The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* (115 page)

BOOK: The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*
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We finally left a few hours later, and I convinced my mom to come back to Mathias’s house with me. I had a sudden desire to bake and for the next few hours we whipped up some delicious desserts. My mom made her famous triple chocolate brownies, and I mixed up mini pound cakes for individual strawberry shortcakes.

It was the most enjoyable afternoon I had in a long time. We laughed as we talked and cooked together. We both avoided any topic that was too serious. I think we needed some time off to unwind and reconnect. I was just marinating the steaks when I realized that we didn’t have any fresh veggies to grill with them, and I had a sudden craving for zucchini and squash.

“Yes, what is it?” Mathias said as he answered his phone

“Hi honey, how’s your day?” I asked sweetly

“I’m working,” he replied curtly

“Sorry to interrupt, hey can you stop on the way home and pick me up some tampons?” I asked. “I would go but I’m supposed to relax on the whole magic thing.”

I could almost see him clenching and unclenching his jaw. “What kind shall I get?”

“Ok, that was a test and you passed with flying colors,” I said. “Can you pick up some strawberries, zucchini, squash, oh and some licorice?”

“Fruit, vegetables and strawberry licorice,” he said. “Is that all?”

“How did you know I wanted strawberry licorice?”

“When we drove across country together every time I stopped for petrol you would buy a bag of strawberry licorice and chocolate covered raisins.”

“Oh, can you pick some of those up as well and some microwave popcorn?”

“Is that it?”

“KY jelly?”

“What?” he asked in disbelief

“Nothing,” I laughed before hanging up the phone. My mother just shook her head, and we went outside on the beach with the dogs for the rest of the day.



The next few days were crazy. Everyone was scrambling around the island, securing their homes and businesses, before the big move. We also had a few last minute changes. Rhoswen suddenly decided she wanted to stay and be on hand for any medical emergencies, even though she was a vampire now she still had kept most of her healing powers. Oliver wasn’t very happy, but Rhoswen was pretty adamant that this is where she needed to be.

I also made a sudden decision and had asked Polly or should I say told Polly that she, her parents, Katya, her parents and the dogs would be going through a separate portal to Colorado. Robert had wholeheartedly agreed to send his mate and in-laws there with the wood Nymphs. Polly grumbled a bit about the dogs, but I could tell she was relieved to get her parents out of Fairlia. We decided to do it last night, and I said a tearful good-bye to my dogs and to my best friend.

The sun shone brightly on the morning of the big evacuation, and I teleported over early with Mathias. My grandmother was already waiting for me in a big field by the castle. Several hundred people had already lined up and were waiting to walk through the portal to Vermont. Marilei had closed the portal from inside the Reserve so everyone would have to go through the main entrance in the forest.

“I’m going to feel like a real ass if I can’t make this portal and keep it open,” I remarked

“I’ll be amazed if you can actually do this,” Winifred remarked

“Excuse me?” I asked. “Are you questioning my talents?”

“Willa, you are trying to open a huge portal so that a few thousand people can travel through and keep it open for at least an hour,” Winifred shook her head. “I’m sorry but I’m not sure if this is going to work.”

“We’re ready when you are,” Mathias said. He and about twenty or so Guardians were going through first to secure the area and keep a watch out for any threats that may occur.

“Granny Winnie doesn’t think I can pull this off,” I said to Mathias. “Hey what do I get if it works?”

“I’ll buy you an ice cream,” she said

“That would be great if any of the shops or stores were open,” I said. “Can I get a crown with a lot of sparkly diamonds?”

“I do have a tiara that you can have,” she smiled.

“Awesome,” I said excitedly. “It’s not a paper crown is it?”

“No, it’s a lovely ruby and diamond diadem,” she answered

“Diamond diadem, diamond diadem,” I muttered

“What are you doing?” Mathias asked

“I’m trying to gear myself up but saying diamond diadem distracted me a bit.”

“Can you just open the damn portal please?” he asked impatiently. “I have numerous things I need to do today.”

“God forbid if we inconvenience you master,” I smirked. I closed my eyes and called the elements that came to me readily. I tried to block out the sounds of people talking and children playing. I chanted the opening spell but when the air started wavering in front of me I used my new powers to force it to widen.

When I finally opened my eyes, an eerie silence had come over the field. I looked up and saw that I had indeed opened the portal, but it was ten times bigger than I had expected to create. Mathias barely gave
me a glance as he walked thru with the other Guardians.

“Why I ever doubted you
is beyond me,” Winifred said as she waited for Mathias’s signal. A few minutes later he gave me the all clear sign and people started surging forward. I waved goodbye to a lot of people that I knew. I could see the worry and sadness on their faces and I tried to portray an image of calmness for them.

An hour later I was feeling drained, and all pretense of trying to look in control flew out the window. I was barely holding on to the connection. I felt the earth give me another gentle push, and I clung to its encouraging nudge. I saw with relief that it was my family’s turn finally to pass thru the portal, and I said goodbye to everyone.

“Willa, you take care of yourself,” Oliver said. I nodded and gave him a quick hug before giving my Aunt Gussie a kiss.

“Good-bye girlie,” Uncle Cuddy said gruffly as he drew me in for a long bear hug.

“Be safe Willa,” my grandfather Archie said. “When I come back I’m going to teach you to make a proper tart.”

“Give him hell Will,” Jeremiah said as he and Veronica said goodbye

“I love you Willa, take care and make sure Riah stays alive,” Julia said crying

I hadn’t wanted Riah to stay, but he didn’t even contemplate leaving. He said he was my Guardian, and that was the end of the discussion. I knew it was going to be tough on him and Julia, but I was horribly grateful for his presence.

Finally everyone was through the portal safely and Mathias and his team came back to the island. The second he stepped into the field I dropped the spell and sank to the ground in exhaustion. Mathias tried to get me to go home, but I couldn’t. I had to break the spell around the island so that the Fae could come here.

Opening a massive portal was a piece of cake compared to attempting to break down my grandmother’s spell. She and I both were drenched in sweat a few hours later as we sat in the tower room. My mother had wanted to help, and I was regretting refusing her offer. Finally, I was able to find a crack and used the elements to smash the crack wide opened. I could feel the difference immediately.

“Very impressive Willa,” Winifred said as we both sat and drank water. “I thought breaking Sabine’s spell of darkness was difficult but it was nothing compared to what you just did.”

“When did you do that by the way?” I asked

“A few days after you and Mathias left here,” she answered. “I was so upset with everything that I channeled all my energies and was able to break down that bloody horrid spell.”

We chatted for a few more minutes until my phone rang. “Hello,”

“Sidra called,” Mathias said. “Are you almost ready?”

“Ready, willing and able,” I answered

“We’ll put that to the test later,” he said

“Did you just make a joke during work?”

“I’m in my office alone,” he answered

“Oh, so it’s when you’re around other people now that you act like an ass.”

“I’m evolving,” he said

“We’ll meet you in the living room,” I said as I hung up the phone. Winifred and I made our way down to the living room and greeted Sidra, who had just opened a portal from her study.

I smiled in greeting as Machall walked through first, but then I was taken aback when Lord Braonan followed him.

“Lord Bran,” I said in surprise. “What brings you here?”

“I talked to Machall, Willa,” he said. “I have decided to throw my support behind you and the Gypsies.”

“You should be doing this to support your queen,” I said

“Wrong choice of words, sorry,” he said. “I also wanted to help with your training.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I look forward to kicking your ass.”

“Are you not going to give me a proper greeting?” Machall asked cheekily

Mathias walked in the room and shot Machall a cold look. “Yes, please give Lord Machall a proper greeting Willa.”

“Guardian Worthing,” Machall said and he went over to Mathias and held out his hand

I think everyone held their breath as Mathias continued to stare at Machall coldly. He finally briefly shook it, but I could tell he still did not trust Machall no matter what I had said. He had only seen him for a short time in Lucian’s lair, and everything had been so crazy that I don’t think he wanted to get into with him. Machall being here changed his attitude though. He still had some residual anger, and I’m not sure if they would ever resolve things between them.

Especially after telling him that Machall had taken care of me. I’m pretty sure that upset Mathias because he hadn’t been there for me. He needed to get over it because Machall was here to help, and I needed him.

“Where’s Beatrice?” I asked, but my face broke into a smile as she came through followed by my grandmother.

“Hey Tricy,” I said before giving my grandmother Sidra a hug

“Hi Willa,” she said. “I’m sorry, I know the rest of our little family went to serve as Guardians for the Gypsies at the Fae Reserve but I just couldn’t. I hope you understand.”

“Of course,” I said. “You and Machall have been apart for four hundred years, and I’m also sure both you and Lucian have a little bit of anger towards Fonn.”

“I hope you let me have a shot at him,” she said

“Get in line Luv,” Lucian said as he came into the room. “Bran, I haven’t seen you in years. How have you been?”

“Jesus, Lucian,” Bran said. “I haven’t seen you since the night before Machall’s coronation.”

“Ahh yes, that was when I met the three fantastically limber wood Nymphs,” Lucian said fondly

Mathias glowered. “Let’s get down to business. You can reminisce later.”

“You’re no fun Mathias,” Lucian said. “I thought Willa had loosened you up a bit.”

I opened my mouth to retort, but Mathias cut me off with a warning look. Lucian grinned and sprawled on the couch.

“Yes, Mathias is right,” Sidra said. “We need to make some plans now that the Gypsies have left the island. How many Guardians are here?”

“We have almost two hundred counting Beatrice and Lucian,” Mathias said

“The Royal Guard will also be joining us shortly,” Sidra said

“Has anyone heard from Lord Fonn or Lord Cual?” Winifred asked. “Do we even know if they intend to invade the Isle of Skye? They might have given up their intentions to implement their plan to overthrow Sidra.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “I’m planning on inviting them here.”

“What?” Machall asked

“I was thinking of doing a cute little e-vite,” I responded. “Does anyone have their email address?”

“Is she serious?” Beatrice asked

“Yes,” Mathias answered. “Welcome to Willa’s army and the Isle of Skye, Beatrice.”




























Chapter Twenty-Two


The next morning everyone, including all the Guardians congregated in the field by the castle. Apparently the word was out that I was going to practice battling Machall and Bran, and nobody wanted to miss the action.

“All right Willa,” Sidra said. “You need to focus on your opponent. You have to be able to gauge and assess their weaknesses in a very short amount of time. Machall and Braonan are both in control of their respective elements. They can move quickly and use their own weapons against you.”

“Machall and I had a little skirmish already, so I’m aware of that,” I said. “I need to know how to go about stripping them of their powers to make them vulnerable.”

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