The Teflon Queen (17 page)

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Authors: Silk White

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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Fuck it!” Cash said. “One man don’t stop the show, so continue on with the plan, and go get that money” he told him especially since he knew Dough Boy really needed the money.

A’ight hold ya head in there” Dough Boy said. “And I’ll have something for your books at the end of the week.


Say no more” Cash said as he ended the call.


Dough Boy hung up the phone and cursed loudly. Every since he started doing stickups, he always had Cash to watch his back. This was the first time he would have to put in work by himself.


Time to go” Dough Boy said to himself as he slipped his fingers in his black gloves, cocked back his 9mm, and slid out the car headed towards the front door of the house he had been staked out in front of. Dough Boy aimed his 9mm at the lock, pulled the trigger, and then kicked in the front door. He rushed inside and saw an older woman washing dishes in the kitchen. When the woman saw the gunman enter her home fear crept through her whole body as she dropped the dish that she held in her hand.


”Get over here bitch!” Dough Boy growled as he roughly grabbed the woman by the back of her neck and tossed her down to the floor, where he placed his knee in the middle of her back as he tied her hands behind her back with a roll of duct tape. “Don’t fucking move!” Dough Boy yelled as he searched the rest of the house, just to make sure he and the older woman were the only two in the house. After searching the whole house Dough Boy flopped down on the couch and turned the T.V. on making himself at home.



Angela pulled up in front of the building that Mr. Goldberg’s office was located in as the sounds of Aaliyah bumped through her speakers. She sung along as she parked in the empty spot. Angela made her way inside the building and immediately the receptionist informed her that Mr. Goldberg was in his office waiting for her.


”Thank you” Angela said with a smile as she headed straight to the back. She stepped in Mr. Goldberg’s office and saw him sitting behind his desk pouring himself a drink, as he sniffed a line of coke.


”Take it easy” Angela joked as she helped herself to a seat. “Now what’s so important, that you calling me at the crack of dawn?”


”It’s not looking too good” Mr. Goldberg began. “I know you heard they finally caught Wayne right?”

Yeah I saw that on the news about a week or so ago” Angela replied. Inside she kind of felt guilty because her man was the one who was responsible for putting Wayne behind bars.


”I’ve been getting calls from Mr. Biggz all morning” Mr. Goldberg told her. “So it looks like you going to be pretty busy for the next few months.”


Mr. Biggz was the man who paid for and set up all of Angela’s contracts. He would always forward messages through Mr. Goldberg because he knew that was the only way the F.E.D.S could not ease drop on his calls, because it was illegal for them to listen to a conversation between one and his or her lawyer. “But the real reason I called you down here” Mr. Goldberg continued. “Was because Wayne called me and asked me to tell you to go and visit him today, he said he had something real important to talk to you about.”

Where are they holding him?” Angela asked.

Rikers Island” Mr. Goldberg replied. “I think he’s in O.B.C.C”

Did he say what he wanted?”

No” Mr. Goldberg told her. “He just said to tell you to come see him today.”


”A’ight” Angela said as she stood up to leave. “If you hear from Mr. Biggz you know how to find me” she said as she exited his office. Angela got outside and quickly hopped in her car and headed straight to Rikers Island.




Wayne sat in his cell looking up at the ceiling in deep thought. He still couldn’t believe that Crazy Moe turned out to be a federal agent. He had put all his trust in him and that person had turned around and fucked him over in the end. Wayne had time to think about the whole situation over and over, and no matter how many times he thought about it, he just couldn’t seem to get the nasty taste of being played out of his mouth. Wayne knew it was no way for him to get out of this situation, but he knew if his life was over, he was definitely bringing a lot of people with him. Wayne laid on his bed with his hands folded behind his head, when he heard the C.O. bang on his cell door. “You got a visitor” the big C.O. announced. Wayne quickly hopped up off of his bed and followed the C.O. to the bubble where the C.O. handed him a pass, and allowed for him to make his way to the visiting room. When Wayne finally reached the visiting area he immediately had to strip down to his draws, and was handed a grey jumpsuit by another inmate that had the letters D.O.C on the back (Department Of Corrections). Wayne made his way out to the dance floor (Visiting room) and immediately spotted Angela sitting over at the table in the corner looking sexy as usual.


”Thanks for coming” Wayne whispered in Angela’s ear as he hugged her tightly taking a deep sniff of her perfume.


”Not a problem” Angela said as the two took their seats. From the look on Wayne’s face she could tell that he had been inside stressing. “You alright?”


”I’m good” Wayne replied with a smile. “Just trying to come to the understanding that I’m going to spend the rest of my life in a cell, trust me I’ll be fine.”


”You play and sometimes you gotta pay” Angela said repeating what her mentor told her along time ago.


”Fuck all that” Wayne said ready to get down to business. “Why I called you down here is because a lot of people have to pay” he said.


Motherfuckers wanted to help take my life, now I’m about to return the favor” Wayne spat.

Just let me know what you need me to do” Angela said already knowing that this was what this visit was all about.

The first motherfucker I need you to get rid of for me is that crooked ass D.A. Heather, she’s the first one I want to go. Number two on my list is that racist ass Judge Micheal Steward. I want you to make his death a nasty one” Wayne told her with a serious look on his face. “And last but not least I need you to take care of that bitch ass faggot James Carter!” Wayne fumed. “That motherfucker has to go point blank! I’ll pay whatever to make that happen, beside I already spoke to Mr. Biggz and he’s already been paid, which means you’ve already been paid! All I wanted was for you to tell me in my face that you would handle these things for me.”


”I got you” Angela said forcing a smile on her face, but deep down inside she wanted to cry. She knew this day would eventually come, and she didn’t even want to think about hurting the man that she was  so madly in love with.

You sure you can handle all three?” Wayne asked just to be on the safe side. Angela gave him a you gotta be kidding me look. “As long as the money right it’ll get done” she stated plainly.


”The money’s all ready there so you should be getting a call from either Mr. Biggz or Mr. Goldberg tonight or tomorrow.”

No problem” Angela said as she stood up to leave. Wayne quickly stood up and hugged her again. “Make sure when you take out James that it makes the news so I can see it” he whispered in her ear.

Consider it done” Angela said with a smirk as she turned and made her exit. When she retrieved her cell from out of the locker she saw that she had three text messages from Mr. Goldberg confirming everything Wayne had just told her. One of the text’s informed her that the money for all three of the contracts was already in her account. Angela hopped back in her car and shook her head. Business was business and she had never un-fulfilled a contract and didn’t plan on starting now.

When Angela made it back home she walked in her bedroom and saw James lying across the bed sound asleep. “Fuck it!” she said to herself as she quietly removed her .380 with the silencer already attached to the barrel, and aimed it at James’s head. Angela held the gun pointed at James’s head for about five minutes before she finally placed her gun back in its holster. “I’ll save him for last” she told herself as James turned and woke up right at that very moment.


”Hey baby” James said as he stretched. “When did you get here?”

Just now baby” Angela said as sat down on the edge of the bed. “How has your day been?”

”Good” James replied with a smile. “Finally able to get some much needed rest.”


”You hungry?” Angela asked. She planned on just relaxing with James for the night because tomorrow she was back to business.








Capo rapped along with Young Jeezy as he packed the remainder of his things for his vacation. After listening to Kim, Capo realized that he did need a vacation.


”On some real shit” Kim began. “I might not ever come back” she said, as she put her makeup on in the mirror. “I don’t think you should come back either.”

I have to come back to go to court” Capo told her as he slid his .45 down in his waistband.


”You really think them crackers gonna let you get off this time around?” Kim said turning to face Capo. “Nigga you better wake the fuck up! They planted drugs in your car, regardless you going to have to do some time, and you know once they get you in there they going to make sure you never leave. Probably pay some clown to fuck with you and wait for you to shank him.” Capo knew what Kim was saying was right, but what she was asking him to do was the hardest thing in the world. To ask a drug dealer to leave the game while still in his prime was like asking him to commit suicide. Right now he was on top and planned on staying that way.


”Fuck it! I say we just leave and don’t come back” Kim told him.


Together we got about $200,000. I say we just leave and make that shit work.”

What about our empire?” Capo asked.

Fuck that shit” Kim said waving her hand. “Leave that shit with Bone, and let him just send us our cut.”

You think he can handle that?” Capo asked not sure if he should leave everything he had worked so hard to get with Bone.

He’s going to have to, cause if you come back then you might as well go turn yourself in right now” Kim told him.

Fuck it! We can leave and try to open up a business or something” Capo said. “As long we getting money some how then we can stay, deal?”

Deal” Kim agreed happily as she jumped up in Capo’s arms. Just as the two were about to celebrate Kim heard her cell phone ringing. She looked at the caller I.D. and saw her mother’s name flashing across the screen. “Hey mommy” Kim sang happily into the receiver.

Bitch do this sound like your motherfucking mother to you!?” The voice on the other end barked.

Who is this?” Kim asked. The caller now had her undivided attention.

Shut the fuck up!” Dough Boy barked into the receiver. “If you want to see your mother again then pay attention, first off I’m going to need $150,000 cash, and secondly you must come alone when you bring the money I’ll call you tonight with further details” Dough Boy said as he hung up in Kim’s ear.

Who the fuck was that?” Capo asked as soon as Kim closed her phone.

They got my mother” Kim said as she slid down the wall so that her knees were press on her chest. “They are going to kill her!”

Calm down” Capo said squatting down next to Kim. “Who has your mother?”

I don’t know” Kim cried. “But it sounded like that stickup kid, the big one.”

How much they want to give her back?” Capo asked.

They want $150,000” Kim sobbed. Capo knew once he paid the ransom that he would never leave New York, and basically his life was now over especially since the cops were now gunning for him, but it was no way he could let Kim’s mother suffer because of some beef that they had in the streets. “We’ll get your mother back, by any means” Capo assured her. “Don’t even worry about it.”




”What’s your name?” Dough Boy asked as he untied Kim’s mother’s hands. He didn’t really want to hurt the woman, but if she didn’t cooperate he wouldn’t hesitate to put her back in her place.

Michelle” the woman replied in a shaky voice. Dough Boy could tell that the woman was scared to death. “Listen to me carefully” he said making sure Michelle understood what he was about to say. “I’m about to untie you, please don’t try to run, because you won’t be able to out run a bullet” Dough Boy said as he cut the tape from around her wrist. “Don’t make me hurt you. All I want is the money.”

I’m not going to try and run” Michelle assured him. “So why are you doing this? Did my baby do something to hurt you?”


Dough Boy smiled as he cracked open the brand new bottle of Vodka that rested on the counter. “No your daughter didn’t do anything to me.”

Then why are you doing this?” Michelle asked as she got up and grabbed herself a glass from out the cabinet and held it out.


”Honestly I just really need the money” Dough Boy replied as he filled up Michelle’s cup. He felt bad for what he was doing but he had to do what he had to do. Dough Boy always walked in a situation planning just to rob his target, if he happened to shoot them or even murder them he looked at it like it was their fault, because he only used his weapon if he had too.

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