The Symbolon (23 page)

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Authors: Delia Colvin

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Symbolon
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“Yes, beautiful,” he choked
. “I have to go.”

He turned for a moment and looked up the hill. Her eyes followed the line of his glance as she focused on the lone figure on the grassy hill. It was Paolo and he was most definitely watching them. Valeria caught something in Alex’s eyes and attempted to quickly analyze his expression but the only thing she seemed to be able to focus on was that he was leaving her
again, and probably for the last time.

“Did Paolo tell you that you have to leave?” Even from the distance Valeria could see Paolo attempt to look like he wasn’t watching every glance and touch between them.

“Val, I’m so sorry, about all of this.” Alex squeezed his eyes shut…she could tell that in his mind he was holding her. His hand brushed over her face for an instant and then he rose with a brief and painful sob. Turning from her, he began walking briskly up the hill toward the lobby.

She started to follow him and then
, in a desperate attempt to keep Alex from leaving, she ran up the grass toward Paolo and screamed, “I’m supposed to have a day with him! What did you do?”

Now Paolo nearly sprinted to close the distance between them. Once he was within arm
’s length of her he said, “I’m sorry, bella, he did not have a day for you.” He shook his head sadly and reached out to soothe her. “I have tried to please you.”

“You…” She pulled back from him
and narrowed her eyes. “You played us both, didn’t you? What did you offer Alex?”

A breeze picked up off the Caribbean,
and Paolo shook his head. “No, bella. I called him last night after you became upset. I explained your feelings of guilt. Alex had very little time, but he did not wish for you to feel guilty about what you may be feeling for me. Please understand that he did not have more time for you.”

Her voice came out as an angry shriek, “
You’re a liar!
He would make time for me!” She coldly glared at Paolo. “You
give us ten more minutes without you there!
You will!
Do you understand me?” Paolo looked away.

She chased Alex up the hill. He had already entered the lobby and his car was waiting for him. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around his back, savoring the moment. She felt his breath hitch several times, before he took her
arms, ending their embrace. Valeria grabbed his hands and he squeezed them for an instant. It was another moment before he looked down at her, with tears in his eyes.

“What did he offer you?” she whispered.

He shook his head. Valeria brushed the side of his face. “You aren't going to tell me, are you?”

Moving his trembling hand to her face for a brief moment, he winked without a hint of joy. “You’re a smart girl. You can figure it out.” Despite everything Paolo had done, Alex wouldn't violate his agreements.

“You know he's double dealing,” she said, still hanging on to his arms as she breathed in deeply, drinking in his wonderful scent.

“I know Paolo.” Alex looked down into the eyes that he adored and his jaw tightened. “I can’t stay,” he breathed
. “Val, I don’t trust myself to stay on the island with you and to stay away.” He forced another breath. “I hope you understand.” He ran his hand over her hair and then whispered, “I have to go.” He choked again. “Remember who you are.” Then he turned and walked out of her life…again.


Valeria marched to where Paolo had been standing on the grassy area above the sand. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to the table where, moments before, she and Alex had been sitting.

“What did you offer Alex so
that he could see me?” she demanded. Paolo winced as if injured from her accusation.

“What have I done to make you so suspicious of me?” He cocked his head
. “Did Alex say something?”

“No. He wouldn’t.
Despite all of your lying and cheating and double dealing.” She shook her head. “He wouldn’t violate your agreement.”

“Bella, I have only tried to please you.”

“You gave him only thirty minutes. What was the exchange?” she angrily blurted out, her face red with rage and her whole insides shaking.

Despite that, his eyes looked painfully innocent. He reached for her
. “Bella—”

She slapped his hand and pulled back. “Don’t you touch
me! Just answer my question.” Then sadness moved in and she leaned toward Paolo and said softly, “Please, don’t play me. Just tell me the truth.” Her eyes begged him. “Paolo, what did it cost Alex to see me?”

He looked up and his face momentarily hardened and then
he acquiesced and shrugged. “The vision.” He rubbed his face. “I wanted you to know that you could be—that you were—very happy with me once.”

Valeria nodded as she drew a deep breath.
“Makes sense.” She swallowed, hurt that she had been taken. “I want more answers.”

He held up his arms innocently, as if he had nothing to hide.

“You said that you weren’t the only signatory on the petition. Was Kristiana the other?”

Paolo looked away and then at her
. “Yes.”

She shook her head
. “Don’t lie to me, Paolo! How could she have known that we would be requesting an immortal marriage?”

He stood and walked for a few moments
. “I do not know what I’ve done to cause you so much distrust!” She glared at him. “Bella, I have had the petition for some time—you were there when I explained this to the council. It was delivered to me after you…after my Isabella died.”

Valeria shook her head in disbelief
. “I don’t believe you!” Paolo shrugged. “How would she know that Alex and I would be married?”

“I believe that was an obvious assumption…to most of us.”

“Is Kristiana an oracle?”

His eye twitched, as if it was a sore subject. “No.”

“Then how would she know that we would go to the council? How did she know that you would stand up against us?”

Paolo looked up
. “I don’t know, bella. I only know what she told me in the message.”

“What did the message say?”

“She said that there was an opportunity to set things right so that we could both have what we wanted, if we were patient.”

“How could she have known that, Paolo? Doesn’t it appear to you as if she knew what would happen?”

Paolo shook his head, and she knew that it was as much a mystery to him as it had been to Alex. “The only thing I do know is what must happen next.”


Paolo looked off into the distance. “You will find the message in your room.”



From St Croix, Valeria flew to Puerto Rico. She knew that Alex was flying out of St Croix as well and she prayed that she might have an accidental meeting with him on the flight—although it wasn’t the wisest choice.

She was still wearing the dress from her
brief meeting with Alex and if she concentrated, she could smell his wonderful scent. If she concentrated even harder, she could feel her arms wrapped around him; the feel of his chest. He had lost weight too. Valeria knew that she should have changed into something more comfortable, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

The flight landed in the very loud city of Puerto Rico—the major thoroughfare back to Europe. Alex had to be near. She watched closely as she exited the airport. She passed a stand where a woman beckoned Valeria to sample the free rum. Shaking her head no, Valeria turned the other way, jumping into a nearby cab.

At the hotel, she checked in and then immediately went downstairs and sat in the lobby that also doubled as a lounge, sipping a glass of wine. Pulling out the envelope that she had found in her room in St. Croix, she brushed her fingers across her name written in Alex’s beautiful script.

Then she removed the card, with the name, address
, and phone number in order to study it again. She watched every person who walked through the lobby. What would she do if he was there? She wouldn’t risk everyone’s lives, but in the end, it didn’t matter; she didn’t see him. Finally, Valeria gave up and went to her room, attempting to sleep, and needing to dream the only dream that could console her.

Was he near? Perhaps he wasn’t sleeping either. She finally drifted off only moments before her wake-up call. She showered and dressed before heading out to the airport. She got a cup of coffee, but after only a few sips,
she grimaced and dumped it out. She would wait until she arrived at her destination.

The early morning Lufthansa flight to Florence, Italy, left on time. She would be there by the afternoon, where she hoped to get some answers. Studying the envelope again, she wondered, had Alex been in her room or had Paolo left it for her? Was the envelope with the business card a part of Alex’s price or was it truly a message from him? She remembered Alex telling her to remember there were people
with whom she could talk. Was that what the card was about? Why hadn’t he said more?

After landing, she gathered her luggage and boarded the train to downtown Florence. It felt almost like being home! A taxi was sitting by the curb and the driver jumped out and placed her suitcase in the trunk. Valeria handed him the card and the driver began to loudly complain. She ignored his tantrum and
, eventually, he pulled out toward the address she had given him. A few minutes later, he pulled over, less than a mile from the train station.

Evidently, even with his miniature vehicle, he couldn’t make it down the narrow road where the flat was located. He dropped her off, continuing to berate her in Italian. She smiled at him and gave him a nice tip. He rolled his eyes and then
, finally, smiled back.

She walked down the narrow cobblestone street with ancient earth-toned buildings, pulling her suitcase behind her. She carefully watched the building numbers and attempted to match it to that of the card she clutched in her fingers. She had transferred the information to her cell phone, for fear of losing the data, but she preferred to touch the card that could change her future and gave her hope.

The road was only wide enough for bikes and pedestrians. She could hear families talking to each other just a tad too loudly…but their voices were like music to her. She was home, back in Italy! She breathed in the wonderful Italian smells of coffee beans and fresh bread baking from a nearby restaurant and could hear someone playing Puccini. Italy...home! For how long, she didn’t know. But there was something that needed to be done here and, for that, she was grateful.

The narrow road opened up into a piazza, or square, with five narrow roads extending from it. On her right, she saw the restaurant where the smell of rich Italian herbs became more distinct with each step. But her eyes lit up as she saw the familiar Italian sign across the square, “Patisserie”—a pastry shop. It certainly wasn’t a pastry she was after…patisseries had

In the shop, Valeria ordered and paid. The woman filled a demi cup of espresso and topped it with foam. It had been many months since she had enjoyed an addictive Italian cappuccino! The rush of energy was almost immediate. She
decided that she shouldn’t show up completely empty-handed. Opening the pastry case, she removed two cold tomato pizzas, each the size of a Danish. She wanted to bring groceries, but there was no time—she was desperate for answers! Valeria wanted to order another cappuccino, but she didn’t need to be jittery, just awake.

The flat was located off another narrow street lined with tall stone buildings that had pretty green shutters. She pulled the suitcase into the dark hallway and began to climb the ancient stone steps that had been rounded by time. With the buildings proximity to the Medici Castle—the Palazzo Pitti—she imagined that Michelangelo, Galileo
, and Di Vinci might have also climbed these ancient stairs.

She lifted the rustic knocker and dropped it against the wood
en door. It left a sound far louder than she had intended. A few minutes later, she saw Shinsu’s bright eyes and crop of white hair.


Shinsu’s sparkling blue eyes were a welcomed sight. “You made it, dear! Come in!”

Valeria stepped into the relatively small flat. Elegant furnishings occupied most of the well-used space and the ceilings were high and beamed. The entry was used as a combination of formal living and dining room. Straight ahead
, and to her right, she saw the tiny, but efficient kitchen with shelves above and below the counter stocked with every kind of gourmet food device known to man, as well as colorful ceramic pots and bowls.

“You’ll be staying in here.” Shinsu headed toward what appeared to be the only bedroom, with a four poster bed and antique armoire
, but turned to the left as they entered an enormous family room with numerous couches.

The wall in front of them was adorned with four open windows that were almost as tall as she was and swinging out from the windows were the green shutters that she had admired from the street level. From this level
, she could also see the flower boxes bursting with rainbows of impatiens. She glanced beyond the flowers and saw the piazza and restaurant down below, as the wonderful smell of fresh herbs wafted into the flat.

“Here’s where I entertain, most of the time. Though, in Florence, why stay in when there is so much to do! Leave your suitcase in here, dear
, and let’s go have some tea, shall we.” Shinsu pulled some linens out from an armoire, set them on a couch and then did an about face heading briskly past the mahogany dining table that seemed to sit in what might have been a walkway into the kitchen. “There isn’t much to my flat here but it suits me just fine when I’m in Florence.” Valeria appreciated the addition of fresh flowers in every room.

In the kitchen, Shinsu pulled out a stool from a counter and began preparing the tea. The door to the deck was open and Shinsu walked outside, cut some herbs and then came back in. The enormous deck had been converted to a garden with potted flowers around the edges of the deck and vegetables in the center. Beyond the deck were the spectacular rooftops, domes
, and steeples of Florence. It was breathtaking with the pinkish mist of early evening.

“Cup of tea?” she asked. Valeria nodded and Shinsu moved the bright pot onto a gas stove and then frowned
. “Nap or talk?”

Let’s talk, please! Shinsu, I almost thought you were a dream.”

“I’m not surprised! You were in rough shape in Paxos and at the hospital.” She pulled her Persian cat onto her lap and petted him. The cat looked at Valeria, seeming to size her up. “Apollo, go find a mouse, Valeria and I have things to talk about!” The giant Persian jumped off her lap as if he understood. “You do prefer to be called Valeria, don’t you?”

Valeria nodded and then looked at the cat critically. “Apollo? Uh…that’s not…uh?” She felt silly even thinking it, but her point of reality had shifted in the past year.

Glancing at the large gray cat, Shinsu shook her head.

No, dear, that’s a cat!”

A bit embarrassed, Valeria shrugged. “I have a lot of questions. I guess the first one is
, why did I find your card in my hotel room in St. Croix?”

“I don’t think that’s why you just spent a day flying almost halfway around the world. Let’s jump right to the primary questions.” Shinsu placed tea bags in the cups and signaled toward the dining table. “Let’s sit in here—more private.” Grabbing a small tray she asked, “What do you take in your tea, dear?”

“Just plain, thank you.” Shinsu returned to the kitchen to catch the squealing tea pot, and once it was silenced, Valeria asked, “How do I get things back to where they are supposed to be?”

Shinsu smiled from the kitchen, carrying the now full tea cups. “Now that’s a good question!” She busied herself with bringing in spoons and biscotti. Then biting
into a biscotti, Shinsu indicated that Valeria should take one. To please Shinsu, Valeria picked up a biscotti and pretended to be interested in it while awaiting the answer. When Shinsu didn’t respond Valeria asked, “What’s the answer?”

“Dear, why are you asking me?” Shinsu leaned back and s
et her biscotti down on her saucer.

“I thought you could help me. I really don’t mean to be difficult. But can you?” Valeria was getting frustrated.

“Dear, when you phoned me from St. Croix yesterday, you told me what happened with Alex.” Valeria nodded. Shinsu went on, “Do you remember what he told you?”

Valeria tried to recall their phone conversation. “Alex said that he knew Paolo would double deal with us.” Shinsu
frowned as if that was not what she was looking for. Valeria thought some more, but her energy was lagging and her mind was not as sharp, despite the cappuccino. “Well, Alex said that he didn’t trust himself to stay on the island with me.” Shinsu nodded, waiting for the next bit of information. Valeria thought for a moment. “He said for me to remember who I was and then—”

Shinsu’s eyes sparkled and she pulled her hands back onto her lap, expecting Valeria to have a major realization, which didn’t come. Shinsu leaned forward. “Well? What does that mean?”

“I don’t know
. I guess he meant that I should remember I don’t have to put up with that lying—”

Shinsu shook her head irritated. Valeria thought
. “I’m…” She looked up. “I don’t know…remember I’m the woman who loves him?” They were both getting frustrated. “I’m Valeria Mills. I’m, I guess I’m an oracle.” Shinsu nodded, excited with Valeria’s answer, but, clearly, she wanted more. “I guess I’m also Cassandra.”

Shinsu held up her finger
. “And
who is

“She was…I don’t really know what you are looking for here.”

Shinsu rolled her eyes and then was suddenly distracted by Apollo getting into trouble. She jumped up and went into the kitchen pulling Apollo’s paws from her trash bin. “Apollo, not now. Go on.” Shinsu looked back at Valeria. “Who wrote the Sibylline Oracle?”

“The Sybils.”

“Those were created by…well,” Shinsu rolled her eyes and then crossed her arms. “I’m talking about the original. You! You wrote the original! You are the last oracle and you are the most powerful! You are the one who can solve all of this! And Alex and the others need
help!” Shinsu slammed the lid on the trash bin and returned to where Valeria was.

“I can’t help them. I don’t have any power now. I don’t…” Shinsu got irritated and began removing the items on the table. Evidently
, social hour was over. In the kitchen she dumped the plate of untouched biscotti back into a clear glass container.

“Dear, I don’t have time to listen to you invalidate yourself! I certainly hear enough of that out there.” She signaled, indicating outside on the streets. Then she grabbed a hand towel and picked up the dishes on a drying rack, wiped them dry and put them away. “I am on the council; I can’t tell you how to solve this. I can tell you that as long as you are perceived as a threat to the relationship of Alex and Kristiana, the family

family—and Alex cannot work with you to solve this and they will need to stay clear of you, except for brief meetings agreed on by the immortals who filed the petition.” Shinsu looked at Valeria. “And they
need you
, far more than you need them!”

“What do you mean ‘perceived as a threat’? I don’t intend to be a threat to Alex’s relationship with Kristiana.” Valeria drew a breath. “If he wanted to be with her, I would never stand in his way!”

Shinsu cut her off with a cynical, “Yes, dear.”

“All right.” She bit her lip. “How would the council, or maybe Kristiana, consider that I was no longer a threat?”

Satisfied that this was now heading down the right path, Shinsu smiled. She walked back in and sat down next to Valeria with interest.

“Is there a statement I can make? Or...” There was a knock at the door.

“Someone’s here.” Shinsu grabbed her purse and dramatically threw a beautiful flower wrap around
herself. “You two chat until I get back.” And with that, Shinsu opened the front door to a very nervous Paolo. She gave him a frown and said with mock sternness, “Now, I expect you to behave yourself!” With that, she whacked him on the behind and was gone.

Feeling betrayed, Valeria walked straight into the family room and pulled her suitcase toward the door, without making eye contact with him. Paolo stepped in front of the door and put his hand on her shoulder.

“Valeria, I have been forced to realize that it is only a matter of time until you find yourself in very serious trouble.”

She pulled away from him. “You put this all in place. You can stop it.”

“As I said before, I was not the only signatory on the petition. I did not even originate it. I cannot simply cancel it, and even if I could, it would have to be taken to the council at their next scheduled meeting, which is not for another 500 years.”

She had heard enough lies. “Are you even capable of telling the truth? I know that’s a lie! I know there is a way to solve this! Alex was able to arrange a council meeting in less than a month to get approval for our engagement. If he can do it, so can you.”

“Yes! Exactly!” Paolo looked up and then with a pretentious smile said, “
is exactly how we will resolve this!” Valeria felt confused by Paolo’s seeming change of attitude.

“Resolve this? Paolo, no more games!”

He narrowed his eyes. “This is not a game, Valeria. And I need you to understand that, regardless of my assistance, I am not resolving this so that you can interfere with Kristiana’s marriage to Alex.”

Rolling her eyes, she retorted, “I don’t really care what you want or expect. I know that you never do anything if it doesn’t benefit you!”

He went on as if he hadn’t heard her, “I am willing to help, if you will allow me. I believe that I have a solution.” He leaned forward. “I have arranged for your family to join us for a celebration.”

“My family?”

He nodded and took her hand tentatively. “Our engagement celebration.” She pulled her hand back in disgust.

“You’re dreaming!”

“Valeria, it solves many problems. It allows you to speak to your family which also permits you to help locate my sister. With Shinsu’s assistance, I have retracted the Law of Nevia so that your family is no longer included in the petition.” He continued, “I have submitted a request to the council for an emergency meeting to approve an immortal marriage. This can be done in days. Immortals are romantics!”

“I will never marry you. There must be another way.”

“Bella, I can think of no other solution. We need a council meeting.” His eyes pleaded. “Do you know how very close all of you were to being executed when you were hospitalized?”

She lowered her eyebrows
. “You know about that?”

He went on ignoring her question
. “
I saw
what very nearly occurred.” Paolo gave her a painful glance. “That was never my intention, bella!” He swallowed.

“Alex wanted to come to me in the hospital

“You know him well. What did you expect he would do? Why do you think Mani and Shinsu were there by the time you awoke? They arrived within hours of your admittance. Do you even realize what everyone went through for several hours! The emergency plane and helicopter transports. Yes, Valeria,
it was very serious…
very serious.”

Her jaw dropped. “I had no idea,” she said softly. And then she shook her head. “Paolo, you caused this. You can resolve it.”

“No, I cannot do that alone. I have taken the only steps that I am permitted. With the exception of Alex, the remainder of the Trento Family has been removed from the petition. But you must understand that The Law of Nevia still stands between you and Alex! The only other thing I can do is permit you a brief meeting with him. Those are the only actions that the council and the law will permit. Any further amendments to the petition will require council approval…at a council meeting.

“Valeria, there is only one possible way that this can be resolved soon.”
She glared at him suspiciously. “But you must understand, bella, that this is an engagement between immortals. The cost of betraying the council is death. They do not tolerate trickery or lies. If it is found that you violated agreements with me or the council, if you were to have secret meetings or secret communications, if there were any…
embraces, it would certainly be discovered. If anyone suspected that this engagement was not real in every way, it would be very dangerous.”

“Is this a trick?”

Paolo looked at Valeria, steeled in his response. “No, it is an engagement.”

Valeria considered for a moment
. “And my family is coming
to celebrate?

“Representation from your family will be arriving in Florence.”

Still suspicious, her eyes narrowed. “Representation?”

may not attend, of course, without council approval.” He gulped. “You may ask your family. They will tell you the truth.”

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