The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (12 page)

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Although author Zecharia Sitchin never entertained the notion that the Anunnaki could have set foot on Earth through an interdimensional portal, he came very close to that idea in his book
Stairway to Heaven.
A primitive version of that concept has been floating around the sci-fi world since the advent of
Star Trek
on TV in the 1960s. Captain Kirk and friends could be “beamed” down to any planet by a dematerialization-rematerialization process. Sitchin believed that the Sumerian tablets showed the existence of spaceports at various places in the Middle East, from where the Anunnaki traveled back and forth to Nibiru in rocket ships. He wrote that some of the tablets indicated the probable use of orbiting craft as well. But there was no mention of interdimensional portals.


Salla’s opinion that the technology buried beneath the desert sands of Iraq is an actual stargate has been heavily influenced by the writings of William Henry, with whom readers of
Atlantis Rising
magazine are very familiar. Henry makes a compelling case for the existence of such a stargate in Iraq in his research paper titled “Saddam Hussein, The Stairway to Heaven and the Return of Planet X,” published on his website
. This paper, in turn, uses material extracted from his book,
Ark of the Christos: The Mythology, Symbolism
and Prophecy of the Return of Planet X and the Age of Terror.
While Henry’s essay is, of course, speculative, he nevertheless makes copious references to ancient mythological texts as well as Sitchin’s works.


The following statement from the paper summarizes Henry’s argument and is probably one that influenced Salla: “The return of this planet centers on the recovery of a technology once housed at Solomon’s Temple that is used to open a gateway linking Earth with far off regions of space. Recent military and political activity suggests that the world powers are jockeying for position as if the return of Planet X is imminent. The stakes are high. This planet is at the center of a biblical prophecy known as the ‘Day of the Lord.’” A photograph in his article shows an ancient Sumerian tablet in which the god Anu, the ruler of Planet X, appears to be going through a gate, flanked by two people holding posts or pillars with globes on top. Henry calls these poles “splendid shining posts” and claims that they represent the stargate in a simplified form.


Sumerian tablet showing Anu in a stargate


Another Sumerian tablet illustrated in the article shows Gilgamesh going through a similar gate. Gilgamesh was the hero of the ancient Sumerian epic poem
The Epic of Gilgamesh,
written about 2900 BCE. He was the king of Uruk, a city in southern Mesopotamia, who sought immortality by searching for the “Stairway to Heaven and the abode of the Gods.” Ultimately, he ascended a ladder and went through a gate and entered a new world, where he met long-dead Utnapishtim (Noah) and questioned him about the gods. Salla believes the stargate will be found at Uruk, where German archaeologists had been digging for many years at the invitation of Saddam Hussein and had unearthed an ancient city. He thinks that the stargate may have already been unearthed by the U.S. but cannot be used because it probably takes about five years of consciousness-expansion training before someone can walk through the gate. This is consistent with the modus operandi of the now-famous Montauk experiments in time travel, which were driven by the enhanced mental power of one man, Duncan Cameron.


At this point, it appears that exopolitics is being covertly practiced by most of the major world powers. Secret agreements and alliances with various ET groups have been attributed to the United States, Great Britain, Russia, China, Germany (dating back to World War II), France, and very possibly Iraq. Salla believes that the weaponry (e.g., the atom bomb) and wars of the twentieth century may well have been connected with these alliances (see chapters 24 and 25). This trend toward dealing with extraterrestrials as near equals is encouraging progress for the human race since it means we are coming out of our planetary cocoon. However, if we become embroiled in a weapons-escalation race fueled by competing ET factions fighting for domination of the planet and are used as pawns in this struggle, then it is clearly time to make the whole thing public and allow the people to have a voice in preventing their own doom in an apocalyptic war famously referred to as Armageddon.




Information Wars


The momentum for full disclosure of the truth from the government about the UFO phenomenon seems to fluctuate almost like the stock market. It goes through periods of intense enthusiasm, usually initiated by one or more dedicated individuals or groups, followed by times of relative discouragement and disinterest after it has become abundantly clear that a solid stone wall has been encountered and it is an exercise in futility. Generations of courageous truth fighters come and go. They heroically hurl themselves against the great stone wall, but it remains implacable, yielding not even a tiny crack. There are times when a breakthrough seems imminent and there is a real feeling abroad that the wall will break wide open and the dammed-up revelations will come flooding through, but alas, it just never happens. Presidential candidates make promises, but when the time comes to deliver, they become mute.


For instance, in 1993, five-term congressman Steve Schiff from New Mexico, under pressure from constituents, came to believe that there was something to the Roswell story and asked the Government Accounting Office (GAO) to thoroughly review every piece of evidence, old and new. For a while, it seemed that at last a pronouncement from an official government agency might be forthcoming. But the GAO report, issued on July 28, 1995, said that all the important government documents about the Roswell incident had been inexplicably destroyed over forty years previously. Schiff, however, kept up the pressure and became the congressional point man for continued probes. He personally investigated the Santilli alien autopsy film, about which he said, “It looked real to me.” Less than three years after the GAO inquiry, on March 25, 1998, Schiff died of a particularly aggressive form of skin cancer after a one-year battle. He was fifty-one years old. So ended another promising crusade.


Without doubt, the biggest thorn in the side of the government and the most persistent gadfly seeking disclosure of UFO secrets is Arizona attorney Peter Gersten, founder and director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS). Since 1998, Gersten has mounted a multipronged, one-man campaign to force various government agencies to release all the UFO-related information that they have in their possession. Using the Freedom of Information Act as his primary weapon and relying on his legal skills, Gersten has sued the U.S. government, the attorney general, the secretary of defense, the Department of the Army, the Department of Defense, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the federal district court in Phoenix, Arizona, to force them to release their secret UFO documents. Naturally, he hasn’t had much success since the federal courts tend to side with the government, and as a last resort the government takes refuge under the “national security” umbrella. But he has enjoyed an occasional psychological victory, and his efforts are slowly gaining wider attention.




But now, in these early days of the twenty-first century, a major new force has entered the fray and threatens to blast a huge breach in the wall, if not to bring it down entirely. It comes from an unexpected place. A previously obscure emergency room physician from Charlottesville, Virginia, has stepped onto the world stage and has taken the reins in hand to lead the charge to finally wrest a public admission of the history of extraterrestrial contact with the human race from the deep, shadowy recesses of the top-secret world. Dr. Steven Greer has become so inflamed with this crusade that he has put his promising medical career on hold, thereby forfeiting his considerable income and putting at risk the welfare of his wife and four young daughters.


Greer’s efforts have been highly organized and carefully orchestrated right from the beginning of his involvement in 1990, when he founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). After recruiting a corps of top UFO researchers from all over the world to be affiliated with CSETI, he formed them into an initiative working group designated as CE-5 to produce a comprehensive working document about the presence of extraterrestrials on the planet (i.e., who they are, their characteristics, and why they are here).


That document, published in 1991, is a comprehensive and complete analysis of the situation up to that time, using virtually every piece of information available outside of the secret government world, but including the statements of some courageous ex-government insiders. The discoveries described are not surprising to anyone who has been investigating the UFO phenomenon, but it is remarkable that Greer arrived at such explicit and far-reaching conclusions about the alien presence so early in the game. The working paper claims that there are several ET groups visiting Earth, all of which have bases within the solar system, some on (or under) the earth itself. In the working paper, Greer says that the technologies used in their propulsion systems include: “a) gravity/anti-gravity and electromagnetic/gravity technology b) space energy and so-called hyperdimensional energy systems c) matter-energy inter-changeable technologies d) possible Consciousness Assisted Technology (CAT) and Technology Assisted Consciousness (TAC).”


Interestingly, this document concludes that it is the aliens themselves who choose to keep their presence relatively secret. On this subject, Greer says, “Sudden and fully open contact with human civilization has been avoided because of a number of interrelated factors, including: a) the need to avoid an untimely disruption of Earth civilization including military, political, geopolitical, cultural, economic, technological and religious upheaval; b) risks to their own civilization and ‘people,’ as well as overall mission, given human xenophobia and tendencies towards violent armed reactions; c) up to this time, such massive and open contact has not been necessary, and has not been consonant with their overall long-term mission and purpose . . . since their purpose is not acquisition oriented or disruptive.” But he goes on to say that they do have a plan in place for “gradually broader and deeper contact with human society and individuals.”


The paper also discusses the government cover-up, claiming high-level knowledge since “at least 1947.” Surprisingly, this document then appears to excuse, or at least to understand, the reasons for government secrecy. Those reasons are stated as: “a) fear of public panic and social disruption b) security issues surrounding possible military and technology applications of ET technology, especially in the setting of a world beset with Cold War tensions and competing interests c) uncertainty and mistrust regarding ET motives and ultimate intentions d) embarrassment and consternation over human military inability to secure world air space from repeated penetrations by ETS e) embarrassment and loss of face resulting from disclosures concerning how this matter has been handled, such as the harassment and ridicule of innocent civilians and military personnel, the withholding of information from the public and Congress, etc.” More surprising is the conclusion concerning ET technology, as follows: “ETI (Extraterrestrial Intelligence) technology is strictly guarded by both ETI and human governmental agencies because of its potential for military applications which would greatly threaten world security. It is imperative that this technology not find significant human applications until such time as the Earth attains international peace and an effective world government.” This early position about secrecy would change drastically as the CSETI investigation continued.




By 1993, Greer had come to realize, presumably through ET contacts, that the ETs were open to complete revelation and welcomed the opportunity to interact with the human race. In his newsletter of May 1994, he said, “I believe ETI is waiting for us to educate our own people, and soon.” Based on this, he launched Project Starlight, which was, as stated in the newsletter, “designed to educate world leaders, leaders in society, and the world’s population to the fact that the earth is being visited by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations. A comprehensive and world encompassing strategy has been designed to achieve these educational goals, which will culminate in a world announcement regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.” He cited many new worldwide developments that supported a move to complete openness, especially the end of Cold War tensions, the declassification of many secret documents, and increased worldwide UFO sightings, implying an ET desire to be observed. However, in the same newsletter, Greer announced that in implementing Project Starlight, he was surprised to learn that most high-level U.S. government officials, including the president, the cabinet, and probably the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were “out of the loop.” He said he had learned that the real information was controlled by a top-secret, quasi-governmental, quasi-private, international group, and therefore it was necessary to convince that group that the time had come to release the information.


Consonant with the goals of Project Starlight, in the fall of 1993, CSETI began a series of briefings of top international figures to educate them as to the real facts of the extraterrestrial presence. This process included briefings with senior Clinton-administration officials, CIA Director James Woolsey, former head of the U.K. Ministry of Defense and five-star admiral Lord Hill-Norton, United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, other senior United Nations officials, members of Congress, and senior Pentagon officials. Woolsey, director of the CIA from 1993 to 1995, later a Washington lobbyist, and now a partner in a venture capital firm, publicly expressed indignation that Greer characterized his meeting on December 13, 1993, at the home of a mutual friend and including all their wives, as a “briefing,” claiming that it was simply a dinner party and nothing more. Greer claims that Woolsey had no previous knowledge of much of the information he conveyed to him that night.




In a dramatic briefing paper titled “National Security Implications of the UFO/ETI Subject,” dated August 30, 1995, Greer cited all the cogent and compelling reasons why he believed continued secrecy to be both dangerous and unconstitutional. He said, in part, “The current covert management of this issue appears to be operating independently and outside of the constitutional chain of command. The group controlling these operations, which involves reconnaissance, extraterrestrial technology back-engineering, and space-based targeting of ETS (among others) is non-responsive to congressional or Executive Branch oversight and control. This constitutes a real and grave threat to national security and to constitutional democracy and freedom.”


Not shrinking from this challenge, Greer, on November 15, 1996, under the aegis of CSETI Project Starlight, sent a letter to all of the top U.S. government officials, including the president, advising them that unless they objected in writing, all security oaths related to UFO activity taken by government officials, presumably including military and intelligence personnel, would be considered null and void because such oaths existed outside of “legal constitutional oversight and control.” The letter stated, “UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED, this assessment would be regarded as accurate and all such government witnesses would be free to speak openly as of 1 January 1997.” This was a bold and unprecedented act by a private citizen. Remarkably, almost all of the recipients of the letter sent an acknowledgement, and the deadline date came and went without the receipt of a single objection, warning, or threat! Thus, on that date, January 1, 1997, Project Disclosure officially began.




At the commencement of Project Starlight in 1993, Greer began identifying, seeking out, and interviewing military and government witnesses to UFO events who were willing to talk. He also started gathering as much hard evidence as he could find. By the time Project Disclosure began, he had amassed an impressive cast of witnesses. In April 1997, more than a dozen such government and military witnesses were assembled at the Westin Hotel in Washington, D.C., for briefings with members of Congress, Pentagon officials, and others in an attempt to persuade Congress to hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO and ET presence and advanced energy and propulsion systems that could conceivably provide solutions to global environmental challenges; to enact legislation to ban all space-based weapons; and to develop and explore space peacefully. The members of Congress weren’t interested. If they were impressed by the witnesses, they didn’t admit to it. At that point, Greer realized that he had to take his case to the press and the people.


For the next four years, CSETI continued to identify and interview witnesses. By early 2001, it had an army of several hundred such witnesses covering every branch of the armed services, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the DIA, the CIA, and NASA. Internationally, the witnesses included high officials of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and other agencies and countries. Over one hundred interviews had been videotaped, and seventy were transcribed into edited testimony. A four-hour videotape summary of testimony and a document of more than five hundred pages were produced. Virtually all of the people involved were prepared to testify before Congress.


In his Project Disclosure description, Greer said, “The weight of this testimony, along with supporting government documents and other evidence, establishes beyond any doubt the reality of extraterrestrial life forms, UFOs, or extraterrestrial vehicles, and advanced energy and propulsion technologies resulting from the study of these vehicles . . . The testimony and evidence proves that these vehicles have been tracked on radar on many occasions, have landed and/or crashed on terra firma, and have been retrieved and studied by specialized and compartmentalized projects. Advanced technologies which have been identified from the study of these vehicles, once disclosed, will replace currently used forms of energy generation and propulsion. These technologies will enable the Earth to attain a sustainable civilization without pollution, energy shortages, or global warming.” And further, “These numerous recorded witnesses constitute only a small portion of a vast pool of identified present or former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists and other witnesses, who will come forward when subpoenaed to testify at Congressional hearings.”


Some of the witnesses were very highly placed in the government, and much of the testimony confirms information previously considered wild-eyed and highly speculative, thus salvaging the reputations of many investigators who had sometimes been ridiculed and under attack. All of the witness briefing documents as well as an executive summary are available at the Project Disclosure website,
, as of this writing. Be assured, even the most jaded UFO researchers will be astounded at what they find in this material.


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