The Teflon Queen (16 page)

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Authors: Silk White

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Teflon Queen
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The word spreaded like wildfire” Bone shrugged his shoulders. “Fuck it, it is what it is!” As soon as the trio stepped foot inside the club, the sound of Wacka Flocka bumping through the speakers had every in the club hype and bouncing around. Not even ten seconds had passed and already Capo’s shoes had been stepped on more times then he could count. Kim saw the aggravated look on Capo’s face and immediately grabbed his hand and guided him through the crowded club over towards the V.I.P section, but it was even crowded over there as well.


Lets just make the best of this” Kim smiled. “Just know after this we are outta here.”

You right baby” Capo said returning her smile. Capo loved to party, but now was a different story, he could tell by how crowded the club was that something to was going to pop off, and right now Capo couldn’t afford no unnecessary problems right now. He flicked his wrist and glanced at his watch. “An hour and I’m out” he told himself.


”Shout out to my man Capo I see you baby” the DJ announced over the mic as a spotlight landed on Capo and Kim for a few seconds. Capo quickly leaned over and whispered in Kim’s ear. “We not going to be here long” Kim nodded her head signaling that she agreed with him.


Seconds later Bone entered the V.I.P section with one of the bartenders behind him. “Thanks sweetheart” Bone smiled at the sexy bartender as he removed the bucket filled with bottles from her hand. Bone reached in the bucket and removed a bottle of Rozay and handed it to Capo. “This is your night!”


”Yeah some night” Capo said accepting the bottle. He made sure he took slow sips to make sure that he wasn’t too drunk, and could still be on point. As he sipped he just watched Bone for a second ever since Kim had told him to keep an eye on Bone. He had been noticing that Bone was starting to spread his wings a little more, and poked his chest out more then he used to. “Yo I’m ready to go” Capo said yelling in Kim’s ear over the loud music.


”Okay let me go to the bathroom real quick” Kim replied as she downed the rest of her drink, then snaked her way through the crowd heading towards the bathroom.


”What’s wrong” Bone yelled draping his arm around Capo’s neck. “Loosen up champ.”

Nah I’m about to get up outta here” Capo told him.


”Why what’s wrong?” Bone asked looking at Capo like he was crazy.


You just got here, plus look at all these hoes up in here.”


”I’m just going to lay low until all this heat blows over, and after this case is over” Capo informed him.


”Nigga you beat every case them crackers tried to pin on you” Bone said looking at Capo like he had just drunk some spoiled milk. “You changing.”


”Changing?” Capo echoed, as he turned and got all up in Bone’s face. “Changing how?”


”The old Capo I know would take these crackers head on, not run away from them like a coward” Bone huffed. Capo smirked as he took another swig from his bottle. “When you get knee deep like I am, then you’ll understand where I’m coming from youngblood until then just sit back and enjoy life.”


”Whatever!” Bone said as he walked off, and then disappeared in the crowd. Capo thought about showing Bone ain’t nothing changed, by fucking him up right then and there, but for some reason he decided against it.


Kim exited the bathroom and squeezed her way back through the crowd over towards the V.I.P section. As she made her way through the crowd she felt some one grab her wrist. “Damn! Ma, where you rushing too?” The voice said. “Can I get a dance?”

No not right now” Kim said as she looked up and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Capo’s diamond “C” chain hanging around the man’s neck.

Where you rushing to?” Cash asked still holding on to Kim’s wrist. He didn’t recognize her, cause of how she was dressed up and the make-up she wore.


”I got my man over there waiting for me” Kim said smiling openly as she slid her hand in her pocket and removed a small razor.


”Fuck that nigga” Cash said hating. “You want me to go over there and snuff that nigga for you? Matter of fact” Cash said looking around.


Where’s that nigga at right now?” Before he got a chance to say another word Kim quickly raised her hand and brought it down hard slicing the side of Cash’s face.


”Bitch!” Cash yelled as he turned and punched Kim in the face sending her stumbling backwards into other party goers, until she hit the floor. Kim crawled backwards on the floor as she saw Cash remove something from his waistband and moved in for the kill. A man who had witnessed what just happened quickly stepped in.


Why don’t you try hitting a man like that!?”


Cash felt his own blood dripping down his face and raised his arm dropping the man with two shots to the chest. Once the shots went off everybody in the club went scrambling to get out the club alive. Kim quickly did her best to blend in with the crowd as she ran towards the nearest exit. Cash pushed other party goers out of his way trying to get a good shot at Kim as he moved as fast as he could a few feet behind her.


Capo stood in the V.I.P section bobbing his head to the sound of Yo Gotti bumping through the speakers. He took a swig from his bottle when he heard two thunderous shot blast through out the club, he looked in the direction that the shot came from and saw Kim being chased by Cash who’s face was covered in blood. Immediately Capo pulled his .45 from his waistband and hopped over the rail, he landed on the dance floor, but couldn’t get a good shot at Cash because of all the people stampeding over one another. Capo thought about just airing the whole shit out, but thought about the consequences. “Fuck this shit!” He huffed as he pulled the trigger not caring who he hit. “POW, POW, POW, POW!!” Instantly the whole club got low once again. Cash looked up and saw Capo moving through the crowd with a gun in his hand. Cash began to back peddle as he fired into the crowd neither man caring who they hit. When Cash made it outside he quickly dashed for his car. He looked over to his left and saw Kim jogging towards him holding something shiny in her hand. Seconds later he heard shots being fired back to back. Cash quickly took cover behind a parked car as he caught his breath. “Fuck!” He cursed as he touched his face and his hand came away bloody.


Capo came out the club and saw Kim hunched down low easing her way over towards a parked car, he quickly ran over and joined her.


”Fuck it!” Cash yelled as he got up and made a run for it. Just as he was about to make it out the parking lot he felt a bullet pierce through the back of his thigh. “Awww shit!” He growled as he hit the pavement, and gripped the back of his thigh. Capo and Kim walked in for the kill until they saw cop cars coming from every direction surrounding Cash.

Come on we’re out” Capo said as he grabbed Kim and forced her back to back the car.


”Get the fuck off of me!” Kim yelled as she struggled to get free from Capo’s grip. Capo forcefully tossed Kim in the whip and slammed the door. He quickly ran around the car and hopped in the driver’s seat, and put the pedal to the medal.


”You should have let me kill that motherfucker!” Kim huffed looking at the black bruise up under her eye.


”The cops were right there” Capo told her looking through the rearview mirror as he hopped on the highway. “I clapped the nigga for you. We’ll catch him the next time.”

Fuck a next time!” Kim spat. “We had him right there!”

Capo didn’t reply. He knew that Kim was upset, and decided to let her cool off first before he tried to talk to her. When the two walked in the house they both stopped in front of the T.V. as they watched Crazy Moe received an award on the news.


”What the fuck?” Capo whispered as he saw the Mayor of the city give Crazy Moe an award for taking down Wayne. “Get the fuck outta here!” He said in disbelief. “That nigga is a cop?”


Can’t trust nobody nowadays” Kim said shaking her head in disgust.























Angela laid across the king sized bed wearing nothing but a thong, as she watched James receive an award, and get a promotion on the news. “Damn” she said to herself. The way they were praising James on T.V. Angela knew he had to be good at what he did. James Carter was just like Angela. The only difference was they played for different teams. Angela took a sip from her wine glass as she saw James enter the bedroom. “Hey baby” Angela sang as she jumped up and slid in James arms. “I was watching you on T.V.”

How I looked?” James asked as he and Angela engaged in a long sloppy kiss.


”My man always looks good” Angela boasted. “You know I don’t play that shit.”


”I’m happy to be home” James said as he took the wine glass from Angela’s hand and flopped down on the bed. He knew after one big case the next one wasn’t far behind, he could only imagine what was waiting in the wings for him. “I’m just going to take this time to relax until the next big case comes up” he paused. “Knowing my luck I’ll probably be assigned to a new case before the week is out.”


Angela rubbed the back of James’s head. “Baby you the best and that’s what comes with the territory, but just know that I’ll always have your back one hundred percent” she said slowly sliding down to her knees. Angela pulled down James pants and was glad to see that his dick was already at attention and ready for action. “Did you miss mami?” She asked talking to James’ dick as she slowly kissed on the head before she took him fully into her mouth.


”Damn baby” James groaned with his eyes closed as he guided the back of Angela’s head with his hand. He watched as Angela made his dick disappear then reappear. Once James felt himself about erupt he quickly stood up and bent Angela over, and slid her thong over to the side. Angela grabbed on to the edge of the dresser as she cocked her ass up in the air. “Yes daddy” she purred as she felt James enter her walls. Angela loved how James put it down in the bedroom. He knew exactly how she liked to be pleased and he always took care of his business. Once the two were all done, Angela laid her head on James’ chest as the two fell fast asleep. In the middle of the night Angela was awoken by her cell phone ringing. “Hello?” She answered in a half sleep voice.


”Hey Angela it’s me Mr. Goldberg” he said. “I’m sorry to wake you, but I need to see you in my office” Angela looked at the clock that rested on the night stand that read 5:28am.


What you doing in the office right now?”

Got a lot of work to do” Mr. Goldberg told her. “But I would appreciate it if you could be here as soon as possible”

Getting dressed now” Angela said ending the call. Angela slid out of bed and hopped in the shower. As she let the hot water massage her body she wondered what Mr. Goldberg wanted with her, but she knew it had to be business because when Mr. Goldberg called nine times out of ten it was time to put that work in. She hopped out the shower, and threw on a cream expensive business suit, pulled her hair back in a ponytail, then grabbed her purse.


”Where are you going baby?” James asked with his back turned in the bed.


”My lawyer just called me and asked me to come to his office” Angela replied. “He said had something important to talk to me about.”

Need me to come with you?” James asked with concern.

No baby I’ll be fine” Angela said as she gave James a kiss, then headed out the door.




”Where the fuck is this nigga?” Dough Boy thought out loud. He sat in a stolen Acura, and had been waiting for his partner to show up for about two hours. Cash was never late for a job, so immediately Dough Boy hoped that his partner/best friend was alright. It had been three days since the two spoke. Every time Dough Boy tried to call Cash, his phone went straight to voicemail. “Where the fuck you at?” Dough Boy huffed. Just as he was getting ready to pull off he heard his cell phone ringing. The only two people who had his number was Cash, and his wife, and he had just spoke to her ten minutes ago so it could only be one other person.


Hello?” He yelled into the phone.


”Yo what’s good?” Cash said into the phone.

What’s good my ass” Dough Boy barked. “Where the fuck you been. I been trying call you all motherfucking week!”

I’m locked up right now” Cash told him. “Bumped into Capo and his crew again, at some club and I had to let them thangs fly.”

Damn!” Dough Boy said shaking his head. “What they trying to hit you with?”


”Murder” Cash said sadly. “But I’mma beat that though, the bullets from my gun ain’t the one that killed those people, but regardless I’m going to have to do some time.”


”Damn I’m sitting out here in front of this chick’s crib waiting for you.”

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