The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (22 page)

BOOK: The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race
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Cross became an expert on titanium and authored a technical summary report titled “Titanium Base Alloys” that was presented to the Office of Naval Intelligence in December 1948. While it can be shown that the “Second Progress Report” was the first document to ever discuss the NiTi alloy, the metal wasn’t officially “discovered” as a matter of record until 1961 by the U.S. Naval Ordinance Lab (NOL). Bragalia believes this was the result of Cross having originally turned over his data to the Office of Naval Research. The invention of nitinol is now officially credited to William Buehler and Dr. Frederick Wang, researchers at the NOL. Apparently, the NiTi data languished in the archives at the NOL for ten years until Buehler came along and started looking for intermetallic compounds to use for the nose cone of the navy’s Polaris missile. He quickly focused on NiTi in 1959 and then renamed it nitinol, combining “NiTi” with “NOL,” in 1961 when he discovered its amazing characteristics.


Wang joined Buehler’s group in 1962 and started to find new applications for the unique alloy. Today, nitinol is used in coupling hydraulic lines on jet aircraft, orthodontics, orthopedic surgery, bone fracture splints, cardiovascular stents, medical catheters, scoliosis spinal correction, and other medical uses. Wang has built nitinol engines that convert thermal energy to mechanical energy. It is also being used in ocean engineering, electrical connector products, robotics, laser beam alignments, tap water valves, sprinkler systems (developed by Battelle), eyeglass frames, automatic window openers, coffeemaker valves, and mechanical toys. New uses are being continually identified.


There is really no way to know what life would be like today if that spacecraft from a distant star had not crashed in the New Mexico desert that stormy night in July 1947. It would certainly be very different. It was truly the opening event of the space age, and we are just now beginning to comprehend the magnitude of the change that it brought about.




The Coming Race


he reality that a group of extraterrestrial visitors is secretly abducting human women and using them to create a hybrid race through genetic engineering is probably the most bizarre story in human history. Yet the reports keep piling up, and the details have slowly emerged. In view of the huge number of cases over the years, the aliens must have realized that it would be impossible to keep this operation totally secret. So while they apparently have developed a highly effective system to erase memories of these events, many women do remember, and the experiences are recalled with clarity under hypnosis. Several books have been written, without which we wouldn’t really know anything about the abductions. That is the most astounding aspect of this phenomenon. Not a single abduction story has made it through to the mainstream media, despite the fact that the books on the subject have sold well and have achieved wide distribution. We can only conclude from this that the forces behind the media suppression machine are extremely powerful.


The details of the abduction program given in chapter 19, “The Hybrid Project,” have been taken from the books mentioned in that chapter. As is reported in that chapter, the sanctioning authority for this intrusive, involuntary, and frequently traumatic handling of human women is not clear. One authority says it is the “world government,” but the aliens themselves claim that it is the “Council of Worlds.” While some of the investigators and the aliens say that they are creating a race that is superior to the human race, David Jacobs, author of
The Threat,
believes it is a sinister planetary takeover plot. No one would argue with the need to improve the human race, and so the aliens and their human supporters do have a case that they use to deflect criticism.


However, this section of the book offers other viewpoints on the subject of transforming the human race. The Andy Pero story in chapter 20, “Man and Superman,” dramatically illustrates the latent power in humans to become “superhuman.” Pero himself takes the position that we have been deliberately kept in a weakened condition and in a state of lowered consciousness by hostile extraterrestrials. In chapter 21, “Psychic Discoveries Revisited,” authors Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder make a persuasive case for the possibility of incredibly enhanced mental and psychic human powers that can be achieved naturally. The yogic powers demonstrated by generations of Himalayan masters, practitioners of the Silva Method (fomerly Silva Mind Control), and the recent widespread development of remote viewing capabilities by average individuals all tend to support the “human potential” position.


Chapter 22, “It’s Only a Matter of Time,” discusses the high probability that the aliens who have reached Earth could only have arrived here by time travel since the physical distances are too vast. In many abduction cases, the aliens seemed to have the ability to stop time so that witnesses were frozen like statues while the aliens conducted the abduction, and then were unfrozen. Afterward, the witnesses couldn’t recall any gap in time. In chapter 22 we learn that the aliens told one abductee that time doesn’t really exist and that they could “distort time as we know it by speeding it up, slowing it down, or stopping it.” Author Marc Davenport, who was interviewed for that chapter, speculates that this ability to manipulate time comes with higher consciousness and that eventually we will all have that ability.


From the evidence given in this part of the book, it is fair to conclude that the human race will continue to evolve to a higher state of consciousness and to eventually exhibit powers that now appear to be superhuman. Consequently, the alien claim that human transformation can be achieved only by genetic tinkering to create alien-human hybrids is highly suspect.




The Hybrid Project




In the ten-part television series
directed by Steve Beers but produced and personally supervised by Steven Spielberg, which was telecast in December 2002, an alien from a crashed spacecraft in New Mexico in 1947 puts on the appearance of a handsome man and is taken in by a divorced woman living alone. They have an affair, and a male hybrid child is conceived. We later see, in the final episode, that the alien father is really a typical small, grey entity, commonly referred to as a Zeta Reticulan. After the child has grown up, he is brought together with a female human-alien hybrid by the intervention of the aliens. They have a child, now a second-generation hybrid, who is special and unique. The little girl is very spiritual and has precognitive capabilities and powerful telekinetic skills that permit her to mentally control the actions of others. A top-secret government agency that monitors ET activity attempts to kidnap the girl and turn her into an experimental guinea pig, but she is ultimately torn from her parents’ arms and taken away by the aliens, presumably because she would not be able to live a normal life in human society.


The series, produced at a cost of over $40 million and with over twenty hours of programming, reached a very wide international audience because it was on the cable Sci-Fi Channel, which is also beamed down to satellite viewers. This TV series was highly significant because the viewers were led to believe that, while presented as fictional, it was based on reality. In fact, it was apparently so close to reality that some ufologists believed the eight-year-old actress, Dakota Fanning, who played the hybrid character Allie Keys in the series, to actually be a hybrid child! Fanning has since gone on to become a very normal and accomplished Hollywood star. According to the November 30, 2002, issue of
TV Guide
magazine, Spielberg chose television over film for this subject matter because it couldn’t be covered adequately in a single two- or three-hour movie. In that article, he says, “I’ve been interested in all the wonders of extraterrestrials over my entire life. And I thought we would need more than two hours to really do the history of alien abductions.” As part of its publicity campaign for the series, the Sci-Fi Channel formed a public interest group called the Coalition for Freedom of Information to urge the government to open UFO files. In a cautious understatement, Sci-Fi Channel president Bonnie Hammer said, “It’s become clear to us that the government is hiding something.”


By now, most astute observers of the movie scene have long since concluded that Spielberg probably has an inside track with government agencies and is being used to present secret information relative to UFOs and ETs as entertainment. Many believe that the new government agenda relative to these subjects is “controlled public acclimation.” Spielberg is probably willing to cooperate in this because he is in agreement with disclosure. This series would appear to be an integral part of such a program since the material was very close to what has already been revealed about the hybrid program by most of the serious investigators, such as Dr. John E. Mack, Budd Hopkins, and Dr. David Jacobs.




In case after case, female abductees are taken on board alien craft, disrobed, and placed on some sort of operating table under glaring lights, frequently with metal or Velcro-like arm and leg restraints. They then go through the first reproductive procedure, which is the removal of an egg by insertion of a long, thin tube into the vagina or a long needle into the belly button. The women typically know that something has been removed from them, or the aliens confirm it. Apparently, the aliens know precisely when a woman is ovulating by monitoring the implants previously placed somewhere in her body, usually in the nasal cavity. Sperm is taken from the men by a device that forces an ejaculation without orgasm. This is done with or without an erection.


Poster for the TV series
with Dakota Fanning


The aliens evidently fertilize the egg in their laboratory and somehow splice the alien genetic component into the egg. According to retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Donald M. Ware, a longtime UFO/ET investigator, they apparently can choose from a menu of alien genetic materials to produce hybrid children with more or fewer alien characteristics in the precise combination they are seeking. Mack says that they have now perfected their procedures after years of experimentation. Thus they know in advance exactly how strange the hybrid child will appear in human society. They then abduct the woman from whom they have taken the egg a second time. This time they implant the fertilized embryo into her uterus.


According to Jacobs, in
Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions
(Touchstone, July 1999), “Usually the woman knows that something is being inserted into her and left there. She receives the impression that she is now pregnant. She does not want to be pregnant, and she certainly does not want to be pregnant under those circumstances. The Beings ignore her objections.” The final step in this reproductive process is the removal of the fetus. This procedure is sometimes painful. One of Jacobs’s subjects in the book, Lynn Miller, says the taller, “doctor-type” alien poked her in the side and said, “It’s time to take it.” Then the alien inserted a long, black instrument with a cup on the end, which seemed to cause suction. She says, “It feels like he’s tearing something inside at first . . . they’re not too gentle. I keep on telling them that it hurts.” Jacobs asked, “Does he try to make it stop hurting?” She said, “No.” The alien “doctor” then extracted a small fetus and placed it in a liquid-filled “drawer.” He said to her, “This is your child, and we’re going to raise it.” Another Jacobs subject, Tracy, described many drawers in the wall, all containing fetuses, apparently acting as incubators.


Mack reports the case of Catherine. After she had the tiny hybrid fetus removed from her womb, she was in a distraught emotional state, and she asked the alien “doctor” telepathically, “How many other humans have you done this to?” The alien responded dryly, “It’s a very large number.”




The fetal extraction is usually done after about three months, or the completion of the first trimester. According to Ware, this early removal of the fetus is done only when the aliens have decided that the child will be too strange looking to live a normal life in human society, so they plan to raise it off-planet. Another, more cogent reason for early removal of a mostly alien child has to do with the size of the head. It is unlikely that the large head would be able to go through the birth canal if the fetus were carried to term. In those cases where the hybrid will be acceptably human looking and can be born relatively comfortably, they let it come to term in the human mother and allow it to be raised by the human parents. But, as shown in
they allegedly monitor and protect these special children carefully from afar. Also as in
they produce more refined second- and succeeding-generation hybrids through a supervised breeding program of mating humans with later-generation hybrids.


Many abductees have reported seeing the “incubatoriums,” where as many as a hundred fetuses in various stages of development are in bubbling liquid- or gel-filled individual “fish tanks” while hooked up to some sort of life-support and feeding system. As the hybrid children grow up, evidently in the spaceships, abductee women are brought in to hold them, interact with them, and show them affection. The aliens go to great lengths to persuade reluctant abductees to hug the passive children, sometimes putting the woman’s arms around the child and holding them there.


Passport to the Cosmos,
Mack says that the hybrid project has apparently encountered many serious problems. He claims that the abductees consistently reported seeing sickly or nonadaptive hybrids. One of his subjects, Karin, said that the hybrids “have seemed sick, physically and emotionally and appear to get sicker the older they get. They feel really sad . . . they look emaciated, kind of atrophied.” Other abductees said the hybrids don’t seem to experience real emotion, just vibrations. One of Mack’s experiencers, named Andrea, said that they haven’t got the waste-elimination system working right. Their “kidneys were shutting down.” Another, named Nona, said the aliens told her, “We are having problems with the palates.”


But then, in 1997, Mack says he “began to hear of the creation of hybrids in which the human/alien integration had been more ‘successful’ in producing beings with special qualities.” Also in 1997, Karin reported seeing hybrid children for whom “the emotional dimension appeared to be fully ‘integrated.’” In what could almost be taken as a sort of celebration of this landmark achievement, on June 23, 1997,
magazine put an artist’s version of a hybrid face on the cover! The cover story was called “The Roswell Files,” and the cover article commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of the Roswell crash, a story totally unrelated to the creation of a hybrid race. The cover picture was painted from memory by one of Hopkins’s hypnotic subjects. It was a portrait of her hybrid daughter aged forward to adulthood.




For answers to the many pressing questions about this program, I turned to two very knowledgeable individuals with long involvement in extraterrestrial investigation and research, Colonel Donald Ware and Dr. Richard Boylan. I met with Ware at the 2003 International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, and I spoke with Boylan by telephone.


Ware says that the Zeta Reticulans have been given permission to develop a new species, to be called
homo alterios spatialis,
because they are a dying race and have reached a dead end in their development, both physically and spiritually. This permission was granted by the Galactic Council, who he claims are the overseers of this part of the universe. He says that the scientific aspects were approved by the Pleiadians, who are far more advanced than the Zeta Reticulans. The Zetas are no longer able to reproduce and must depend on cloning to continue to survive physically as a species, and the cloning process tends to deteriorate over time. So they must seek new reproduceable bodies to inhabit, or they will die out. They once looked much like us, but they reached this impasse through a series of atomic and biotech wars on their home planet in Zeta Reticuli. The surface of the planet became uninhabitable, and they were forced underground. They then decided to genetically breed out all emotions because they viewed anger and rage as the cause of their predicament. This caused their mental aspect to overdevelop, which tended to transform them into having a sort of hive mentality, and they lost all individuality, which, in turn, meant they couldn’t progress any further spiritually.


Ware says he believes that the not-so-secret “world government” of Earth is actively cooperating with the Zeta Reticulans in the hybrid project. This, he claims, is a fourth-density (i.e., higher consciousness) organization compared with our national government, which he claims is third-density. Ware says that about seven hundred million earthly souls have already graduated to the fourth density and presently form a new subspecies called
Homo sapiens alterios.
These people, he claims, have the “upgraded biological computer” and are well on their way to developing unconditional universal love. Some of these souls already inhabit hybrid bodies. They will be the primary survivors of the coming cataclysm caused by the passage of Planet X (see chapter 9). Ware says that we humans also need these new bodies, with their telepathic and psychic components, in order to enter the new era of space travel. Telepathy will be necessary as the vital means of communication off-planet, and we must be peaceable and loving and wise before we will be allowed to visit distant spheres. We will not be permitted to export our violent ways out into space.


Boylan had a similar, although not identical, viewpoint. He referred to the hybrids that are born to human parents after Zeta Reticulan genetic tinkering as “star kids” and said they are very special humans with a laundry list of forty-two possible new abilities and powers. He said nothing about the world government, believing rather that the aliens initiated the hybrid project on their own. Nor did he say anything about third- and fourth-density organizations, but rather he lined up with the Hopi and Lakota prophecies that there would be a transition from the Fourth World to the Fifth World and that nuclear war and ecological disaster would bring about the new era, after perhaps millions rather than billions had died. This, he believes, will take place according to the Mayan prophecy in 2012. It will be after this that the hybrids now living off-planet will return and will be fully accepted into human society. He too said that this would open up a new era of cooperation with other extraterrestrials and travel to distant stars.


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