The Stolen Heart (22 page)

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Authors: Jacinta Carey

BOOK: The Stolen Heart
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“I don’t expect or want gratitude, Jared. I owe you everything for
helping me find by brother and father, and helping with my sisters.
I don’t know what I would have done without you.”



“I suspect you would have managed somehow. You’re a very resourceful
person. I don’t know how I would have managed without you this trip.
I would be a dead man for sure, I just know it.”



She put her fingers to his lips. “Please don’t say that.” She
replaced her fingers with her lips, and they kissed long and
lingeringly, until a movement from George brought them to their



George smiled. “Quite a girl, isn’t she?”



“You mean you knew?” Al gasped.



“Not for sure. Not until now. I sort of guessed. You’re built a bit
too round for a lad. And you had better button up your coat, and
strap down your you know whats if you don’t want the rest of the
lads to figure it out.”



“The Captain never knew until the other day,” Al tried to defend
their actions.



“Then he is as blind as a bat, and I should be navigating.” He
flashed a cheeky grin at Jared, who smiled back.



“You won’t tell, will you, son?”



“Course not, Captain. It’s your ship. Your business. But I would get
the lass below and tend to her with some liniment if I were you.”



She shook her head. “I’m fine. You can’t leave the deck.”



“And you can’t stay out here. You’re turning blue with cold. I’m
just going to have to leave you in Cook’s capable hands.”



“You have no cause to be jealous,” she whispered.



“I know that now. What we have is special, not something you would
ever share with anyone else. I know that now. Do you forgive me?”



“Always. But never mind that now. What do we do about the ship?”



“We need to get back out there and get the rest of that whaleboat
off the deck.”



“We’re with you, Captain. Just give the word,” George said with an
intent look on his face.



“Grab that rope, then, and tie it around yourself.”



He took two of the others and lashed them securely around himself
and Al, and then looked around the try works for some tools. He
found some pincers, and the sharp hoes usually used for cutting into
the whale.



The three of them moved out into the open, and they scraped and
tugged all of the wood toward the larboard side of the ship, where
they would usually lower the cutting stage when a whale was brought
along side.



Two of the other men came forward to open the railing, and then
Jared and George were heaving the larger pieces over the side with
the hoes, while Al propelled the smaller pieces forward with the



“All done! Close it!” Jared commanded.



The men shut the railings at last. The high surf had been tugging
mercilessly at their feet, ankles and even knees, and the deck was
awash with several inches of water.



“Right, lads, go man those pumps. Fifteen minutes each, and keep
spelling each other. I want this whaler pumped as dry as a bone, do
you hear me? If we get swamped, weighted down, one good wave will
sink us.”



They went to relieve the men at the pumps, while Jared took another
turn at the helm with Al. He and Perkins worked out a fifteen-minute
helm rotation as well for the strongest men, and thus the crew
labored all night and into the next day.



Late in the morning, a high sea took the latrines right off the
stern of the ship, along with their ship’s boat, but at least they
did not go crashing onto the deck or any unlucky crewman this time.



Jared held his course, for he feared that going back would only lead
to worse problems. If they could just maintain their courage, they
would break through.



Cook went around serving plates of food to the busy men on watch
working the pumps and the sails, for they had to beat back and
forth, not daring to risk sailing directly with the wind all the
time for fear they might end up gusting onto the rocks.



“Thanks, Cook,” she said with a smile as she took the food, and
managed to force down a mouthful of the cold congealed stew.



She was not seasick, but the food wasn't appetizing at the best of
times, and this morning she could see the maggots encased in the
jellied fat. But at least they would be easier to get rid of, she
thought as she scooped them out and put them on the side of their



“I'm told they are pretty nutritious,” Jared joked as he continued
at the helm.



“You can have my share, then.” She offered him a spoonful, and he



“No, thanks. Some of the biscuit, and some water would be most
welcome, though.”



She broke the biscuit into a manageable-sized piece, and placed it
in his mouth. He kissed her fingers and then nodded for the water
cup. She held it up to his lips, and he took a deep draught.



When he had finished chewing, he stooped and kissed her on the brow.
She ate a few more mouthfuls of the stew, and offered him a
spoonful. He checked it for maggots, and she smiled up at him



He opened his mouth, and allowed her to feed him for a time, as he
struggled against the kick of the wheel. The seas had not
diminished, but at least the rain and hail had stopped for the



“How much longer, do you think?”



“I'm guessing about another half-day to a day. We’re making good
time, even though these are the wildest winds and currents I've ever



He finished the plate of stew, and said, “Thank you. That was very
refreshing. But I'd like you to go eat more yourself. Or better
still, go below and get some rest.”



She shook her head. “I’m not leaving you. Do you think I would be
any less worried about you sitting down there in the dark, wondering
how you were faring?”



“I suppose that's true. But your back and legs must hurt like the



“The thought of losing you hurts far worse,” she said candidly. “I’d
walk through the fires of Hell if need be to see that you were



He smiled down at her warmly. “As would I. And to think I thought I
loved you as a parent does a child. I love my little brother Morgan,
but what I feel for you is, well, all-consuming. I can’t seem to
think of anything or anyone else. Everything is you now, what I
should do for you, for us together as a couple. Now I know why Dare
gave up these long voyages, but Samantha insisted he continue at
sea. He loved both. She showed him he could have both.”



“So you aren’t going to put me ashore, or leave me behind on your
next trip?” she asked hopefully.



“How can I? It would be like leaving my own right arm, or even my
heart behind.” He sighed. “In truth, my dear, I can’t even remember
what it was like at sea for me without you by my side.”



She smiled up at him, tears of joy and love shining in her eyes. He
should have said the words, asked her to marry him, told her that he
loved her then and there, but he wanted to wait. He wanted to get to
port, find a good hotel, wine and dine her, and propose to her like
a traditional Victorian gentleman.



The fact that she was not a traditional Victorian gentlewoman
escaped his notice, though of course it should not have. He found
his passionate attachment to her so heady, he was not always able to
think clearly.



“Do you want to have someone come spell you?” she asked as he
continued to stare at her.



“Er, no, I can carry on a bit longer. Your arms and back must be
killing you.”



“I’ve felt better,” she admitted. “But I don’t dare leave you. I've
told you that. Don't let us fight over it, please, dearest.”



She stared up with tender pity at his white face with a couple of
days’ growth of beard. She had never seen him look so terrible, or
so wonderful.



She rose up to button his shirt at his throat, and then his jacket,
and wrapped his scarf more tightly about his neck.






“Yes, much. Though I would of course prefer to be in a nice warm
bunk with you wrapped around me for a blanket.”



“Jared, sush! Someone might hear,” she scolded as two crewmen walked
past to take a turn at the pump.



“In that case, you’d better not call me by my first name except in
the privacy of our own cabin. And I shall call you Almira there



She looked sheepish and bundled into her own coat. “Sorry, I forgot.
And I had no right….”



“You have every right, my dear. I want you to. I love hearing you
say my name. Especially when you are getting ready to-”



“Stop that!” she hissed, and let out a shaky breath.



“Sorry. That wasn’t fair, to either of us. I feel like I am about to
strangle just thinking about it, and not because of my scarf.”



She shook her head. “I’ve created a monster.”



“Well, you know what they say about sailors.”



Her face fell. Of course, she should have remembered how experienced
he undoubtedly was. This was could not be anything really special
for him, not compared with her, who had never shared herself with
anyone before. And never would-no one could ever move her as the
incredible Jared Starbuck did, of that she was certain.



He saw her face fall, and immediately apologized. “I'm sorry. I had
no reason to joke like that, really.”



She lifted her chin proudly. “You don’t have to lie to me,” she
replied in clipped tones.



“I’m not. I was not a virgin, but not a rowdy either.” He took her
hand and put it on the helm, drawing her over into the circle of the
wheel, and his own body.



He pressed himself against her back to share her warmth and enjoy
her softness, and told her of his past life with the widow.



“There has never been anyone since for more than one night, and even
then that has been rarely. I promise you, Almira, you need have no
fear of any dreadful diseases from me.”



“I’m not afraid. But you don’t have to say all this to make me feel



He moved his lower body to press up against her even more
intimately. She could feel his hardness even through all of the
thick layers of clothing they were both clad in. “I am not. I’m
saying it because it’s the truth.”



“I believe you, then,” she whispered. “You need to concentrate on
the helm.”



He stepped backwards and signaled to Perkins to relieve them. “Keep
steady. I’ll be back shortly.”



“Aye, Captain.”



He took Al’s arm, and said in a low urgent tone, “I need you.”



"Yes, Jared.







Jared's desperate avowal of need thrilled Almira to the core, and
sent them hurrying back to the privacy of the captain's quarters as
fast as they could manage given the swell of the currents.



As soon as they got into the cabin, he grabbed one of her boots and
tugged it off, then yanked her trousers down. Tearing at his own
clothes, he bared himself and pushed into her, his hands lifting her
onto his towering manhood.



Her back pinned to the corner behind the door, she felt the thrust
right up through her. Her head lolled back as she gasped and clung
to him. He stifled her cries with his kisses, and his knees almost
buckled with the thrill of it all.



He raised one hand to jerk at the buttons at her throat, baring her
breasts as he scooped her even harder against him with her other
hand. Her muscles rippled, squeezing him until he released himself
into her with a desperate cry.



“Almira, oh, Almira!”



All the colors of the rainbow flashed in her head as she gave
herself up to his incredible lovemaking.



When she at last floated down to earth, she was on the bunk, with
him still between her legs, suckling her breasts as if they were the
most succulent food he had ever eaten.



He moisture between her thighs continued to build, and the pressure
too as he hardened once more.



“Please, Jared, it’s too much,” she gasped, as he bared more and
more of her flesh and tasted and nibbled the tender flesh of the
sides and bottoms of her breasts, and pressed into her even further.



“Not enough, Almira, never enough. My God, you're so beautiful…”



Her efforts to bare his flesh were frustrated by the heavy layers of
clothing swathing his chest, so she yanked his trousers down further
and clasped his buttocks, driving him further into her with an
agonized cry.



“Almira, no, not yet,” he pleaded, trying to prolong the sensation
as long as he could.

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