Read The Summer of Last Resort Online

Authors: J. A. Browning

Tags: #Romance

The Summer of Last Resort (23 page)

BOOK: The Summer of Last Resort
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Sandy sat in silence and looked out at the water, and then admired the stars overhead. Way up high a satellite silently crossed the densely star-packed tropical sky.

“Gimme that satphone,” the dark woman said, and then turned away from Sandy and made a call.  She then re-started the engines and punched in some numbers into the GPS before hanging up.

“I think I have another present for you.”


Present Tense


KIM had taken a job house sitting in a very fancy place up in the hills, and so a week or so later our gang decides, probably not very politely, to pay her a visit. She kept telling us about how cool it was, but had been a little coy about the location, but we figured it out, so I drove us up there one weekday afternoon.

It's a really cool house, very modern, a flat layout, with lots of glass, concrete and steel. Even the air smelled better than the normal air in our neighborhood. The landscaping was a spartan mix of grasses, yuccas, and dwarf pines, well suited to the dry summertime landscape.

The kitchen is enormous. It has a giant commercial range, and countertops which seem to go on forever. There's an extra spigot at the stove for pot filling, and not only is there a regular refrigerator but there's also a walk-in freezer. We open the door and bask in the coolness on this hot summer day. For such a big fridge, there's not a lot in it, except some margarita mix in the freezer. There's quite a collection of tequilas, and so frosty drinks are quickly prepared and imbibed, in spite of Kim's objections.

Keith is insistent on further exploring the house. The living room is white, chrome, leather, and very clean. On the far wall is a modern print of a nude woman, showing the beauty of her slender waist, her finely shaped hips, and full, round breasts. She looks content and at peace with the world and her body. We notice that on the coffee table are some large print art books - Kim tries to hide them, but Keith pulls one out from behind her. Keith flipped open the glossy black and white folio and turns to a page with naked women standing in a forest. Then there's more women in offices, and in an old factory. “Wow!” he exclaims, and starts thumbing through them. He looks a little shocked, which is unusual for a guy like that, who thinks of women like toys. His gaze soon falls on a series of photos of a voluptuous dark-skinned woman, naked, and a big, muscled man who has some sort of wrenches in his hands, and she has a hard hat on - and that's all. Flipping through the pages, the next photos show the man's finely sculpted body, his massive, thick rod front and center, and muscles glistening in shadow and light. In the next picture, the man is holding the woman up and is just penetrating her.   Kim grabs the book away from him. “Those are fake”, she disparagingly remarks about the woman's breasts. “Yeah, but THAT's not”, Maria interjects, referring to the massive schlong. “I mean... my God! I can't imagine having that in me”

Kim and Keith look at each other for a moment, and she shakes her head, as if some secret had been passed between them, some intimate knowledge that this was more than just some erotic art.

Keith has moved on to what appears to be the master bedroom.  “You can't go in there”, Kim urges, but he doesn't stop. It has a built-in entertainment system.  There's a giant bed, with a plush fuzz top, and dark wood paneling. A push a button reveals a DVD player and projection TV. Keith roots around a bit, and finds the remote for the entertainment system.

“I don't think you should play with that”, Kim says.

“Hey, I know what I'm doing”, he replies, flipping on the TV which scans its way through available video sources, waiting for Keith to turn on something else. The room lights automatically darken which is totally cool. After a bit of fumbling with the remote, Keith has a broadcast news channel on, then flips through some old sitcoms. “I bet this would be totally cool for gaming”, Keith remarks, glancing at the game consoles neatly tucked away in the custom cabinetry. He tries changing the mode, but can't seem to get anything to come on. “Only one way to find out,” he states, and walks over and turns on the consoles and the DVD player.

“You should probably leave that alone,” Kim replies.

“I just wanna see what's on this” he says, finally getting the DVD player selected. He selects “play” on the remote.

We see a woman on the video, naked, lit in silhouette. Then we realize that it's the same woman as on the print, who looks like the large-breasted woman from the magazine. She walks into the light, and we see her full naked body, her beautiful curly dark hair, her thick full lips, and light sparking on her glistening bedewed body, and the compact mass of pubic hair neatly trimmed and pointing to her full vulva.

Then we see a break, the clapboard, and then the same scene over, but slightly different. And then it repeats again. Keith gets bored and fast-forwards.

In the next scene the mystery woman is kissing a dark-haired white man passionately, their tongues probing each other's eager mouths. Her hand reaches down to the bulge in his dark slacks.  As the camera pans back we see another man's dark, curly locks, and then his mouth encircling her large, swollen black nipple. The dark-skinned woman pulls away from the first man and turns to kiss the second man, and then reaches down and unzips the first man's trousers, springing his hard member free.

“Okay, that's enough,” Kim says and reaches for the remote, but Keith holds it up in the air, out of her reach. “What's the matter? Are you afraid to see two.. I mean three people doing what comes naturally?” Keith teases, pressing the next scene selector.

The scene is a hardcore shot of the woman riding the first man's thick, swollen member, while she fellates the second man. She straddles the first man, and his hands are on her large, round ass while he thrusts in and out of her. The room is filled with the sound of a cheap porno soundtrack and over-acted cries of delight from the woman.

“Let's go out to the pool,” Kim says as she turns off the DVD player.

The best part of the house is the pool. A long, smooth expanse of aquamarine stretching seemingly to the horizon, although it was probably not more than fifty feet in length. Around the marble paving are a variety of teak chaise-lounges, with little tables where one would set one's drink.

We're all a bit awestruck.

“Well, we can't let this go to waste”, I say, as I take off my shirt and shoes.

“I don't have a swimsuit” Maria says.

“I don't either”, I say.

Keith looks and me, and grins, and quickly strips naked and jumps into the pool. I follow with a yell and the water is cool and refreshing. I feel free and alive and the spirit of youth is coursing through my body.

We quickly chase each other from one end to the other, and then back to where the girls are.

“Get out of there, you guys!” Kim yells.

“Are you coming in?”

“I can't believe you guys” Kim says, but then turns and Maria has stripped down to her bra and panties and is relaxing on the chaise lounge. “Relax Kim”, she says.  Her round full breasts are pressed against the sheer fabric of her bra, her olive skin is glowing in the afternoon sunlight. She has on white panties and a black bra, which seems incongruous, but on her it looks fantastic. Even though she's a little heavy, when she reclines there in the bright sunlight she looks like a voluptuous Roman goddess.

Kim frowns, and then goes to get some more towels. Keith's still having fun in the pool, but I'm resting in the water by the side of the pool, admiring the view of Maria.

“Shane, would you put some sunscreen on me?” I hear Maria ask. She's lying on her back with her sunglasses on, her legs spread apart. I can see her pussy lips outlined against the sheer fabric of her white panties, and then, just to tease me, she runs her fingers ever so slowly down along the waistband of her panties, and then I swear she gently touched herself, just for an instant, letting me imagine what delights lie under that joy department. Her other hand ever so lightly traces over her breast, and then down her thigh. I'm still in the pool with a growing hard-on and she knows it. She looks quickly back to see if Keith's looking or if Kim's there, and when they aren't looking, she voluptuously squeezes one breast and then strokes her pussy with the other hand, just for an instant. She smiles slyly at me from behind her sunglasses, and then reaches down for the sunscreen. “I need you to lube me up.” She flirts.

I look back and Keith's still horsing around in the pool, Kim's gone, and my clothes are just out of reach. I start to reach over for my shirt, but Maria reaches over and grabs it “let me get that for you”, she says, most unhelpfully.

Seeing no way out, I rise out of the pool, my member swollen as a result of her teasing, and Maria checks me with pursed lips and a glance over the top of her sunglasses. Then she raises one eyebrow, smiles, and tosses me a towel which I use to cover myself with.

I kneel down to get the sunscreen and she hands it to me and whispers, “did you like what you saw?” I don't know if she means her or the movie. “Did you?” I answer, equally mysteriously. Keith is watching us now; I turn my back to him self-consciously.

“Show me again,” she whispers, and I turn to her and part my towel slightly, giving her a glance at my swollen manhood.

“I did,” she murmurs, and turns over and unclasps her bra and lets it fall away. Her legs are apart. I start on her shoulders, and then work my way down her arms and back, and then when get to her butt I pause. “Keep going” she whispers, and pulls her panties down around her ass, so I can rub the full round globes of her butt cheeks. “Mmm that feels good” she whispers. I notice that as she is rocking her hips very subtly.

I massage the sunscreen into her ass cheeks, and she really likes that, and then I go down each thigh to the leg, ankle, and foot. Slowly, I let my hand reach back up inside her thigh, and she parts her leg for me and I know she is teasing me to slip my fingers over her pussy, but I'm not going to fall for that, not right now, anyway.

Her free hand that's near me works up my thigh and then finds my stiffening rod, and gives it a squeeze.

“Did you like that movie?” I ask Maria.

“Mmm hmm...” she replies. “And I know you did, babe,” whichcauses my cock to twitch uncontrollably in her hand.

Kim starts over toward us, and I quickly cover up with the towel, but my hard-on isn't going down any time soon.

“Where's Keith?” Kim asks. We look around, and see some damp footsteps leading back into the house. The two of them get up and walk back into the house, and I follow a discreet distance behind. Soon, we hear the sound of the porno movie in the bedroom. It's made all the more strange as there is no soundtrack but the inescapable sound of people fucking. 

“Get outta there!” I hear Maria exclaim, and Kim tosses Keith a towel. We can all see his massive erection as he sheepishly moves back to the pool.

Kim and Maria enter the bedroom, where we see the video of the hung dude's ass clenching as he plunges his massive throbbing shaft deep into her waiting pussy.

I creep up, spying on them. Mary takes th remote, but Kim puts her hand on Maria's hand, and they watch together for a moment.

“God, I can't belive that guy.. I mean, how does she take it?” Kim whispers to Maria as she clicks off the video.

Maria turns over and sort of covers her breasts with one hand.

“You just gotta take your time,” she says. “That Keith, he's hung, you know. But you could take him, honey, you can take any man.” 

“I..I don't know”

“You just gotta relax... let him eat you”

“None of the boys have ever done that for me,” Kim whispers.

“You? With all the boys that chase after you?”

“No, well... except one.”

“That's a damn shame, that's for sure,” Maria intones as she walks around the bed.

“Let me show you something,” Kim whispers conspiratorially, and motions Maria over to the nightstand at the side of the bed. “Look”, and Kim pulls open the drawer, revealing an assortment of sex toys, lifelike dildos, and other paraphernalia. She pulls out a thick, eight inch long, lifelike penis.

“I mean, what am I supposed to do with this?” she whimpers, holding it up for size, and then giggles, collapsing on the bed.

“Do guys really keep something like this in their pants? I couldn't imagine having that thing down there... What if you do if you're at school and get a boner?”

“Is that his size?” Maria asks, even though she knows the answer.

“Uh huh.”

“Umm, hmm - come here” Maria whispers, and gently sits beside Kim, their thighs touching. Maria strokes Kim's hair gently, and then kisses her forehead and eyes, while pulling her body close, “you just need to relax. There's no rush... there's plenty of other ways to pleasure your man... or be pleasured.”


Maria nudges Kim down onto the bed, gently, forehead to forehead, and then places one knee between Kim's thighs, forcing them gently open.

“What...what are you doing?” Kim mutters.

Maria doesn't answer.

“I don't think I can do this” Kim whispers.

“Why not?” Maria responds, spreading Kim's legs with her thighs, and holding her arms down.  “Isn't this what you want him to do?”

Maria reaches down with one hand and deftly unclasps Kim's bra, and her fine pert pink nipples poke up eagerly awaiting attention.  “Yeah, baby!” Maria mock-man growls, and pulls Kim to her.

Soon their breasts are pressed together, Maria's large brown nipples rubbing against Kim's pink ones, and then Maria's and Kim's groins are grinding together in sympathy. “Oh, yeah' Maria moans as she dry-humps Kim. Her dark hair cascades forwards over Kim, and she feels her hot breath in her ear, and the warm moistness of Maria's pussy pressed against her own growing wetness, tentatively, and then more firmly, Kim pushes back and they rock together as the heat rises through their bodies, a warm radiance flushing them from the center of their womanhood, flowing outward like warm rays of sunlight.

Maria's head moves down Kim's body.

“Have him kiss you like this”, she whispers, gently nipping and sucking at Kim's firm young breasts, and then her mouth works its way down Kim's smooth belly, past her belly button, to the warm moistness forming within Kim's panties. Kim can feel Maria's hot breath on her mound, and then feels the warmth of her mouth pressed against per outer labia.

“Get off me”, Kim whispers, more firmly, and pushes Maria up and away, and Maria rolls over, but keeps her arms around Kim.  Now Kim is on top of Maria, and they lock eyes together.

BOOK: The Summer of Last Resort
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