The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (25 page)

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At least one U.S. psi program is known to have predated the publication of
Psychic Discoveries II.
, Ostrander and Schroeder reveal details of the CIA’s electronic dissolution of memory (EDOM) program. Apparently this technique was perfected years ago. The CIA can zap long-term memory and turn someone into an amnesiac zombie by blocking the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and by electronically interfering with the bioplasmic body. CIA officers routinely employ this technique to “neutralize” former top-secret operatives, just as in the movie
Total Recall
starring Arnold Schwartzenegger and the TV series
The X Files.
This capability was developed under the notorious MK-ULTRA mind-control program, begun in 1953, in which the Technical Services Division of the CIA sponsored what amounted to sadistic memory experiments on mental hospital inmates, prisoners, and research volunteers in the 1960s, before the program was halted by Congress in 1976.


Perhaps the most bizarre development in memory control was inspired by the psychiatric condition known as multiple personality disorder. Also in
we learn that the CIA can artificially seed multiple personalities in the same body, each with its own memory bank not accessible to the others. Gil Jensen, an Oakland, California, doctor who worked for the CIA, claimed that he created a personality named Arlene Grant in the body of famous supermodel Candy Jones in the 1950s and ’60s using hypnosis and memory-altering drugs. The Grant personality was given a complete memory history, including training as a superspy and knowledge of top-secret information, that Jones knew nothing about. When Jones went on celebrity trips, Grant was summoned on the telephone through a series of electronic sounds, and that personality carried out spy missions. The primary personality can never reveal information from the secondary memory bank, even under torture, and therefore makes the perfect spy. This technique is now called radio-hypnotic intra-cerebral control, and it is apparently based on Soviet discoveries related to electromagnetic manipulation of the bioplasmic body.




By far, the most sensational revelations coming out of the post–Cold War Soviet Union are concerned with UFOs and the moon. In
Psychic Discoveries II,
we learn that information from now-opened KGB files tells of widespread UFO sightings reported to the Soviet military in the years following the incredible public landings in the city of Voronezh in September 1989, which made headlines all over the world. Hundreds of adults and children saw spacecraft landings and giant aliens and small robots moving freely about Zavodsk Square in the city’s downtown area in broad daylight. Thousands more saw giant discs hovering over the city’s nuclear power plant. According to the KGB files, in March of the following year, over one hundred UFO observations were reported to the Air Defense Forces, and a three-hundred-foot disc hovering over the headquarters of the Soviet Air Defense Command was reported in April. Also as reported in the KGB files, according to the Hungarian minister of defense, George Keleti, a former colonel in the army, UFOs swarmed over Hungary at the same time as the Voronezh landings, and alien craft landed at military air bases all across the country. Keleti claimed that the four-foot-tall robots actually attempted to climb into Hungarian MIG fighter planes, and they repelled guards with ray guns! Also, the ten-foot-tall humanoids became invisible when fired on with machine guns. According to
Psychic Discoveries II,
an avalanche of formerly “concealed sightings, landings, close encounters, abductions and more” have seeped out to the press and to newly formed UFO groups in Russia since 1990.




But the secrets coming out of the Soviet space programs are even more exciting. Soviet Air Force Colonel Marina Popovich showed photos at a conference in San Francisco in 1989 of a fifteen-mile-long object flying near the Martian moon Phobos, taken by the Soviet probe
. Russia’s
Luna 9
moon probe, which landed in the Ocean of Storms on February 4, 1966, took some spectacular three-dimensional photos over the Sea of Tranquility that showed a group of spires that appeared to be obelisk shaped and were obviously artificial structures. Soviet space engineer Dr. Alexander Abramov subjected the photos to a complex mathematical analysis and concluded that they were archaeological ruins. Furthermore, he told Ostrander and Schroeder that the obelisks on the moon were arranged in exactly the same pattern as the pyramids of Giza when charted using an
an ancient Egyptian grid of forty-nine squares. Also, Dr. S. Ivanov, one of Russia’s most eminent scientists, published an analysis in the Soviet magazine
Technology for Youth
claiming that the monuments were arranged according to definite geometric laws and were evidently “artificial structures of alien origin.”


Photos taken for the United States by
Lunar Orbiter 2
on November 20, 1966, tended to confirm the Soviet findings. Dr. Ivan T. Sanderson, science editor of
magazine, analyzed these photos and claimed that the tallest structure was about fifteen stories high and the smallest about the size of a fir tree. Ostrander and Schroeder have found out that NASA classified hundreds of lunar photos and still refuses to release them. Then, in 1994, popular archaeology writer David Hatcher Childress published many more astonishing Soviet and U.S. photos, never before seen, some taken on NASA missions, in his book
Extraterrestrial Archaeology.
Several showed UFOs flying in and out of moon craters. But the clincher was delivered by Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA communications systems, who said in
magazine in April 1995, “Armstrong saw two UFO’s on the rim of a crater,” and “all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed . . . by space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin . . . The astronauts informed Mission Control, who then ordered absolute silence.”


NASA photograph taken by
Lunar Orbiter 2
on November 20, 1966, twenty-nine miles (forty-seven kilometers) above the lunar surface, over the Sea of Tranquility.


I conclude this chapter with a succinct and eloquent summation of the situation by former astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary, as quoted in
Psychic Discoveries II:
“The cosmic Watergate of UFO, alien, mind-control, genetic engineering, free-energy, antigravity propulsion, and other secrets will make Watergate and Irangate appear to be kindergarten exercises . . . But, the truth will and must be known eventually.”




It’s Only a Matter of Time


It all started with a seemingly fanciful and highly imaginative book by H. G. Wells.
The Time Machine,
written in 1895, was his very first novel and revealed him to be a writer of great originality and inventiveness, certainly not expected of a science teacher. After that, he went on to write many more futuristic stories that have now entered the lexicon of science-fiction classics. It was he who was ultimately responsible for the great brouhaha about the imagined invasion by Martians in 1938, which was started by the broadcast of a radio play,
The War of the Worlds,
written by a perhaps-distant relative, Orson Welles, because Wells wrote the book on which the radio play was based
And it was this book, serialized in the
Saturday Evening Post
magazine in 1898, that first inspired Robert Hutchings Goddard, the father of rocketry, to attempt to develop a vehicle to take us to Mars. Many of the writings of Wells were highly prophetic. His 1905 novel,
The War in the Air,
anticipated aerial warfare between England and Germany ten years before World War I.




The philosophy of time travel expounded in
The Time Machine
is well developed, as we would expect from a science teacher. Wells takes the position that time is a fourth dimension of space. He says, “There is no difference between time and any of the three dimensions of space except that our consciousness moves along it.” This early linkage between time and consciousness has turned out to be a continuing thread followed by researchers right up to the present day. Wells was a theosophist, and some of his ideas may have been influenced by Theosophical Society cofounders Madame Blavatsky and William Q. Judge, who taught that the entire physical universe is a manifestation of consciousness and that time is simply an instrument of causality and karma whose purpose is the expansion of human consciousness. This implies that the ability to travel through time may require achievement of a certain level of consciousness.


Photo from the 1960s TV show
The Time Tunnel


Strangely, only ten years after Wells wrote
The Time Machine,
Albert Einstein, in 1905, in his postulation of the four-dimensional space-time continuum, which was part of his special theory of relativity, basically confirmed the hypothesis advanced by Wells! Einstein’s theory gave a new, respectable impetus to the real possibility of traveling through time. Ever since, that possibility has captured the imagination of sci-fi buffs, writers, and researchers and has led to a plethora of books and movies. But it was the advent of the UFO age in 1947 that advanced the subject to a new level. It is self-evident that if our planet is truly being visited by extraterrestrials from distant star systems, there is no way they could have gotten here in any reasonable amount of time without traveling through time itself, or as it is now referred to in the post–
Star Wars
era, hyperspace (i.e., the fourth dimension of space).


Remarkably, out of the burgeoning ranks of UFO writers and researchers in the last half of the twentieth century, some of whom have impressive scientific credentials, no one had really tackled the time travel aspect of the phenomena until an author took up the challenge in the early nineties—and he is a journalist! His name is Marc Davenport, and his book,
Visitors from Time,
published by Greenleaf Publications (Murfreesboro, Tenn., 1992), has garnered popular and scientific scrutiny and interest. Davenport sifted through thirty years of UFO research and investigations to catalog a range of reports on the strange phenomena associated with UFO sightings and contacts. The book is a virtual treasure trove of case histories from all over the world and may just be the most comprehensive collection of anecdotal UFO evidence anywhere. He derived from these reports what appears to be the only logical hypothesis—that extraterrestrials somehow have the ability to travel through time—and a corollary—that many of them are very possibly from the future on this planet.


Davenport comes from a UFO family! But although both of his parents were believers, he started out as a skeptic—consciously, that is. He studied engineering, which naturally tended to reinforce his scientific bias against such phenomena. Consequently, he initially thought that the reported abductions were nonsense, probably some sort of delusion, but after studying hundreds of cases, he changed his mind. He now believes that he has probably been an abductee for many years and that this knowledge has been in his subconscious ever since childhood. If his parents were also abductees, then this would fit in with the widely accepted thesis, first propagated by Budd Hopkins, that the alien abductions are multigenerational within selected families. The evidence for this is now overwhelming and has been touched on by almost all of the recent, notable books on the abduction phenomenon.




Davenport says that when he began writing his book in 1992, he did not yet have a title. He originally set out to simply study the UFO phenomena objectively, applying the critical eye of an engineer, in an attempt to figure out how UFOs accomplished seemingly impossible maneuvers. For example, how do they suddenly stop “on a dime” from speeds of thousands of miles an hour? Why do they change colors? How can they disappear and then reappear? He came up with a long list of such questions and then sought a hypothesis that would answer them all. There was only one that would fit—the aliens have found a way to warp space-time. Einstein originally established the connection between gravitation and light. He proposed, and demonstrated mathematically, that a gravitational field can bend light. According to Davenport, any force that bends light also bends time because to bend light is to bend space, since space and time are inseparable and constitute the space-time continuum.


Consequently, if the UFOs are creating their own gravitational field by some sort of onboard generator, as has been suggested by numerous researchers, then they would also be automatically bending, or warping, time, just as the earth itself does because it also creates its own gravitation. Davenport claims that when the “ufonauts” alter time, they step into an alternate dimension outside of time, and they can then reenter our dimension light-years away or in the future or past. This means that they can travel through vast oceans of interstellar space virtually instantaneously simply by reentering the space-timeline at different coordinates. With this ability, they could, therefore, very easily set their coordinates for past periods of Earth history and witness the entire panorama of human development on this planet. Consequently, when they tell abductees that they have been here for thousands of years, that could just mean that they have simply “dipped in” at various time junctures.


Davenport devotes individual chapters in the book to each of the popularly reported classes of strange characteristics of UFO sightings and shows that any type of explanation based on conventional science is totally inadequate, whereas the time-warp premise seems to fit. From the earliest days of saucer sightings, in Germany during World War II, hundreds of witnesses have reported apparent electromagnetic disturbances in the vicinity of UFOs. Automobile engines stop, headlights go out, radios become silent. Television sets in homes go off. Airplanes in flight lose their power and their instrumentation. When the UFO departs, everything starts up again. If the car is in gear, it begins moving again automatically. Power blackouts are commonplace during UFO sightings, with entire cities losing electrical power while UFOs hover near transformers. In perhaps the most famous blackout ever, on November 9, 1965, parts of eastern Canada and the entire northeastern section of the United States, including all of New York City, experienced an all-night power outage. UFOs were seen in the skies before, during, and after the event.


In his book, Davenport points out that if these phenomena were electromagnetic in nature, “transformers would explode, wires would melt, light filaments would vaporize. Magnetic signatures would be imprinted everywhere. Tripped circuit breakers would remain off until reset.” He also points out that scientists have said that a magnetic effect strong enough to stop a car engine would bend the metal of the car. But if the UFOs are distorting time, then an electron flow may be slowed down to the point that it becomes ineffective, and electrical devices would malfunction until the normal flow is resumed. In electricity, as in life, timing is everything.


Davenport also shows how other UFO effects can be similarly explained by the time-warp concept. The inability to get clear photos could occur because the camera shutter is slowed down or speeded up by a time distortion. This might explain why distance photos of UFOs always seem to be much clearer than close-ups. The UFOs’ strange, jerky maneuvers and impossible right-angle turns at high speeds could be the result of movement into and out of another time dimension. Possibly the UFOs disappear at one point and then reappear at another. This conclusion is strongly supported by their erratic behavior on radar screens. Davenport cites numerous cases where they blink out on radar in a flash of light and then blink on again in a different location. This activity definitely bolsters the time-warp hypothesis. Where are they between blinks if not in another dimension?


Then there are those incredible UFO speeds, as high as eighteen thousand miles per hour, to be explained. Aircraft moving at these speeds through the atmosphere would be incinerated by friction, as are meteorites. Furthermore, there is never a sonic boom. Davenport offers a reasonable explanation. If, as proposed, the UFO is creating its own gravitational field and is therefore essentially flying inside a cocoon of its own making, and if the pilot has the ability to alter, warp, or distort time within this cocoon, then the speed of the craft to an observer would be an illusion created by looking at one time dimension from another. In other words, its speed could no longer be measured in miles per hour. Earth, and everything on it, travels around the sun at a velocity of thirty-three thousand miles per hour. If the UFO were to stop time within its envelope, it would appear to be going thirty-three thousand miles per hour backward, or, as Davenport points out, perhaps five hundred thousand miles per hour, which is the speed of the solar system through the galaxy. Under these circumstances, it would either fly off out of the solar system or crash into the ground. But if the speed of the earth is factored into their computers, then the ufonauts can modulate time from that base and travel forward and backward in relative increments and decrements.


Perhaps the strongest arguments for the theory that UFOs travel within their own “envelope” are offered by Davenport in the chapter titled “Field Trips.” He gives case after case of reported close encounters where observers came up against the field surrounding a craft and it appeared to be a “wall.” They could go no farther. In one remarkable case in 1963 in Parana, Brazil, a UFO about one hundred feet in diameter was observed by a crowd of spectators as it descended directly into a forest fire and remained suspended there while three human-looking occupants calmly emerged and gathered up rocks and scorched vegetation. The fire never touched the occupants or the craft, which appeared to be ringed by an invisible, protective wall.




Very strange, Dali-esque things occur within the field surrounding the craft. Time appears to move more slowly. In one case, a bullet fired by a hunter slowed down and simply dropped to the ground about fifty feet from the rifle. Watches lose time or stop. In some cases, calendar watches on the wrists of abductees show that days have passed, while the abductees appeared to have been gone for only minutes or hours. In one case in Chile in 1977, an abductee, who witnesses claim was gone for only fifteen minutes, returned with a five-day growth of beard! Then there are those strange spatial distortions. Many observers have claimed that the space inside the craft seems to be tremendously larger than the exterior suggests. This was reported by one of the army officers first on the scene at the Roswell crash, who peered into the crashed disc. The fact that a space warp occurs when time is warped seems to validate both Wells and Einstein in their contention that time and space are inseparable.


Davenport claims that this ability to alter time is used by the extraterrestrials to change the perception of missing time by the abductees. He says that there have been numerous cases where the abductee was actually held for up to two hours, but then was put through some sort of time machine so that it appeared that only five minutes or so had elapsed. This brings to mind several cases in the abduction literature where the abductee observed that family members in the household were frozen in midmotion while the abductee was taken out of the house. Evidently, the abductors had literally stopped time and were proceeding with the abduction in some other dimension between split seconds. From the vantage point of the frozen witness, nothing would have appeared amiss except that the abductee would have suddenly disappeared.


Albert Einstein at blackboard


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