The Stagers (11 page)

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Authors: Louisa Neil

BOOK: The Stagers
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She stood, sated and somewhat embarrassed, watching him dispose of the used protection in a wastebasket beside the bar. Then he went and helped Lyle to rise. He untied his hands and tugged off the used condom that had penetrated her pussy to perfection. Van handed Lyle a glass and took the third one for himself. He took a sip and declared they needed fresh drinks. It was all so normal she started to smile, laughing openly after catching Lyle’s glance.

“Let’s relax and recuperate a bit,” Van said, pulling out a chair at the table for her. She sat lightly, not putting too much weight on her stinging ass.

“Are you hungry? Should we eat before the alcohol goes to our heads?”

“I’m starved,” Lyle answered. “As long as I get seconds later.”

“Of course, we haven’t even used the blindfolds yet.” His smile let her know he had a plan, and she decided to follow along. So far, she wasn’t disappointed.

“Food then sex,” she chimed in.

* * * *

It was all so normal, it was surreal. Here she was, just thoroughly fucked and sucked by these two men, and they were discussing an upcoming project. Van stood beside the BBQ, turning pieces of marinated chicken as it cooked. She helped set the table and dressed the salad under Van’s direction.

Her appetite had never been so voracious. The food tasted wonderful, and she helped herself to seconds. With her belly full, it would be easy to drift off to sleep on one of the cushioned lounge chairs.

“Is the night over, or are we having seconds?” Lyle asked, a grin on his lips.

“Farrin, where’s your head at, are you still horny?”

“Actually, yes, I am. I shouldn’t be. You two made me come more tonight than ever.”

“Don’t forget your afternoon of self delight,” Lyle added. He rose and reached for her hand. “Let’s take a quick swim and see what happens.”

She walked with him to the poolside, glancing back to Van. He nodded and rose to join them. Lyle stripped off his boxers and dove under the water. Van stood behind her and dropped the straps of her slip, helping it to slide past her hips and to the ground. She too dove into the cool water, letting out an involuntary holler at its temperature when she rose for air. “Van, are you going to join us?” She floated on her back, the tips of her breasts puckering as they crested the water line. She watched as he dropped his boxers and licked her lips at the idea of sucking him again. He dove under and made large waves in the pool, unsteadying her and Lyle.

* * * *

Van wound up with the blindfold on, her and Lyle taking turns stroking and licking his body. He was sprawled on the pool deck, his legs spread wide. They shared his cock and balls, alternately sucking both. Her tongue tangled with Lyle’s and Van’s cock. Both their hands roamed Van’s body, pinching and tweaking his nipples.

“Lyle, I want to fuck him,” she said and leaned to capture Lyle’s cock in her hand. Pumping it several times, they shared a knowing grin. He helped her to rise and lavished Van’s cock with his mouth before slipping the condom over him. Farrin lowered herself over Van and slowly let his erection fill her pussy, one inch at a time. She nodded to Lyle who came and stood beside her. She captured his erection with her hand and guided it between her lips. With each upward move of her body, she slid her teeth against Lyle’s cock, loving the surge it created. She continued, knowing she was servicing herself first, then Van and Lyle. Neither was complaining.

“I’m close,” Lyle whispered.

“Then come for me,” she told him and sucked him down her throat in earnest. The harder she pulled, the more he surged. He released his load with a loud groan then dropped to his knees and kissed her mouth. She was still straddling Van, who used his hands on her breasts to steady her movements. He slid one hand down to her pussy, his thumb circling her clit.

“Come for me, Farrin, I’m close to coming.”

“Don’t stop rubbing me,” she managed with irregular breaths. “Van, I’m so close.”

Lyle moved behind her and grasped her hips, holding her against Van as she ground against his fingers and cock. She came when she felt Van surge in her pussy. He relaxed under her, and Lyle moved to massage her shoulders. When her breath was controlled, Lyle helped her to stand and then reached down to help Van. “I think we all earned a drink, anyone else interested?”

“No more alcohol. I’d love a cup of coffee if it isn’t too much trouble.”

“Van, is the pot set up?”

“Ready as ever. Just push the button.”

“I’ll be right back,” he said, disappearing into the house.

Farrin dove under the water and swam a few laps to loosen her tired muscles before using the outdoor shower to rinse the chlorine from her hair and skin. Lyle met her with a fluffy pool robe and draped it over her shoulders. Van ducked under the shower and tucked a towel around his waist. With hot cups of coffee in front of each of them, they resumed their conversation, this one about the impending baseball season.

She changed into the clothes she tucked in her carryall and ran a comb through her wet hair while they finished their coffee. She had no qualms about leaving, knowing spending the night wasn’t an option. When she was put together, she draped the silk cord around Van’s neck, pausing to press a kiss to his cheek.

“Thank you for an interesting evening.”

“You’re welcome.”

Then she walked to Lyle and gave him the same kiss and thanks. “Do you want me to drive you home?” he inquired.

“No, thanks. I’m fine. You two enjoy the rest of your weekend. I’m going to sleep mine away.” Farrin felt an air of authority and power as she walked to her truck and drove home. This was the most erotic night she’d ever had, would do it again, in any form, but she knew not to expect it permanently. The truth was she was enjoying the freedom. Her career was on track. She liked her condo and was beyond sexually satisfied. What more could a gal ask for?

Once home, she stripped off her clothes and dove under the covers, letting sleep overtake her. Punching her pillow into position, she understood what would unfold naturally, no sense worrying about it now. She had two men she liked, trusted, and who fucked her with abandon. Farrin decided her move to Florida was productive in many ways.

Chapter Fifteen

The last few weeks had been wonderful from Van’s perspective. Work was picking up, and his personal life was beyond productive. While he’d purposely stayed away from forming relationships in the past years, Farrin had slipped in under his radar. Probably because she didn’t ask for anything except his sexual attentions. And only when he seemed so inclined to offer. Any call he received from her was always business related, and she didn’t hedge about his personal life.

Most often, he was the one to orchestrate their private meetings. Even Lyle had noted a change in her attitude. She was becoming comfortable with both of them, openly joking and teasing when appropriate. During work hours, she remained professional. Van was enjoying his lifestyle. What more could a man ask for? The answer his mind supplied surprised him.
. It was a word he always shied away from. Once a person got too close, he cut them loose, not wanting the entanglements relationships brought.

He didn’t mind sharing Farrin with Lyle and knew they occasional met for a quick rendezvous. He was never jealous of Lyle, even with her, for he understood the relationship between them was playful, not a serious love attraction. Only now, with Farrin, he was the one who wanted more. Wanted to know he had her full attention, beyond sex. Worse yet, he wanted her to be with him.

He wandered out onto the patio and gazed at his property. It was a stunning house with magnificent water views. The patios and pool only enhanced the living area. His boat had become just a possession. The thrill of escaping to the open waters for the day wasn’t as fulfilling as it used to be. Now, if Farrin were on board with him, he might feel different. In the past, he’d never taken any woman out on it. Even Lyle had only joined him for a few quick trips around the area.

The nagging split in his brain was becoming more than he wanted to handle on a daily basis. And for some unknown reason, that lousy cottage in the Florida Keys had gotten stuck in his mind. When he thought about it, he visualized Farrin living there with him, full time. Yes, Lyle would be a part of their circle, but he knew Lyle needed the chase to be happy. While he always came back to Van, Lyle was a dreamer who went after every conquest, male or female, at his whim. They never meant anything important. It was the thrill of the chase.

Pulling himself from the daydream, he checked his watch. He had just enough time to meet Lyle for their planned supper. A quick shower and he was on his way. Lyle was at the bar with a strange expression on his face.

“Hi,” he said, sliding onto the barstool next to him, pointing to Lyle’s beer and nodding to the bartender. “What’s up, you look like….Well I’m not sure, but something’s wrong.”

Lyle didn’t turn to him, rather kept his look at a particular table in the restaurant, one near the back wall. Van realized it was Farrin’s back he was seeing, along with an older man and woman beside her. They seemed very serious, Farrin’s posture ram rod straight. “Her parents showed up today, unannounced and uninvited.”

“And?” Van asked, prompting him to continue. He nodded to the bartender as his beer was placed in front of him. “Lyle, what’s going on?”

“They’re here to talk her into going back to New Jersey with them.”

“What? Didn’t her ex-husband and stepsister get together? Why would she go back only to be reminded of that each day?”

“I don’t know, Van. All I know is she was stupefied when they showed up at the shop this afternoon. Right there, in the middle of her work place, they started berating her about running away and it was time to come home to the family.” Lyle shook his head in disgust.

“What was her reaction?”

“What do you think? She was stunned, embarrassed, and kept asking them to quiet down. Her mother is a piece of work. Right in front of customers, she made a point of telling Farrin if she’d been a better wife, her husband might not have had the affair. That’s when I interceded and gave her the rest of the afternoon off. I told her to use our reservation here tonight. I figured I could keep an eye on her if the meeting went down the tubes.”

“Do you think she’s ready to go back?”

“I hope not, Van. For the first time today, I had to admit to myself she was more than a casual fling. I have feelings for her, probably as intense as yours.”

Van sipped his beer, taking in all the information and trying not to let his facial expression give way to his inner turmoil. “I’ll admit I like the way our threesome has worked out, both out of the office and in. Hell, she’s got an innate sense of style. I doubt we’d have sold so many condos and homes without her touch.”

“And?” Lyle prompted.

“And…I’ll admit I’m smitten with her.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Me too, and now they want her to go back and forgive and forget.”

“She’s an adult. We’ll have to let her make her own decisions about her future.” Van squirmed in his seat. “You got any ideas how to persuade her to stay?”

“To stay or to stay with us?” The men stared at each other. “Well, we have to decide before we campaign for her to stay here, is it with us or just for the job?”

“Why couldn’t it just go on as it was?” Van didn’t let on to Lyle he’d had these same thoughts earlier in the day.

“I’d like her to stay and be a part of us, but that would include your participation. Do you want her or do you want to move on?”

“I’ve been comfortable with the relationship the three of us have had these last six months. I’m not anxious for anything to change, in the workplace or outside.”

“I’ll give up Nina, no question, if you think it will keep her with us.”

“Let’s just calm down and see what unfolds.” Van sipped from his beer and straightened in his seat. “They’re heading toward us. Chill out and be nice.”

The men watched Farrin and her family approach. He immediately didn’t like the man’s look. ‘Slick and slime’ came to Van’s mind instantly when he saw his false tan and overly white capped teeth. Her mother was dressed immaculately with too much jewelry and teased hair. She also walked with her nose in the air, as if the whole state was beneath her.

“Farrin,” he called, standing and moving toward the group. “Hello, I’m Van Hildrith,” he said extending his hand to shake the other man’s. He watched Farrin for any sign and saw only discomfort.

“Hi, Van, this is my mother, Dolores, and her husband, Frank. They flew down to surprise me today.” Her tone was flat. His hand was grabbed by Frank and pumped too hard and too long. Dolores seemed to sniff the air around them and decided he didn’t meet her criteria for conversation.

“Have you been to Miami before? It’s a wonderful place to live.”

“I wouldn’t be here now if my daughter wasn’t so hard headed.” Dolores again looked around the restaurant, as if deciding it wasn’t up to her standard.

“Mom, we’ve had this conversation many times. We don’t need to have it again with my boss.”

“Boss, well then this is the perfect opportunity. Do us all a favor and fire her. She can collect unemployment and move home.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Dolores, but Farrin is a valuable employee. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her place in the company.”

“That’s not very helpful, Van, is it?” Frank said. “You see, there was a little misunderstanding between the sisters, and we’d like to have the family together again. Heal the old wounds, start fresh and all that.”

“I can understand you wanting to have your family intact, but I also realize Farrin is an adult, and her opinion is the one that matters here.”

“This is not a discussion Van needs to hear, especially since I’ve made my decision. Van, nice to see you. I’ll be at the office on Monday, as usual, ready to work.” She gave him an eye roll, and he had to hold back a smile.

“We’ll all look forward to seeing you then. Enjoy your weekend in Miami,” he told Frank, for Dolores had already dismissed him with a wave of her hand.

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