The Strength to Fall (McKinnon Brothers Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: The Strength to Fall (McKinnon Brothers Book 1)
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I asked Erica to pass me the coleslaw, but when she didn’t respond I noticed she was staring at Al. A women knows that look. I glanced at him but he was oblivious just as everyone else at the table. So, Erica liked Al. That made me like her even more, even though I knew now she wasn’t after Ozias, I liked to know that her affection truly was directed to someone else. Al either didn’t share her feelings or didn’t know. I planned to find out.

“So, Al, is it ok I call you Al, everyone else does? I hear you work a lot. What do you do for fun?” I was met by astonished stares from everyone including Al. Guess no one really talks to him that much.

When he finally spoke his answer surprised me somewhat. “Everyone calls me Al whether I like it or not. And as far as fun, I don’t. Too busy.” He hesitated then continued. “I run and work out a lot. I paint, but I don’t get to do that much anymore.”

“Don’t let work dictate your happiness, son,” Doc said to Al.

“Really? From the man I have few childhood memories of because he was, and still is, a workaholic?” Al fired back at Doc.

“Trust me, it’s not worth it. In the end, you’ll wish you chose differently. Time can’t be recaptured.” Doc said with a sadness in his eyes. Al started to respond again, but Ms. Jo stopped him.

“Boys, I have all of you together so rarely, and I feel more myself today than I have in a while. Please, let’s not do this, especially with these ladies present.” The men complied and I got a glimpse of how strong a woman Ms. Jo was before her illness. I decided to question Al more hoping to get a conversation started between him and Erica.

I wondered what type an artist is he? Maybe he’s one of those dark, brooding types?  “So, Al, painting? That’s interesting. What is your favorite medium and style?” Again, the shocked stares.

He was quiet as if he didn’t want to answer me but then Erica answered for him, “He paints abstract, mainly. He’s very talented. His work is amazing.” Al met her eyes but she looked away nervously. Everyone fell silent again, so I decided not to push anymore.

Declan broke the awkwardness. “Hey, anyone up for a game? Adira, you can’t beat me again this week. You an Ozias can’t be on the same team. That’s all there is to it.”

“Hey, it’s not our fault you can’t draw more than a stick figure,” Ozias said. We had been finishing out every family meal with a different board game. Ozias and I were the defending champs, frequently beating Declan and Erica in Pictionary.

“Exactly,” I agreed, “but if it makes you feel better you and Ozias can be on a team and Erica and Al can be a team. I’ll clean up and read to Ms. Jo tonight instead. That should level the playing field for you.” Declan laughed.

“I can’t stay. I’ve got work to do,” Al said.

“One game can’t hurt?” Erica said staring deeply at Al.

“I don’t want to be on Dec’s team. He cheats. Come on, play with me, babe. If Al wants to go Dec and Erica and be a team. We’ll give them extra time to make it fair.” Ozias joked then moved out of Dec’s reach when he tried to playfully punch him.

“Ozias, help me clear the table,” I said. This man was oblivious to my matchmaking scheme.

“You kids, go have fun. I’ll clean up,” Doc said already taking dishes to the kitchen.

“No, go get Ms. Jo settled,” I insisted.

“Al, come read to me. I miss you reading to me,” Ms. Jo had clearly wanted to be with Doc.

Doc went to her and placed a gently kiss on her head. “If you wish, darling.”

I could see that he still loved her but he never had the fire in his eyes as when he talked about Aunt Claire. My heart broke for the cruelty of their situation. Doc took Ms. Jo to the library as each of her sons said their goodnights to her.

I motioned Ozias to the kitchen. “I’m going to sit out tonight. I’ll play moderator, ok?”

“Don’t let Dec get to you. He’s always been a sore loser,” He said still not understanding.

I sighed, “Can’t you see that Erica likes Al? Talk him into playing and let them be a team.”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “Erica and Al? No. You’ve got that all wrong.”

“You are so blind. I know the look of a woman when she’s got her eye on a man and Erica has it written all over her face.”

“She’s like our sister. She’s always hung around. She would spend hours talking to Al while he painted when we were teens, but….” Realization hit him then. “Oh!” He hit his forehead with the palm of his hand. “I really am clueless to women.”

“Bless it, you are, but I love you anyway. Now go convince Al to stay. I’ll be right out,” I laughed as he left me.

Dec and Ozias were tied with Al and Erica. She glowed sitting next to him and when they had to lean in to whisper about the game, she blushed. Men were so clueless. This girl was head over heels. I sat the timer and handed the marker to Al for their last turn. He read the card and I nodded that it was time to start. He drew a large circle and scribbled a shape in the middle with one end having a long oval shape. He drew arrows to the shape and then made little umbrellas and a pail next to it.

“Florida!” Erica exclaimed jumping up and down. I stopped the timer.

“Yes!” Al said. Erica hugged him as they congratulated themselves on the win. Al picked her up but once their eyes met he sat her down quickly and a seriousness came over him.

She looked hurt over his response. Again, Dec and Ozias were clueless and Dec was trying to convince us they cheated somehow.

“Get over it, Dec. You suck at board games,” Ozias said. We all laughed. Al was already making his way to the door to leave.

“Nice to meet you, Al,” I yelled out to him. Erica approached him.

“You too,” Al said to me and walked to the door.

“Bye, everyone. I’ll see you tomorrow at the boutique, Adira. I’m gonna go now.”

We all looked their way as they left. Interesting. I will get the rest of the story tomorrow.




















Chapter Twenty-Eight

“I love it!” Erica was beaming at me in the emerald green Chiffon dress I wore. I stared at my reflection in the dressing room mirror of the boutique Aunt Claire sent me to. The dress had a sweetheart top with a tapered waist that opened to a flared skirt that hit mid-thigh. The whole dress was covered in a thin layer of black lace that was sheer from my breast up to an oval neckline with a keyhole back. It was beautiful. I chose a pair of low heeled black pumps, despite Erica’s objection that I wear high heels. I refused to tower over Ozias so we had to compromise. I bought a new pair of new earrings, emerald colored studs with a bracelet to match. The whole outfit was very ‘40’s, my favorite era of dress. I was excited! I decided to wear my hair up in a modern twist. I felt like I was in a movie with all Aunt Claire had planned for Ozias and me.

As we walked back to the co-op, I broached the subject of Al to Erica. “So, how long have you like Al?” I asked innocently.

“What?” Erica was not good at hiding her feelings. She blushed at the mention of his name.

“I’m not the guys, Erica. They are obviously blind to a woman’s interest. It was all over your face. Sorry, if I’m prying.” I wasn’t really sorry.

She looked at the sidewalk embarrassed. “I’ve never really talked about it. I guess, I’ve like him since I was old enough to think boys weren’t gross anymore. He just fascinates me.”

“You haven’t ever told him? That’s a long time to like someone and never tell.”

“You’ve been around them long enough to know they are not exactly the smartest when it comes to women. We’ve four years apart, which as adults is nothing, but as kids Al always seemed so much older than all of us. He just sees me as a little sister. He doesn’t think of me as a woman, about to graduate medical school.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe you should just tell him how you feel. I saw some chemistry between you two the other night.”

“Really? If I can get the courage, I might, but I’m about to go back to school and I won’t have time for anything but studying.” She changed the subject. “I’m excited for you and Ozias tonight. You are going to have a great time. Can’t wait to hear all about it.”

“Me too. Finally some fun times for us.”

The restaurant was beyond my expectations. We had a quiet table in a far corner. Very private and romantic. It was Italian, my favorite. It was picture perfect down to the dripping candles, dim lighting, and romantic music. I ordered my favorite dish, chicken Marsala, while Ozias ordered beef tortellini in a wine sauce reduction. We tasted each other’s dishes and I moaned at each delectable bite. He laughed over my love of food. As we shared tiramisu for dessert, I pulled out Aunt Claire’s journal. I had yet to tell him about it.

“I found this in the greenhouse. It’s my aunt’s journal. I’ve been afraid to read it but I’ve read a few entries while at lunch.”

Ozias took it and looked at it but didn’t open it. He handed it back to me. “What did it say? If you don’t mind telling me.”

“Ozias, she has been planning on getting us together since at least the end of last summer. I couldn’t bring myself to read anymore. She talks about Doc and my mom. It was too hard to read and I felt wrong reading about her and Doc.”

“Yea, I don’t want to read about that. I don’t blame them for wanting to be together considering the circumstances, but the fact is, they cheated on my mom. I know she gave him permission, which still amazes me, but I can’t think about it much less read about it.” Ozias looked upset so I changed the subject.

“Sorry, I don’t want to ruin the night. I just hadn’t had the time to tell you about it and I wanted to, especially since we’re here tonight because of her.” I placed my hand in his and squeezed. “Happy birthday, baby.

“Happy birthday to you, too. The best one I’ve ever had. I love you,” Ozias said and kissed me a little too passionately for public, but I didn’t mind. It was the best birthday I’ve ever had, too.

was more amazing than I ever dreamed. The music, costumes, and lightening were beyond my expectations. During intermission we took a picture together. Ozias was so sexy in his dark gray pants, fitted jacket, and dark green shirt. “Adira, you’re stunning. I feel like the luckiest man alive to be your date tonight.” He put his arm around my waist as we found our seats for the second act. I felt like I was in a dream. At this moment, nothing could take away my happiness.

I took my heels off and stepped out of my dress, hanging it up before walking into my bedroom. We had decided to stay at my place tonight. I started to take my earrings off and hair down when Ozias stopped me. “Do you have heels that are higher than what you wore tonight?” Odd question I thought.

“Yes, but I don’t wear them when we go out. Sorry. I don’t want to be that much taller than you.” I smiled to lessen the unintended insult to his height.

“Go put them on, and keep your hair up, and your jewelry on.” He ordered. “I started to ask another question when he stopped me. “Just do it, Adira. Don’t overthink it.” His eyes were full of want. I quickly obeyed. He was beginning to be more demanding in the bedroom, in the best way, never cruelly or demeaning. I suddenly became very aroused and excited. I guess heels were in a fantasy of his.

“Will these do?” I leaned in the doorframe of my closet wearing my black strapless bra, black thong panties, and black stilettos, they screamed fuck-me-pumps.

Ozias moved to me slowly, his need for me showing through his pants. He kissed me and led me to the bed. “Bend over and wait for me,” he commanded. My lower belly clenched in anticipation. I leaned over my bed placing my hands on the mattress.

I heard him undress and then felt him come up behind me. “Adira. You are so hot.”

“Ozias,” I breathed. He moved painfully slow at first but he soon grabbed my hips and brought me to a place I’ve never felt. This man was my not only pleasuring me in ways I could only imagine, but everyday taking more of my heart. Wrapped in his arms after he exhausted me from many mind blowing orgasms, I felt a flicker of fear that I was falling so in love with him that if something ever happened to him, I wouldn’t be able to go on. I pushed the thought as far away as I could. I was finally healing after years of being broken. I can’t imagine the pain of losing Ozias, so I drifted asleep in his arms praying I’d never have to find out what that pain would do to me.





















Chapter Twenty-Nine

Ozias and I were on a love high. Getting to know each other emotionally and physically was amazing. Life was good. Soiree was picking up more business so we both had to be intentional about finding time to be together. Being busy was a good thing because Ozias had to travel the last two weeks and it was hard being away from him. How can someone so new to your life leave such emptiness when they’re gone? We had been texting and talking at night but I missed his touch, his smell, his voice everything about him. It was Wednesday and he was coming home the next day. I decided to prepare a romantic dinner that night. I even bought new lingerie for him. It was a see- through pink baby doll with matching panties. I knew he’d love it. I decided to get my hair cut and styled, a wax, and a pedicure. I felt great and sexy.

Fall was all around me. The cooler weather was welcome. I loved wearing sweaters and heavier clothes than I had ever needed at home. The colors around the trees in the parks were stunning. I was loving being outside and exploring this new city I was making my home. I’ve always wanted to be the glass is half full kind of girl, but even the times I believed that, something happens to not only empty my glass but also knock it over and shatter it. I dug in my purse to get my vibrating phone as I walked towards the co-op. “Hello,” I said without looking at the number.

“Adira,” I recognized the voice as my Uncle Jackson, Jack.

“Hey, Jack. What’s up?”

“Honey, I’ve got to tell you something. Where are you? Are you at home or somewhere private?” That made me stop walking.

“Uh, no. I’m on my way home. What’s wrong? Is Gran ok?” A million bad thoughts entered my brain.

He was talking to someone in the background. I heard shouts and crying. “Jack, tell me right now! Is it Gran?” I started to walk quickly and was about to enter the lobby of the co-op.

“Get to your house and call me back, right away. I need to talk to you but you need to be at home.” Then he hung up. What the hell?

I dug my earbuds out of my purse so my music could help me ascend the 40 floors in the elevator. As soon as I reached my floor, I flew into my unit not closing the door and instantly dialed my uncle.

“Jack, what is going on?” I demanded.

“Adira, now we don’t know what this means, but mom was just contacted by authorities in Male. It seems they’ve found some evidence that Elizabeth may have survived.”

I sank down on my living room floor. “What? How? What did they find?”

“Well, that’s hard to explain. I don’t know how to tell you this, but,” Jack hesitated.

“Just say it!” I yelled.

“Adira, the Male authorities found evidence supporting that she has been alive, and living with a local man, but they don’t know where she is now. It seems an American journalist spoke to her in town one day and thought her situation odd. There’s a lot of conflicting information. We received a call from local authorities who have spoken to authorities in Male.”

I pulled my legs up to my chest and rocked back and forth. Was this some cruel joke? How could this even be possible? “That’s impossible. It’s been almost eleven years, she would have contacted us by now. She wouldn’t just be living with some man! She would have done anything to get back to us.”

“I know, sweetie, I know. I didn’t want to even tell you this until we had more answers, but Gran was adamant. Seems Claire’s match making plans have upset you greatly, and Gran didn’t want to keep you in the dark about this.” Jack spoke to me like one would a wounded child.

My phone beeped indicating another call. I glanced at the screen. It was Ozias. Without thinking I hung up on Jack and answered, “Ozias?”

“Hey, baby, guess what? I got home early. I was calling to see if you were home. I’m about to get off the elevator now. Hey, why is you door open?”

I heard him walking behind me and kneel down next to me. “Adira, baby, what’s wrong?” He embraced me and the tears came in waves. “Baby, talk to me.”

My phone rang put I couldn’t answer it, couldn’t speak. Ozias took it from my hand and answered it. “Hello? Who is this?”

I heard Ozias speaking to my uncle but their voices sounded muffled and distant, like I was on the other side of a glass room. I pushed myself off the ground and walked over to the window. It was a beautiful day here. What was it like where she was, if she even was somewhere? Ozias moved next to me, putting his arms around my waist.

“Adira, my God, I don’t know what to say. That was your Uncle Jack, he told me about your mom. He wants me to book you a flight home for this weekend.” Ozias turned me to face him. “Speak to me, baby. I need to know you’re processing what I say. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now, but I need to know you are ok.”

I stared at him blankly. “Ok?’ I whispered.

“Yes, are you ok enough to talk about this or do you need to lie down for a while?” He was rubbing circles on my upper arm, the way he does when he is trying to soothe me.

“I need to sit down.” I walked to the couch, took my head in my hands and slightly shook it. “This can’t be. It’s been too long. She would never just live with another man. We would have known by now if she was alive. Someone is playing a cruel joke on us.”

“Well, that’s what we need to find out. Let’s fly down tomorrow, or even this evening if I can book a flight that soon. We need to get you home so you can be with your family while you all decide the best course of action.” Ozias sat next to me wrapping me in an embrace.

“We? You want to come with me?”

“Of course. I love you, Adira. Whatever life hands us, we face together, as a team.” He pulled back to look in my eyes, then kissed me.

I didn’t know what to say so I just kissed him back. For the short amount of time I’d known Ozias, he meant more to me than any person I’ve ever known, outside of family. Knowing he wanted to go with me meant more than he’ll ever know.

“Then, let’s go home to Mississippi.” He nodded, got up and went to his office to purchase plane tickets.

I went back to the window and stared out over the river. Time to go back home and discover the truth, and pray it doesn’t fracture the parts of me that Ozias has put back together.




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