The Secret (12 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

BOOK: The Secret
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Although his words get under my skin, there’s not a hint of malice in them and for the firs
t time, I really see it. I may not like it, I may stay up nights awake because of it, but a part of me understands why she picked him.

“Yeah, well
I never said I don’t regret it,” I mumble, taking a sip of my beer. “Hindsight’s twenty twenty and all that.”

“Are you still in love with her?”

“Sophie’s not really the kind of girl you ever just fall out of love with,” I admit with a long sigh as I finish my beer and toss it into the trash. “She’s the kind of girl you love forever.”

Standing to leave, I pull my jacket over my arms and release a deep breath
before facing him.

“Take care of her,” I say with a mixture of pleading and threat.

“I will, man,” he says, standing to shake my hand. “I promise.”



“What time are you coming in the morning?” I whisper into the phone fro
m my hiding spot in the bathtub.

“Hey, Baby,” Chase says sympathetically into the receiver. “What time do you want me to be there?”

“Now,” I admit, letting out a groan.

“Do you need me to come and pick you up? Because I will totally do that for you,” he offers, warming my heart.

“No,” I tell him with a sigh. “I want you to, but I’m okay. Actually, I’m really okay right now because my mom is in the other bathroom taking a shower so I’ve got a minute to myself. What are you doing?”

“Actually, Jack just left.”

“What?” I ask too loudly, my voice for the first time above a whisper. “Shit! Were y’all nice to each other? God, Chase! Y’all please don’t start fighting! I won’t be able to handle it!”

Everything’s good, Baby,” he says, stifling a chuckle at my outburst. “We just needed to talk about things like men. We’ve said our piece and now we’re good.”

“I don’t understand,” I admit nervously. “Like, you’re friends

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far,
” he chuckles. “But we understand each other and we’ve come to some agreements so that we can do what’s best for you.”

“Oh,” I say, honestly shocked that this was even something men still did. “Well, that’s good, I guess.”

“Yeah, it is. I hate to admit it, but he’s a good guy,” he offers.

“Yeah, he
really is,” I say quietly.

“So what are you doing?
” he asks, breaking my thoughts. “Are you hiding?”

“Yes,” I whisper
as I run the pad of my thumb over the ridge in the tiles. “I’m in the bathroom hiding behind the shower curtain.”

“You’re crazy
,” he laughs for a second before he realizes I’m serious and then abruptly stops. “Wait, are you serious?”

, I’m serious! I told you, she’s nuts!”

“Baby,” he starts. “You can’t spend the entire weekend in the shower. Do you need me to come and pick you up?”

“No,” I say with another sigh. “I’ll be fine until morning and then I can see you.”

“Okay,” he says quietly. “Well, if you change your mind?”

“I know. I’ll call you, thanks.”

“You know how it goes, Babygirl,” he says sweetly into the line. “I’ll always come looking for you.”

With his words, I can’t keep the grin from my face and for the first time all day, I’m happy.

“You’re so sweet, Sugar Muffin,” I croon into the phone, causing him to chuckle. “I love you.”

“I love you, too, Baby.”

“Sophia Paige?” I hear my mother calling from the other side of the door. The slight slur in her speech makes it obvious that she’s started drinking a little earlier than her usual.

Crap,” I groan almost silently into the phone. “Yes ma’am?”

“It’s time for Bible study and bed. Stop hiding in the bathroom, the Lord can see you, young lady!”

“Yes ma’am,” I answer as I roll my eyes and giggle quietly into the receiver. “My mom said I have to get off the phone.”

“Man,” he chuckles. “Mom’s are the worst.”

“I know!” I laugh. “I’ll see you in the morning?”

“Bright and early, Sweetheart.”

“Okay,” I sigh. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

As we disconnect the call, I know I won’t get any sleep at all tonight, but at least my last thoughts of him will be amazing.

Chapter Twelve



As I make my way out of the bathroom the next morning, I have that horrible feeling of a hangover without the fun of actually drinking. Letting out a low groan when I hear my mom’s voice as she speaks to my Aunt Deb, I take a deep breath and round the corner.

I feel like I’m walking the green mile

“Good morning, Sweet Girl. How did you rest?” my Aunt Deb asks with a smile from her spot at the table beside my mom.

“Good, thank you,” I yawn back at her sleepily. “Good morning, Mom.”

“Good morning,” my mom says quietly, looking up at me with a terse smile before taking in my pajama
shorts. “Your aunt told me she’s invited that Chance boy over for breakfast before church. You might want to put on something a little more appropriate if you’re having your little friend over.”

“His name is Chase, Mom,” I start, struggling to keep my cool. “And he’s not my
little friend
, he’s my fiancé.”

“Yes, about that,” she says, meeting my eyes. “How long have you known
young man? It can’t have been very long.”

“Nine months.”

“Hmm, that’s what I thought,” she clucks disapprovingly. “I think this is a mistake. I’d advise you to reconsider.”

“And I’d advise you to-”

“Sophie, why don’t you go and get some coffee, Honey?” my aunt interjects, probably salvaging the entire day. “I’ve got your favorite creamer in the fridge.”

“Yes ma’am. Thank you,” I say, gritting my teeth and walking towards my French roasted salvation. I’
m reaching for the sugar when my favorite arms wrap around me from behind, squeezing me tightly.

“Good morning, Baby,” Chas
e whispers into my hair as he plants his lips on my temple. “Fuck, I missed you last night.”

“Chase!” I say excitedly before turning in his arms. I hug him tighter than I probably ever have before, desperately trying not to cry tears of relief. “Thank God! I missed you so much!”

“I’m sorry,” he says softly, the feel of his upturned lips against my temple making me melt. “I got here as quickly as I could once you texted you were awake. How’s my girl? You okay?”

“Yeah,” I sigh. “Between
you and the coffee, I’ll be perfect in no time. You want some?”

“Sure,” he smiles as he kisses me on the tip of my nose and releases me.

I take in his church attire and can’t stop the gentle sigh of appreciation that leaves me. He’s wearing a dark suit with a bright, white shirt beneath it. The bright, blue tie he’s paired it with make his aqua eyes pop in the most magnificent way.

He’s simply gorgeous.

“Do I look okay?” he says, seemingly nervous as he misunderstands my roaming eyes.

“More than okay,” I say, still gawking as my mouth goes dry and h
e lets out a small chuckle. “Chase Mitchell in a suit should be outlawed.”

“Hmm,” he hums teasingly as he leans over, brushing his lips against my ear. “I’ll be sure to keep track of this tie then.”

Images of the night of Emily’s rehearsal dinner flash across my mind and I can’t help the low whimper of profanity that leaves my heaving chest.

“Sophia Paige!” I hear
from the doorway of the kitchen and immediately, I cover my mouth and meet Chase’s widening, slightly amused gaze.

“Yes ma’am?”
I say quietly, honestly afraid to meet her gaze but knowing I have to.

How long does it take to make a cup of coffee?” she asks sternly. “We’re on a schedule today. Mr. Maxwell, breakfast is in the dining room.”

“Mother,” I say as calmly as I can, trying to ignore Chase’s smirk
and the urge to roll my eyes. “His name is Mitchell.
Chase Mitchell
, not Chance Maxwell!”

“Well, his breakfast is in the dining room, not the k
itchen,” she arches her brow disapprovingly. “And you’ll watch your tone with me, young lady. Is that understood, Sophia Paige?”

“Yes ma’am,” I say quietly as I turn to finish making our coffee. I’m about to pour in my favorite creamer when her voice stops me again.

“I got you the fat free version of the creamer you like, dear,” she says as she pulls it from the refrigerator and hands it to me. “I noticed you’ve put on a little weight and thought you might prefer it to your usual.”

“Thank you,”
I say quietly, holding back profanity as I reach for the lighter version while her heels click loudly as she makes her exit. I’m about to pour for a second time when I’m stopped again.

Sophie, put that fuckin’ creamer down,” he says under his breath, obviously angry.

“What?” I say, embarrassed. I’d not known he was still in the kitchen.

“You’re beautiful the way you are,” he says, removing the creamer from my hand and tossing it into the trashcan before pouring a liberal amount of the full fat creamer into my cup. “Don’t you dare listen to that bullshit. I mean it. You’re fucking perfect, Baby. Do you hear me?” Nodding slowly, he places a chaste kiss on my lips and runs his thumb under my eye, collecting the traitor tear. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

After a breakfast spent with little talk and Chase encouraging me to eat until I can’t move anymore, I hurry to get ready for church. I don’t want to leave him alone with my mother for longer than necessary, so I dress as quickly as possible.

When I emerge from the bathroom, I’m wearing a navy dress with ivory detail around the waist and a pair of ivory heels. His eyes rake over me in the most subtle way he can manage before he gives me a small smile and throws me a wink.

“You look gorgeous, Sweetheart.”

“Thank you,” I blush before I hear the dreaded
clicking of my mother’s shoes.

“Sophia Paige, I hope you’d planned on bringing a sweater with you to the church. We’re going to worship the Lord, not the flesh.”

“Yes ma’am,” I say, holding the cardigan in my hand up so she can see it.

“Don’t sass me,” she warns. “We’re late. Let’s go.”

“I’m riding with Chase,” I tell her, not surprised when she turns to give me an unhappy look. “He doesn’t know where the church is and there’s not room in Aunt Deb’s car for all of us.”

“Very well,” she sigh
s. “Don’t be late. I told Pastor Davis you’d sing at the service this morning since you didn’t bother last year or the year before.”

“Yes ma’am
,” I say, leading the way to his truck and silently fuming.

I climb in quietly and wait for him to start the engine. When he goes to pull out of the driveway behind them, I tell him to go the opposite way and as soon as he complies, he squeezes my hand affectionately.

“Okay, Baby. It’s just you and me now. Let it out,” he says, giving me permission to do exactly what I need.

I scream.
Loudly. I shout every cuss word I’ve ever heard in my life. In fact, I may even make up a few new ones.

Shitfuckdammitmotherfuckingsonofabitchingwhorebot!” I rant, ignoring Chase’s stifled chuckle. “She’s evil!
! I don’t know how in the fuck she’s going to enjoy church when she bursts into flames as soon as she walks in the building!” I shout, throwing my hands up in frustration. “God! She’s just an asshole, Baby! She’s such a fucking
! I know they say Jesus loves everyone, but I don’t think even He could love her! She’s the worst!” With that, he can’t hold his laughter in. “I’m serious, Chase! She’s awful! What the hell did my father ever see in that vile woman? God, I’m so sorry you even had to meet her.”

Letting out an exhausted breath, I lean back against the seat and stare up at the ceiling, giving him directions without watching the road.

“Only a couple more days, Gorgeous,” he says, rubbing the inside of my thigh affectionately and sending a chill through my body.

Ah,” I let a small gasp slip. “Chase, you can’t touch me like that before church.”

“Hmm, I’m sorry, Princess,” he hums darkly, slipping his hand further up my thigh and causing me to let out a whimper. “I didn’t know I had such an effect on you.”

“You’re such a liar,” I whisper, my chest heaving slightly as his fingertips tease at the edge of my panties. “You know exactly what you do to me.”

“No more than what you do to me, Baby,” he says, coming to the stop sign and moving my hand to where his cock is straining against the material.

Lowering his head to kiss me, he dips his tongue into my mouth, making my head swim. As he continues to tease me with his fingers, my hand glides over his crotch and pulls a low simultaneous groan from us both.

,” I whine, tightly wound and desperate for him. “I want you so bad right now.”

less than a block from the church, Baby,” he smirks, biting down on my lower lip. “Do you really want me to take you in the truck right now?”

“Oh my God
,” I whimper against his mouth as I lean my head back against the seat in frustration. When my phone sounds off from my bag, I look to see the text from my mom, demanding to know where I am. “Damn it! We better go, she’s freaking the hell out over there!” I whine, throwing my phone into my purse. “Sweet Jesus! She’s such a fucking twat swatter!”

Pulling away from me, Chase throws his head back in laughter at my words as he gently squeezes my inner thigh and pulls away from the stop sign.

“I can’t believe you just called your mother a twat swatter,” he laughs. “You’re fuckin’ crazy, Baby.”

“Well, that’s what she is!
My mother’s an evil, twat swatting, nutcase!” I chuckle.

“Wait a second,” he says, looking down at me with a mixture of amusement and surprise. “You were actually thinking about letting me fuck you on the way to church?”

“Hell yes I was thinking about it!” I say, causing his eyes to widen and my cheeks to flair. “What? I’m sorry! I’m really stressed out, Babe!”

“Damn, Baby!” he chuckles as he pulls into the parking lot. “You’re such a little

“Yeah right,” I counter. “Like you wouldn’t have done it?”

“We’re not talking about me right now,” he laughs as he opens his door and walks around to open mine. “Come on, my little deviant.”

Stepping out, he smoothes my hair out in the back while I use the side mirror to straighten the front and fix my lipstick.
I turn to face him and lean up to kiss him before wiping the excess gloss from his lips.

“Love you.”

“I love you, too, Dirty Girl,” he whispers, giving me a wink and taking my hand.

We’re about halfway around the truck when I see my mom coming across the lot, irritation flooding her features. When she’s about ten feet away, she begins shaking her head at me.

“Yes, young lady! I see you!” she scolds. “Necking in the church parking lot, Sophia Paige? Do you have no shame?”

“I’d be doing a lot more right now if you’d lose my freaking number,” I mumble below my breath, causing Chase to choke out a laugh.

“What did you just say?”

“I can’t wait to show Chase the church,” I lie.

“Lord knows you need it,” she bites back, turning on her heel.

“You have no idea,” I groan, earning another snicker from Chase.



“Stop mumbling and come on,” Grace snips over her shoulder. “Pastor Davis is about to start.”

“You’d better behave,” I tease Sophie, smirking when she sticks her tongue out at my words.

“Fine,” she rolls her eyes dramatically before shooting me a wink and slowly making her way toward the steps of the church, hand in mine.

As soon as we’ve made our way to the entrance, I hear her sharp intake of breath and I squeeze her hand tightly in mine.
The white, steepled church is smaller than most I’ve been in, but every pew is full. I’d learned from Sophie and her aunt that this is the church she’d gone to since she was sixteen.

She also told me that the last time she stepped foot inside
was for Jack’s “funeral.”

The thought no longer enters my mind before I see him heading towards us.
His eyes take in our connected hands and I watch him shake off the jealous thoughts as he gets her attention.

“Hey Beautiful Girl,” he says quietly into her hair as he kisses the side of her head. “It’s getting pretty full in there. Thought you might need help finding a seat.”

“Thank you, Jack. I was scared to go in,” she admits, her eyes glistening from the tears threatening to fall as she wraps her arms around him. “Last time…”

“I know,” he says, smoothing her hair. “It’s okay. That’s not real anymore, okay? I’m okay, you’re okay. We’re all just going to church.”

“Okay,” she says softly, letting out a small sigh and turning to face me. “Come on Chance,” she smiles, making me chuckle as she squeezes my hand.

“Chance, huh?” Jack smirk

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