The Twin Moon (The Moon Series) (3 page)

Read The Twin Moon (The Moon Series) Online

Authors: Buffy Christopher

BOOK: The Twin Moon (The Moon Series)
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She spoke to her fr
iends and laughed
as she shifted from
foot to foot.
The woman excused herself and moved toward the bathrooms.

lost her in the crowd.
He sauntered over to her table instead.

his sexiest voice.
The table hushed
all eyes turned to him.
Some blushed and some whispered, then the leader spoke up.

“Well, hello, Daddy. W
here have you been all my life?
I’m Rosie.”

Ian. Do you ladies have an extra seat?
I’m all alone tonight.”
grinned his best lady-
killer smile.

“Have a seat.” One of the girls leaned into him.

Ian waited and listened to the chatter that went on around him at the table.
Time seemed to still
while he waited for
the goddess
to return
The girls giggled and flirted with him.
He tried not to fall into their flirting
kept them talking
by asking questions about what they were drinking and why they were out tonight

Ian had just taken a drink off his nearly war
m beer when
there was a light tap on his shoulder.

“Excuse me, I think you’re in my seat,” came the sweetest voice.
It was like honey coated velvet.

Slowly he turned his head and got caught in a pair of luscious brown eyes, lined in smoky eyeliner
thick dark lashes.

“Well, hello gorgeous
Ian slid out of the chair and held out his hand.
“I’m Ian.”

She blushed
put her hand in his.
ice to meet you.”

He held her hand
gently pulling her fingers
toward his lips, He lowered
his head and brushed her knuckles with
a gentle kiss
“Pleasure to me
t you, too.

He all but purred as he stood back up.
His mate was breath
with sweet
cherry lips. H
tiger roared and
inside his head

Her eyes had gone wide and her lips quirked on the edges in a cute little smile, her dimples coming out of hiding.

you’re back!
Did you meet Ian?”
One of the girls asked from the table.

Andy nodded her head.
Ian hadn’t stopped staring as
she glanced
at him.
Her skin turned a rosy hue of pink
and that was the cutest thin
g Ian had seen in a long time

would love it if you’d
join me at my table?” He motioned toward
empty table not far away.

“Excuse me?” Andy looked at him f
unny, her eyes narrowed

He leaned in closer and said near her ear, “I would love for you to join me at my table.”

“Umm, I’m here with my friends tonight.”
Andy glanced around the table of women

“Go on
e’s hot!”
Somebody cheered as nods of agreement went up around the table.

“Go on, Andy. W
e’re right here.”
Rosie winked at her and shooed her away.

“Alright, then.”
Andy obviously trusted Rosie’s judgment.

He turned toward her group of friends.
“Ladies, if you’ll excuse us.”
He put his hand on the small of her back and escorted her to his table, while hoots and hollers
from her table of friends
followed them.
Ian’s feet seemed to float on air as
he escorted her
through the crowd toward the empty table.
Ian couldn’t help but smile
in amusement.

The heat from her body se
eped through her thin shirt warm
ing his hand.
The scent of warm
washed over him emanating from her skin.
Ian wanted to lean
her and smell her hair, but u
he’d reached the table.

Andy slid into the booth and Ian took the seat across from her at the black
Ian glanced over at her.
Her ch
estnut hair was
a halo of
around her pale face.
A wave of desire poured over Ian, the old familiar sensation he had searched for all night that had seemed out of arms reach, but stronger, more potent.
Something he could no longer live without.
His mate.
Ian cleared his throat.

“What’ll you have?”
Ian waved over the waitress.

“A diet Pepsi
with lemon
Andy stared too
, then
jerked her gaze away.

“You sure?
If you want something stronger…”

“No, really Pepsi’s fine.
I don’t normally drink.”
Andy smoothed a hand over her hair as she adju
sted a comb

Ian ordered for them both and turned back to Andy.

s Andy short for something?”

“Yeah, Andrea.”
dy gazed at him her eyes lingered
on his face
for a minute before they moved over his body

hat do you do?”
It was all Ian could do to be still as his body burned under her
, but suddenly her
snapped up to his.

“Can I be honest with you here, Ian


“Landry, my last name’s Landry.
Sure go ahead.”
must have showed because Andy glanced away again

“I don’t know why you ch
ose me to bring over here.
I mean look at a
ll the other women at the table.
I can see much finer choices than me.
You mind telling me why?”
Her tone was calm
glancing back at him,
fire lit her eyes, making them sparkle in the dark club.

Ian just stared at her.
He couldn’t believe she would say something like that when
she was the most gorgeous female he had ever seen

“I do
n’t want to talk to them.
I want to talk to you and from where I’m sitting you’re the perfect choice.”
Ian smoothed his hands on the table top.

Andy snorted as if she didn’t believe him.

You don’t believe me?
Andy, you just met me
give me a chance before you doubt my motives.”
Ian folded his hands as
his chest, like she’d poked him with her finger.

“Alright, tell you what. Y
ou prove to me you’re for real and that you’re not just messing with the fat girl.
A guy like you?
You could have any girl in here.

She challenged as she crossed her arms under her ample breast

Ian had to force himself to keep looking in her eyes.
It was hard to do when all he wanted was to trace the swell of her breast
that set out of the top of her shirt
with his tongue.

“First of all, you insult me by doubting my motives.
Then you call yourself fat.
Let’s get one thing straight.
I chose you because you’re the most
woman in here.

Ian ran a hand over his jaw.

I’m tired of being alone, Andy.
I want to talk to someone tonight.
I saw you and something just clicked.
perfect and exactly what I’ve been looking for.

Ian’s gut twisted
. H
e seemed to be revealing a lot about himself so soon.
she bolt or stay

So you can take a chance,
sit here a
nd talk to me

Andy just stared at him.
Then she picked up her glass and took a drink.

“I’m sorry.
I’m not very
good at this whole dating thing.”
illed into his

Ian took a swig of his beer.
“So tell me about
your last

“Not much to tell really.
I met this guy
e started dating and he made excuses
when he couldn’t see

Andy fidgeted in her seat.

Then strange stuff started to happen.
ittle things at first, a phone n
umber in his pocket
, lipstick on his shirt, h
e wouldn’t let me a
nswer his phone when it ra
ng, stupid stuff like that.
Then I got off of work early a couple of months back…”
Ian was sure she didn’t want to continue, but he wanted to hear her story.

“What happened?”
Ian sat forward
leaning his elbows on the table.

“Well, I came home and
door was wide open and there was
my neighbor riding hi
m like a prize stallion
And do you know what the worst part was?

Andy shook her finger at Ian

When he saw me in the door way, he actually asked me if I could close the door.
I started throwing his shit out
into the yard
When I went after the stereo, he came after me.
God, this is so embarrassing.
Why am I tell
you this?”
She cringed and ran her hands over her face.

“Because we’re getting to know each other.”
Ian reached across the table for her hand.
“By the way remind me not to make
you angry, because
I really like my
He squeezed her hand.

“Funny, very funny.
Your turn, m
ost embarrassing moment.
pill it, buddy.”
She rested her free hand under her chin.

“Wow, that’s a hard one.
I’m really not
easily embarrassed
sister walked in on me
getting off in the shower.”
gaze leveled on her and a smile
tugged his lips.

Do tell.”
Andy grinned as she gazed at him.

“We were probably
I forgot to lock the door and
never knocked.
We had one of those tub shower things with glass doors.
You know
when you’re a teenager, you get these urges
Well, there
I was
dick in my hand ready to come and she plows into the bathroom
course she immediately turned and ran out.
It was weird for a couple of days, but she didn’t tell anyone.
It could have been worse I g
uess, it could’
ve been my mom.”
Ian took a drink off his beer as Andy giggled.

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