The Submission of Little Emmie (8 page)

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Authors: Zoe Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Historical, #Victorian

BOOK: The Submission of Little Emmie
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She did as she was told. 

She was such a sweet little submissive, he thought. She was born to be his little girl. He let her rock back and forth on his cock for several long minutes before taking charge. The length of each of his hands easily spanned her small hips as he lifted her up, locking her into place, and began to push into her. The increased speed as he pistoned in and out of her pussy led to her fourth orgasm of the afternoon. Lord continued to pump into her until his own orgasm took over and then - after righting his trousers - he raised himself off the sofa and made her lay down on her back. He once again cleaned between her legs with the bathing cloth before bringing her small pile of clothes over. 

"Let's get you back into this nappy." He grabbed her ankles and raised them up till her backside left the sofa and he could slide the cloth diaper under her.
Emmie's hands fisted at her sides as she dealt with the shame and humiliation of her husband, the man who just gave her numerous orgasms, diapering her.

"Open your legs, so Papa can pin up your nappy." 

Emmie's eyes were squeezed shut as she violently shook her head. 

Emmie, don't make Papa angry. Open your legs."

"Don't make me Papa. It's too embarrassing." she pleaded. Her cheeks were bright red. 

"There is nothing embarrassing about a Papa taking care of his little one. Now open your legs."

Defeated she spread her legs just enough for him to place the cloth diaper over her still sensitive pussy and pin it in place. He bade her stand up and proceeded to dress her back into her little girl's outfit.       

"Now, sit here quietly like a good girl till Nanny comes to retrieve you." He gave Emmie a fatherly peck on the forehead and left her sitting on the sofa as he returned to his desk to work as if she were a child, seen but not heard.        


Open Your Mouth


After her training session with Papa, Emmie spent the rest of the afternoon with Mrs. Pew in her nursery. Nanny had placed her before a cheery fire as she used the hair tongs to curl her thick hair into large sausage curls that hung down her back. The curls closest to her face were pinned into large pink bows that rested just below her ears. A pretty, white lace dress with the lace drawers peeking below the high hem, a pink sash, white socks and black slippers completed the childish outfit. 

was now led by the hand to the drawing room. In the main hall they encountered Mrs. Weatherby. 

"Well aren't you adorable?" she gushed. "I hear we were a very good little girl during your training with your Papa today!"
Emmie's cheeks flamed with shame. 

"Yes, she did
a very a good job on her rocking horse," Nanny beamed proudly. Emmie could have died from embarrassment. They were discussing the intimate details of what she did with Papa as if she weren't even there, as if she were a child. 

"Well, good little girls deserve a treat,” Mrs.
Weatherby cooed. “I've made Cook bake something special for you for your dessert, assuming His Lordship your Papa allows it of course."  The housekeeper continued to fuss over Emmie as Mr. Shaw, the butler, approached.

"Thank you Mrs. Pew,” he said. “I can take
Emmie from here. His Lordship awaits her in the drawing room."

"Very good, Mr. Shaw." Nanny transferred her hand to Mr. Shaw's and with a pat on
Emmie’s head left the hall for the servant's staircase with Mrs. Weatherby. 

"Come along child. Do not dawdle," admonished Mr. Shaw as he pulled her along. As they crossed the threshold into the drawing room,
Emmie immediately pulled back. Papa had a guest.

"There is my sweet baby girl,” Lord
Burkewood said as she walked in. “Come here and meet a friend of Papa's." 

Mr. Shaw gave
Emmie’s lower back a small push forward. She approached the men with trepidation. The friend was tall, with dark brown wavy hair and shoulders as broad as Papa's. Neither man stood. Standing was a sign of respect afforded an adult female entering the room, and not to be granted a small child, as Emmie was being treated. 

"Why, Richard she
a find," Papa's friend stated with enthusiasm. Emmie gave a start as she realized she’d finally learned her husband's true name.

"Thank you old boy. I am a lucky man.” Lord
Burkewood turned to his bride. “Emmie this is Papa's friend, Lord Evers. Be a sweet girl and give him a kiss hello on the cheek." 

walked the last few feet to his friend and went up on tiptoes as Lord Alex Evers leaned down and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Lord Evers shared his friend’s preference for subservient, child-like women who needed a firm hand, and for keeping them dependent on their Lord and Master for everything.   

"Good girl. Now turn around so Lord Evers can see your pretty dress."
Emmie spun around like she was told.

"My, my, she is a tiny thing,” Lord Evers said. “I bet you had to practically pry your cock into that tiny pussy."
Emmie flinched at the crude language and tears sprang to her eyes at the way they were talking about her. 

Papa laughed. "Had to get her on the training horse right off. Don't want to tear her, don't you know."

"Of course. Of course. Don't suppose you’ve started her oral or anal training?" 

began to wring her hands. It was torture listening to them talk over her like this, especially since after today's lesson with Nanny she knew a bit more about what they were referring too. 

"Later tonight." Papa smiled affectionately at
Emmie as if he hadn't just said something terribly ominous. 

Lord Evers lifted
Emmie's chin up. 

"Open your mouth," he commanded and
Emmie, afraid to disobey, complied. "How ever are you going to fit your cock in this tiny mouth?"

"Come here,
Emmie," Papa said as he sat in a wing chair by the fire. He pulled her between his legs. "Open your mouth."

Again she complied and he pushed the index and middle finger of his right hand between her open lips. 

"Suck on my fingers," he ordered, grasping her behind the neck with his left hand. "I'm going to push two more fingers in," he told her, and she tried to shake her head no, but was prevented by his tight grasp on her neck. She grabbed his wrist in a futile attempt to force his fingers out of her mouth. 

"None of that now,” Lord
Burkewood warned. “Put your hand down or I will put you over my knee and bare your bottom in front of our guest here and give you a thrashing." After a few more moments of her awkwardly sucking, he pushed a third and fourth finger into her mouth, forcing it into an "O" shape.

"You see Alex. It is all in the training," Papa said as he removed his fingers. Alex laughed out loud. 

"Richard, you are the master."   

stood quietly before the fire, eyes downcast and silently weeping. Both men stood as Mr. Shaw announced dinner and began to make their way into the dining room. If Emmie were truly the lady of the house, she would have been escorted into dinner on the arm of her husband, but as a little girl, the men expected her to meekly follow behind.  

Emmie, don’t dawdle. Come along,” Papa admonished as he glanced over his shoulder and noticed she had not moved. Emmie did not stir. 

Emmie, I won't tell you again." Emmie still did not move, but stayed in front of the fireplace as if in a trance. 

"Well, Alex, it looks as if you will be a witness to another form of training. Punishment for naughty behavior." 

On hearing that Emmie was spurred into action. 

"No!" she cried, and tried to make a run for it. But she barely made it two steps before Papa had her by the upper arm and dragged her kicking and screaming back to the wing chair. 

"Alex, old boy. Please hand me the blindfold located in the middle drawer of the sidebar over there."  By the time Alex returned with the blindfold, Lord Burkewood had Emmie secured over his lap with her dress flipped up. 

"Pull her drawers down. It will help add to her shame,” Lord
Burkewood said. “Do you hear that baby? Lord Evers here is going to be the one to bare your naughty bottom." Emmie's body was wracked with sobs as Lord Evers exposed her ample butt cheeks, noticing the red welts from earlier.

"Ah, I see she has already felt the kiss of a paddle." Lord Evers held her hands down as her Papa tied the blindfold over her eyes.
Emmie was plunged into terrifying darkness, her naked buttocks exposed to her Papa and Lord Evers, a practical stranger. 

"Now why the blindfold?" Lord Evers asked.

"I feel as though it adds to the fear and shame, thus making the punishment more effective if she has no warning of what disciplinary tool I have chosen." At that, Mr. Shaw entered the drawing room with a selection of punishment tools on a silver platter. He was nothing if not an efficient butler, always anticipating His Lordship's needs.

"I took the liberty of telling the cook that dinner will be delayed." Mr. Shaw intoned as he offered the platter.
Emmie started at the sound of his voice. She began to sob even harder as she realized there was now a third man staring at her naked backside, a witness to her humiliation. 

"Very good, Shaw." His Lordship stated as he chose a nice, heavy wooden hairbrush. A classic. He turned his attention to Alex. "I never do fewer than twenty strokes,” he said with shocking calmness. 

He raised his hand. The first blow landed on her sit-spot and Emmie howled in agony. All she could tell was it was wooden and caused a searing pain. Each blow was worse than the preceding one, and Emmie was soon crying so hard she was choking. Lord Evers continued to hold her hands folded at the base of her lower back, away from her backside. By the twentieth stroke, Emmie was in a haze of burning torment. 

Burkewood briefly put down the brush and deliberately ran his hands over her bruised and reddened buttocks. "This is the only way my little one will learn to accept this is her new life,” he said and picked the brush back up and flipped it so he was holding the bristle side with the handle protruding. He pushed the handle into her wet pussy and gave it a good twist before pulling it out and raising the handle, wet with her juices, for his friend's inspection.

Lord Evers gave out a bark of laughter. "Why you bad little girl, howling and complaining when all the while you secretly enjoyed every minute." 

Emmie could not comprehend what he was talking about. If the pain of her bruised backside was not enough, the wooden object had been shoved into her pussy, which was still swollen from today's training. It was agony, and it was only about to get worse.

"No time like the present to begin her anal training. Alex, please part her cheeks for me."

Lord Evers released Emmie’s now limp hands and reached over her to pry her rosy, red bottom cheeks apart as Lord Evers pressed the tip of the wooden object against her resisting orifice.

"I'll be good, Papa! I'll be good. Please don't stick that there,"
Emmie shrieked to no avail, covering her face with her hands. But Lord Burkewood ignored her pleas and continued to apply pressure to her bottom hole till the tight quivering ring gave and the wooden hairbrush handle slid in an inch. Since it was only lubricated with her juices, he would not push it beyond a few inches. Emmie squirmed, trying to escape the foreign feeling of having something pushed so deeply into her bottom.  It was far harder and wider than the thermometer that morning!

Emmie, remember your lessons? Where is Papa punishing his little girl right now?" Emmie refused to answer so he pushed another inch of the hairbrush handle into her straining little rosebud.  She groaned in pain and discomfort.

"Where?" he demanded again.

"In my ass," she replied, on a choking sob. Papa pulled the handle out to the very edge and then slowly pushed it back in, watching with his friend as her small hole was forced open by the unrelenting wood. 

"It's like a small puckered mouth straining to swallow a wooden cock," laughed Lord Evers.

Emmie began to whimper as Papa twisted the object in her ass. He twirled it in one full circle, stretching the entrance to her bottom hole. He knew this was only the beginning. In due time, his little one's bottom hole would be stretched by all manner of objects from various shaped dildos to enema nozzles to his cock. He would have to be patient. She was extremely tiny and tight. It would take patience and careful training before she would be able to accept his cock with an acceptable amount of pain. He wanted to keep her tight enough where she would always need to strain to accept him but not so tight she tore if he chose to take her asshole roughly. Papa gave the handle one last small push, seating it just over two inches into her back passage and sat back to admire how it looked protruding obscenely from her two crimson globes.

Emmie, I am going to have you stand now. You must keep the object Papa has placed in your bottom in place by squeezing your reddened cheeks. Do you understand?" 

She nodded her head and Lord
Burkewood made sure her back hem was secured around the special button he had placed between the shoulders of all her dresses before helping her rise slowly off his lap.

He gently removed the blindfold. Her face was blotchy and wet from tears and her eyes swollen from crying. She stood before him sniffling and awash in shame. She tried to reach back to feel the object pushing into her bottom but he grabbed both of her wrists.
Emmie could feel the object start to slip and squeezed her butt cheeks to keep it in place, sending a fresh wave of pain across the surface of her badly bruised bottom.

"Tell Papa what you are feeling right now."

"I...I..."  She was so mortified at her predicament she could not even form the words. She had just been soundly beaten with some kind of wooden object that was at this moment shoved up her rectum. To make matters worse, it was not just Papa who witnessed her shame, but a male friend of his as well!

"Go on. It is part of your punishment,
Emmie, to articulate how you feel."

"I am so ashamed!" She broke down. "My bottom is so very sore. Papa, please take it out." 

"Not until you at least see my view, old boy." Lord Evers chimed in. He was seated behind Emmie in the second wing chair by the fire, giving him a delightful view of her red and bruised bottom as her cheeks quivered and strained to keep the hairbrush in place. 

Burkewood took Emmie by the shoulders and turned her to face Alex. "Apologize to Lord Evers for delaying his dinner with your naughtiness."

"I am very sorry for delaying your dinner with my...with my naughtiness, Lord Evers." 
Emmie whispered. 

Burkewood moved behind her as she spoke, relishing the backside view she now presented. When she shot him a pleading look over her shoulder at him, he motioned for her to turn back around to face him. 

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