The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (26 page)

BOOK: The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race
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The possibility of the reality of time travel has opened the door to another theory of the source of UFOs. If they can indeed travel through time, why is it necessary to postulate extraterrestrial origins? What we call extraterrestrials could be humans from Earth in the future. Most people would probably have a lot of difficulty believing that we could develop into little grey guys with huge craniums, immense eyes, and leathery skin. Their intelligence is far beyond ours, and they have paranormal powers that could definitely be considered superhuman. But we don’t really know what genetic mutations might be in store for the human race.


Davenport, in a chapter titled “Impossible Variety,” makes some very persuasive arguments in favor of the hypothesis that at least some of the alien visitors may be from Earth in the future. He cites several cases where normal-looking humans, possibly from the very near future, were reported to be working with the Greys on the spaceships, and some of the humans appeared to be in command or leadership roles. In fact, in some cases in the 1950s and ’60s, the aliens that were encountered seemed like ordinary U.S. military pilots.


In one case given by Davenport, from 1966 in Temple, Oklahoma, an electronics instructor came upon a wingless, engineless, silver UFO by the side of the road with a military number on it. What appeared to be a G.I. mechanic in fatigues and a baseball cap was inspecting something on the bottom of the craft with a flashlight! When he realized he was being watched, he jumped in the craft, and it took off vertically at high speed, making a noise like a “high-speed drill.” Some would claim that this was simply a test vehicle from Area 51. But Davenport argues that the great variety of aliens seen, all basically humanoid, all breathing our air, many using CIA-type devices and techniques, and most understanding or speaking our languages, suggests that they may be coming from different eras in the future. Many contactees have reported being asked what time it was by ufonauts. This suggests visitors from the future who may not have precise control over their time settings. If they were simply spacefarers, a more natural question would be, “Where am I?”


Anyone who is still unconvinced by Davenport’s theory should consider the words of the aliens themselves. In a chapter in the book titled “We Are Guinea Pigs,” Davenport cites the case of a Wisconsin attorney who was abducted in 1970 by ETs who asked him what type of time we use. They then told him that time doesn’t really exist and that they could “distort time as we know it by speeding it up, slowing it down, or stopping it.” They also told him that they traveled faster than the speed of light. A contactee from Rhodesia in 1974 told hypnotist Dr. Paul Oberick, “They can travel on time. Speed of light is too slow to cover billions of miles in seconds . . . They are time travelers, not space travelers.”


Davenport’s arguments are very convincing. While it does boggle the mind to imagine that past, present, and future are all happening simultaneously, that may only be because of our limited consciousness. Davenport agrees that our perception of time is created by our consciousness and may well be an illusion. Such anomalies as dreams, synchronicity, dêjà vu, and remote viewing all point to this probability. Someday when we are more spiritually aware, we may look back and wonder how we could ever have allowed ourselves to be so tyrannized by time.




Past and Future: New Views


ow in 2010, the “ancient astronaut” hypothesis seems to have become an established concept, rapidly gaining mainstream acceptance. Thanks to the groundbreaking work of Erich von Däniken and Zecharia Sitchin, among other notable writers and researchers, it is becoming clear that high-tech visitors from distant stars have stopped here at our little planet at various times since prehistory. For most of the researchers on this subject, the largest and most obvious clues have been in Egypt. When, in the early 1990s, Robert Bauval discovered that the three pyramids at Giza, when viewed from the air, were aligned exactly as the three stars in the constellation of Orion, an unmistakable link was established between Orion and Giza. In my interview with Bauval, which is in chapter 23, “The Monuments of the Gods,” he ultimately conceded that this link probably meant that spacefarers from Orion built the pyramids and the Sphinx. He pushed the creation of the Sphinx back to 10,500 BCE, but he wasn’t willing to grant the same antiquity to the pyramids. In any case, the sudden and spectacular rise to prominence and dominance of classical Egypt now appears to have been the result of extraterrestrial influence.


From the very outset, there was something different about World War II. It really wasn’t just a case of “the usual suspects” (i.e., Germany and France) attacking each other. The entire world seemed to go to war simultaneously! Only a few small nations stayed out of it, and even they were drawn into supporting or opposing the combatants. There seemed to be an invisible hand orchestrating the worldwide eruption of hostilities. There was unprecedented coordination between Asian and European nations on one hand, and European, Asian, and North American nations on the other. Somehow, it just didn’t make sense for all these countries to be angry at each other at the same time. The war had all the earmarks of the existence of powerful “outside” influences.


Furthermore, World War II had all the characteristics of what little we know about Armageddon—the final battle between good and evil. The moral battle lines were clearly drawn. Terms like “crusade” and “defense of freedom” were commonly used. When, three days after D-Day, Private Robert Healey returned to the invasion beach, walking among the carnage, he encountered a soul-stirring sight. “Lying on the beach was a young soldier, his arms outstretched. Near one of his hands, as if he had been reading it, was a pocketbook (what today would be called a paperback). It was
Our Hearts Were Young and Gay
by Cornelia Otis Skinner. This expressed the spirit of our ordeal. Our hearts were young and gay because we thought we were immortal, we believed we were doing a great thing, and we really believed in the crusade which we hoped would liberate the world from the heel of Nazism.”


On October 23, 1940, President Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his annual Navy Day address, “In the place of the churches of our civilization there is to be set up an international Nazi church, a church which will be served by orators sent out by the Nazi government. And in the place of the Bible, the words of
Mein Kampf
will be imposed and enforced as Holy Writ. And in the place of the cross of Christ will be put two symbols: the swastika and the naked sword.” Hitler’s occult mentor, Dietrich Eckart, identified Hitler as the Antichrist. There was cruelty and oppression on one side and compassion and liberation on the other. If any war could be said to be Armageddon, it would certainly have to be World War II.


In the two “Battlefield Earth” chapters, all the evidence for extraterrestrial involvement in World War II is presented. The reader will learn of Hitler’s awesome space-age weaponry, which could have easily turned the tide of war if it had lasted only a few months longer, and his battalions of fearless, cloned storm troopers. It was said that President Roosevelt met with Pleiadian envoys in the mid-Atlantic early in the war. If there was indeed alien assistance on both sides, then we are left with the inescapable conclusion that there are both good and evil civilizations in the universe and that both sides chose Earth in the mid-twentieth century to confront each other. It appears that the “great war in heaven” descended to Earth and that the devil was vanquished on the European battlefields and on the islands of the Pacific.


In “The Web of the Spider Woman,” the final chapter of the book, we seek to learn the future of our planet from the Hopi, the descendants of the Anasazi, an ancient civilization in the Southwest dating back ten thousand years, who, in turn, came here from the Lyran star system, according to the Hopi belief. The knowledge of their stellar origins has been passed down mouth to ear over that vast stretch of time, as have their prophecies for the end times. The Hopi prophecy for the near future is not pleasant. There will be pain as we transition from the Fourth World to the Fifth World. But for the survivors, who will first be drawn to the Hopi lands in northeastern Arizona, the prophecies foretell our return to our original home in the Pleiades. At the end, say the Hopi, we will leave our hard-fought Earth experience behind us and rejoin our brothers and sisters on our paradise planet among the stars.




The Monuments of the Gods


According to author and astronomer Robert Bauval, the answer to the ancient secret of Giza is in the stars. When he came to the realization, one starry night in the Arabian desert, that the three pyramids of Giza were arranged on the ground to replicate the arrangement of the three stars in Orion’s belt, ancient astronaut theorization was the farthest thing from his mind. “Je tiens l’affaire,” he shouted excitedly when he understood the connection, deliberately mimicking Jean-Francois Champollion’s exclamation when he had deciphered the Rosetta Stone in 1823. At the time of his discovery, Bauval was a construction engineer working in the Middle East. In his subsequent book
The Orion Mystery: Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids,
coauthored with Adrian Gilbert, Bauval demonstrated convincingly that the ancient Egyptians were sophisticated astronomers and that their religious beliefs and practices were far more profound and esoteric than previously believed. His thesis that the entire area of lower Egypt was laid out in emulation of the heavens is revolutionary, giving new meaning to the famous dictum of Hermes/Thoth, “As above, so below.” Furthermore, he too, as had John Anthony West, Graham Hancock, and Edgar Cayce, pushed the frontiers of high Egyptian civilization way back to 10,500 BCE.


Bauval was born in Alexandria, Egypt, to European parents and has retained a fascination with his native country that eventually nagged him to find the real truth about ancient Egypt. Dissatisfaction with conventional Egyptology was evidently lurking in the back of his mind when, one day in 1979, at Heathrow Airport in London, he picked up a copy of Robert Temple’s book,
The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago,
first published in 1976 but since revised and expanded. Temple showed that the African Dogon tribe had extremely ancient religious traditions centering on the Sirius star system. To Bauval, this suggested a connection with the ancient Egyptian traditions concerning Sirius as well as the Orion star system. Thus began an investigative odyssey that culminated in one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the twentieth century. Many believe that before all of the ramifications of his breakthrough have played out, the stage will be set for a totally new understanding of our origins.




I met Bauval in July at an Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) conference in Virginia Beach subtitled “Atlantis Rising” (purely coincidental). He was the featured speaker. I asked about the debate over the dates 2500 BCE versus 10,500 BCE for the building of the Giza pyramids. He said, “There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that the pyramids of Giza were built, physically built, in 2500 BC. We can’t escape that. The area is carbon-dated. But the knowledge of building it was known long, long before. I think that what you’re looking at is a blueprint that finally took shape. And the blueprint originated in the period of 10,500 BC.” But consonant with the evidence cited by John Anthony West, Bauval believes that the Sphinx was indeed carved out in 10,500 BCE. However, while West arrived at this date geologically, Bauval used astronomy.


Astronomical correlations are at the very heart of Bauval’s discoveries and theories. As an amateur astronomer, he has delved deep into the connections, but many of them are obvious. In fact, it is nothing short of astounding that for over two hundred years now, Egyptologists have avoided the stellar implications of ancient Egyptian beliefs and architecture when it appears that the entire Egyptian religious apparatus was based on the constellations. In
The Orion Mystery,
Bauval blames this on the longtime domination of Egyptology by one man, American James Henry Breasted, who adopted a monotheistic solar explanation that threw the star theory into disrepute.


Astrologers have long known about the 25,600-year cycle commonly referred to as the precession of the equinoxes. Every 2,160 years, the vernal point, moving along the ecliptic, enters a new sign of the zodiac, going backward, because of the wobble of Earth. According to Manly Palmer Hall, the legendary metaphysical author and founder of the Philosophical Research Society, and others, each change of sign ushers in a new religio-philosophical dispensation. In
The Orion Mystery,
Bauval makes the bold claim that the ancient Egyptian astronomer-priests knew about precession as early as 10,500 BCE, which was the time that the constellation of Orion was at its lowest point on the meridian and therefore started its upward cycle. This would be incredible, if true, because it would mean they had carefully observed star movements, without telescopes, for thousands of years. The importance of Orion to the ancient Egyptians is, of course, well known. It is cited in the Pyramid Texts, the oldest extant religious writings on the planet, as being the home of Sahu, or Osiris, in the sky.


In our conversation, Bauval elaborated on this, pointing out how precession was used. “At 10,500 BC when the constellation of Orion is at the low point, it also happens to be crossing the meridian at the time of the vernal equinox. On that day, the vernal point would be due east. That immediately draws your attention to the Sphinx, because the Sphinx looks due east. And when you investigate the position of that vernal point at 10,500 BC you’ll find that it is exactly between Virgo and Leo. The constellation was performing its first heliacal rising. This means that the Age of Leo was just beginning. Now, this coincidence is a million to one. It’s luring us to consider that the image of the Sphinx is a symbol of the lion in the sky, Leo. The message is . . . look at the Age of Leo.”


The Age of Leo: circa 10,500 to 8000 BCE


So according to Bauval, the Sphinx was built to establish the advent of the Age of Leo as a marker in precessional time and to identify it for future ages as what the Pyramid Texts call the first time. Then, says Bauval, eight thousand years later, the pyramid builders gave us further evidence that the plan was first hatched at 10,500 BCE. The arrangement of the Giza pyramids with respect to the Nile doesn’t quite match the pattern in the stars and the Milky Way at 2,500 BCE. But if the star map is rotated about 30° to conform to the stellar pattern at 10,500 BCE, it matches perfectly. Bauval says, “My conclusion about Giza is that we’re certain that it is a collective marker of Leo. They’re both linked, but if you look at it in 2500 BC it doesn’t match. You’re looking at the wrong time. The time that it’s telling you to look at is 10,500 BC. Now, how you explain that it took shape at 2,500 BC is another matter. But it did.”




The Orion Mystery,
Bauval points out that the importance of the Pyramid Texts has been trivialized by Breasted and the Egyptology establishment, but properly understood, he says, they provide the key to the symbolic purpose of Giza. He says, “There is a link between the Pyramid Texts and the pyramids, i.e., what one is saying textually, the other is saying architecturally, and we’ve proved this beyond any doubt. We begin to understand that the Pyramid Texts are not mumbo-jumbo at all. The message tells us that we are dealing with a dual landscape, two horizons. That is why the Egyptologists have missed out in finding the Sphinx in the Pyramid Texts, because the texts speak of the Sphinx and the pyramids in cosmic terms. When they mention Orion, they mean the pyramids. When they mention Horakhty [Horus as god of the rising son], they mean the Sphinx. Once you understand this trick you can make the correlations from the cosmic to the terrestrial.”


Once these masked references in the Pyramid Texts are deciphered, they can be seen as a sort of travel guide, or TripTik, for Horus, the dead king, as he makes his way back to rejoin his father, Osiris, in the stars. But his journey is not only through space. According to Bauval, it is also a time journey. He says, “What we’ve recently discovered is that in Egypt in 10,500 BC there was a group of people called the Followers of Horus, who were supposed to be ancestors of the kings, and their job was literally to follow Horus as he changed position, in order to know exactly where they were in time, in order to be able to return. The Pyramid Texts speak of the time of the original Osiris, and of the original Horus. They believed that there is a lineage of kings that emerges from this first time, and that the king is supposed to return back to his origins in time. So basically the king uses the Followers of Horus to travel back. And the flux that he travels on is precession. That’s why precession is built into this ancient architecture. They give us the date 2,500 BC with the Great Pyramid shaft pointing to Orion’s belt, and then they tell us travel back in time.”




So far in our interview, Bauval had given me some fascinating new insights into the ancient Egyptian star religion, but he had drawn no inferences. But at that point, the interview took an unexpected turn as Bauval entered some new and daring territory. I asked him what sort of people could have designed such an elaborate and complex plan stretching out over eight thousand years with the confidence that it would come to fruition. He said, “We’re looking at a scientific way of thinking that is totally alien to us. It seems that we have a device that was built to work with time. It’s a sort of calendar that these people, the Followers of Horus, built in order to be able to trigger certain events in the future. One of the things that they knew would happen, and they timed it, was the Pyramid Age. The Egyptians believed that certain individuals came from a divine origin, and these individuals had the ability to return to where they came from. There is something that we haven’t yet quite understood about our capabilities. Because we feel uncomfortable with it, we use words like spirit, soul, intellect, whatever. But there is something about us that may possibly be able to travel in time or in space. Now these people seemed to know about it, and they went to a lot of trouble to create a condition that somehow allowed this to happen. We call it ritual, we call it initiation. You can call it what you like. But they seemed to think that it was only possible to achieve it through a certain condition when the harmonics were right, when everything was right. It has something to do with stone; it has something to do with scale; it has something to do with a mental state. You have to be able to take yourself to the threshold of a journey, and the journey seems to be returning to a time when immortality was known.”


This explanation seemed to approach Edgar Cayce’s claim that the Great Pyramid was a temple of initiation. I asked Bauval to elaborate on this, and his reply was surprising. He said that we seem to be dealing with people who were convinced that they had a science of immortality, and they built something that they felt was a device to achieve it. Bauval was obviously referring to the priests at Heliopolis, but his description of their activities and goals strayed far from conventional Egyptology. He said, “What I think happened here is that we have a very powerful nucleus, a messiah-making academy if you like, at Heliopolis, that maintained the origin of an idea, maintained something, whether it’s in physical form, whether it’s the Hall of Records, whatever. They were the keepers of it. And they maintained it to a point where they finally were able to physically create a place for it to rest forever. My impression, based on the evidence, is that we’re dealing with people who seem to know their origins, who knew where they came from, literally, and they wanted to maintain this knowledge of their origins forever, never to be lost. They seem to have been able to keep it for a long period of time, and finally found, perhaps within their own academy, or outside, an individual who could wield the nation in order to build what they had in mind, to find a repository for this knowledge of origins. There were two thousand to three thousand years of preparation for something to happen. And then it does happen. They find the right guy, they find the right moment. And the point in time is 2,500 BC. And then their mission was accomplished, and they left.”




By this time in the interview, Bauval had used the “a” word (“alien”) twice, in other contexts, and he was now clearly advancing toward star-gate country. Although there are no ancient astronaut implications in his book, it was beginning to appear that he may have now begun to think about it, so I decided to turn the conversation in that direction. His response was startling and placed his entire body of research and theory in a totally new domain. His answers put the capstone on his discovery, and suddenly it all made perfect sense. I could see that this was obviously not just an add-on idea but was seamlessly integrated into his theoretical framework.


Bauval first argued that the Pyramid Texts were directing the dead king specifically to a place underneath the Sphinx. He said, “We are led to conclude that by following the instructions, we reach a date of 10,500 BC, and that somewhere underneath the Sphinx, somewhere between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid, is something that has to do with 10,500 BC. I’m translating the message as it is written in the Pyramid Texts, and on the monuments. And he’s supposed to arrive at the region called horacty when he’s finished his journey. And there he’s arrived at the time of the gods, and this is declared to be the place of the first time. What he’s told then is that when he reaches here, he’s at the entrance of the necropolis. And now comes the terrestrial journey. It’s said that now at this entrance he has to find the astral body of his father, of Osiris. So from here, he has to go to the pyramids, which are behind him, which we know represent the astral body of Osiris. But he is actually told to go under the Sphinx. The message is to find the astral body which is behind you, you have to proceed to that point. And what we find there is a plaque in front of the Sphinx, a stele. And on it is written, ‘This is the place of the first time.’ Surprisingly nobody has picked up its meaning.”


The time had now come to ask the obvious question, the key question: What were the origins that the priests were so jealously guarding? Where did they come from? I pointed out to Bauval that the configuration of the three pyramids in replication of the Orion stars was only obvious from the sky. That observation elicited the following amazing reply. He said, “What they are telling us, whether we like it or not, is that the gods came from the sky, and one of them, the major one, came from Orion. And they’re telling us that in 10,500 BC they buried the body of Orion at Giza. And they’re leading us on just enough, but making it hard to find. It isn’t Robert Bauval that is saying this. The message is there.”


When Bauval made that statement, the words of von Däniken and Sitchin flashed through my mind. All of a sudden, it all made sense—the Nazca Plain, Machu Picchu, and Teotihuacán. What makes Bauval’s conclusion so convincing is the route by which he got there. He didn’t start out with the extraterrestrial hypothesis but arrived at it after a painstaking study of the Pyramid Texts and a corresponding highly scientific astronomical study of the monuments. The body of evidence is there for anyone to see. At 10,500 years before Christ, some superintelligent beings knew all about precession and galactic astronomy and all the dimensions of the planet, and they laid out a construction plan on Earth to duplicate the star patterns in order to leave behind an indestructible message telling us where they came from and, perhaps, where we came from!


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