The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS) (23 page)

BOOK: The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS)
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              “No, nothing like that. I saw you using a mop there. Why didn't you just poof it away?”

“I wanted to do it the normal way.”

“But you're not normal. You're a god.”

Eros did look at me then, the intensity of his stare, making me direct my attention on the bubbling pot of dark liquid. My back to him, I sensed his approach, standing stiff when he put his hand between my shoulder blades, communicating with my immortal essence briefly, before releasing me, and standing back.

His next words confirmed my suspicions about what had been happening to me recently. “You're losing yourself, Hephaestus. You can't stay in this realm much longer.”

              “I won't be. Don't worry, nephew, I promise not to become mortal.”

“You don't understand. You won't turn mortal, you'll die. Cease to exist and every idea you gave man will disappear. Not to mention, with you being in control of volcanoes and such—well, I think you get the picture.”

“Fine, alright! I have been noticing that my powers aren't working like they should. I'm assuming that’s why you're here, playing with that vial I was sure I had put up. It means you want me to get things progressing faster than they've been going?”

The smart ass responded with a thumbs up and a smile, then waltzed back around the kitchen island to pick up the object in question, and tossed it to me, where I caught in from the air. The ceramic encased substance warmed in my grasp, and I could practically hear it whisper to me, goading me to give in to what it knew I wanted. Vanessa had yet to tell me she loved me, but now from the way Eros spoke, I didn't have the time to wait.

The phone on the far wall rang twice and stopped, the muffled sound of her voice coming from upstairs, as she spoke to the caller.

My nephew leaned against the door frame, his face a mask of understanding as I warred with myself and the decision I needed to make. From the moment I had come to the mortal plane, I knew that I would ultimately fall in love, and wish to be with the woman now moving above me. What I didn't like was in order to keep her with me, meant taking her from what she knew, and putting her into a situation that might end up destroying her very being. Was I willing to take the final risk to make her mine forever, and more than that, would she say yes?  Would she then, still want me afterward?

As though reading the play of emotions along my features, Eros released a heavy sigh, his eyes flickering in their multitude of colors, He gave me a soft smile. If anyone knew what I was going through, he would be it, seeing how Psyche went through what I was considering putting Vanessa through. “You need to tell her tonight. She loves you, that's for sure and she'll say yes.”

              “And you know this how?”

“Um, hello! I'm the God of Love, remember? Trust me.”

Just as I was about to give him a sarcastic remark, Vanessa meandered into the kitchen, yawning, then stopped in mid-open mouth when she saw Eros standing just to her side. Thankfully, for the little scamp, he kept his features innocent, giving me time to hide the vial in my pocket.

The coffee had been done for some time, so I took the opportunity to fill our cups. I pulled out the sugar, and cream, and then leaned casually against the sink.

  She continued to stare at my nephew.  Shock mirrored in his wide eyes when she grabbed his cheeks, turning his face from side to side, and looking at me, before going back to him. “It’s uncanny!”

“Unful, peaf helf me.” Eros pleaded as she squeezed his face.

As funny as the whole situation was, I knew it would be best to save the boy from the scary mortal woman.

Vanessa was lucky, dealing with the Love God was easier and usually safer compared to others, who wouldn't think twice about blasting her into nothing for ‘disrespecting’ their godhood. Taking the scenic route, I finally rescued my nephew, guiding Vanessa to the waiting drinks, while he rubbed his jaw back to life before frowning at her. Gods bless the woman, she dared to stick her tongue out at him, then took an innocent sip as though she hadn't just accosted his face.

“What was that for?”

“Oh, nothing. Just noticing how much you look like Heph, that's all.”

“Well, I am his nephew. Family resemblance makes sense that way.”

“Uh huh. I may not have a nephew yet, but even I know he wouldn't look nearly as similar as you look to your uncle. It's… interesting.”

Exasperated with the way their conversation was going, Eros ruffled his wings, careful to not bang into the walls or shelves, then with a stiff bow, he turned into a plump dove and fluttered into a cloud of smoke. Poor guy, I would have to make him something special to cheer him up when I returned home.

The thought of going home weighed heavy on my heart, knowing that I had only tonight to enjoy my time with Vanessa here in this earthly realm. I held onto the hope that she would accept my proposal. What if she didn't? Could I function in a world apart from hers, knowing she was down here living life without me? Even as the dark thoughts filled me with emotions I hadn't felt since the betrayal of my mother, I tried to keep the hope alive that I would get a happily ever after, just as Eros had gotten with Psyche.

A gentle rib nudge, dragged me back to the present and I looked down to see hazel eyes smiling up at me.

“A penny for your thoughts?”

“Sorry, was just thinking of all the work I have waiting for me back at home.”

“You don't think Frias can handle it? You speak so highly of him.”

“He can, but it is still my job to be there.”

Disappointment flashed on her face, before she had a chance to turn away from me.  I couldn't help but feel a swelling of joy that Eros was right. She did love me, or at least held a deeper emotion other than lust for me. So, why did she not say the words I longed to hear? She finished her coffee, as I realized I forgotten about mine, and grimaced when the sip I took turned out to be cold. Pouring it into the sink, I followed Vanessa as she marched up the stairs, wondering how to best broach the subject about the vial, and my upcoming departure, while not causing anymore tension that suddenly surrounded us.

My thoughts were swirling and were silenced when she pulled her bathrobe off, revealing that she wore nothing but her naked flesh beneath. My mouth hung open when she turned around to face me. Her expression no longer reflected sadness. She seductively walked up until she pressed herself against me, my cock filling, and it strained against my jeans in the most painful manner. Caressing her arm, my breath caught when she reached her hands down to undo my pants, giving them a gentle tug until they sat low on my hips, freeing me from their denim confines.

Her fingers teased at the sensitive tip, and occasionally would flick the beads connected to my P. A, before curling around my thickness to stroke the length of me. “I love how you feel, Heph. I could touch you all day and lick you all night.”

“I can say the same, agápi̱ mou.”

“I love when you call me that. What does it mean?”

“Agápi̱ mou, is ‘my love’ in Greek.”

She repeated the word several times, and though she didn't have the pronunciation quite right, just her saying it was music to my ears. Standing on her toes, she offered her lips to me, and I gladly accepted them, bending to suck them into my mouth. I could kiss her forever, touch her throughout my eternal life, and I knew at that moment, my world would never be complete without her in it. The vial, which still waited in my pocket, burned against my leg, beckoning me to give it to her, but now was not the time.

For now, I wanted back inside her hot, horny body. A custom we had come to enjoy was me taking control, something I never knew I had in me to be honest. With a firm pop on her bottom, I pushed her toward the bed. Vanessa made to lie down, but I wanted to try a different position, one that would leave a lasting imprint in her memory. Gripping her right thigh, I lifted until she placed her foot on the bed, with her knee bent while her other leg stood straight and on the floor, this position left her very open for whatever I wanted. And what I wanted to do first was taste her. Behind her, I knelt on the floor, gliding my fingers from the front, where her clit stood out swollen between her puffy folds and back to where I teased her tightly puckered hole. “Rub your clit, Vanessa. I want to suck your sweet pussy while you make yourself wet for me. Do it!”

              Groaning at my command, she immediately obeyed, rubbing in quick circles until her pussy lips glistened with her juices. Spreading her folds with my thumbs, I slithered my tongue into her sticky cavern, lapping up her hot flow, and savoring the taste like a fine wine. Her legs trembled, but she knew not to close them, I would stop giving her such immense pleasure, and maybe a spanking for being a naughty girl. No, Vanessa continued her rotation, while I devoured, gulped, and slurped to my greedy heart's content.

Her moans grew louder while her shivers turned into violent quakes, I knew she was ready to explode, and though I usually kept her on the brink, I was in desperate need to fill her with my cock. With one more lick, I replaced my tongue with two, thick fingers, plunging them into her hot depths, finger fucking her into a frenzy and turned my mouth onto teasing her ass. She tasted of heat and all woman and with my free hand spreading her cheeks I delved deeper, twirling the tip of my tongue around the rosette before wriggling inside.

The triple stimulation was just what she needed, her voice echoing off the walls as she helplessly cried out my name, squirting juice that trickled down my wrist. Her anal walls pulsating around my still embedded tongue, and Vanessa's body began to sway.

I stood, catching her around the hips her leg still propped, and slid my throbbing cock into her still quaking pussy. I didn't give her any chance to recuperate, or catch a breath for that matter, pulling back, then slamming back into her, my mind reeling with how amazing she felt clutching at my cock.

I wouldn't last long this time, holding her hips steady as I took control over how fast, hard, and deep I moved within her saturated tunnel. The feel of our sweat coated skin rubbing against each other and the wet suction sounds from my thrusts had me crashing into waves of my own climax, growling out her name as I burst.

The intensity of it knocked the wind from my lungs, and I went blind for a few seconds, as we both fell to the bed in a sideways, tangled heap of satiation. With the surge of fear of losing her, leaving what I’ve come to enjoy about the mortal realm, I spoke before my brain could shut me up. “Oh, Vanessa, I love you so very much.”


If one word could hurt more, it had to be that one uttered syllable.

She stiffened up, before unwrapping herself, and moving to the side of the bed, her back to me.

Stupid, Hephaestus!
But I couldn't take it back, so I watched, and waited to see how this would play out. Time seemed to stand still, with both of us not making a sound and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Eros had it wrong. It was after a long minute, I noticed her shoulders shaking, the silent whisper of a sniff, that told me she was crying. Guilt at putting her on the spot ate at me, and moving to embrace her from behind, I rested my chin on the top of her head. I was patient, but wishing I could make it better. Whatever

“You are the first man to ever say those words to me.”

“I mean them. Does that make you sad?”

Turning to face me, her eyes shined brighter than the stars in the sky, her face a portrait of true beauty. I touched her cheek, unable to keep from doing so if I wanted to.

“I love you too, Heph. And no, your words aren't what’s making me sad. It's knowing you have to leave me.”

“It doesn't have to be that way, Vanessa. You can come with me.”

Her eyes narrowed, as she tilted her head in question, but before I could grab my jeans to pull out the vial, the phone rang, and whatever answer I would have gotten, would have to wait.

“Hey, mama. No, I haven't forgotten. Um—well yes....” She moved away from me, hiding in the bathroom.

  I was left sitting on the bed, coming up with various ways to convince Vanessa to come home with me. I hoped that once she found out what she'd have to go through, she'd still want to. Holding out my hand, I called to my jeans, willing them to come, the mental strain and exertion, cramping my muscles with pain until, when the pants moved less than an inch, I gave up. It had to be tonight, as my nephew stated, or I would be nothing and the world would end. The soft click, as she closed the door, made me look up at her, and I knew she saw the despair in my eyes before I could neutralize my features.

BOOK: The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS)
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