The Super 4 : Dark Death (16 page)

Read The Super 4 : Dark Death Online

Authors: Harrison Wallace

Tags: #scifi, #science, #washington, #dc, #powers, #super, #powers abilities

BOOK: The Super 4 : Dark Death
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Some things you just don’t want to see. Or

When the eagle left, I opened my eyes to see
Darryl swooping in on a floating hunk of metal. Harrison and Carly
gasped. Then Harrison sneezed. I smiled and laughed and jumped in.
I clapped my hands excitedly. The other three exchanged worried
looks again.

We climbed aboard.

Darryl shook his head and said, “Everyone
strapped in?” We nodded. “Then let’s go!”

His driving was shaky at first but soon he got
a hang of it. In no time at all we landed in the desolate parking
lot of Island Harbor Medical Center. There was an air of
familiarity around.

Harrison took my
phone from my pocket and called someone. “Hello?” he said. “Mrs
Yes, this is Harrison.
They’re fine, but-
I will, we’re at the hospital
with Jake.” Harrison held the phone away from his ear and I very
loudly heard a woman shouting, “WHAT!!” “He has amnesia.” Harrison
continued. “
Okay, I will
Bye… By-” I heard the beeping that signified
hanging up. I laughed and Harrison looked at me

Harrison sneezed, then turned to the others.
“She said she’ll be here in ten minutes.”

Carly nodded and bit her lip. I was then
marched, by Darryl, to the Waiting Room. A lady with cropped auburn
air sat in a chair. She didn’t look like she would be able to get
out of that chair. “Hi Jake!” she said.

“Hi Agatha.” Harrison answered for me “Jake,
he… he…”

“Yes?” encouraged Agatha.

“He has amnesia.”

Agatha gasped as well. She typed something
into her laptop, then keyed in some numbers on the phone. After one
ring it was answered.

“Doctor Chatterjee?” she asked. “We have a
code…” She checked her list. “A code turquoise 78.”

The doctor said some words into the phone (I
didn’t bother listening in) and the nurse nodded and mumbled “mhmm”

Finally the call was over. Agatha said, “Well
Jake, just sit tight until your Mom comes, okay?” I

I took a seat in
a small plastic chair and tapped my feet on the floor impatiently.
Carl bit her nails, Harrison kept rubbing his hands together, like
an evil scientist. Minus the evil smile, plus the bad cold. Darryl
just… sat there, like

I started smiling at the differences in their
facial expressions. Carly was worried and wasn’t trying to cover
up. Harrison was failing miserably at covering up his expression,
he tried his brave face. Darryl didn’t look like he cared. He had a
blank expression. The best poker face ever.

I giggled.

The others
adopted that
he’s a weirdo
face. I wonder why. I sat there listening to the
sound of their heartbeats. It sounded like a series of over-excited
Ba-Bum Ba-Bum Ba-Bum
-. My listening was interrupted by the
sound of a car pulling up in the parking lot. I instantly turned
off my super hearing. I rubbed my hurt ears.

We stood up for no reason. A beautiful woman
with a regal face and long blond hair. At first I thought she was
Carly’s mom. They looked alike.

Oh, Jakey!” she rushed towards
and inspected my face. She hugged me.

Agatha cleared her throat. The lady jumped
back and brushed her navy suit. “Sorry Agatha, please tell us the

Well,” She began. “As I’m sure
you know Jake is experiencing a form of amnesia. He remembers basic
things like talking and definitions of words and stuff, but the
more complex stuff, actually remembering people, that is

How did this happen?” the lady

He… ran into a wall.” said


But not to worry!” announced
Agatha. “He’ll be fine after a bit of rest and some basic
“Phew!” said the lady, relieved. “I was getting

Not at all, Mrs.

So when do we start?”


Agatha was interrupted by the arrival of
Doctor Chatterjee. Doctor Chatterjee was a fit Indian doctor who
looked like he went to the gym regularly. He had bright blue eyes
and a charming smile. “Why hello Jake!” he said, in a friendly
voice. “How good to see you again!”

I waved uncertainly.

Now, shall we begin?”

Okay…” I said.

So Jake please follow

The others made a move towards him, but he
held out a hand. “No visitors please. The patient needs to be

Oh.” they said,

Dr. Chatterjee led me to a big, bright room at
the end of the hallway. Room 98. He opened the door and stepped
aside to let me in.

I hesitantly walked into the bright room. It
was empty except for a hospital bed, some machines and a child’s
table and chair.

I sat down on the chair.

Now Jake,” Dr. Chatterjee began.
“Hospital tradition requires me to take your temperature. He took a
thermometer out of a cup of boiling water and told me to raise my
arm. I obeyed and he placed it in my armpit. “Now hold it there and
don’t move.”

Once again I obeyed and the doctor busied
himself by typing down my medical information on

After a few minutes the thermometer beeped. I
let loose an uncontrolled yelp of surprise, and the thermometer
crashed to the ground. The doctor also yelped and rushed to pick up
the thermometer.

Ah!” said Dr. Chatterjee. “Just
as I suspected! Ninety-eight point seven degrees Farenheight!! A
tiny bit over normal, but in this heat, who can blame ya? I mean
summer’s right around the corner! Lucky, huh?”

His ramblings gave me a headache and I asked
if I could lie down. He seemed delighted by my answer and led me to
the bed. He lifted the blanket, but I pushed it away and shook my
head. It’s like what he said. It’s boiling!

I slept without the blanket for a good two
hours. When I awoke my mind was clearer than before. I couldn’t
remember all the people in the Waiting Room, but one name kept
coming to me with a lot more familiarity this time.







I looked over Jake as he slept. He had waken
once, so Doctor Chatterjee invited us to see him. But by the time
we got there he was asleep. He snored, but I didn’t care. I only
cared about the word he kept on muttering in his sleep.


I literally swooned and cried when I heard it.
I mean, come on, it’s not every day a hot boy gets amnesia, forgets
who you are and then starts muttering your name because your the
first person he remembers, is it?

And he didn’t mutter ‘mom’ once!
Okay, maybe that’s a little harsh, but hey! It’s my thoughts not
hers! Plus I’ve been a bit emotional with the whole Kevin and Karen
thing. Urgh! The K-Twins! Ugh! I felt like I was choking on a

“Carly?” asked Jake’s mum, genuine care
touched her voice, “Are you alright?”

Oh. I’m fine Mrs Patterson,
thanks for worrying.” I responded.

No prob, girlfriend!”

I laughed. I
know where Jake gets his humor from. As well as his hotness! Jake’s
parents were really good-looking! And his sister Jane was adorable!
Her lovely blond hair and sky blue eyes. Awww! People even mistook
us for twins, because of Jane’s over-average height. I was
happy! I’ve always
wanted a little sister. I mean, sure I’ve got Hilde but it’s not
the same. I mean we don’t look that alike. But Jane and I were like

I mean I’m not even that pretty. I know I’m
not ugly or anything, but I certainly wasn’t like my beautiful
mother. No where close to Mama. But Jane, she was

Sometimes I wonder how they mistake us for
being related.

Carly.” I heard Jake mutter. The
sound of his voice shook me out of my thoughts. I shook my head to
clear my thoughts and focused on the way his forehead turned into
that cute nose and then continued down to his-.

Carly?” asked his mum. “You’re
crying. I mean… you’re tearing up. Are you sure you’re

I wiped a tear from my eye and nodded. “I’m

Cool beans.”

I laughed again. Jake’s Mum was

I noticed another snore next to me. This one
was more of a heavy breathing then a snore though. I looked next to
me. It was Harrison.

I checked the time. It was nearly seven
o’clock. Darryl had to go to the FTK as it closed early on school

Harrison’s cold had completely disappeared
after getting some pills from the doctor. He called his Mum to tell
her what happened. He was instantly granted permission to

After all, there was only a week left in
school. All tests were over and the report cards were being set
home on the Thursday before we vacated for summer.

I nudged Harrison awake.

Wha?” He said, confused. “Where
am I- oh.”

I giggled silently into my hand. “Wakey, wakey
sleepy. It’s morning.”

Harrison shot straight up. “What?” he

Jake also awoke. “Harrison! Shut up! I’m
trying to slee-”

He was interrupted by his mother crushing him
in a bear hug. “Oh my baby boy! You’re alright!” She checked him
over. Tears of joy ran down her face.

Jake smiled uncertainly then looked around.
“Why am I at Island Harbor?” He asked.

You don’t remember?” He shook his
head. “You had amnesia!”

Wha-” He started, then a look of
understanding washed over him. “Right! Now I remember!”

Well,” his mother said. “Time to

They got off the bed. “Not so fast, Mrs
Patterson,” said Dr. Chatterjee. “Jake needs to stay overnight to
ensure he’s alright! You’re invited to stay too.” The doctor smiled
reassuringly at her.

Oh.” she said, surprised. “Well
Harrison and Carly, thanks for staying, you can go now.”

I shrugged and said goodbye.

“Bye Mrs Patterson!” said Harrison. “See you later,

Jake nodded. “See you!”

Bye Jake.” I said.

Bye Carly.” His eyes lingered on
me a bit longer than normal. I blushed and he looked away. Now I
was certain more than ever that he had a crush on me.

I had a huge smile planted on my face the
entire way home.

I rang the doorbell once and leaned on a
nearby wall. Ahhh. Jake. I imagined his beautiful face. His deep,
inviting emerald eyes. His longish, messy mop of beautiful blond
hair. His muscular physique. His chiseled face. Ahh.

Papa opened the door, snapping me out of my
vivid daydream. My hand was waving in the air, visualizing stroking
his soft hair.

I put my hand down, embarrassed, and waltzed
into the house.

I felt like I was floating on Cloud Nine. I
practically flew up the stairs. I twirled in my bedroom, I flipped,
I danced to some love songs. No feeling on Earth could match my
extreme happiness. I wanted this moment to last forever, so I wrote
it down in my diary.

Dear Diary,


So Jake had
amnesia and all, but what I’m really happy about, is that he stared
at me! OMG! I love him sooo much! He’s amazing! And you’ll never
guess what happened before that! So he couldn’t remember me and
all, but then when he was sleeping he kept muttering my name! My
name! He didn’t say
Harrison or mum! Nope! He said Carly! That’s me!
I’m Carly! OMG! I’m literally screaming right now! I can’t believe
it! This is the best thing that’s happened to me my entire

Even better than my report card.
It’s literally the best day of my life! And he stared at me! Did I
mention that? It’s awesome! He actually looked right at me! It was
as if… as if… he was in LOVEEEEEE!!!!!! OMG!!!!!

But… could it be true? Could I be
right? OMG! I’m freaking out right now! I’ve got to call

Wait never mind. I forgot for a
moment that me and Alex were officially EBFF’s. Ex-Best friends
forever. :( I can’t believe I’m saying this but… I actually miss
her. In fact I do know why I’m saying this! We were like BFF’s! I
have GOT to CALL HER!

Wish me luck! Here goes

Yours Sincerely,

Carly M.

p.s. I’ll tell you what happened
later, k?

After some pacing, I finally gathered enough
courage to call Alex. I cleared my throat. I pressed Alex’s name on
my phone and waited for her to answer.

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