The Side Effects of You (15 page)

BOOK: The Side Effects of You
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“Well, I got this house just four months ago or so. It's a smart home, and trust, I'm still learning things every day.” He refilled our wineglasses. “I haven't even enjoyed the pool. It's heated, but it's still too chilly, in my opinion, to get in.”
“You have a pool?” I said, thinking Charles and I were definitely going to have to remain friends, if anything. I wanted to enjoy that pool. Having access to a private pool would definitely beat me hanging out with Josie at the hotel pool.
“Yes, and a hot tub.”
“Why did you wait until after we divorced to come up?” I teased.
He laughed. “I just made some good decisions, Sam, and things just started happening big for me. All along, I wished you were with me to enjoy it.”
I looked down. He lifted my head.
“Listen, things between us . . . I don't know. It's like I lost my best friend, and I thank you for being here with me right now, because if you weren't, I'd be in horrible shape,” he said.
“I'll be here for you during this time, Charles.”
“What about after?”
“Charles,” I said, but he stopped me with a kiss.
I let down my guard. Charles was so gentle. He was the man I had originally fallen in love with and had planned to spend the rest of my life with.
I pulled away, grabbed my wine, and took a big gulp. He took my hand, and I followed him into his bedroom. What was wrong with him? He knew I had herpes.
“Charles, I can't. I can't risk this.”
“I was married to you for six years and was with you for two years before that. Not once have you given it to me. I have condoms, Sam. I will wear one. I'm not worried. I want be with you.”
He kissed me again and lifted my tank. Then his mouth was over my nipples. He knew me, he knew my body, and he knew what to do to make me feel good. He wasn't afraid of me. Ethan had run at the news, but Charles knew and still wanted me.
I gave in and let him have me. I gave him head, and I wasn't mad at all about him not doing me. I was clear, and there was no outbreak going on, but I didn't want to chance it. I squealed when he pushed inside of me. He was the last man to be inside of me, and he felt as good now as he'd felt back then. I remembered his dick. I remembered his rhythm. I remember his techniques.
I came so many times that night that I lost count. I was so happy to have had pleasure again in my life. For a very long time, I had thought I'd never experience it again, and now I was resting on his chest, cradled in his strong arms.
I slept like a baby that night, and the next morning, I woke up thinking I had dreamt it all. But when I saw Charles sleeping, I knew it was real.
I had hated him for a moment, but now I was falling in love again.
Chapter Twenty-three
I was introducing my girls to Jayden today, and I was terrified Ana was going to act up. She had been rolling her eyes at me all day and asking why it was so important for her to meet my new guy.
“Because he is special to me,” I answered for the tenth time as we stood in my bedroom. “And if he is going to be in my life, you girls need to meet him.”
“I don't want to meet him.”
“Well, that's not an option. I told him I'd bring both of my daughters, and like it or not, you're one of my daughters, Ana.” I was growing really tired of this one, for real.
“Fine,” she huffed.
“And you are going to be respectful and act like a lady,” I scolded. She was too old to be pouting like a baby. She wanted to be grown when it was convenient, but then she'd behave like a small child.
“Ana, please. I'm trying to get dressed,” I said, raising my voice. “Go and do something and stop stressing me out.
“Fine. I'll go e-mail my papa and tell him what you've been up to,” she whined like a baby, then stomped out.
“You do that. As if you haven't already,” I yelled behind her.
I had been receiving e-mails from José in which he asked about Jay, but I had replied, “None of your business,” to all of them. He had called my phone several times, but I never answered. He'd made big man threats, as if he could do something to me or Jay from prison. I wasn't worried. Ana was his baby girl, and Angelica was mine. Angelica talked to him, but she didn't tell him anything, because she recognized my struggle, my pain, and my mission.
My mission was to love someone who wanted to live an honest life, and even though Ana chased after thugs and men like her father, Angelica had a head on her shoulders. And since the day before had been Angelica's sixteenth birthday, Jay and I had decided to have dinner with the girls at her favorite place, Dave & Buster's. It was located downtown, somewhere we barely ventured, and she hadn't been in a long time. She'd asked so many times to go back, and I'd always said we'd go soon, but we had never gone. She had gotten to a point where she stopped asking. As soon as Jayden asked where I thought the girls would like to go, I'd said, “D&B.” He was excited and promised he'd teach me how to play pool.
“Are you girls ready?” I yelled.
Angelica rushed into the living room, all ready, but we had to give Queen Ana five minutes to come out of her bedroom.
“Are you ready?” I asked, annoyed, when she appeared. I knew she heard the aggravation in my voice.
“Yes, I'm ready.” She clicked her tongue, and I wanted to slap her face.
We headed out, and when we got to Jayden's place, Ana said, “I'll stay in the car.”
“You won't,” I snarled. She was on my last nerve.
We all got out of the car and walked to the entrance. I smiled at Mel, the doorman.
“Good evening, Ms. Josie. Does Mr. Pierce know you're coming?”
I continued to smile. “He does.”
“Let me just get a quick okay, and you and the lovely young ladies can go on up.” He buzzed Jayden, and a few moments later, the girls and I were on the elevator.
“Wow, Mama. This building is fancy.” Angelica said.
“Whatever. It's because you're a kid and ain't used to nothing nice,” Ana muttered.
“And what are you used to, Ana? Where have you been that's so nice that you can boast about?” I wanted to choke the life out of her. “And, yes, Angelica, it's a nice building, and Jayden's place is really nice. It has a great view of downtown.”
I smiled at Angelica, and she smiled back. When the elevator stopped, she grabbed my hand. She was my sweet baby.
When we got to Jayden's unit, he opened the door before we rang the bell. “Ladies, come on in,” he said, smiling.
We walked in, and Angelica was impressed. She wanted to rush out on the terrace. Ana, however, frowned. Not unusual.
“Jayden, these are my girls,” I said, introducing them.
“Nice to meet you two.” He extended his hand. Angelica politely shook it, but Ana looked as if he had shit on his hand. I wished I had left her evil ass at home.
Angelica jumped in. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Jayden. Can I see what's out there?” She pointed to the sliding glass doors. The vertical blinds were not completely shut, so she could see the city lights.
“Sure. Come on. It's a bit chilly, but we'll be okay.” He smiled at her.
Angelica turned to me. “Mom, can I?”
I nodded. “Of course.”
As soon as Jayden and Angelica were out of earshot, I addressed Ana. “Listen, I know you hate me. I know you are José's number one fan, but please, Ana, just one drama-free night, okay?” I begged. “Can you at least act as if you like me, just once? Angelica's birthday was yesterday, and we didn't celebrate, because of work. At least for her, just be nice.”
She folded her evil arms and let out a breath, as if to say, “I can't stand you, but I will behave this one time.”
“Thank you, Ana.”
I went to join Jayden and Angelica on the terrace. When Angelica learned he had a telescope, she wanted to see it. He got it out, and she spent twenty minutes babbling on about how amazing it was and then asked us if she could come back. Jayden and I smiled at each other, and he answered before I did.
“Sure. Anytime you want.”
“Can we go now? I'm, like, starving,” Ana grumbled, standing in the terrace doorway.
Jayden smiled at me to assure me he wasn't bothered by my annoying-ass preadult child. “Sure. Let me grab my jacket and keys,” he said. We all went back inside.
We piled into Jayden's car and headed downtown. Jayden, Angelica, and I talked and laughed as we went, but Ana just looked out the window. I hated that she was such a dark child. I hated that she wasn't happy. I hated that she didn't try to be happy.
When Angelica saw the D&B sign, she didn't hold in her excitement. “Mommy, no way!” she yelled.
I nodded and smiled. “Yes, birthday girl, this is all for you. We can stay as long as you want, and you can play every game in the building if you want.”
“Awesome,” she bellowed.
“Dang, bring it down!” Ana barked.
“Shut up, Ana. You're always a drag,” Angelica snapped at her sister.
“Yes, Ana. If you don't want to go in, just stay in the car with your funky attitude,” I said.
“Hey, you guys, it's all good. Angelica is the big one-six, and this is for her, right?” Jayden said. I knew he was trying to be the peacemaker.
“That's right,” I chimed. “So we are going to have a good time.”
“Even if no one else does, I know I am.” Angelica bounced in her seat.
She was such a joy, always sweet, always positive. I think I'd have given up on life if it wasn't for her. She had always been my cheerleader. I hoped and prayed that Ana would change. It seemed as if we exchanged pleasantries only when she was in pain or needed me for something.
Jayden parked, and Angelica was the first one out of the truck. The two of them walked ahead. I could tell she liked him.
“You don't have to go in if you don't want. There are a lot of other things you can do if you want. I'll give you money,” I offered. There were restaurants all around, and if she wanted to sulk, she could do it alone.
“I'm fine,” she said.
“Then why are you messing with your sister, Ana?”
“I was just joking, Mom.”
“You were not.”
“Okay. I wasn't. But if this makes Angelica happy, I'm good. I will even play a few games with her. She's a brat. She acts more like six than sixteen, but for Pete's sake, I'll be nice.”
“Thank you. You don't have to like me or Jayden. I didn't expect you to, anyway, but let's just show your sister a good time. She is sixteen and a good kid and smart. She goes the distance to do good, so for her—”
“Damn, Mom. I said okay,” she snapped.
I didn't want to argue, and slapping her would just take things to an avenue I didn't want to visit, so I let her tone, attitude, and manner go. “Fine.”
I walked fast and caught up with Angelica and Jayden. Surprisingly, they were talking about astrology, something I knew absolutely nothing about, but Jayden was intelligent, so he matched wits with Angelica. That was something she needed, since she was so bright.
I had only a GED, but I had worked my way up from a housekeeper to a GM. I wasn't the brightest, but I got by. I didn't know fancy words, but I could read enough to handle my business and my job.
We walked inside and were escorted to a table.
“Let's do this,” Jayden said after we were seated and had taken off our jackets. He and Angelica headed off to play some games.
Eating was the last thing on Angelica's and Jayden's mind, but Ana acted as if she was dying of starvation. After she agreed to order whatever she wanted, I rushed off to join my baby and Jayden.
They played tons of games, and when Angelica finally said she was ready to eat, we made it back to our table. Our jackets were still there, but not Ana. Since she had eaten already, we didn't bother to look for her. Angelica ordered what she wanted, but Jayden and I just looked at each other. I knew that look we shared. We were used to eating at fancy restaurants or cooking for each other, so the menu had us both frowning because we were not used to eating so much junk food. We finally decided on burgers.
Fifteen minutes later our order arrived, and we dug in.
“After we're done, Angelica, are you cool with your mom and me playing a little pool?” Jayden asked. “I mean, I know this night is your night, but your mom has never played, and I wanted to show her how.”
“I'm good.” She nodded and chewed at the same time.
“Great,” Jayden said. He smiled at me, and since we were done eating, we decided to take all the jackets over to the pool table area. Luckily, one table was available, and we snatched it up.
“You want a drink?” he offered.
“I thought you'd never ask. I'm so sorry about Ana. She is not a fan of mine.”
“It's okay. I'm cool. I mean, she's never seen you with a man other than her dad, so it's going to take some getting used to.”
“I'd share that sentiment if she was eight, but she's eighteen, and she still behaves like a baby. Let me rephrase that.
she wants to. Other times, she's roaring that she is grown and is not a kid. I just want her to get her grown ass on. I mean, a job, school, or something. She is on the road to nowhere.”
“No disrespect, Josie, and, baby, please don't take this the wrong way, my love, but you're part of the problem.”
Confused, I looked at him like he was a stranger. “I'm sorry? Come again.”
He let out a breath. “Ana only does what you allow her to do. You're the adult, and if you let her continue to do nothing, she'll do nothing.”
At first, I was offended, but the truth always hurt. “Let's just play.” I sighed.
“Okay,” he said.
He racked the balls, and soon after, a waitress came and took our drink orders. We had a couple of drinks, and I paid attention to the lesson he gave me. We were having a great time, until we heard a commotion.
We looked to see what was going on, and I saw a security guy with Ana. She was cussing and fussing and yelling for him to release her. We quickly approached.
“Ana, what's going on?” I asked.
She started speaking in Spanish to me, something she did when she wanted to lie her way out of something.
The guard spoke over her. “Ma'am, she was in one of the rides, on top of a guy. We asked them to take it elsewhere, and she continued on, as if no one had asked her to take her activities to another place.”
“What guy? Ana, what is he talking about?”
Again, she tried to give her version in Spanish, and I knew she was lying. I was so embarrassed. When I saw Angelica's face, her look of sadness and disappointment, I made a decision.
I turned to the guard. “Do what you gotta do, sir. She's not with me.” I rushed over to Angelica and didn't watch the guard drag my eldest out the door.
“Ma, I'm ready to go,” Angelica cried.
I wrapped my arms around her. “Baby, it's okay. Ana is gone. We don't have to leave.”
“No, Mama. I want to leave.”
I looked at Jayden for help.
“Hey, why don't you come over and play pool with your mom and me? You do know how to play pool, don't you?”
She shook her head.
“Well, tonight is your night to learn. It will be fun,” he said.
I could tell Angelica was still upset, but she said okay. I mouthed the words
thank you
to Jay, and he winked and took Angelica by the hand. We went back to our table, and he waved over the server.
“Hey, listen, it's my baby girl's birthday, so we think she needs a special drink.” He looked at Angelica. “How do you take your shots? Dressed or undressed?” he joked.
“Huh? I don't even know what that means.” Angelica shrugged.
Jayden feigned surprise. “What? Didn't you turn twenty-six?”
“No. I'm only sixteen.”
“In that case, bring Princess Angelica a virgin piña colada,” he told the server. “Make sure it's fancy. I mean birthday fancy. Umbrella, cherry, and all the works.”
Angelica beamed. I was so happy that she—well, we—didn't let Ana ruin our evening. When my baby's first virgin drink came, I excused myself, saying I was heading to the bathroom. What I really did was look around for Ana. I found her outside, sitting on the ground.

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