The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (23 page)

BOOK: The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race
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Jacobs is not so certain that the hybrid project is for our benefit. In his highly controversial and alarmist book,
The Threat,
he takes the position that this program leaves humans out of the equation. It really comes down to a question of which souls will inhabit these new bodies. Are these new hybrid bodies being prepared exclusively for alien souls to inhabit, in a plan to ultimately take over the planet? At least one reviewer of
The Threat
sees sinister intent, saying, “In the final stages of the alien agenda, humans will be slowly ‘phased out’ while the hybrids are ‘phased in.’ Memories of loving mothers, fathers, freedom of choice and religion will be replaced by memories of selective breeding, single-minded functions geared to serving the aliens’ needs, programs and a hive mentality. If a population has no memories of individual choice, family bonding, freedom, it will not remember or know what it has lost . . . It is clear that the alien agenda depends on secrecy. Evidently they are concerned that if the human population became aware of what they are doing, their agenda might be resisted.”


Apparently in confirmation of the takeover thesis, Jacobs reports that a tall alien told abductee Lynn Miller that they were creating a new race that “will be able to reproduce, and they will know love and happiness like humans know, and they will know their soul and their consciousness like we don’t know, and they will inhabit the planet and take care of it, and make it a beautiful place.”


This discussion would not be complete without getting the story direct from the horse’s mouth—the Zeta Reticulans themselves. For this we turned to the website
. This information has been channeled by a woman named Nancy Leiderer and purports to be a verbatim transcription of Zeta Reticulan dialogue. They have a lot to say about the hybrid program. They are basically in agreement with Ware but differ on a few essentials. They say they are not really a dying species but simply want to recapture the emotional and sexual aspects of life that they have lost. They say they are not in collusion with a world government, but they do have a formal, unwritten agreement with the new, more representative MJ-12 group in the U.S. government (the old MJ-12 is now defunct), and the program has been sanctioned by the Council of Worlds. They claim that all the hybrids are currently living on other fourth-density planets but will return here when the earth has reached fourth-density status. They confirm the imminent arrival of Planet X, and that the cataclysms will be apocalyptic. They say further that the shift to fourth density has been timed to coincide with this event, so that once it is over, the new age will begin, and the meek shall truly inherit the earth.




Man and Superman


Any task you choose to undertake, or any fight you choose to fight, 90% of what it takes . . . is all mental. And . . . fear is the key to it all! If you can control your fear, you can control your mind, and if you can control your mind, you can control your life.




It’s a very persistent myth. This idea that somehow humans can develop superpowers seems to be part of the racial subconscious, and various versions of this concept pop up repeatedly in science-fiction books, comic books, television programs, and movies. One has to be careful to differentiate this concept of the superhuman, or, more familiarly, the “superman,” from the man-machine version, more commonly known as a cyborg, a myth that has an equal resiliency, especially lately. Typically, when such a mythology refuses to go away, there seems to be some innate, intuitive conviction among large segments of the population that it really is possible, that it is a truth that hasn’t yet been validated scientifically. It might even be characterized as a yearning, an inexpressible and powerful desire for humanity to be more than it is today, allied with the belief that it can be accomplished. A corollary of this is the suspicion that somehow we have been kept down from this evolutionary next step by conspiratorial forces that seek to keep us under strict control—the idea that if we knew our real potential, “they” would no longer be able to remain in power.




This idea of superpowers explains why stage magicians are able to generate so much public excitement. Those who view their amazing feats start to believe, in their innermost thoughts, that perhaps the illusions are real because they want to believe that humans can develop such powers. For most of the modern era, audiences applauded such tricks in admiration of the magician’s abilities but always went away certain that it was skill and not real magic. Lately, however, they are not so sure. With the advent of David Copperfield in the 1980s, stage magic took on an entirely different complexion, and a new age of supermagic began in which many observers became convinced that there were paranormal abilities involved. Copperfield has performed many astounding feats including going through the Great Wall of China, making the Statue of Liberty apparently disappear (mass hypnosis?), and levitating over the Grand Canyon, all live before huge television audiences. The Great Wall illusion was particularly impressive because he did get to the other side of the wall in minutes.


The latest superstar illusionist in the tradition of Copperfield to emerge onto the public stage is Criss Angel. Angel began his career performing in an off-Broadway show called
Criss Angel Mindfreak
in 1998 at the age of twenty-one. It ran for six hundred performances. He then moved to television with a new, expanded version of the show, keeping the same name, on the cable A&E network, premiering in July 2005. Angel’s stunts on
are beyond sensational. Like Copperfield, he apparently has the ability to levitate, but he has taken this phenomenon to “new heights.” In a scene videotaped from all angles, in broad daylight, while his fans shouted and screamed from below, Angel effortlessly floated from rooftop to rooftop, standing with arms extended, covering a distance of about two hundred feet.


Criss Angel floating


Then, in what was perhaps the greatest feat ever accomplished by an illusionist, Angel, invoking Jesus and giving guttural shouts, floated high up into the air from the pinnacle of the Luxor Hotel pyramid in Las Vegas at night and hung in midair for about ten minutes, waving his arms, while floodlights from the hotel apex illuminated the scene, a helicopter hovered nearby, and hundreds of astonished, gaping spectators watched from the street and other hotels. But in what many believe to be his supreme achievement, perhaps because it emulates a miracle performed by Jesus, Angel walked across a swimming pool in Las Vegas while swimmers surrounded him and watched him closely and a woman swam beneath his feet as he walked. Taking each step carefully, Angel kicked off his shoes in midpool, and the camera showed them floating to the bottom as he continued his walk to the other side barefooted.


Angel is so casual about setting up his feats with random watchers and passersby that it becomes impossible to believe that they may be confederates, and he apparently uses no props. On an open stretch of road in Pahrump, Nevada, Angel came speeding down the strip in his black Lamborghini toward the crowd. As he passed the spectators, his assistants sprayed CO2 at the car, and it simply vanished into thin air. In a department store, he selected an eight-year-old girl at random and obtained permission from her mother to work with her. He dressed her up as a twenty-year-old woman, and then as they stood on a table facing each other, she actually turned into a twenty-year-old woman. She ran off screaming to her mother.


Criss Angel walks on water


Both Copperfield and Angel deny that they have supernormal capabilities. Yet Angel has demonstrated yogic powers by walking on knives, remaining submerged for long periods of time, and allowing a steamroller to crush him on a bed of broken glass. It would not be much of a stretch to believe that he has actually also learned to levitate, as the yogis do. At least one supermagician claims that his stunts are based on paranormal talents. Legendary performer Uri Geller says that his ability to bend spoons and keys and to stop and start clocks and watches with his mind are demonstrations of psychokinetic powers. And he claims that he uses actual telepathy in his mentalism act. Angel, who also includes mentalism in his performances, vehemently repudiates any hint of paranormal capability and alleges that he has become hyperskilled at knowing what’s in someone’s mind by recognizing minute changes in vocal inflections. But there may be a very practical and commercial reason for such repudiation. By keeping everything on an “illusion” basis, Angel doesn’t have to defend or explain anything he does, as Uri Geller is forced to do.




Now, in this age of the Internet, when a piece of information can become viral within hours and spread all over the world, it is increasingly difficult to keep a lid on secret programs, and stories about covert CIA and military efforts to develop “supersoldiers” are beginning to emerge like leaks sprung from a dam.


The most astounding revelation in this genre is the story of Andy Pero. The complete comprehensive record of Pero’s remarkable life, in his own words, can be found, as of this writing, at
and at
. These websites telling Pero’s story, titled “Project Superman,” were posted by the mysterious writer Bruce Alan Walton, who called himself “Branton” (see chapter 25). Included on these sites is a link to an interview that Pero did with Eve Frances Lorgen on June 13, 2000, offering further details of his experiences. Lorgen, best known as the author of
Love Bite: Alien Intervention in Human Love Relationships,
is a counselor to those who have suffered what is called “Anomalous Trauma,” which she describes as “unusual experiences such as alien abductions, extraterrestrial contact, mind control, cult abuse and military abductions (MILABS) related to the alien abduction syndrome.”


Andy Pero was born Michael Andrew Pero III on November 25, 1969, at the Fallon Naval Air Station in Fallon, Nevada, the son of a lieutenant commander in the navy. He has fragmented memories of his youth, but he recalls being “watched over” by two military men, one Army and one Air Force, who monitored his physical condition and educational progress from the age of five.


The family moved to northern New Jersey, and when he was eleven, his mother enrolled him in a Silva Method course. This training, developed by Jose Silva over fifty years ago, teaches the student to access the deeper parts of the mind so as to achieve complete control over one’s life and destiny, so it is claimed. He excelled in all the mental exercises and could even bend spoons with his mind. He remembers that one of the military men approached him one day in the playground and said to him, “You know you’re going to work for me someday.” He became an outstanding athlete in grade school, playing baseball, basketball, and soccer. He used the Silva Method to visualize all his athletic feats in advance. At the age of fourteen, in the eighth grade, he set the school high jump record, tied the records for the sixty-, one-hundred-, and two-hundred-yard dash, and could bench-press 305 pounds. He played freshman high school football and was one of the best high school running backs in the country, and he also threw the shot and the discus. Using the Silva Method, he could literally “pump up” his muscles mentally, until his coaches thought he was using steroids. And always the two military men he called Mr. Green and Mr. Blue watched him from the sidelines. He frequently caught sight of them in the stands at his major athletic events.


Despite an offer from Penn State for a full room-and-board scholarship and Pero’s strong desire to go there, his father, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, strangely insisted that he attend the University of Rochester, threatening never to speak to him again if he refused. Pero later discovered that his father’s insistence in this was due to his active cooperation in Andy’s “training.” He complied, and it was there that his supersoldier training commenced in earnest. Under hypnotic control, Pero reported to “Room 101,” a small lab room, every day, where he was shocked and beaten and mentally programmed to obey orders given by “Dr. Green.” Thanks to his Silva training, Pero was able to retain one part of his mind as a refuge, a safe place to which he could retreat and avoid the conditioning. In this place, his critical faculties remained intact. His innate impression of Dr. Green and his cohorts was that they were Nazis. The shocks and torture were part of trauma-based conditioning designed to ensure unquestioned obedience when activated by a code word. He was told never to think, but just “to do.” But Pero resisted the robotic transformation by retreating to his inner sanctum whenever he needed to.




Under hypnotic suggestion, Pero was able to push the boundaries of physical achievement way beyond anything believed possible, as his controllers sought to find his limits. Pero said, “The focus of the initial research, I believe, was to try and unlock the secrets of the mind. How to make the perfect soldier, to make a ‘super human killing machine.’ They were finding out how, when under hypnosis, can the mind overcome the physical limitations of the human body . . . How can the mind allow the body to do things which would normally be physically impossible?” Since Pero was already a superb athlete, perhaps made so by genetic design before he was born, they had the perfect raw material to work with. He did push-ups for about an hour, and he was able to squat with 675 pounds for as many repetitions as they asked for. He says, “Under hypnosis, they told me I could do it! And I truly believed them!!!” They tried to bury the old Andy and to create an entirely new person. Pero says, “They wanted ‘Andy’ to be totally gone, but I remember they could NEVER destroy or break him. I think that is why I still remember all of these events.”


His trainers were especially interested in “the jump.” They told him that when he jumped he would be like a cat and would always land on his feet and always be okay no matter how high he jumped. They told him, “When you land, your legs become steel springs and will absorb all impact . . . There is no pain, and you have no fear!” They started him off on ladders, and soon he was jumping off buildings. Then he graduated to cliffs and bridges. Eventually, they had him jump off a huge microwave tower, which he did easily with only a slight ankle twinge, believing it to be a six-foot ladder! Finally, they pushed him out of a skydiving plane without a parachute! When he hit the ground, he landed on his feet and bounced about fifty feet into the air. They thought he was dying because he laid on the ground unconscious for hours. Eventually, he got up and walked away!


Ultimately, they did turn Pero into a “super human killing machine.” Even though he suspected what they were preparing him for, he couldn’t help but brag, “I could hit ANY target still or moving, at ANY range, with ANY of the guns in the exact center every time.” He also became very proficient in hand-to-hand killing techniques. He found that he could actually throw a man across a room with his mind, so he claimed. When the time came to send Pero on his assassination assignments, he resisted at first, intrinsically opposed to killing anybody, but they convinced him that his targets were evil, and so he complied. They would fly him out to his jobs in an F-16 and then back to the Rochester Airport. He remembers completing ten missions, but when they added fifteen more, he resisted. Then they tried to kill him, but just like Dr. Frankenstein, they found that they had succeeded all too well in creating a monster. He estimates that he killed fifteen of his handlers while trying to escape at various times. Pero survived and eventually found a psychologist who helped him become deprogrammed, which allowed him to tell his story as memories came flooding back.


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