The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1) (30 page)

BOOK: The Season: Rush (Austin Arrows #1)
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As soon as Kingston’s mouth is on mine, everything else fades into the background. I hardly hear the music playing softly through the speakers, I don’t notice the people coming in and out of the restaurant, nor do I see the cars parked all around us. The only thing I can focus on is the way his tongue works mine, the way his hands are sliding up beneath my sweater.

I’ve been wanting him to touch me all day long. I even thought about suggesting we take a little detour, but I’m not all that creative when it comes to this stuff.

But he seems to be.

“Remember that night when I made you come with my fingers?” he whispers against my lips.

I nod. I most certainly do remember that.

“I want to do it again.”



“Okay.” How can I possibly object to that?

Once again, Kingston’s mouth is on mine, and his hands are roaming freely beneath my sweater. My body aches for him. I’ve been thinking about him nonstop since Saturday, wondering when I would possibly get to have him to myself again. It’s been a busy week, and with the holiday, it’s hard to predict any free time.

“Unhook your bra,” he says softly, his lips never leaving mine.

I reach behind my back and quickly unhook the clasp.

Kingston’s hands are instantly on my breasts, and I draw in a sharp breath, the feel of his rough fingers against my sensitive skin exquisite.

“You like that?”

“Oh, yeah,” I murmur against his mouth.

While he teases my nipples, I grip his face and thrust my tongue into his mouth. At this rate, he’s not going to have to do a whole lot to send me over the edge. I nip his lower lip when his right hand slides into my leggings, then beneath my panties.

“Kingston…” I sigh, pulling my mouth from his.

“I love how wet you get for me.”

His finger teases my clit briefly and I whimper. Our eyes lock, and I know he can see everything I’m feeling, even in the dim light from the dashboard. This man knows exactly what to do to make me wild, and I think he’s well aware of that.

“Lift your hips.”

I do as he says and he rewards me by pushing one finger inside me. I have to grab his shoulders as the pleasure rockets through me. He adds another finger, thrusting slowly. I can’t help it; I need more friction so I begin pushing against his hand.

“That’s it, baby. Ride my fingers.”

His voice is so rough, so deep… The way his eyes glitter in the darkness… I’m lost, completely overwhelmed by sensation.

“More,” I plead, well aware that I am once again begging him.

“Anything, Ellie. I’ll give you anything.”

And he does. Kingston fucks me with his fingers until I can no longer hold on. I feel my orgasm building until I’m overwhelmed by it.

“Yes, yes, yes.” I can’t stop mumbling that word as the sensation intensifies and I’m hovering on the brink.

“Come for me, Ellie.”

Kingston doubles his efforts, his thumb now circling my clit, and I can’t hold back.

The second I shatter, Kingston’s mouth is on mine once again, and I swallow his groan at the same time he swallows my cry of release. This man shakes me to my very core, and one of these days, I’m not sure I’m going to survive it.



Thursday, November 24

Because of our hectic schedules during the season, my brothers and I don’t get to spend much time together except for holidays. This year, we’ve set aside Thanksgiving, and it’s my turn to cook dinner. Both of my brothers, as well as my dad, made it down to Texas for the celebration.

Needless to say, it’s been a long day and the meal hasn’t even been served yet.

Scott and my father arrived early yesterday, and Heath got to town sometime before lunch. By the time I got home last night, they were all crashed in the guest bedrooms, so I took a page from their book and went straight to bed. I didn’t see them until this morning.

I started cooking midday, and I’m just now putting the finishing touches on when the doorbell rings. I try to pretend I’m not stoked about our guests, but I can’t deny that I am. As much as I love my family, I’ve been waiting for two specific people to arrive since I first opened my eyes this morning.

When Ellie told me that she and Bianca didn’t have plans for Thanksgiving, I extended an invitation for them to come to my place. My heart might’ve actually slammed against my ribs when Ellie agreed. Of course, not wanting her brother to go without, I also invited him, as well. And when Ellie asked if she could bring Noelle, how could I have possibly said no?

“Look who it is!” Heath exclaims. “The prettiest woman on the planet.”

I want to punch my brother for flirting with Ellie, but I can’t help but smile when Ellie and Bianca step into my kitchen. Bianca makes a beeline to Heath and hugs him tightly, just as she always does whenever she gets to see him.

“I think you’re getting taller, kid,” Heath says in a chipper tone.

I shake my head and swipe my finger across my throat as a signal not to go there, but it’s too late.

“I don’t want to be tall,” Bianca insists, frowning.

Heath being Heath leans in and says, “Honey, guys like tall women. Trust me.”

“They do?” She looks up at him as though he just whispered a secret of the universe.

Noelle suddenly appears in the kitchen like the fairy she appears to be.

“They definitely do,” she confirms, reaching over and hugging Heath. “Unfortunately, that doesn’t work out so well for me. Good to see you again.”

“She’s not allowed to have boys like her until she’s thirty,” Ellie says with a laugh, then turns her attention on me. “It smells fantastic.”

After wiping my hands on a towel, I make my way around the oversized island and step right up to her, leaning down and kissing her on the mouth. She pulls back, burying her face in my neck when someone clears their throat and Bianca giggles.

“I get it,” Heath grumbles with a laugh. “You guys are a couple. Don’t have to rub it in, bro.”

Yes, I do. I definitely do.

“Aren’t they cute together?” Noelle teases.

“So cute,” Bianca agrees.

Heath is clearly wanting to change the subject when he says, “Hey, B. You want me to kick your butt on the Xbox?”

Ellie pulls away from me, and I’m pretty sure I hear her say something along the lines of, “You smell even better than the food.”

A flash of heat burns through me, making me wish we were alone.

“In your dreams,” Bianca growls good-naturedly, her gaze sliding over to Ellie’s.

Ellie nods for her to go, and when we’re alone in the kitchen, I pull her closer and reclaim her mouth. A soft sigh escapes her, and I feel that tightness in my chest once again. It’s been there ever since she spent the night with me last weekend. I don’t know what it means, but I can’t seem to shake it whenever I think about her.

“I think I’m … just gonna go watch them play,” Noelle offers, winking at me when I peer at her over Ellie’s shoulder.

“Can I help with anything?” Ellie offers when I pull back and stare down at her.

“Depends.” Leaning down, I steal one more kiss before lowering my voice. “Does it involve you taking your clothes off and me drizzling chocolate syrup all over you? If so, I can think of a few things you can help with.”

Ellie smacks my chest, but I see the color infuse her cheeks. “Speaking of chocolate syrup, did you make me dessert?”

My dick twitches. “I’ll be glad to have you for dessert, but we’ll probably need a little privacy for that.”

She stares up at me for a second before recognition dawns. When her mouth falls open, I lean in and steal another kiss, this time deepening it by sliding my tongue against hers. Damn, she feels so good. She smells like strawberries, which must be her shampoo, and she tastes like cinnamon.

I’ve missed her and I just saw her last night. For some absurd reason, every minute I’m away from her feels incredibly long. Unfortunately, I’ve got to cherish the minutes I do have with her today because the team’ll be on the road again tomorrow for Saturday’s away game. I’m already dreading not being able to see her.

But she’s here now and that’s all that matters.

Another throat clears and I slowly pull back, looking up to see Spencer standing in the doorway. He’s watching the two of us closely, but I can’t tell what he’s thinking. He doesn’t look angry, maybe a little confused. I don’t know.

“Hey,” Ellie greets her brother, leaving me so that she can give him a hug. “Happy Thanksgiving.”

Spencer hugs her back, his eyes locked on my face. I won’t apologize for what he walked in on. Not even if he doesn’t particularly care for the fact that I’m with his sister. This might’ve started off as a favor, but it has since morphed into something else entirely.

Something that I’m just now getting used to.

Something that I refuse to give up.

Not yet, anyway.


I’ve spent Thanksgiving with Kingston and his brothers more than once in all the years I’ve known him. Before my parents died, he was always invited to their house, where we had big Thanksgiving feasts. I remember one year, we even had Kingston’s brothers and his dad over there, too. However, since my parents died, Spencer and I haven’t had any sort of holiday traditions. I think we purposely steer clear of the ones that we remember the most because it’s so hard, even now, not having them here.

So, Thanksgiving and Christmas are usually a gamble. Bianca and I even had dinner at Luby’s one year, then we went to see a movie together. That was actually fun. The only rule I have for the holiday is that we spend it with people we care about. That’s the most important.

The one noticeable difference between this Thanksgiving and all the others… Well, it’s clear that Kingston and I aren’t simply friends anymore. Or it doesn’t feel like we are to me. Maybe because he seems to want to kiss me any time we pass by one another, or because he sat beside me through dinner and even put his hand on my leg under the table while he talked to his father about who’s looking good for the Super Bowl this year. Apparently his father is as much a football fan as he is a hockey fan. Who knew?

And now, as Noelle and I work to carry all the dishes to the kitchen while Heath and Scott dutifully rinse them and put them in the dishwasher, I’m wishing I could steal a little of Kingston’s time for myself.

“You do know you look like you’re in love, right?” Noelle asks, nudging me when I pass by her on another trip to the dining room.

“I do not.” I’m pretty sure I do. But whatever.

As I step into the kitchen with another load of dirty dishes, I find Noelle standing at the bar, clearing her throat to get everyone’s attention. “I’m thinking we should go for a walk since it’s so nice out.”

“I wanna go!” Bianca announces, putting some of the condiments in the refrigerator.

“I’m down for a walk,” Scott says. “Sound good to you, Dad?”

Kingston’s father nods his head. He’s been surprisingly lucid throughout dinner, but I know from experience that could change at any second.

“You wanna come, Uncle Optimus?”

“Sure.” My brother glances over at me, then to Kingston.

“I think I’ll stay and finish cleaning up,” I announce, doing my best not to look at Kingston.

“I’m with Ellie,” Heath calls out.

“Oh, no, you’re not,” Noelle says, grabbing Kingston’s brother’s arm. “You’re with us. Kingston can stay and help her finish up. It’s his house, after all.”

Heath blushes because I think he finally realizes what Noelle is up to. “Now that you mention it, I think a walk is a great idea.”

Before I can tell them they don’t have to go, Noelle ushers everyone out of the kitchen and then out the door. It’s still light out, and the walk down to the lake doesn’t take long, so I know they’ll be fine.

Setting one of the plates in the sink, I reach to turn on the water to rinse it, but before I can, two strong hands land on my shoulders, gently urging me to turn around.

“Have I mentioned your best friend is a life saver?” Kingston’s deep voice rumbles in my ear as he leans in and pulls me toward him.

“She’s pretty good,” I acknowledge, but I’m more focused on his mouth.

Reaching up, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to me, too eager to wait for him to kiss me. The second his lips are on mine, I’m practically climbing his body. Although the man supplied me with one of the most incredible orgasms of all time last night, I desperately want more.

Kingston’s hands slide down to my ass, squeezing as he pulls my hips forward. I feel the hard ridge of his erection against my stomach. Oh, yes. This is the type of
that I want.

“How long do you think we have?” he asks.

“If Noelle’s in charge, I’d say twenty minutes. A half hour tops.” I kiss him again.

“And if Spencer’s in charge?” Kingston chuckles.

“Ten minutes,” I whisper. “So we better not waste a second.”

The next thing I know, Kingston has lifted me off the ground, my legs are wrapped tightly around his hips, and he’s carrying me out of the kitchen. He doesn’t go to the stairs, so I know we’re not going to his room. Probably not wanting to waste too much time, he carries me into his darkened office, then closes and locks the door behind him as I lower myself to the ground. Without releasing my grip on his neck, I lead him over to the leather sofa.

“I need to be inside you,” he mutters as he fumbles with the button on my jeans.

Good. At least we’re on the same page.

While he works to free me from my jeans, I do the same with his. Another growl escapes him as he spins me around to face the desk.

This looks interesting.

Planting my hands on the mahogany top, I lean over while he shoves my jeans and panties down. Thankfully, I had thought to take my boots off earlier in an attempt to get comfortable. It allows me to free one foot from the denim and silk so I can widen my stance while he rolls a condom on.

“Ellie…” The word is a gravel-laced whisper against my ear. His warm, rough hands grip my hips, and I’m pulled back toward him. “I promise next time’ll be better.”

“I think this time’ll be pretty damn good,” I assure him. If he thinks I’m bothered by the fact that we’re having a quickie in his office, then he’s wrong. So wrong.

A moan escapes when he fills me from behind.

“Feel so good,” he rumbles against my ear. “So fucking good, Ellie.”

That’s an understatement. This feels … incredible.

Once he’s fully seated inside me, Kingston wraps one thick arm around my waist and begins pumping his hips. There’s nothing slow or sweet about this joining, and I’m completely good with that. This is freaking hot. I’m not sure I’ve ever known a man who has acted as though he literally can’t keep his hands off me. That’s the way I feel when I’m with Kingston.

His beard brushes my cheek as he fucks me harder. He’s holding me with one arm, and I’m keeping my hands planted on the desk so that I don’t tumble forward.

“Ellie … I’m not sure I can hold off, baby.”

I don’t want him to. I want him to fuck me like he wants to. Like he can’t get enough. I rock my hips back when he thrusts forward. A rough growl echoes in the room.

“God, yes…” He slams into me again at the precise moment I push back.

We keep moving just like that for… God, I have no idea how long we go at it, but the feeling is spectacular. The way he stretches me, filling me, claiming me.

Kingston’s mouth moves to my neck and he nips me with his teeth. It’s a predatory move that sends my climax barreling through me. I bite my tongue to keep from crying out just in case they came back from the walk early.

“That’s it, Ellie. Fucking come for me, baby.”

I’m trying to catch my breath as lights dance behind my closed eyelids.

“Did you come?” he asks, but I suspect he already knows the answer.

“Oh, yeah.” I slam back against him. “It’s your turn.”

Kingston stands up, his fingers digging into the flesh on my hips, and he begins fucking me harder, deeper, driving me right over the edge one more time. This time I can’t keep from moaning as I’m overwhelmed with sensation.

“I’m coming, Ell. Coming so fucking hard.”

Yeah, well, that makes two of us.

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