The Sound of Shooting Stars (15 page)

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Authors: Heather Allen

Tags: #Young Adult

BOOK: The Sound of Shooting Stars
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When I approach the sprawling two story home on acres of land, it amazes me again that such a small amount of people live in such a large home. When I walk up to the foreboding heavy wooden door, I reach to knock but it’s yanked open to reveal a smiling Sam. Her short blonde hair is pulled tight into a floppy pony tail on top of her head. She is dressed in a grey tank top and black yoga pants.

“Well, are you gonna come in?” Her voice comes out cheerily.

I step in as she closes the door behind me. She pulls on my hand encouraging me to follow her up the stairs leading to the second floor. I hesitate taking in the large room, “Uh, what about your mom?”

I’m still uneasy about being in the house with her mom. She rejected me years ago and I’m still hurt from that fact.

“She’s not home yet.” She pulls on my hand again, “Come on.”

I climb the stairs behind her and notice that this house is very different from Beckett’s. The floor below sprawls into a wide open space with the kitchen overlooking the living room. A huge brown couch takes up the center of the space with a brick fireplace in the adjoining wall. The far wall is covered in floor to ceiling picture windows framing the pool deck and a thick wall of bushes at the edge of the property. We walk down a short hallway to an open doorway. She turns and tells me, “So you are about to enter my sanctuary.”

I smirk at her description. Sam could always cheer me up with just a smile and a quirky comment. The room is generously furnished with white antique furniture. A four poster bed stands in the center covered in discarded piles of clothes. Sam skips across the room and pushes the clothes onto the floor. She climbs up and crosses her legs patting a space along the edge. I surge forward and take the spot she indicated. She starts in with a contorted expression, “Jamie, I think Jake is cheating on me again.”

I look over surprised by her sudden mood shift. I wait for her to elaborate but she doesn’t so I ask, “Why do you think he’s cheating?”

“Well, he was sketchy this afternoon making excuses about why he can’t come over. He used to be over here every day after school but lately he seems to be avoiding me. Today was like the icing on the cake. I know something’s up.”

I can’t say I’m surprised. Over the past few weeks getting to know him better hasn’t put away my reluctance about the guy. I really don’t like him but I put on my best sympathetic face and tell her, “I’m sorry Sam. Maybe he’s just busy.”

She shakes her head with emotion flooding her face, “No, that’s just it, he isn’t. He doesn’t have to work and he doesn’t really like to do anything else. We always hang out after school. Do you think it’s Beckett?”

Again, I’m shocked at her words.
Could it be Beckett?
I’m not sure why but I don’t think it is.

I shake my head and tell her, “I don’t think it is.” I remember Beckett’s expression while she spoke to her mom yesterday afternoon. She was more reserved almost as if she’s given up.

I add, “I don’t think anyone is talking to her right now.”

“I know. Trina and Dani are avoiding her like the plague.”

She continues, “That’s it, maybe Jake felt sorry for her or he wanted her all along especially after what happened before.” Tears start rolling down her cheeks. I hate to see Sam so upset. I grab her hand and pull her over, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.
I knew that douche was bad news.
She breaks down crying and sniffling into my shirt.

My hands automatically rub her back and I whisper over her shoulder, “If he is cheating again then you don’t need him. You deserve better.”

She nods into my shoulder and we sit like this for a while. When she does finally pull away she asks, “If it isn’t Beckett, then who do you think it is?”

I reason with her meeting a serious gaze, “Sam, you don’t know that he
cheating. There could be a number of reasons why he isn’t around today. It’s just been one day. Do you think you’re being paranoid?”

“I know but this is what happened before when he
with Beckett. He wouldn’t come over and he avoided me until I found out the truth. I don’t want to be the idiot that doesn’t know this time.”

The room is silent, both of us in our own thoughts. I want to ask more about the details when Beckett was with Jake but a part of me doesn’t want to know. I refrain deciding that Sam doesn’t need any more sorrow today.

She chuckles uneasily, “Hey, since when are you sticking up for Jake? You’ve hated him since you met him.”

I sigh, “First of all Sam, I never said I hated him. I’m just not a fan. And I’m not sticking up for him. You don’t know why he hasn’t been around. Maybe you should just ask him.”

She nods as more tears streak down her cheeks. She sniffles before pulling farther away and confesses, “There is a little more to the Beckett thing that I didn’t tell you.”

My brows raise. I was just thinking about this. Now that she wants to tell the story a part of me itches to leave. It may be something I don’t want to hear about Beckett. I already know that she makes bad choices and then doesn’t know how to deal with the consequences. I’m sure this will just verify that fact.

I wait serenely as Sam explains, “She did sleep with Jake at that party a year ago. And I hated her for it, but truthfully the reputation she’s made for herself isn’t really who she is. Before Dani came and she slept with Jake, we were pretty close. When I moved here in seventh grade she was the first person I met. We weren’t best friends but we hung out and swam in the intercoastal every day during the summers. Truthfully, I don’t know if Beckett has ever had a best friend.”

She looks away and admits, “I’ve been to her house more times than I can count.”

I’m surprised at her admission. Sam and Beckett, friends, I just can’t see it.

She takes a deep breath, “The day that Dani came was the day she changed into this other person. She changed even more when I found out about her and Jake. She tried to tell me that he wanted to be with her and that he swore that he had broken up with me before she slept with him but I didn’t believe her. I was probably one of the people who pushed her to be such a bitch.” She laughs nervously.

My lips part in surprise, but I don’t find the humor in her remarks. I’ve seen that Beckett, the soft, caring one. She wants to come out just like Jekyll but Hyde is too strong. Maybe she’s better off thick skinned around all of the drama surrounding these people.

“Jamie, back then we all sat together at lunch and partied together. Trina and Dani are the unforgiving ones. I think it was at their urging that she decided not to associate with me anymore. I did hate her for what she did but at the time I didn’t know what to believe. Jake was telling me it was a one- time deal and a mistake. Beckett tried to explain that she never would have considered it if she had known that we were still together but she turned her back when I told her I didn’t believe her.”

With Sam’s admission, things are becoming a little clearer now. I can guess why Beckett didn’t tell anyone about the beach incident. If what she told Sam about Jake is true, she didn’t want anything else to blow up in her face. With this knowledge I have the sudden urge to talk to Beckett. But we haven’t exchanged any words in weeks.

Sam is studying me carefully. She asks, “Do you hate me Jamie? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you all of it. I just thought that it was Beckett’s fault all this time. Now I’m starting to think it was really Jake all along. Maybe she was telling the truth back then.”

I pull her forward in a hug and whisper over her shoulder, “Of course I don’t hate you Sam. Thanks for telling me.”

I push away from her and ask, “Are you going to be okay though? I need to get back.”

A slow smile spreads over her lips as she takes a deep breath, “I’ll have to be. I guess Jake isn’t really who I thought he was.”

I nod and warn, “But Sam, before you make any decisions you should find out for sure. It really could be something else that’s kept him away.”

She looks down her nose at me, “Do you really believe that, Jamie?”

I shake my head, “No, I don’t.”

“Me either.” She sinks back into her pillows placing her hands over her face. She looks through her fingers at me. I smile and ruffle her pony tail as I get up.

“You’re sure you’ll be okay?”

“Yep, strong chick here, remember.”

I smirk. She is strong. We all had to be strong when her dad died. She was stronger than I was. At the funeral she squeezed my hand as tightly as she could throughout the service. The pain in my fingers kept my attention from the fact that I just lost the only adult who truly cared about me. After we left the church I ran across the street to the field beyond. Sam yelled for me to stop but I couldn’t. I was devastated and I couldn’t let anyone see how affected I was. When I came home that night after all of their family and friends had left, I knew by the look on Elizabeth’s face that she was done with me. A part of me has wondered all these years that if I had stayed to face his death, would she still have sent me away? I’ll never get that moment back but I can help Sam get through this.

I lean over and kiss her forehead.

“Call me if you need anything.”

She nods pulling her blanket closer to her chest.

After saying goodbye I make my way down the stairs to the front door. As I reach for the door handle I hear a gasp across the hall. I turn to find Elizabeth, Sam’s mom standing still with her hand over her mouth. She looks the same, her platinum hair cut in a shoulder length style but the lines at the corners of her eyes show the years that have passed. She questions, her voice muffled through her hand, “Jamie Grey, is that you?”

Surprise and pain register on my face.
Shit, I didn’t want to see her today
. Reluctantly I remove my hand from the handle and shove both of them into my pockets. I nod and avert my eyes to the floor afraid of the memories that will rush back at me if I have to look at her.

She takes a hesitant step toward me but stops and admits, “Sam told me that you are going to school with her now. I’m sorry for my…” Her voice trails off and I look back up squinting to hold back the emotion that has flooded me with seeing her again.

She takes a few more steps forward coming to a stop an arm’s length away. I can tell she is uncomfortable. I stare at her, my glare evening out.

She recovers from her shock and her voice takes on an all business tone, “Jamie, it’s so good to see you. I heard you’re living with the Chase family.”

I nod silently. I don’t trust my voice. My fists are clenching in my pockets. I want to punch something. My heart starts beating faster with the anger and hurt.

She glances to the stairs and asks, “Is Sam up in her room?”

When she turns back to me I can see pain in her eyes. I turn quickly and grab for the door again. Her hand snakes out to my arm as she softly pleads, “Jamie, wait.”

But I yank the door open and run out into the relentless heat. I don’t look back until I’ve reached the corner five houses down from Sam’s. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest that I have to stop and take a few calming breaths. I knew seeing Elizabeth would be difficult but I never realized how hard. A week after Steve died she shipped me back into the system. She was the only person who came close to being a mother to me. As my heart beats even out I vow not to go to Sam’s house again. We will have to find somewhere else to hang out. Beckett’s house is out of the question and now so is hers.

I sneak up to my room and crash, out of energy to even change my clothes. If Marla decides to kick me out at least it will be tomorrow when I might be able to deal with it. I’m finished with today.



Chapter Twenty-Two

Beckett Chase

Auriga- Charioteer of Horses

He was the first man to tame and harness four horses to a chariot, imitating the chariot of the Sun god.



I wake with renewed energy and excitement that today will be the change I need to get my life back. Yesterday I did some planning for today. It was hard all day knowing that the planning I did would change everything but I had to keep telling myself to be patient, which is near impossible because things have been tough for weeks now, at school and at home. The resentment I feel toward Jamie for this has compounded more and more with each day that has passed. He just marched in here and took over my life. It pisses me off. Taking a deep calming breath I get dressed slowly and make sure my hair and makeup are perfect before I leave for school.

When I walk out to my car I notice the air is stagnant and hot. I can’t wait for the weather to change. Down in south Florida it’s not a significant change but anything is better than eighty degree weather at seven o’clock in the morning.

‘I’m Still Here’ by Cay Groves comes on the radio, a perfect song for today. I am still here and pretty soon, everyone will know it. The parking lot is filling quickly when I pull in. As I get out of the car I spot Sam across the rows of cars having a heated conversation with Jake. I’m too far away to hear what she’s saying but her hands are all over the place gesturing to reveal her intense anger. I guess there is trouble in her world. I wonder if Jamie has anything to do with it.

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