The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1) (31 page)

BOOK: The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1)
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Friday, December 2

Standing in front of the net, I dig my skates into the thin ice beneath my feet. I lock my knees and try to fill as much of the empty space behind me as possible. My gaze flicks up to the time that’s slowly ticking down. One minute, thirty-seven seconds. That feels like an eternity when I’m holding on to a shutout. No way will I let these guys take it from me. Not tonight.

Tampa Bay’s right wing barrels toward me, bypassing our defenseman waiting in the wings. With some fancy puck handling, he taps the puck between Seg’s legs, then taps it again on the other side. I shift to my left and move farther out of the goal, making a larger target as he continues toward me.

“No way, man,” I mutter to myself. “Not tonight.”

In my peripheral vision, I see their center race forward, getting into position for a rebound. I’ve seen this move before, and if they’ve perfected their timing, I’m screwed.

Their right winger rears back, slaps the puck my way, but it gets no air, and I see a body slide across the ice in front of me. It’s Patrick Benne and he’s laid out like Superman, his body deflecting the puck, sending it right over to Spencer.

I watch, my eyes never leaving the puck as Spencer rears back and smacks the shit out of it, sending it flying down the rink and right into … the empty net!


The roar of the buzzer drowns out the screams from the fans.

Fuck yes!

We’re up by one and a quick look at the clock says we’ve only got twenty-eight seconds before this shit is over. I’m feeling good. My heart is pounding due to the adrenaline slamming through me. It’s the greatest feeling in the world. Although in regular time, twenty-eight seconds is gravy, in hockey time, it’s a hell of a lot more. Anything can happen. Hell, if they were desperate enough—and with a little luck—they could possibly get two goals on me and win this one.

Not tonight, I repeat in my head.

I’m not letting this one go. No fucking way.

They face off again and I’m poised and ready.

Just as I suspect, they’re not willing to give up yet. Even if it means they lose the game, they’re still going all out. The puck gets passed back and forth, back and forth until their center gets a clear shot. I peek around a body, not even noticing which jersey they’re wearing. It doesn’t matter to me. I’ve simply got to stop that puck.




I drop to my knees as the puck flies toward me. It catches my right pad, bounces off. I lean over, then I’m back on my feet. I drop again, getting ready to grab the puck…


The game’s over. We won!

And it’s only then that I take a deep breath.

And wish like hell this was a home game because the only thing better than ending this night with a shutout is the idea of spending it with Ellie.

Tomorrow night … that’s right where I’ll be, and now it’s the only thing I can think about.

You looked amazing out there! Congrats on the shutout.

I wish like hell you were here so we could celebrate appropriately.

And what way would that be?

Naked, of course.

I like you naked.

Do you?


What do you like to do to me when I’m naked?

Well, one of these days…

Ellie. Don’t leave me hanging.

…I’m going to use my mouth and not stop until…

Fuck. Until what?

…Until you come down my throat.

Holy. Fuck.

You like that idea?

More than you know.

Well, I like imagining it.

Tomorrow night, it’s going to go from fantasy to reality. Be ready.



Saturday, December 3

I’m losing my mind.

That’s all there is to it.

Kingston has turned me from a relatively good girl to a hormonal hussy. After our text conversation last night, I have thought about only one thing. Only one.

So, when I see his truck pull into the lot, I decide to put my plan in motion.

“Hey, Julie. When Kingston gets here, send him to my office, please.”

“Sure thing,” Julie replies in her chipper voice.

Without wasting another second, I slip down the hall and into my office. Five minutes later, there’s a knock on my door.

“Come in.” I put my pen down, acting as though I were really doing something.

“Hey.” His eyes light up when he steps into the room.

“Lock the door,” I instruct, fighting my nerves. I told myself I would take control.

His dark brows lift and a sexy smirk tugs at the corners of his mouth. He does lock the door, though, so clearly he’s down for my plan.

I get to my feet, then motion to my chair. “Have a seat.”

Kingston’s forehead creases. I can tell he’s trying to figure out what I’m doing.

“Well, hello to you, too,” he says, grinning. As he passes by, he leans down and brushes his lips to mine. He smells so freaking good. I mean so good. I want to eat him alive.

“Hi.” Perhaps I didn’t think this all the way through. I skipped right over the pleasantries in my mental version of this seduction. Hopefully Kingston will forgive me.

He lowers himself into the chair, hands on the arms as he stares up at me. “Now what?”

I perch on the side of my desk. “Take your shirt off.”

If the man is surprised by my insistence, he doesn’t show it. The T-shirt quickly comes off, landing on the papers overflowing my desk. Mesmerized by the phenomenal sight, I drink in the planes and valleys of his chest and abs. I follow the corded muscles up to his neck, down his arms, back up again. The tattoos add to his bad-boy image and I feel my body heating.

“So, I take it we’re not going to talk about the weather,” he muses.

“Not unless you want to.”

Kingston’s eyes drop to my mouth and I know he’s thinking about that text message. “No, I’m good.”

“I thought so. You said we could turn fantasy into reality, and I figured there was no better time than now.”

“Is that what we’re doing?” His eyebrows lift, and his eyes darken with what is clearly anticipation.

“That’s what we’re doin’,” I confirm. “Now unbutton your pants.” My voice is scratchy and rough, my arousal making me weak.

Kingston smirks but unbuttons his pants.


He does.

“Now push them down to your knees. Underwear, too.”

I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. It feels like someone else is speaking through my mouth while I get the pleasure of seeing it all with my eyes. I have never seen so much masculine beauty in my life, much less had any power over it. This is surreal.

Kingston’s jeans go to his knees and my gaze travels between his legs. His cock is rock hard, standing up straight, resting against his stomach.

“Now what, Ellie?”

Well, I guess now it’s my turn.

I move over and kneel on the floor at his feet. This didn’t work out quite the way that I planned. His jeans are in my way, which means he’s going to have to lose them. I help remove his boots, then shove his jeans and boxers to the floor. Once he’s naked—
holy smokes the man is so fucking hot when he’s naked
—I kneel between his legs, keeping my eyes locked with his. He’s watching me carefully, as though he’s attempting to memorize my every move. Without asking permission, I lean forward and press a gentle kiss to the head of his cock. His eyes flare, but he doesn’t move.

I give him a little lick, then smile. “Remember, there are customers and employees on the other side of the door. I don’t want them to know the naughty things I’m doing to you, which means you have to be quiet.” I knew Kingston would say he didn’t care, so I had to make it about me.

Kingston nods. “I can do that.”

“And this time, you can’t stop me.” He has stopped me every other time, focusing more on my pleasure. It’s my turn. I want to make him wild, watch him come undone.


Sliding my tongue along the smooth, soft flesh, I set out to make this man lose his mind the same way he’s done to me time and time again.


I had no idea what to expect when Julie directed me to Ellie’s office. I simply stopped by to see her, thought I’d have a beer and see if maybe she wanted to grab dinner later.


Yeah. I’m not sure I’m going to survive this.

The moment Ellie took on that authoritative tone, directing me to remove my clothes … my dick roared to life. The woman clearly doesn’t realize the power she has over me. She could’ve pointed and I would’ve done her bidding.

And now, as I watch her kneeling between my legs, her warm lips wrapped around my throbbing dick…Well, it’s safe to say I’m not going to let a second of this pass me by. I do my best to keep my hands planted on the arms of the chair while she works me thoroughly with her lips and tongue. I have to bite my cheek to keep from groaning. It feels so damn good.

When it gets to be too much, I slide my hands into her hair. Not because I’m going to stop her but because I want to touch her. I want her to feel what she does to me. If she’s restraining my voice because there are people who could overhear us, then I’ll make sure she knows in other ways.

I hold her hair back, mesmerized by the way she’s bobbing up and down, my dick tunneling past her lips, sliding over her tongue. Her breathy moans vibrate along
my shaft, sending shards of pleasure crashing through my veins.

“Fuck, baby,” I whisper, trying to keep my voice low. “I fucking love your mouth.”

Ellie cups my balls in her warm hand while her other begins to stroke me, her lips sliding up and down. She’s going to make me come. I know that’s her plan, but I don’t want to come. Not yet. This is perfection, something I never want to end.

This sweet woman on her knees, giving me a blow job in her office while people move back and forth past that door… It’s hotter than fuck.

Her cheeks hollow as she begins to suck me harder.

Cradling the back of her head with one hand, I guide her down, forcing her to take a little more of me. She moans again. It’s clear she likes when I take control. I do, too, but this was her plan, so I’m trying not to ruin it for her. Nothing short of a tornado taking out the building right now could ruin it for me.

“Fuck… Yes…” She’s bobbing faster, taking more of me. I rest my hand on the back of her head, letting her know how much I like it. “Oh, damn… Fuck, baby… That’s it…” I’m keeping my voice as low as possible, but it’s not easy. “Goddamn, Ellie… I’m gonna come in your mouth. Is that what you want? Fuck…” I can’t take much more.

Ellie moans her agreement and that’s all it takes.

I bite my tongue to keep from roaring as I grab her head, holding her still, my dick pulsing as I fill her mouth. My gaze never strays from her face, watching in wide-eyed wonder as she drinks me down.

And ladies and gentleman,
is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.



Friday, December 9

“Your mom’s really going on a date with him tonight?”

I stare at Gabby from my spot on her bed. I’ve been at her house for most of the day. Ever since my mom mentioned that she was going to go out on a date with Kingston tonight.

“Yep. It’s their first one.”

Gabby looks at me, her forehead wrinkling. “They haven’t been on a date before?”

I shrug. “Not an official one, I guess. That’s what my mom said, anyway.”

“Still nothing from your dad, huh?”

I shake my head. I can tell Gabby’s kind of sad about that. She’s been rooting for me this whole time, but it’s been almost two months, and my mom hasn’t said anything, so I guess that means she hasn’t talked to my dad. Part of me knows she’s going to be mad when she finds out, so I keep watching her, trying to see if she is angry, just not telling me. Since she seems normal, I don’t think she has heard from him.

“Well, maybe you’ll hear from him on Christmas.” Gabby grins. “Wouldn’t that be the coolest Christmas present ever?”

I smile as warmth fills my heart. It would be. I would take that over anything else. I don’t care if my mom didn’t get me any presents. That’s all I want.

Gabby hops up. “Let’s go to the kitchen and get some cookies.”

I follow, trying not to imagine what it would be like if my dad showed up on Christmas Day to surprise me. I giggle. That would be the best thing ever. And I think my mom would probably think so, too. Even if she was angry at me for not telling her. If it was Christmas, she couldn’t be too mad at me, right?

Which makes it even better.

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