The Vampire Princess Saga Box Set (21 page)

BOOK: The Vampire Princess Saga Box Set
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But of course I couldn't sleep. I was locked in my room. I sighed, long and deep, and stared out the window. The deep black of the night was just beginning.

That was my
first night in planet Earth.

I got up and walked
toward my window and glowered at the tenebrous sky.

What good sensation!

I preferred the day, however, now and forever I didn’t stand the light of day.

My visibility
at night, it was more precise.

I could see
anything away from me. It looked amazing, my vampire’s power.

I could moderate my supernatural face,
looking at that immense – black sky.

I took a deep breath
, the air was so pure, and this had come from orchard.

I stared toward
the door, as soon as I heard noises.

It was
my mother slamming the door.

“Valkyrie comes
dinner!” my mom hollered.

I'm going!” I replied.






My mother and I sat down at dining table. I stared at the food for a moment; it wasn’t having any effect on me.

I‘d be
just playing the role of social person in my mother‘s presence.

My hunger never
would be satisfied with human food.

My palate wished
only one thing...




Two spoons were enough for me to reject the rest of meal. I wasn't used with that menu.

You didn’t eat enough”, my mother said as she had just placed the dishes into the sink.

“I have no appetite
.” I said, without looking at her.

You need to eat...and talking about that, I have to take her blood test.”

“Blood test?
” I asked as I remembered the doctor who chased me that night. He was dead and my mother didn't know that.

your blood tests” she said.

“I don’t
go back to that place!” I said, startled.

You really don’t need go back there... I’ll go to take your blood test”, she informed.

”, I agreed.

I kept my eyes on the plate
. I was not expecting for a reaction from my mom.

tugged my arm gently. I stared into her eyes, frightened. I dropped the plate.

Why are you... icy?” she asked.

I shook my head, dazed

“I didn’t want you’
d know about it...”

“Do I know about what?
” she insisted.

“I am sick”, I confessed.

“Sick?” She asked and her eyes widened “What you’re talking about, Valkyrie?”

“Take it easy, mom...
It’s nothing serious.”

I said
after I saw her gaze, a tear had trickled down her cheek. She was so nervous after my confession.

How it’s nothing serious?” she insisted.

“I suffer of a rare illness... It’s
the same Eros’s illness.”

aren’t like this until last night!”

appeared this morning. I knew about it has little time.”

Once again, I was lying
to my mother.

It isn't so!” my mother said, shocked.

That‘s why I didn‘t hug you back.”, I said, relieved.

This must be hereditary! Your father also was like that.” she said, oddly.

And is more one reason to you're not so nervous, mom.”

I’ll be at your side daughter... always.”

My mother
hugged me, but she seemed distracted.

The coldness of my
skin bothered her, but even so, she tried to keep her body firm, and showing me her disposition to bear the touch of my cold body, she exhibited her immense mother love.






As soon as I entered the
school yard, I felt an empty inside me. Eros was not part of this place, where it all began. Where I met him and fell in love with him.

he was farthest from me, he was situated in the planet Neptune.

I tried
to convince myself that this was better, being apart of him and it all would link us.

I was determined
don’t suffer more, for a love condemned for immortality and he doesn't come up to my expectations.

I reasoned
where there weren't any need for me to be going to school.
I was a vampire
. I wouldn't need to study; however, I should keep my normal attitude before my mother and of them all.

I decided
get along with humans, so I would have to behave myself like them, Or at least, to try...

My thoughts
were reprehended after a lyrical voice, screaming:


It was Mirta, my only friend.

I was
surprised for a huge hug; I have no time to avoid it.

had missed... friend! You disappeared!” she said, with a smile.

I turned
my body, refusing that intruder hug.

“Did I
disappear?” my face was abruptly frightening.

“Are you okay, Valkyrie? You’re so icy!” she squeezed my hand.

“I am
sick”, I said, my head lowered.

Sick? What have you, friend?”

Inside her eyes
had an apprehensive expression, she seemed worried
about my illness.

found I have an unusual illness, where I have symptoms and be icy’s as of them”, I only smiled awkwardly and shrugged my shoulders.

That's why didn’t you attend school?” she asked.

“It is more or less It”,
I said, avoiding into particulars.

I went to your house and called you two times. But anyone appeared. Your house door was closed. I imagined you had traveled”, she completed.

I went to a clinic out of the town, I had made medical examination. It was so fast... I haven’t had time to tell you”, I said, and then I grimaced.

The time really
there wasn’t past to my mother.

After rock and roll show... several people disappeared.” Mirta said, holding her books.

Disappeared several people?” I asked and panic grew into my big black eyes.

disappeared... Christian... even Eros doesn’t attended school”, she had informed.

“Did Christian
disappear?” I asked confused, about Christian’s disappearance that night. What would he have about that?

I knew the motive
about the Eros’s disappearance.

They found the Christian’s car parked next to his house, but he wasn’t there, they suspect if anything happened to him”, Mirta added.

And would who do that?” I said.

I don‘t know. I am unhappy after his disappearance, I cry every night”, tears streaming down her cheeks.

appear” I was trying to be persuasive.

“He’s all I want

It’s strange...” I said, softly.

I see you didn’t bother about Eros’s disappearance! What happened to you and Eros that night? Did he hurt you? She said, stepping closer.

told me about his trip, he needed to visit his parents and he doesn’t know about his return”, I said, in an unconvincing voice.

At least he’s okay”, she said, without hope.

You’re right!”

I realized as I was saying the words that they were a lie
. And Mirta didn’t anything.

“Do you
miss him?”

I miss him so much! I think it was best to me.”

You’re in love with him!” she stated.

I never told I am in love with him”, I shook my head.

don’t need to tell me. Have who never seen that?”

“I don’t want
to talk about it... I don’t want to talk about him”, I said quickly.

“Okay”, she grumbled






Taking place to class, my eyes followed toward a chair at the end of the classroom, the same chair which Eros used to sit down. I imagined him there, sitting and looking at me.

I just woke up of my abstract, I saw they all in class, they stared at me. They noticed my black attire and my obscure face.

They knew
I wasn't the same Valkyrie; I had anything wrong, they only didn’t know what was happening to me.

I arranged a
chair and sitting down, trying to wriggle away, investigative glares.


As the students filed out of class, two classmates approached me; they were enchanted about my cryptic-looking.

I wore
black pleated skirt, knee-length, with a pair of black tights, with the black blouse, and black boots.

I liked your new style!” the black-haired girl said, with a smug smile on her face.

“It is t
otally dark!” other girl added.

They had
the same style like my friend Mirta; they wore dear clothes and most of the time ‘pink –colored’.

Thanks!” I said, grinning.

They had no idea
why I to wear a different style than what I‘d normally wear. I didn’t wear those dark clothes because I.
desired. It was necessary; my view was more sensitive before clear -color clothes.







I was backing home, walking into slow motion, observing a landscape totally green, the wind whistled through the vivacious trees. Different from anything I‘d seen on Neptune, where had tall trees and darkness.


There were in front of me, a seven -year-old boy. He rode toward me. He was on his red bicycle.

A rock
on the way interrupted his route.

fell to the floor after to go over it. His bike fell shortly after.

grumbled when he saw his bruised knee. I took the five necessary steps to help him.

“Are you all right?
” I asked as I grabbed his arm, trying to stand up.

My knee hurts!” he said, crying.

I was surprised to see
it was covered in blood....I closed my eyes, avoiding an increasing elation inside me.

The sweet soft scent
on the subject of his blood became me into a bloodthirsty vampire.

I turned around and I quickly looked up
and the boy doesn’t see my supernatural face, my eyes changed color, gray and my sharp teeth.

My brain
imagined a drastic scene, I plucking my fangs into his neck.

I fought
against my thoughts the most I could.

my muscles compressed, an extensive pain invaded my stomach; it was the symptom for my blood’s dependence.

I wanted to save the existence that innocent child.

I didn’t mean to interrupt
his life’s round to feed me, which would be cruelty.

I had become a vampire, I struggled against it. I didn’t to adjust me their form.

tried to feed me the least I could do and preserve lives

Go away!” I shouted. “Go away, now!”

The boy startled,
took his bike, he climbed on his bike and scurried away. He didn’t understand what was wrong with me, though, he followed my orders.

I put my hands against the floor and looked up.

The cloudy sky witnessed my agony, my gaze and teeth turned to normal.

I realized
I had defeated my wish to drink blood, at least... at that moment.






I slept much besides, I was late for school.

My mother
then realized I hadn't even wakened; she made her way to my room. She gazed at my bed.

while I’d slept,
lying face down, my long black hair flowed over my pillow , the my camisole’s shoulder-loop descended.. My left-lung was discovered and my mom stopped her gaze upon my tattoo.

My mom’s face puckered up
, fueled by irritation and chagrin.

When I woke up
, she was not in my room.

came back into the living room and dressed in a night-dress and barefooted.

My mother
got up from the couch and started pacing back and forth across the room, the television was loud.

You didn't go to school today”, she said and pressed the ‘
’ button on the remote and the screen went black.


“Oh... I slept just a little bit too much”, I wiped my hand across my forehead.

What tattoo is this on your back?” she asked, discontented.

How can I tell...?” I shook my head, seeming a little dazed.

“Valkyrie, I
did not expect this from you!” she said, there was edginess in her voice.

I didn‘t either”, I declared, shaking my head.

What's going on, Valkyrie?” she looked down. “Are you revolted with me?”

.. It is nothing about you”, I said, touched.

Why did you do that for? You know I don't like tattoos!”

I didn't”, I confessed.

No?” she asked, disappointed. “What are you talking about?”

I don’t try to explain it... you wouldn't understand the reason why I have this symbol”, I said, looking around.

symbol’s this? Where did you obtain it?” she insisted.

Mom, I don’t try to explain the details. You must be from out this”, I advised.

I'm your mother and you still owe me explanation!”

that!”, I said and stepped out of the local, avoiding a major discussion about it, however, my mother didn’t be satisfied, and she was standing after me, searching answers.

Who‘s turning your head? Her friends?” she insisted.

“They have nothing to do with this
”, I countered.

Your friend Eros... He looks to like this kind of thing.”

What have you against him?” I stared at her, frustrated.

doesn't seem to be good guy! You seemed strange-odder than usual, after you met him.”

You don’t like Eros.”

“I don’t want
you together him!” she ordered.

Your wish will have realized”, I took my hand away and folded my arms across my chest. “He was away from town”, I muttered, my voice was almost inaudible.

Good news!” she exclaimed, glorious.

I want to be alone!” I asked, angrily, knowing my mother wished to see Eros away from me.

If you really like this boy... You need to forget about him! It is because I have never wished to see you together!” she confessed.

Look, Okay”, I said and stared down at my feet and then I quickly closed the door.

My love for Eros, It
became a burden in my life.

I realized my mother
who had never opposed against my feelings for boys, now she was doing against it.


She would want to see Eros away from me, even though it would cost my misfortune.







The wind continued to howl....

Some cloudy clouds
moved slowly across the sky.

was sitting at the top of a mountain.

Three bats hovered around me
. They flew into the woods.

My dress’s black fabric
looked it had acquired proper life.

It flew
toward the windstorm.

a tenebrous voice sounded in my ears.



I knew
who voice’s owner was. I heard a familiar voice say.

“Come back!”

It was my father’s voice.

He called my name
, where I should return to his castle; he would need me in Neptune.

I stared toward the sound
coming from his voice, I was looking for him, and his voice was each time closer, as if he was there beside me.

Father!” I said, looking up.

“Come back

dark smoke appeared in front of me, my father emerged between it, extending his hand and I could go ahead.

I gazed up into his mysterious eyes and saw
my mother’s face.

I was
confused, I didn't know what to think and what to do, and I couldn't let my mother again.

On my unconscious
, I wished to be with my father. Neptune was my house. I knew I was safe in his castle. I didn’t need to hide my true origin.

I shook my head
, bewildered.

I interrupted my daydream

I looked around my room,
black wall, there was no one there, and my father wasn’t in my bedroom.

I had dreamed
about my dad.


BOOK: The Vampire Princess Saga Box Set
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