor do I know what her angle was or is. And I still don’t get why she recanted or said that shit in the first place.”

I tilt my head so I can look up at him. I can tell by his tone that this is really bothering him. He sounds completely baffled and maybe a little hurt that an unknown woman would say such things. I can’t say I blame him. “Why are you telling me this?”

Kingston drops his head back to the cushion and stares up at the ceiling. “Because I don’t want you to think that I’d ever put my hands on a woman like that. It bothers me that anyone would think that about me. I don’t know why she did it. She never tried to contact me. I have no fucking clue what she was even after.”

“Maybe she wanted her fifteen minutes of fame,” I suggest.

“That’s what Coach thinks, but it doesn’t make sense. Why not sleep with me?”

I laugh, smacking Kingston on the chest.

His head pops up and he smiles. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just don’t get why she would ask for a picture, walk away, and start talking shit. If she would’ve followed through and tried to sleep with me… It makes no fucking sense.”

He’s right, it doesn’t. “You think someone put her up to it?”

Kingston’s gaze meets mine. “I’ve thought about that. Who the fuck would want to mess with me like that? I would’ve had to have fucked someone’s world up pretty damn bad.”

Again, Kingston is right.

Sitting up, I shift so that I’m straddling his thighs. “Well, you don’t have to worry. I don’t believe her, and not once did I think you would’ve done that. You’ve got a lot of people in your corner, no matter what anyone says.”

Kingston’s eyes never leave my face. I feel the intensity of his stare, but I have no idea what is going on in his head.

“If there’s anything good that happened because of this…” Kingston’s thumb brushes my bottom lip. “It’s that we got to this point.”

I’m not sure what point this is, but if he means the two of us sharing these moments, then I have to agree. It isn’t permanent, and I know it could never be. Kingston’s world is different than mine. He isn’t the settling-down type, and he endures too much temptation to ever be expected to be able to settle down with one woman.

But for now, I want to be the woman he spends his time with. For as long as it lasts.


I’m not sure what came over me or why I wanted to talk about the chick who made those accusations, but I felt it was necessary. Had Ellie been any other woman I took to bed, I probably wouldn’t think twice about her opinion of me. With her, it’s different. I like her. A lot. And it’s as though that topic has been hanging between the two of us, even if she hasn’t noticed.

I have.

I have and I hate it. I still don’t understand why a woman would do that to any man, or vice versa, but it irks the shit out of me. When I think about it, I get angry. More so because I simply don’t know what her motives were. The fact that Ellie doesn’t doubt me makes all the difference in the world. I have no clue what that woman was up to or why she talked smack, but it helps to know I have people in my corner. People who care about me. People I care about.

And I’m not lying … if anything good has come out of this, it’s that Ellie and I were brought together. I’ve wanted her for so damn long, but there are things that have kept me from pursuing her. When this is over, I’m not sure how I’ll be expected to walk away, but I’ll deal with that when the time comes.

For now, I want to savor every second I get to spend with her.

“So, why don’t we talk about something else,” Ellie says softly, her hand cupping my face, a slow smile forming on her lips. “Or perhaps we don’t talk at all.”

Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I’m game for whatever she wants. Since she’s straddling me, it’s safe to assume which direction this is going. And if it involves her naked in any way … there’s no reason to wait.

Taking her glass, I set it on the end table along with mine, then lean back and reach for her. Gripping her hips, I pull her down against me, grinding my erection between us. I want her so fucking bad. It’s a wonder my head hasn’t exploded by now.

“I like the way you think,” I tell her, pulling her close and then getting to my feet.

Ellie giggles, grabbing on to me and wrapping her long legs around my waist as I head over to the stairs and then up to my bedroom. She’s still giggling and holding on tight when I close the door with my foot. My bedroom is dark, so I set her on her feet and make my way around to the nightstand. I flip on the lamp beside the bed and turn to see Ellie pulling her shirt up and over her head.

My mouth waters instantly. As of right this minute, that red bra is my favorite of all the things I’ve seen her wear over the years. Including that sexy white bikini she had a few years back.

“What’re you waiting for?” Ellie asks, grinning widely.

I follow her lead, reaching behind my head and grabbing a fistful of my shirt, then pulling it off and tossing it onto the floor.

When Ellie reaches for the button on her jeans, I have to hurry to toe off my boots. She can’t get too far ahead of me, because I fully intend for this night to last a while. Ellie hops on one foot and removes her socks, but that’s as far as I can let things go without touching her again. I close the distance between us, pulling her flush against me as I crush my mouth to hers. I practically inhale her, the desperate ache inside me building.

It’s hard to take things slow when I can’t seem to get enough of her. Like our first time—in the shower. I’ve thought about all the things I could’ve done differently, savored her, explored her … but then I think about how desperate my body was to feel hers and I realize I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

And tonight… I know what direction we are going, I’m simply not sure what path I will take to get there. Slow and seductive seems fitting, but the ache in my balls tells me I’m going to have to rein it in for that to work.

Ellie’s fingers find the button on my jeans, and as she works it free, I try to come up with a game plan. When she manages to slip her hand inside my jeans, wrapping her cool fingers around my dick, all rational thought flees.

But there is one thing I keep replaying in my head: No matter what happens, I have to get control of this situation.

That, or this is going to be a one-man show.

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