The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (29 page)

BOOK: The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race
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While the Draco-Orionites/Greys gave the Germans fantastic weapons, including jet propulsion, rocketry, television-guided missiles, antigravity aircraft, nuclear technology, and possibly even a cloned army, the Federation supported the Allies by working with one man—Nikola Tesla. It was Tesla who first saw the promise of radar in 1917, and he was instrumental in its development and use in the war. Consequently, Great Britain and the United States had sophisticated radar defenses deployed early in the war using Tesla’s patents, while the Germans gave it scant attention, and it was radar that won the Battle of Britain. Tesla and President Franklin D. Roosevelt first met in 1917 when Roosevelt was secretary of the navy, and Roosevelt was very impressed with Tesla’s genius. In 1936, he put Tesla in charge of the Invisibility Project, working with the navy. In 1940, they succeeded in making a ship disappear in the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Whether invisibility was secretly used in the war is unknown. Tesla also invented particle beam weaponry that he called the “death ray.” It was not developed enough to use in the war, but satellite-based versions have since become the most potent weapons in both the U.S. and Soviet arsenals. He was offered a large amount of money to go and work for Germany, but he refused, and he remained a patriot to the end.


Tesla often made mention of his “off-planet” friends. Sometime in the midthirties, he arranged a meeting between President Roosevelt and Pleiadian representatives, which supposedly took place on a ship in the Atlantic. It is believed that some sort of agreement came out of that meeting and that a Federation representative may have consulted at the Pentagon for most of the war.




Sometime in late 1944, when it became apparent that they had lost the war, the Germans moved the main components of their antigravity aircraft technology and their top scientists to their subterranean base in the Antarctic called Neuschwabenland, which they had been preparing since 1938. There is every reason to believe that an extraterrestrial base had already existed there and that it was inhabited by their friends, the Draco-Orionites. The Germans had been assiduously patrolling and defending the sea lanes to Antarctica since early in the war as they moved men and materiel there in U-boats. They stationed their largest battle cruiser, the
Graf Spee,
off the coast of Argentina sometime in 1939, and they were known to be sinking even merchant vessels sailing in those waters. This explains why the Allied armies found only superficial remnants of flying disc development as they overran Germany and none of the important scientists, and it was the likely destination of the so-called lost battalion of two hundred and fifty thousand German troops that could never be accounted for. Could these have been perhaps carefully kept and maintained cloned storm troopers, to be used as genetic prototypes for the new Wehrmacht?


By April 1945, the European war was winding down as the Allied troops converged on Berlin. At that point, all the antigravity technology and scientists had been transferred to Neuschwabenland. It was from that Antarctic base that the Germans decided to launch a mission to Mars, jointly with the Japanese. Terziski says, “According to the authors of the underground German documentary movie from the Thule society, the only produced craft of the Haunebu-3 type—the 74 meter diameter naval warfare dreadnought—was chosen for the most courageous mission of this whole century—the trip to Mars.” The trip took almost eight months because the large Andromeda-type tachyon drives were turned off immediately after the escape from Earth’s gravitation, and the ship coasted the rest of the way in an elliptical orbit. Terziski believes that the crew probably numbered in the hundreds. The huge craft crash-landed on Mars in January 1946, severely damaging the tachyon drives and making return impossible, but according to the documentary, the crew knew from the beginning that it was probably a suicide mission. Terziski says, “The radio message with the mixed news was received by the German underground space control center in Neu Schwabenland and by their research base on the Moon.” Evidently, with the war on Earth lost, the Axis partners decided to try to position themselves off-planet in readiness for the next round and the advent of the Fourth Reich.


Many of the chroniclers of World War II agree that the German soldiers were very tough and courageous and almost robotic in terms of efficiency. They obeyed orders without question, even in the face of certain death. As the blitzkrieg rolled over Europe, they could do no wrong. It was their insensitivity to human suffering that made the atrocities in Russia and the concentration camps possible. Apparently, it wasn’t that they were sadistic—they just didn’t care! On the other hand, they showed no resourcefulness, whereas the British and American soldiers could be relied on to come up with ideas even in the worst situations. Ultimately, the thinking soldier with a heart prevailed. Apparently, the moral of the story is: if you expect to win a war with an army of clones, you’d better have someone with great intelligence directing them. And Hitler just didn’t fill the bill. When it came to intellect, he was no match for the combined brainpower of Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and an Allied army of citizen soldiers from free societies.




The Web of the Spider Woman


When Spider Woman uncovered them, the forms came to life. This was at the time of the dark purple light, Qoyangnuptu, the first phase of the dawn of Creation.




The second millennium of world history was probably the most active period ever for human progress. Beginning in the eleventh century CE, the relative agrarian quiet of the Middle Ages transformed into an accelerated era of hectic activity without equal in what is known of human history on the planet.


During that thousand-year epoch, empires rose and fell, science, industry, and technology developed from primitive to cosmic, exploration and settlement reached every corner of the planet, massive architectural wonders arose everywhere, and transportation capabilities went from oxcarts to spaceships. While all this was happening, a peaceful Indian tribe in southwestern North America lived quietly and unremarkably in their pueblos, generation after generation, placidly irrigating and growing their crops, tending their flocks of sheep, making their baskets and pottery, and practicing their unique and ageless religious rituals.




The Hopi tribe came to what is now northeastern Arizona around 1000 BCE. They refer to themselves as
which means “peaceful,” “good,” or “wise.” It is generally accepted that they are the remnants of the most ancient people of the Americas, the legendary Anasazi, whose history in the southwestern United States dates back about ten thousand years!


Very little is known about the first eight thousand years of Anasazi history, but beginning about the year 1 CE, an identifiable, settled culture sprang up and lasted for about one thousand years. The Hopi call these early ancestors the Hisatsinom, the “people of long ago,” while archaeologists refer to them as the Anasazi, or the “San Juan basket makers.” They inhabited a huge territory consisting of hundreds of small settlements spread over most of what is now the so-called Four Corners area of the United States. Chaco Canyon in New Mexico was the center of Anasazi civilization and culture, which reached a peak around 900 CE and then died out around 1100 CE. The pueblo tribes descended from the Anasazi include the Hopi, who went to Arizona, and the Zuni and Acoma, who remained in New Mexico. The pueblo tribes all speak dialects of the Uto-Aztecan language, which links them to the Aztecs of Mexico and is unique among the Native Americans of North America.




Distinctly Hopi settlements began appearing around 700 CE on the land they call the
the “ancestral and sacred homeland.” This comprises almost all of northeastern Arizona, originally consisting of over eighteen million acres. They believed that this land was given to them by Massau, the guardian of this Fourth World in a sacred pact and that as long as they followed Massau’s teachings and cared for the land, they would be allowed to remain there. The Hopi villages are linked with an extensive network of ancestral sites, each of which has petroglyph markings with stories of Hopi clans. These sites include ancient burial grounds, shrines, medicinal gathering places, ancestral farming lands, and the habitats of animals for which many Hopi clans are named. Regarding the tutsqua, the Hopi historical literature says, “[The] land is intricately interwoven with Hopi religion, culture and daily life. To the Hopi, taking away the land for which they serve as stewards is tantamount to the destruction of the Hopi themselves. This is the only place for Hopi people; it is their place of emergence into this world as a people and culture, where the katsina spirits live, and where their religious obligations must be carried out. The Hopi are bound to these lands forever.”


But it appears that the land is being taken away from them. Beginning at around the time of the Pueblo Revolt against Spanish incursion in 1680, Navajo tribes began settling on the tutsqua. Because the Navajo outnumber the Hopi by about twenty to one, the Hopi retreated and were pushed to the tops of the three mesas on what is now their official reservation. The Navajo settlements continued to grow for two hundred years until President Chester A. Arthur, in 1882, set aside a clearly defined area, surrounded by Navajo territory, to be exclusively Hopi, and this became the Hopi Reservation. This amounts to about 1.6 million acres, or roughly 9 percent of the original tutsqua. The Hopi population has now dwindled to about fifteen thousand, and they live in twelve villages on and around the mesas but centered on the two largest pueblos of Oraibi and Hotevilla. The majority of Hopi still maintain their ancient traditional values, beliefs, and ceremonies, having resisted the vigorous conversion efforts of the Mormons, the Mennonites, Baptist preachers, and Catholic priests, and the seductive temptations of secular materialism.


Hopi mesa




The Hopi have an elaborate mythology that covers the creation and history of the world, life and death, gods and devils, good and evil, and their ancient migrations. It has been simplified into story form so that it is comprehensible to anyone of average intelligence, and it has been passed down since ancient times strictly mouth to ear, as with the Jewish Kabbalists. But according to Frank Waters in
Book of the Hopi,
which is generally considered the classic reference on the subject, the stories are only superficial. Hopi mythology is so complex and esoteric that it can only really be expressed, he says, “by the abstract ritualism and symbolism embodied in the great annual cycle of intricate ceremonies.” These strange and carefully staged ceremonies, which Waters refers to as “the Mystery Plays,” are expected not to be understood rationally, but to impact the subconscious directly, and having witnessed them, he attests to the fact that they have a profound affect.


The ceremonies are not simply to gain favor with the spirits, or “kachinas,” for rain and good crops. They have universal themes and are decidedly metaphysical and multilayered. On one level, they are reenactments of human history and Hopi history since the beginning of time. On another, they are sacred rituals for the protection of the Hopi and the entire human race, and for the spiritual welfare and elevation of consciousness of both the Hopi and humanity. About these ceremonies, Waters says, “The entire course of the Hopi Road of Life is unfolded every year in an annual cycle of nine great religious ceremonies that dramatize the universal laws of life . . . their unhurried, stately movements follow the inexorable laws of universal life itself—symbols for symbols, layer upon layer of ritual esotericism, through which man reaches at last the ultimate meaning of his brief existence on this one puny planet among countless myriads more.”




The Hopi sincerely believe that they are the spiritual guardians of the human race and are invested by Massau with the very heavy responsibility of holding the spiritual balance in a world gone mad with materialism. About this, Hopi elder Dan Evehema says, “The Hopi play a key role in the survival of the human race through their vital communion with the unseen forces that hold nature in balance.”


Furthermore, the Hopi consider themselves to be a microcosm of humanity, and so what happens to the Hopi happens to the world. As they have endured the humiliations and privations brought by the white man and the encroachments of the Navajo and as their sacred land has shrunk to a tiny redoubt on three high mesas, so has the world shrunk spiritually, with greed, promiscuity, perversity, and violence prevailing throughout the civilized world. Also, as witchcraft has infected Hopi society from within, so has Satanism, black magic, witchcraft, and mind control spread throughout the world. So it is that both Hopi and Western societies are deteriorating and hurtling toward a major turning point. In a letter to the president of the United States written in 1949 and signed by six Hopi chiefs, the chiefs spoke about our interdependence and the coming crisis. They wrote, “Today we Hopi, and white man, come face to face at the crossroads of our respective life . . . It was foretold it would be at the most critical time in the history of mankind . . . What we decide now and do hereafter will be the fate of our respective people . . . Now we are all talking about the judgement day . . . In the light of our Hopi prophecy, it is going to take place here and will be completed in the Hopi Empire.”


The Blue Star Kachina




According to ceremonial leader and shaman Robert Ghost Wolf, “The Hopi believe that they descended from the Pleiades and that even before that they came from Lyra, which is the Ring Nebula that the Pleiadians have spoken to Bill Meier about. They call Lyra the ‘Eye of God.’” The Hopi call the Pleiadians the Chuhukon, meaning “those who cling together,” referring to the seven stars seemingly bound together in the constellation, and they believe they will return there when they die.


This knowledge of their stellar origins is part of the secret oral tradition that also encompasses prophecies about the end of the Fourth World and the emergence of mankind into the Fifth World. The prophecies speak of the appearance of a blue star in the heavens to herald the coming end of the Fourth World. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina, a human personification of the star, dances in the plaza at Oraibi and removes his mask. This will serve as a warning of the beginning of the end. Then, according to Waters, “World War III will be started by those people who first received the light.” This is believed to refer to an alliance of third-world countries. Waters continues, “The United States will be destroyed, land and people, by atomic bombs and radioactivity. Only the Hopi and their homeland will be preserved as an oasis to which refugees will flee.” This will be the Day of Purification. Only the spiritual people will survive the war; the materialists will destroy each other. According to a report in the Prescott, Arizona,
Daily Courier
in 1995, the Hopi believe that on that day “all wicked people and wrong-doers will be punished or destroyed.”


Following the desolation will come the return of the Pahana, the “True White Brother.” The article continued the prophecy, “He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in our hearts . . . These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World.” There is an ancient rock carving near Mishongnovi, Arizona, showing a Hopi maiden traveling in a dome-shaped ship. According to the
Daily Courier
article, Hopi elder Chief Dan Katchongva claimed that this means that UFOs will return to lift off the survivors and take them to other planets. He said in that interview, “The Hopi maiden on the dome-shaped drawing represents purity. Those Hopi who survive Purification Day will travel to other planets. We, the faithful Hopi, have seen the ships and know they are true.” When we put these predictions together, it would appear that they believe that the Pahana is an extraterrestrial, probably coming in a Pleiadian spacecraft.




A woman from western Canada, Miriam Delicado, who had no apparent connection to the Hopi, has added an intriguing, seeming confirmation of the probability of these events coming to pass. In the fall of 1988, at the age of twenty-two, on a lonely road in British Columbia north of Vancouver, she was taken on board a parked spacecraft while her traveling companions remained apparently sleeping in the car by the side of the road. She remembers meeting tall, blonde ETs on the ship and having a tremendous amount of information “downloaded” into her mind. The next day, she became obsessed with the Four Corners area of the southwestern United States and didn’t know why. Two days later, she began compulsively writing notes about future events and insights into her life. Having had no previous interest in UFOs or ETs, she started frequenting new age bookstores, searching for information. She began to cry when she encountered the line, “You are the chosen, to be here at this time,” in a book by Ruth Montgomery, because the aliens had said exactly the same thing to her. She remembered that she had been taken to see an oddly shaped mountain and had been told, “One day you will find this mountain and you will go there.”


About a year later, when Delicado saw a picture of Ship Rock in northwestern New Mexico, she recognized it as the mountain she had been shown. In 1991 at a UFO conference in Tucson, Arizona, she found out that the Hopi Indians were interested in extraterrestrials, and that they lived near Ship Rock. She had an immediate inner realization that it was important for her go there, but that the time was not yet right. It wasn’t until twelve years later, in 2003, that she came to believe that the time had come, and she felt compelled to take the trip. With a friend, she flew to Phoenix, rented a car, drove across the desert to Ship Rock, and was astounded to see that it was exactly as she remembered it from her space adventure. When they then drove back through the Hopi Reservation and she met some of the Hopi, long-buried memories and recognitions tumbled into her mind.


When she returned home, Delicado was now motivated to get some answers, so she scoured the Internet for information about the Hopi. She was incredulous as she learned that the Hopi mythology about the human journey through the four worlds, as well as the Blue Star end-times prophecy, was exactly the same as the information given to her by the aliens fifteen years before! She was brought to tears as the comprehension dawned on her that her life was somehow intertwined with the Hopi and that she had some sort of role to play in the unfolding drama. She returned to the Hopi Reservation alone the following year and had a rare encounter with one of the Hopi elders, who reacted with great surprise to the depth of her knowledge about the prophecies. He was more surprised when she unfolded a piece of paper she had kept since her abduction and read off some Hopi words given to her by the ETs. Then it was her turn to be surprised when he told her that he saw her surrounded by tall, blonde aliens!


Delicado believes that she was moved to go to the Four Corners in 2003 because the end times are fast approaching. The Hopi claim that the Mayans were the descendants of a Hopi tribe that migrated south during the period of their ancient migrations and decided to remain in the Yucatán. If it is true that the two cultures sprang from a common origin, then it seems reasonable to conclude that they both have pieces of the same puzzle and that the two prophecies are tied together. This means that we shouldn’t be too surprised if a blue star appears in the heavens on December 21, 2012, and the Blue Star Kachina dances at Oraibi and removes his mask!


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