The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race (10 page)

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Timekeeping was a problem for the astronauts since the batteries controlling the timepieces brought by the team eventually ran out. This meant they could not keep track of the calendar, so they eventually relied on Serpo time, which was governed by the movement of its suns. So they lost track of Earth time and ended up staying thirteen years instead of ten. It was determined by Earth scientists that Kepler’s law of planetary motion did not apply to Serpo. Carl Sagan was consulted on this and wrote about sixty pages of opinion on the subject, but ultimately he had to acknowledge that earthly laws of physics do not necessarily apply out of this solar system.


The eight astronauts returned in 1978 and were debriefed for a solid year by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, which resulted in a three-thousand-page book. Anonymous claims to have a copy of this book. They were then released into civilian life. The last survivor of this brave and historic band of pioneers passed away in 2002. They had all absorbed large doses of radiation while on Serpo, and it is believed that this shortened their lives.


In retrospect, it seems a shame that President Kennedy didn’t live to see his initiative become a reality. He was assassinated only five months before the first landing. Because Kennedy was strongly opposed to government secrecy, it seems very likely that he would have used the occasion to reveal the extraterrestrial connection, perhaps with worldwide TV coverage, and that was probably his plan from the beginning. Perhaps some powerful insiders didn’t want that to happen. In any case, we can thank Spielberg for at least giving us the staged version of that momentous event. We all got to see it after all.


For complete information on Project Serpo, with many related links, visit




Circles of Mystery




On the morning of August 16, 2002, a farmer in Crabwood, England, a few miles from Winchester, the ancient capital of England, awoke to find a very strange crop formation in his wheat field. While the configuration itself was not discernible from the ground, it was clear even from that angle that something very different from all the hundreds of circles that had preceded it had been created. When crop circle investigators later flew over the site, what they saw startled even those hardened researchers because this formation represented an entirely new turn in the long and incredible crop circle saga. Staring at them from the ground below was the clear face of an alien, one we have learned to recognize as a “Grey.”


The face was enclosed in a precise rectangular frame 250 × 360 feet in dimension. The alien had an angry, scowling expression, as if it were saying, “Maybe this will wake you all up!” Thrust out in front of it, clutched in its four-fingered hand, was a circular disc, obviously representing a CD, encoded with a circular progression of “dots” (i.e., bunches of wheat) and spaces radiating out from the center in a spiral pattern. Upon close inspection, it was obvious that all the spaces and dots were of equal size, but there was a smaller space after each group of eight. To anyone with a computer background, it was very evident that the dots represented 1’s and the spaces were 0’s. In other words, this was binary code. The space after each group of eight digits made it clear that this was hexadecimal code, the most widely used representation of data within modern computers. In hexadecimal code, each group of four digits is one character, but each pair of characters can be translated to one unique American Standard Code for Information Exchange (ASCII) letter or number or character in English.


Alien face in the wheat at Crabwood


After a photo of the crop formation was posted on the website of Linda Moulton Howe (
), it didn’t take long for a computer whiz cryptographer to come up with the decoded message. He sent the solution to Linda’s site on August 18, and she promptly posted it to Art Bell’s website. Bell’s personal website no longer exists as of this writing, but the website for his radio show, now hosted by George Noory, is up and running at
. The decoded message may still exist in the archives of that site. According to the perceptive decoder, who later gave his name as Richard Brain, the message says, “Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. (Damaged Word). There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND).” The damaged word was the sequence of letters “EELRIJUE,” which Brain considered damaged because it made no apparent sense. ASCII hexadecimal code uses different combinations for uppercase and lowercase letters, hence the mixed cases. (Perhaps there is a message within a message here, and the capitalized letters are a clue.) The “BELL SOUND” was shown in the message because it has a hexadecimal representation of 0 × 07, which was the last character in the message.


The CD image, with hexadecimal code


According to longtime crop circle researcher Dr. Chet Snow, who takes a small group to England to view crop circles every year, the formation “displayed new and unusual characteristics that gave it a digital look, as if imprinted on the field from above.” Snow reports that British researcher Paul Vigay says this formation “may signal a new ‘high-tech’ kind of circle-making using airborne lasers or satellites.” But Vigay claims that the encoded message is as banal as the Disney movie
starring Mel Gibson. In fact, the face in the formation bears an uncanny resemblance to the alien in the movie. Could it be that we are witnessing a startling new Hollywood technique for promoting movies? Since the crop picture appeared at right about the time the movie was in its first run, the timing was fortuitous.


However this crop formation was made, it required a very high degree of precision to literally “paint” the face in the wheat, and therefore some very advanced technology was clearly used. Consequently, I talked to Colin Andrews to get a twenty-first-century update on the crop circle phenomenon in general and, specifically, his weighty opinion about this marvel. Way back in 1996, when the crop circle phenomenon was still relatively obscure and was getting little or no publicity, Andrews and his pilot cohort Busty Taylor understood the enormous significance of these creations and were buzzing all over the English countryside snapping pictures. Since that time, as the formations have become increasingly sophisticated and as public awareness has mushroomed, Andrews has emerged as the most recognized and respected crop circle investigator and researcher in the world and is now a consultant on the circles to high government officials all over the world and to Hollywood moviemakers.




Andrews’s interest in crop circles began at the very outset of the phenomenon in the early 1980s, although some say the circles had already been appearing for hundreds of years. He is an electrical engineer by profession and a former senior officer in British regional government. He first became attracted to the circle phenomenon in 1983 when he saw an arrangement of five circles in a wheat field near Winchester, England. He was fascinated by the engineering aspects of this creation, and so he was moved to begin investigating. He was joined by Pat Delgado, a retired engineer, and Taylor, a light-aircraft pilot. Meteorologist Dr. Terence Meaden joined the team shortly thereafter, and they all decided to dedicate part of their lives to solving this mystery. Thanks to Taylor’s piloting skills, they were able to fly over the fields while the circles were fresh and capture them on film for posterity before the harvest.


This team founded an organization called Circles Phenomenon Research, and as early as 1983, they sent wheat plants from the circles to biophysicist Dr. W. C. Leavengood in the United States, who told them that the plants showed evidence of cellular alteration and the involvement of microwave energy. This was a breakthrough and seemed to indicate the application of some advanced techniques. In 1987, they enlisted the help of HSC Labs in Stroud, England. This lab agreed with Leavengood and confirmed the evidence of cellular changes in the plants. In 1988, Andrews and Meaden met with Japan’s foremost plasma scientist, Professor Hiroshi Kikuchi. Meaden and Kikuchi concluded that plasma vortices were involved in the formation of the circles.


In 1989, Andrews and Delgado coauthored
Circular Evidence: A Detailed Investigation of the Flattened Swirled Crops Phenomenon,
the first book written on the subject, which became an international best-seller and was chosen by Queen Elizabeth for her prestigious Summer Reading Listing. It was the first time such a speculative, new age–type book had ever been chosen by the royal family for this list. This was followed by their equally successful book
Crop Circles: The Latest Evidence,
in 1990. Then, in 2003, Andrews wrote
Crop Circles: Signs of Contact,
coauthored by Stephen J. Spignesi.


Also in 1990, evidently now realizing the possible defense aspects of the phenomenon, the British military got into the act. The Ministry of Defense asked Andrews to coordinate an initiative called Operation Blackbird to stake out some of the fields most often used for circles in an attempt to catch the circle makers in the act. The project was partially funded by Nippon Television and the BBC and involved bringing in some very high-tech equipment to keep a watch on those fields continuously for a ten-day period during the prime growing season. Using special low-light and thermal-imaging cameras, they filmed every movement in the fields for that period. Unfortunately, the results were never made public. But it is known that something happened that was important enough to cause the Ministry of Defense to clamp a censorship order on the BBC to cease transmissions from the Blackbird site for a period of several hours. Andrews has now made the entire story public on his website.




In 2000, Andrews stunned the crop-circle-watcher community with a startling announcement following a two-year special investigative project funded by Laurance Rockefeller.
Andrews claimed that he had determined, after some careful and thorough detective work, that 80 percent of the crop circles created during 1999 and 2000, and therefore presumably, by extrapolation, all those preceding that period, were man-made. Coming from Andrews, the most respected crop circle researcher in the world, this was indeed a shocker, since by 2000 the world was marveling at the increasingly intricate and complex formations that were taking place, and most people had concluded that they were of ET origin. For many of them, this was too bitter a pill to swallow. They could not and would not believe that some guys with trample boards were creating those wonderful, mystical designs, and Andrews came under heavy attack. But he stuck to his guns and has maintained his position. I asked him about this finding.


Andrews says, “At ground level the detectives and myself looked for entry points, plant damage, soil compression, and key evidence found at places where humans would have to stand to construct the geometries concerned. This evidence was found in the human-made circles . . . With experience, and now in possession of a lot of new data, it became alarmingly easy to see the same ‘telltale’ evidence when viewing the aerial photographs taken during the project period.” Furthermore, Andrews claimed that the man-made circles did not exhibit any of the strange magnetic disturbances within the circles that were present in the mysterious other 20 percent, which always have a strong magnetic signature as measured with a magnetometer. I asked him about the techniques used. He said, “These individuals can pull off very impressive designs and use computers to design the geometries, and some use small pencil lasers to help spot and lay out the patterns at night. The primary kit used is very basic—string, measuring tape, stomper boards, drawing, and away they go.”




As I probed further into this controversial finding with Andrews, an intriguing new dimension to the story began to emerge. I asked him why these people preferred to remain anonymous. Why don’t they take credit for these remarkable creations? This unlikely, uncharacteristic modesty prompted me to ask if there might be U.S. and/or U.K. government or intelligence agency involvement, with some sort of secret agenda. His answer was surprising. “It is also possible that the long-term agenda is for us to believe aliens exist and they are not to be trusted . . . These people seem to be working on a quite different tactic, and that is to give the public the impression that the aliens are not good but are here, and that the crop circles are part of the same equation . . . rest assured, the governments are in there . . . I have had two known . . . CIA agents tell me that the crop circles are formed by one alien race for another and that they are Earth-based ‘signposts.’” Andrews says that several times in the past he has discovered “military activity” and that he was going to address that issue in his next book.


He went on to say that the governments expected him to communicate this idea to his public. As I pondered this development, I realized that this was the basic thrust of the movie
On this subject, Andrews was called in as a consultant on the movie and did over fifty major television interviews without ever being told that it was just going to be a horror movie or that it would portray the aliens as evil. He never knew the story line. This agenda would also explain why the face in the wheat had a scowling expression and seemed threatening, even while presenting a friendship-inspiring message in its hand. Could it be that this wonderful formation was also man-made?


Andrews told me that the alien face at Crabwood was definitely made by humans. He claims that it was created over a period of several days. Andrews then told me that four other faces have appeared in the fields of England. The first was at Chilbolton, Hampshire, during the 2001 growing season. One such face appears to be that of a Native American.


Andrews also revealed that the mysterious Richard Brain, decoder extraordinaire, was none other than Vigay, Andrews’s friend and research associate. Andrews informed me that no one has challenged Vigay’s translation of the message on the crop CD. Andrews says that there is absolutely no doubt in his mind that these face formations were man-made. This revelation is further evidence that government agencies want us to believe aliens to be threatening. It means that they are going to a lot of trouble to convince us that aliens are out there, but without telling us so directly. Then again, it may not have been so much trouble after all, since we really don’t know what sort of sophisticated, secret technology may have been employed.


This brings up the subject of the white lights seen buzzing over crop formations on several occasions. Could these also be of human origin? Andrews says, “I can’t explain them, but they do exist and they do not move in a random way; they too appear to be purposeful and therefore seem to exhibit intelligence . . . I have studied these objects closely for some years now and I get the distinct impression they sense where they are and who is around. I think they are alive.” This would seem to open up an entirely new dimension in the possible origins of the crop circles. His explanation would imply that some sort of earthly agency might be involved, not necessarily alien and not human, but rather a force of nature. This theory is reinforced by Andrews’s dowsing discoveries within the circles. He says, “I think that the subtle energies which embrace the circles [however they are made] take on a cohesive matrix which is required by nature in some unknown way. I think it’s possible that, in nature, all things notch together energetically and form natural colonies that form natural boundaries only when some unknown criterion is satisfied.” This possibility further clouds the mystery and would seem to apply only to the 20 percent of the formations not created by humans.


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