The Submission of Little Emmie (9 page)

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Authors: Zoe Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Historical, #Victorian

BOOK: The Submission of Little Emmie
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"Since Lord Evers is our guest, I think he should be the one to remove the object from your little rosebud."
Emmie's face flamed even hotter at the notion but remained silent. 

"I would be honored," Lord Evers said with humor and aplomb.

Papa placed his hand at the back of her neck and slowly pushed her down till she bent at the waist with her face in his lap. She felt Lord Evers’ cool fingers once again part her butt cheeks as he gently slid the offending object out. Emmie gave a sigh of relief as she felt her bottom hole contract. Lord Evers handed the hairbrush to his friend. 

"You may stand

She was horrified to see what Papa had in his hand. It was the hairbrush Nanny had used on her hair earlier this evening. It had been
of her! Papa's eyes followed her gaze.

Emmie. I just paddled you with your very own hairbrush. I used the handle part in your little bottom hole to help stretch it. Now every time Nanny brushes your hair you will remember your punishment here. I think it is past time we moved into dinner. No, Emmie. You must keep your hem up and your red bottom exposed for a while longer." 

Burkewood grasped her by the upper arm to lead her out of the drawing room, across the main hall and into the dining room...all with her naked bottom on full display. When they entered the dining room, Papa took her by the shoulders and directed her into the nearest corner.

"You will stay with your nose pressed into this corner and your naked bum exposed to the room and servants as you think about what you did, little girl." He gave her bruised bottom a little pat and walked to the head of the table, gesturing for his guest to join him. 

As Emmie's mind reeled from all that had just happened, the gentlemen enjoyed a lovely dinner.  As the sugared fruit and cheese platter was placed between them and they lounged over a final glass of wine, Lord Burkewood looked fondly to the little girl softly crying in the corner. She really was a treasure, he told Lord Evers. Indeed, he was a lucky man.

"So Alex,” he asked when are you going to finally settle down and get a little one of your own."  He wanted his friend to experience the contentment and love he was now feeling. 

Lord Evers chuckled at his friend's fatherly tone. "It is not that easy. While I am thrilled you have found a wonderful little girl with an obviously natural submissive temperament, I do not want quite the same. I want a little one I would have to bring to heel, as it were - one with more fight in her.  I guess I relish the possible challenge. I want someone with whom this lifestyle would not come easily, someone who would have a daily struggle before ultimately submitting to me." 

Lord Evers stared at the ruby liquid in his glass pensively, imagining a future child-bride that may not exist but still hoping she was out there.

"Well, I wish you well in your search,” Lord Burkewood said. “You are a good man, Alex, and I have to believe there is a wonderful woman who is far too spirited for her own good who would benefit from your firm hand. Cheers!"  They toasted.

"Now I believe it is time I see to my own little girl," Lord
Burkewood said with a grin.  "Emmie, come to Papa."

came straight over and he settled her standing between his knees. 

"Have you learned your lesson?" he asked. She nodded her head yes as she rubbed at her slightly tear swollen eyes. She truly was his precious little girl. 

Picking up a simple plate of diced carrots, turnips and pheasant, he selected a juicy morsel and held it to her lips. "Open your mouth." 

did as she was told, taking the piece from his fingertips. She glanced anxiously at Lord Evers as she did so. 

"Papa, could I feed myself," she offered hesitantly, very much afraid of earning another paddling.

"No. It pleases me to feed you," he replied as he held up a piece of carrot. "Open your mouth."  This time his finger followed the piece deep into her mouth, forcing her to suck on the tip. Lord Burkewood continued to hand feed her till her plate was cleaned. He then handed her a tall glass of milk and bade her drink every drop. Shortly afterward, Nanny came to retrieve her. After watching Emmie's red naked bum disappear out of the room, the men rose and headed to the billiards room for a game and a brandy. 

"Let's play a few games. In an hour you can watch
Emmie's evening bottle feeding." Lord Burkewood said as he clapped his hand on his friend's shoulder, not missing how the other man’s eyes lit up with anticipation.  


Evening Bottle


Emmie slowly walked into the study an hour later. She was dressed in a short nightgown with small pink buttons down the front and an eyelet lace edge. Nanny was less than pleased with her outrageous behavior in front of Papa's guest and had not only scolded her, but also had added a few swats with her bare hand to Emmie's already abused bottom. 

Her slow pace was due in part to her wounded bum and in part to her extreme reluctance.  Nanny had ushered her into the darkened room and left, leaving
Emmie to walk the final distance to her Papa and his guest. She clutched the doll Nanny allowed her to bring closer to her chest as she walked. Lord Burkewood was seated on the sofa and Lord Evers in a chair by the fire. They both had brandy snifters in their hands. 

"Is it time for my sweet baby girl's bottle already?" Papa asked as he motioned for her to lie on his lap. He reached onto the table behind him and grabbed the bottle filled with warm milk and honey. 

"Ask for it."

There was no more rebellion left in her for today. Besides, if she was absolutely honest with herself, she was learning to enjoy getting a bottle from her Papa. She felt safe and pampered in his arms and loved the way he stroked her hair and skin during the feedings. 

"Papa, may I have my bottle?" she asked sweetly. He smiled and brought the nipple to her mouth.

"Open your mouth and suck hard, baby." 

As she began to draw the warm sweet milk into her tummy, she felt Papa start to undo the buttons down the front of her nightgown. She looked over to where Lord Evers was silently observing them while sipping his brandy and began to whimper.

"Hush. Papa wants to play with his little one's
titties while she takes her bottle." Lord Burkewood spread open the nightgown, exposing her bare breasts. He tested the weight of each one in his hand, marveling how full they were compared to her slight frame. Circling the aureole, he pinched her left nipple keeping the pressure on until her green eyes brightened with tears and she began to squirm. He noticed, however, that she did not stop sucking on her bottle. Such a sweet little submissive. She may not fully understand, but it was obvious her body craved his dominance. Leaning down, he laved one nipple with his tongue. He slowly drew it into his mouth and suckled her breast as she suckled her bottle. He applied pressure with his right arm, forcing her to arch her back and push her breast further into his mouth. He moved his left hand down her naval to cup her pussy through her cloth nappy. He began to suckle in earnest, first the left breast then the right, wanting to see if he could make her cum from only breast manipulation. He lifted his head to whisper in her ear.

"Papa cannot wait to teach his baby girl how to suck his cock later this evening." 

Her eyes widened in fright and confusion. He caught and held her gaze as he bent his head and once again laved her nipple, circling it with his tongue. As she trembled in his embrace, he bared his teeth and gently bit down on her nipple. Emmie's world exploded. She dropped the bottle from her mouth as she cried out. She was so delightfully responsive, he thought as he observed her orgasm. 

"Good girl," Papa said as he patted her pussy. The gesture brought
Emmie back to the present and reminded her in a humiliating rush that she was wearing a diaper. "Finish your bottle," he said as he pushed the nipple past her small pink lips. Once she had swallowed every drop, he refastened her nightgown and stood, still cradling her in his arms. He gave her cheek a loving kiss and then placed her on a soft rug in front of the fireplace.  She could see the rocking horse in the corner, and the memory of it caused her cheeks to flame. 

"Lucky man," Lord Evers chuckled, and the softly spoken words startled
Emmie. She had completely forgotten that she and her Papa were not alone in the study. She gave a cry of dismay and hid her face in her hands. Papa bent his knees to crouch down to her level. He stroked her hair and gave her ponytail a small tug when she would not look up. Her reproachful gaze met his.

"There is nothing to be ashamed of my dear. Lord Evers simply witnessed my sweet one taking her bottle and
cumming for her Papa, like a good little girl."

"But, Papa, he saw me naked...he saw...he saw
!" she cried in frustration, giving Lord Evers a pretty pout.

"Little ones do not have any privacy," he reminded her. "Now, enough of this fussing. Play with your dolly on the floor like a good girl. The adults need to talk." 

He patted her head and took a seat across from Alex, accepting the brandy glass he offered.  Emmie picked up her doll and began to braid her hair. 

"I noticed you have her in diapers," Alex commented casually.

"Yes, almost from the first. It is a very effective tool in reminding my little one of her child-like status in my household. Few things are more humbling, as she will soon be reminded. She had a nice large glass of milk at dinner and another just now. She will not be allowed to leave this study until she uses her nappy." 

felt so demeaned she was not sure she could bear it. Not only were they talking about her as if she were...well, a her Papa expected her to use her nappy in front of him! The memory of using the diaper for the first time this morning during her lessons made her cheeks burn.  To make matters worse, what Papa said was true. She had consumed a large amount of liquid and already felt the pressure building in her bladder. She was not sure how long she could hold out.

"Papa, I can't. Please don't make me do it," she pleaded in a soft baby voice.

"You will use your nappy young lady, or you will get another thrashing from me. Do you want me to bare that red bottom of yours again in front of Lord Evers and give it a nice warm paddling?"

"No," she answered defeated. I don't want a paddling I just don't think I could possibly...” Her words drifted off. 

"I see. Well perhaps we can help my little one out."  He met Alex's gaze and by silent assent they both put their brandy glasses aside and got down on the floor with Emmie.  She eyed them both warily. 

"Oh huh. I think I see a tickle demon approaching," Papa teased with raised hands.
Emmie began to crawl backward in an effort to escape their reach. She did not make it far. Lord Evers grabbed her ankles as Papa reached for under her arms. They both began to tickle her.

"Oh stop! Stop! Please!"
Emmie could not help but laugh while she desperately tried to clench her bladder. When Papa tickled her tummy it was too much. The liquid she’d been holding flowed out of her in a warm rush. Both gentlemen could judge by the startled look on her face that their mission had been accomplished and both rose back into their chairs and observed Emmie. She looked from one to other; it took a moment for what had happened to sink in. As soon as full realization dawned, her face crumpled into a mask of abject misery. 

"Oh no....oh no," she sobbed, curling into herself and feeling as young as they treated her. At that moment, Nanny appeared.

"Ah, Mrs. Pew. Perfect timing. Your little charge needs a changing." 

"Yes, your Lordship," she said as she collected a distraught Emmie into her arms.

"Face down tonight, Mrs. Pew," he instructed.

"Very good, Your Lordship."       



In Papa's Bed


was inconsolable the entire way back to the nursery. Nanny led her through the main area back to the bathing room. She lifted Emmie up onto her changing table and unpinned the soiled cloth, gently wiping between her charge’s legs. 

"Deep breath, dear. You need to calm down."
Emmie was too lost in her own misery to react. 
Would the humiliations never end?

"Open your mouth, dear," Nanny instructed as she pushed a spoonful of nasty tasting liquid past
Emmie's clamped lips. "It's just a mild sedative, child."

was brought back into her little girl room and dressed in a fresh nightgown. It was a sheer pale green with ivory ribbons. The back hem was gathered in a high "v" just below her shoulder blades, leaving her entire bottom bare and exposed. When it looked as if Nanny was getting ready to lead her out of the nursery again, Emmie panicked. She asked if she could perhaps put on a pair of drawers.

"Certainly not," was the only answer she received as she was dragged half naked out of the room by her nanny, who clutched a mysterious-looking box under her arm. 

Emmie was once again brought to the dark, masculine confines of Papa's room. Nanny led her over to his massive bed and instructed her to lie face down in the center and place her arms above her head. She did as she was told, frightened of the consequences of disobedience. She felt a tug as Nanny secured her wrists to a thick leather strap attached to the headboard. 

“Goodnight, little one." Nanny gave her a small pat on her bare bottom and left the room after placing the wooden box on the mantle. The mild sedative
Emmie had been given began to take effect and she drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep. Several hours later, Emmie was roused from her sleep by someone lifting her hips and placing her on her knees. This forced her bared bottom up and her cheek and shoulders further into the bed. Her legs where then pried further apart. 

"Papa?" she asked groggily. 

"Yes, sweet baby. Don't fret. I know you had a trying day, and Papa is very proud of you. I am going to show you how proud right now." 

She felt him press himself against her raised bottom as he placed his hand on her pussy from behind. He pushed two fingers in to the hilt. The time on the Rocking horse earlier that day had loosened her passage just enough to fit Papa's fingers without strain, although her muscles would still be tested when he thrust his much larger cock into her. He
scissored his fingers inside her pussy, causing ripples of pleasure from deep in her core. Her fingers clenched around the leather strap restraining her as she forced herself to remember to breathe. She felt him shift on the bed. He grasped globes that still had the prettiest blush from this evening's paddling and slowly parted them. Emmie's mind raced with confusion and trepidation as Lord Burkewood leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss right in the center of her rosebud. He then moved onto his back with his face between her legs and began to lick her pussy. Emmie groaned and tried to thrash her hips, but he firmly took her them into his strong grip and held her steady as he pushed his tongue inside her tight passage. After several thrusts, he shifted his attention to the small bundle of nerves. He pulled her clit between his lips and sucked.  The intense feeling sent her hips bucking despite his grip on them. She screamed in an agony of pleasure as she came, grinding her pussy into his mouth. He repositioned himself behind her. 

"This time I want you to cum from my tongue in your ass."

"What? No, Papa," Emmie weakly pleaded. She was still recovering from her extreme orgasm and could not imagine feeling that way again so soon, let alone from what he was suggesting.

"Your Papa knows what's best for his baby girl. Your little bottom hole took quite a punishment today. Let me kiss it and make it better."

Parting her cheeks, he stared at her little pink rosebud. He softly blew on the hidden entrance and watched as it puckered in anticipation and fear. Emmie whimpered and squirmed. He gave her right cheek a quick stinging blow. She yelped more out of surprise than any real hurt but did not dare squirm again. His cock felt like it would burst he was so eager to sink himself deep inside of her warmth but he resisted. He wanted to give his little one more pleasure before he sought his own. He pushed out his tongue and licked from the base to the top of her rosebud, leaving a glistening trail and rimmed her puckered hole, delighting in the aroused moan it elicited from Emmie. He swirled his tongue around the rim one more time before stiffening it and forcing it in past her tightened sphincter. He grasped her sore butt cheeks as he thrust his tongue in and out of her bottom hole. 

was awash in conflicting emotions.  She knew what he was doing was wrong and naughty but her body didn't seem to care. She stopped breathing and sparks flew behind her eyelids and she came in a burst of white-hot light. For Lord Burkewood, it was a pleasant surprise to learn how his little one was so anal oriented. He would have to begin her anal training in earnest very soon.   

He removed his tongue from her ass and rose to his knees to position the tip of his cock at her tight pussy entrance. Grabbing her hips, he forced her back onto his rigid cock in one violent thrust, forcing her down on his cock.
Emmie screamed in pain as her cunt muscles strained to accept his thick shaft. Despite being slick with her cream and his attempts to stretch her cunny with the leather dildo she was still very small and his wide cock burned deep inside of her with each thrust. 

"Please take it out. It hurts," she sobbed. It would always be so for his little one. She was simply too tiny to ever be able to take his cock easily. He wanted her to grow accustomed to the discomfort and reach through it to the pleasure that always floated at the edge of pain. Ignoring her cries, he continued to brutally thrust into her sore pussy till he felt his cock swell and his balls tighten.  He reached around her hips and played with her clit. When he felt her tense, felt her breath
hitch, he knew she was close to peaking. He gave her clit one last flick and, burying himself to the hilt, came with a roar, flooding her passage with his seed. She came for a third time that evening moments behind him. Her pussy clenched and milked his cock of every last drop. 

After taking a few moments to recover, Lord
Burkewood left the bed and returned with a warm cloth, which he pressed against her swollen pussy lips. Her only response was a small moan. He left her to rest as he walked to the small table under the window with various amber liquids displayed in cut crystal decanters. He poured himself a drink and strolled naked over to the mantle to stare into the fire's dying embers. It had been an intense experience and even he needed a moment to collect his thoughts.  He loved and cherished his little one and had no doubt she was the perfect child-bride for him but he was unprepared for how strong his feelings ran. He wanted to possess her body and soul.  He wanted to control her every waking breath, her every thought, her everything.  He took a deep breath to calm his roiling emotions. He took the poker and stoked the flames. It did little to calm the storm inside of him. He wanted, he needed, to be inside of her, to fill her with his essence.

He returned to the bed and released her from her wrist restraints. Grabbing a pillow in one hand, he helped
Emmie from the bed and led her across the room. He dropped the pillow on the rug in front of the fire and placed Emmie on it on her knees. He then placed the wooden box on the mantle within easy reach. She stared up at him with sleepy, sated eyes. Leaning down, he grasped her cheeks and tilted her head back, placing a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"You had your bottle of milk earlier. Now Papa wants to give you some warm cream."  He pressed his thumbs into the middle of her cheeks forcing her jaw down. 

"You are going to keep your mouth open, my sweet baby girl, while Papa places the head of his cock inside. I want you to cover your teeth with those pretty pink lips." 

He placed his cock at the entrance to her tiny, doll-like mouth and gently pushed in.
Emmie mewled and instinctively tried to close her mouth and move her head back, but his thumbs pressing into her cheeks forced her jaw down, prevented it.

"Swirl your tongue around the tip," h
e growled as sweat broke out on his brow from the effort it took not to thrust deeply till he felt the back of her throat brush the tip of his penis. She did as she was told, mainly because she had no choice. He pushed in another inch and Emmie's hand's rose up to shove against the top of his thighs in an effort to dislodge him.

"Put your hands down or I will bend you over the nearest chair and spank you till you scream...and not in pleasure."

Emmie dropped her hands and Lord Burkewood continued to pull in and out of her mouth in small thrusts. Eventually he would train her to deep throat him, but not tonight. Tonight he wanted her to get used to the feel, and taste, of him.

Tears coursed down her cheeks. Out of everything he had coerced her into experiencing, this seemed the most invasive. It was too intimate. She was on her knees with her mouth obediently opened wide while he abused it with his cock. It felt strange to have such a large object in her mouth. Her tongue could do nothing else but swirl and swipe at it. She felt a small bit of spittle form at the corner of her lips as she strained to keep her mouth open for his punishing cock.

"You’re milking Papa's cock,” he instructed. “Suck hard, just like with your bottle. Papa's got some warm cream for you." He felt his balls tighten and knew he was close. "I want you to keep every bit of cream Papa gives you in your mouth.  Do not swallow or spit it out or Papa will be very angry."

He grasped the base of the shaft and stroked hastening his climax. He came in large spurts, filling her mouth with his seed.
Emmie jerked back in surprise, not expecting the onslaught of musky, salty cum. She choked as she struggled not to spit it out. He pulled his cock out and stroked her cheek as he allowed her to close her jaw for the first time in several minutes. 

"Open your mouth and show Papa all the cream on your tongue." 

If he had not just cum a moment ago he would have done so again at the erotic sight of his little one on her knees before him with her small mouth open and filled to overflowing with his seed. He reached into the wooden box on the mantle and pulled out a pink pacifier- custom made by a select shop in London. It was fashioned for an adult with an extra large bulbous tip. 

saw the baby object in his hands and wept as he pushed the bulbous tip past her resisting lips. The pacifier had pink silk ribbons that secured it around her head, like a gag. 

"Now my little girl can suck on her new pacifier with the taste of Papa's cream fresh in her mouth." 

She stayed on her knees, helplessly sucking on the semen-coated pacifier until Nanny came to retrieve her. She was restrained onto her own bed and drifted off to a deep sleep, the pacifier still secure in her tiny, pink mouth.  


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