The Stagers (8 page)

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Authors: Louisa Neil

BOOK: The Stagers
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She glanced up and saw Lyle had entered and was watching from a few feet away. He reached forward and drew her hand to his lips, sucking her finger clean.

“Principle, I was bad again.”

“I saw that, Lyle. Did you like the taste of her?”

“Yes, I did, and I want more.”

“Well, Librarian, should we finish his education?”

“It would be a waste to stop short, especially since his cock is full and straining.” Van stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled the back of her neck. “Lyle, make her wet.”

Lyle kneeled before her and began to lick her pussy and clit, using his fingers to penetrate her. Van continued to hold her round the waist with one hand and began pinching her butt cheeks with the other.

“Librarian, you are so wet, your juices are all over your pussy and ass.” He slid his hand over her skin and let his middle finger ride between her cheeks. He lowered it further, so Lyle would suck it slick and Van would slide it up and over her anus. “Your breath is short. Is there a problem, Miss Farrin?”

“I need to come, Principle. Please, make me come.”

Van slipped his finger in her anus while Lyle doubled his efforts, putting a second finger in her pussy and latching onto her clit with more pressure. She could feel both their hands and used her free hand to grab her tit, pumping it harder in rhythm with his hand.

“Please,” she uttered, and he pulled from her completely.

“Remember, I’m in charge. Lyle, go and lay flat on the ottoman.” He lifted her at the waist and took her to where Lyle had settled. Van set her down and tossed him a condom. With practiced ease, he sheathed himself. Van moved Farrin forward until she straddled Lyle. His gentle pressure on her shoulders had her taking his cock in her pussy.

“Kiss her, Lyle.”

Lyle wrapped his hands around her and began kissing her, long, slow swipes of his tongue against hers. He let his hands roam her body, pinching and playing where he wanted. Van watched for a bit and allowed himself several slaps to her cherry red ass.

When he knew his resistance was waning, he sheathed himself and moved into position behind her. She was slick and wet, ready for his intrusion. Van felt them both stall while he entered her anus and gave a few quick thrusts. When he was centered, he lifted slightly and began spanking her and butt fucking her. She and Lyle continued to kiss while he fucked her pussy.

“Will this make you come, Miss Farrin? Having both our cocks in your body, is that what you wanted, what you needed?”

“Yes. Yes, it is. Spank me for my bad behavior. Spank me so I won’t forget.”

“Remember you said that.” He started to put a bit more pressure on his spanks and began to fuck her in earnest, knowing this would be his last orgasm of the evening. He could feel Lyle’s cock rubbing against his. One last look at how disheveled her clothing was and her red butt, and he came with a groan, continuing to the push-and-pull motion until he felt her inner muscles clench both of them. Lyle jerked upward and pulsed in her pussy several times before relaxing under them.

Van stood and straightened his pants on his hips, and then he helped Farrin to stand. She glanced at him and without prompting, lowered herself to her knees, tugging off the condom and licking his cock clean. Then she turned to Lyle. He stood to the side, watching her suck Van. When he was clean, she repeated the process on Lyle. She rose and sat on the ottoman and quickly jumped up.

“Ouch,” Farrin said without thought and stood to rub her backside.

“Relish the tingle, my dear. It will be gone before you know it.” Lyle gave each of her breasts a quick kiss and moved away, finding his discarded clothing and dressing. Van handed her a fresh glass of wine, but she declined it.

“I’m driving.” She started to tug her skirt down. She pulled the halves of her shirt closer in the front but had to stop to put her breasts back in the corset cups. Then she wrapped the material closed around her and used her fingers to comb back her hair, the tight twist long gone from their activities.

“How about a soda instead? A bit of caffeine will give you a boost.” She only nodded and continued to right her clothes. He handed her a glass of cola and gave one to Lyle while he finished dressing.

Van noted the feelings starting to creep forward, one’s that would tell Farrin to stay the night, and pushed them back.

“I’m heading out, Principle!” Lyle said.

“I’m ready, too,” Farrin quickly added. She paused and leaned up to kiss his cheek and all but ran from his house. He decided the embarrassment factor had gotten to her. Following them both outside, he waited until their vehicles started and left his driveway.

Back inside, he stripped off his clothes as he walked through the house. Van knew better than to hesitate and dove in the pool, knowing the cool evening air would chill him. He swam laps until he couldn’t breathe, the whole time reinforcing that women weren’t permanent. They were for mutual companionship and lust. Any other thoughts would get him in trouble, deep trouble. The kind of permanent trouble he didn’t want to experience again.

* * * *

Farrin refused to let the men see her discomfort as she slid behind the wheel of her truck. She was thankful it was only a short distance to drive, trying to hold her weight off the seat. While she figured she should be embarrassed, she wasn’t. When she thought she should feel like a tramp, she only experienced lust. Lust led to need. Finally home, she examined her body in the full mirror on the back of her bathroom door. While the water came to heat, she examined the color and texture of her buttocks. She was wet again, wanting more.

“Be careful, girlfriend. This could get habit forming.” Stepping under the hot spray, she wondered where her mind and morals went. But once asked, she admitted all three of them had sanctioned and enjoyed the evening’s events. At her age, she decided it was about time she found lust and sex and enjoyment all rolled into one neat package or two, technically. While she thought she would be wide awake the whole night, once she snuggled down on the crisp, cool sheets, she dropped to sleep quickly.

Chapter Eleven

The following week was hell for Farrin. She made a full attempt to work the week even with the spring cold she caught. By Wednesday, she was a mess and stayed home. Sleep was elusive and her symptoms reached their awful heights. Thursday, she was starting to feel better. She knew she was a sight, her nose red, her eyes puffy, and her voice only a squeak. She wandered aimlessly around her condo. Even the beautiful day didn’t heighten her sprits.

Too much time for self-reflection brought back all the bad memories she’d tried to leave behind. Since her move to Florida, she’d been able to look forward. This week, without work to keep her mind occupied, she kept remembering all the old hurts.

At four in the afternoon, her doorbell rang. She cursed under her breath, not wanting to be bothered. Glancing through the peep hole, she was aghast to find Van standing there. Panic set in first, and she tried to pull it back. There was no use running for cover or trying to primp. Instead, she pulled her blue chenille robe closer around her body and opened her door.

“Hi,” she managed, her voice still squeaky.

“Hi,” he said, walking past her without being invited and went straight to her kitchen. He carried a paper bag that wafted a heavenly scent past her. “I’m not staying,” he continued, unpacking the bag. He loosened the top on a plastic container of something and put it in her microwave. Then he stuck several bottles of ginger ale in her fridge. Lastly, he put a pint of vanilla ice cream in her freezer.

Farrin pulled tissues from her robe pocket to cover her sneezes, each of which he blessed her for.

“You look like hell. Sound it, too. I’m figuring you feel worse.” He glanced at her from head to toe and smiled. “I’ve seen you look better,” he teased.

“Shoot me now,” she quipped, turning away to sneeze again.

“You’ll be better in a few days. If not, we’ll shoot you then.” He laughed and moved toward her.

“Don’t,” she yelled, almost in a panic. “I’ll get you sick, too.”

“I never get sick.” He took a step forward and hugged her tight to his body. “Besides, if I do, you’ll have to come take care of me.”

“Okay,” she said with a sigh, stifling a yawn. Van released her and stepped behind her. He gently tugged the robe from her shoulders. “Van,”

“Relax. I’m not here for lascivious activities.” Instead, he used his strong fingers to massage the muscles in her neck and shoulders.

“That’s wonderful,” she admitted.

“Good, go lay down,” he prompted and followed her to the bedroom. Farrin didn’t like people to see her home when it wasn’t tidy. Today, it was anything but. Her bed was a mass of tangled sheets and tossed tissues. The bed stand held bottles of every kind of cold medicine available.

“It’s such a mess,” she said but relented and crawled onto the bed, not caring.

“You’ll clean it up when you feel better.” His statement was flat. “Now…” He pulled the robe further off her shoulders, revealing her naked back. His hands went back to her neck and shoulders. He was strong but not hurtful.

“Lyle told you I was sick?” she asked.

“Yeah, he told me because he wouldn’t come to check on you.” Van paused. “You do realize he’s a complete hypochondriac, don’t you?”

“I don’t think it ever came up.” Her voice was drowsy to her own ear, Van’s massage relaxing her.

“That’s because none of us was sick. I bet the first time you sneezed on Monday, he went running for the disinfectant.” His laugh was kind.

“He did keep his distance. When I showed up Tuesday, he threatened to send me home in a taxi.” She tried to laugh but wound up coughing.

“Let’s just say he’s not a good patient. It’s in all our best interests to keep him healthy.”

“I’ll remember that,” she managed.

“You go to sleep. There’s soup in the microwave for later. I’ll let myself out.” She felt the bed dip beside her as he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “You don’t have much of a fever. Just sleep, Farrin. You’ll feel better tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Van.”

“You’re welcome. See you next week.”

She stayed on the bed and listened to him shut the front door after him. Sleep came quickly, and it was after nine that night when she woke, starving. The chicken soup he’d left for her was a miracle, easing the ache in her stomach. Farrin spent the rest of the night curled up on her sofa, watching old movies, and sipping ginger ale. After midnight, she texted Van and thanked him for the groceries. He texted back she should be asleep, but if she wasn’t, there was an old Cary Grant and Katharine Hepburn comedy on, along with the channel. She watched the movie, one she’d seen many times, replacing Cary’s face with Van’s and Katharine’s with hers. Farrin decided it was the cold medicine that made her fantasize but didn’t care.

With a congested breath, she reinforced aloud, “He will never be permanent. Our relationship isn’t permanent.” Over and over she said the words, making herself believe them.

As she dozed before the flickering screen, she reinforced to herself that she was a competent, intelligent woman. She was capable of taking care of herself and would continue to do so. She’d enjoy the relationship with Van and Lyle but understood something like that wouldn’t last forever. “But a gal can dream,” she whispered, pulling the blanket tighter to her shoulders. Closing her eyes brought visions of Van fucking her from behind, her ass cheeks red from his hand, her pussy hotter and wetter than she’d ever known.

* * * *

Saturday, she was feeling much better. By Sunday, she ventured out for groceries and cleaned her apartment. Monday, she was back at work, germ free, which she teased Lyle about.

Even with work to do, she couldn’t forget how Van had been with her. He was a hard act to follow in many ways. It was prominent in her mind that he was only temporary as he’d told her in the beginning.

* * * *

The condo staging went as expected even though Farrin thought it was an overused and outdated plan. She smiled and nodded to Lynda at the walkthrough but made sure she was across the room when she arrived, therefore staying out of the perfume zone. Once that was done, she headed back to the warehouse, debating about the next job she’d been assigned. It was a small bungalow that needed a lot of help, with a smaller budget.

Chapter Twelve

The bungalow was further away from home than their normal jobs, but the drive along the coast road on a sunny afternoon wasn’t bad. The navigation system in her truck brought her to the doorway of their next project. Farrin stifled back a groan when she saw the property. The outside had been left to seed. What once might have been a small, manicured lawn was now a mass of dead flowers, vines, and dirt. No green peeked from the whole site. The house was vinyl sided. At least that could be power washed without a hassle.

Key in hand, she paused to wipe away the cobwebs from the front door landing before turning the key. Inside was worse than the outside. Dust mites circulated through the air, light from the dirty windows highlighting them. She took a quick tour of the place and moved back to the living-dining space. The old home had potential, but not on the budget her client proposed.

Wandering around a second time, she took copious notes on her handheld device. Glancing through the front window, she saw Van arrive. He, too, left his truck and stood looking at the old place. She watched him shake his head and walk the path toward the front door, now propped wide open to air out the moldy smell.

“Hi,” she greeted him from what was left of the kitchen area.

He was preoccupied with inspecting the space. “Hi.”

She started to bristle, and she remembered she didn’t have the right. “I’m going to venture to the backyard,” she said, assuming he’d heard her. When she finally went outside, the fresh air was exhilarating. So was her instant visual of what the space could look like. The yard was huge, overgrown, but larger than she’d expected. It was a quiet place. She could actually hear birds chirping and the light wind fluttering tree leaves. In the far corner, she followed a dilapidated path and was rewarded with a slice of the ocean.

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