The Wilderness Warrior: Theodore Roosevelt and the Crusade for America (171 page)

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Standard Oil Company of Indiana, 634

Standard Oil of New Jersey, 634, 684–85

Standing Bear, Luther, 275

Standing Rock Indian Reservation Agency, 152, 154–55

Stanford University, 533

Stanton, Robert, 755

State Department, U.S, 580, 638–39, 653, 804

states’ rights, 404, 421, 469, 572, 579, 677

steamboats, 692–95, 702

Steel, George, 454

Steel, Lydia Hatch, 457

Steel, William Gladstone, 453–60, 548

Steep Trails
(Muir), 714

Stegner, Wallace, 479

Steiff, Margarete, 443

Steiff, Richard, 443

Steiff bears, 443

Steiff Company, 443

Steinbeck, John, 533

Stellar’s sea cow, 722

Stern, Harold K., 239

Stesner, Wallace, 535

Stevenson, Adlai E., 374

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 274, 796–97, 799

Stewart, Doug, 5

Stewart, Philip B., 63, 378–79, 381, 382, 391, 404, 440

Stewart, William Morris, 424

Stickney, Victor, 193

Still Hunter, The
(Van Dyke), 417

Stillman, Deanne, 665

Stimson, Henry L., 286

stock market, 684, 685

Stone, Andrew J., 284, 416, 418

Stony Point Battlefield, 414

Store, Frank, 615

storks, 60, 63, 477–78

“Storks, The” (Andersen), 478

Strenuous Life, The
(Dalton), 16

Strenuous Life, The
(Roosevelt), 350, 371

Strong, William, 287

Stuck, Hudson, 118

Stump Lake, 583–84, 741, 748

Stuyvesant, Rutherford, 202

Styka, Tade, 335

Sudworth, George B., 296

Sullivan, John L., 121, 603

Sullivan, Mark, 46, 782

Sully, Alfred, 156, 567

Sully’s Hill National Park, 567–68, 584

Sulphur, Okla., 613, 614

Summer Birds of the Adirondacks, The
(Roosevelt), 106–7, 298, 308

Sundry Civil bill (Washington’s Birthday Reserves Act; “Midnight Reserve” Act; 1898), 293–96

Superior, Lake, 18, 85, 101, 148, 790

Superior Fishing; Or, the Striped Bass, Trout, and Black Bass of the Northern States
(R. B. Roosevelt), 85, 91, 648

Supériorté des Anglo-Saxons
(Demoulins), 317

Supreme Court, U.S., 20, 319, 388, 679, 728, 770

survival of the fittest, 23, 47, 184, 207, 319

T.R.’s views on, 153, 317, 349, 370

sustainability, 415, 422, 536, 771

Swamp, The
(Grunwald), 734, 735

Swift, Jonathan, 783

Swiss Family Robinson, The
(Wyss), 28

Switzerland, 36, 140–41

Sword, J. B., 194


Taft, Nellie, 792–93, 814–15

Taft, William Howard, 389, 443, 593, 640, 785–88, 792–95, 802–5, 816

in election of 1908, 776, 780, 785–87, 795

inauguration of, 814–15

Takahira, Kogoro, 653

Tammany Hall, 143, 196, 248

Tampa Bay:

bird reservations in, 18, 501, 727

Passage Key in, 18, 20, 500–501, 727

Spanish-American War and, 12, 315, 319–21, 324, 325, 327, 475, 501

Tarbell, Ida, 634

“Tariff in Politics, The” (Roosevelt), 149

Tarkington, Booth, 802

taxes, 336, 355, 731, 788

taxidermy, 2, 54, 165, 615, 763, 780

of Bell, 54, 55, 62, 135, 362

of Chapman, 485, 490

of Darwin, 62–63

of Dutcher, 363

of Hornaday, 281–82

of Merriam, 107

of T.R., 22,
, 45, 54–55, 57, 59, 62, 71, 101, 135, 138, 146, 210, 215, 287

of Verreaux, 44, 54–55

taxonomy, 65–66, 300–303

Tebbetts, Jack, 126

Teddy (golden eagle), 325–26,

Teddy (pet lamb), 558

Teddy B (bear), 656, 658

teddy bears, 431,
, 442–45, 553, 705

Teddy Bear Society of America, 440

Teddy G (bear), 656, 658

“Teddy in Timberland” (cartoon),

Teddy Roosevelt (eagle), 333

Teddy Roosevelt (elephant), 648

Teddy Roosevelt at San Juan
(Samuels and Samuels), 331

Teller, Henry M., 268, 272, 294, 296

Tennessee, 226

Tern Islands, 712–13

terns, 6, 18, 351, 500–501, 725, 739, 745

Teschmaker and Debillion Cattle Company, 153

Teton National Forest, 629, 778

Tetons, 250, 295, 556

Texas, 134, 153, 251–53, 380n, 413, 422, 508, 586, 590, 593, 597–99, 604, 605, 767

Abernathy in, 592

cowboys in, 435–36, 592, 665

Elliott Roosevelt in, 125, 128, 130, 151

Goodnight Ranch in, 413, 596, 624, 778

oil in, 383

in Reid’s work, 26, 27

Republicans vs. Democrats in, 585

Texas fever, 626

Texas Rangers, 600, 604

Thayer, Abbot H., 363

Thayer Fund, 364, 491, 551, 714, 728

Theodore Rex
(Morris), 408, 409, 686, 815

Theodore Roosevelt
(Cutright), 804

Theodore Roosevelt
(Hawley), 807

Theodore Roosevelt
(Putnam), 123

Theodore Roosevelt
(Riis), 24–25, 558

Theodore Roosevelt and Six Friends of the Indian
(Hagan), 274

Theodore Roosevelt Association Journal,
194, 406

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, 45

thieves, 191–93,

Thin Red Line, The
(film), 328

Thomas Hart Benton
(Roosevelt), 191, 193–94, 199

Thompson, Ernest Seton, 387

Thoreau, Henry David, 4–5, 8, 29, 68, 264, 267, 394, 540, 554, 590

in Maine, 4, 110, 116, 117, 118

Three Arch Rocks,
, 550–51, 556, 715–18, 721, 723, 741, 744, 749

thrushes, 73, 97, 106, 686

hermit, 221–22, 538–39

tigers, 128, 151

Tilden, Freeman, 461

Tilden, Samuel J., 100

Tillman, Benjamin, 575

timber, timber interests, 92, 129, 170, 225, 244, 249, 343, 459, 664–65, 667, 682

in Bighorns, 172

California trees and, 533, 771

Cleveland and, 269, 290, 292

in Florida, 3

Forest Management Act and, 239, 397

Forest Reserve Act and, 242, 288, 292

in Grand Canyon region, 398

Great Loop tour and, 507

Lacey and, 270, 503

lobby for, 268–69, 643

railroads’ need for, 236–37

settler agreement with, 296

T.R. opposed by, 353, 379–80, 445, 572, 618, 675, 678, 680, 681

water pollution and, 372

Weyerhaeuser and, 503

Timinsky, Janice Kroegel, 493, 494

Tippetts, Katherine, 365

(Chernow), 682, 760

Togo, Admiral, 619

Tolstoy, Leo, 192, 193

Tom Quartz (cat), 558

Tongass National Forest, 536, 564, 565, 806, 807

Tonto National Forest, 399

Tonto National Monument, 706–7

tortoises, 731, 732, 733

Tortugas Keys (now Dry Tortugas National Park), 723–26, 739, 741

“total removal,” 119

Tour on the Prairies, A
(Irving), 129, 155, 264

Trail and Camp-Fire
(Roosevelt and Grinnell, eds.), 304, 307, 308–9

Train, George Francis, 90

Tranquility, 69, 91, 108, 149

Transcendentalists, 219, 266, 353, 624

Transfer Act (1905), 422

trapshooting, 264

“Treasures of the Yosemite, The” (Muir), 235

Treasury Department, U.S., 220, 221

Trevelyan, George Otto, 554–55, 788

Trimble, Richard, 153

triumphalism, U.S., 231, 243, 255

trout, 83, 84, 100

brook, 86–87, 90, 109

Truman, Harry S., 444, 742

Trump, Erik, 257

Trustees of Scenic and History Places and Objects, 414

tules, 744–47

Tumacacori National Monument, 781

Tuolumne River, 544

turkeys, 205, 431, 559, 629, 665–67

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 228, 240–43, 603

turtles, 51–52, 81, 101, 723–26, 731

Tuskegee Institute, 404,
, 406

Twain, Mark, 401, 504, 506, 620 693 757

on Hawaii, 796–97, 799

T.R.’s feud with, 702–7

Tweed, William Marcy, 79

Tweed ring, 79, 85

Two Ocean Pass, 200, 250

Two Years in the Jungle
(Hornaday), 280


Udall, Stewart, 239

Uinta Mountains, 291, 293

Uncle Sam (eagle), 333n

Underwood, 506

Union and Central Pacific, 232

Union Pacific, 148, 165, 259, 520

United Mine Workers (UAW), 431

United States v. Blassingame
, 388

University of Man exhibition, 657

“Use Book, The” (Pinchot), 580

U.S. Steel, 384

U.S. v. Grimaud,

Utah, 241, 422, 528

national forests in, 635, 764, 779

national monument in, 762, 764–65

prehistoric sites in, 414

Utes, 379, 380, 581, 654, 655

Utica Electric Light Company, 372

utilitarianism, 341, 430

Uvalde, Tex., 251


Vacation Rambles in Michigan
(Hallock), 83, 360

Van Buren, Martin, 337

vanden Heuvel, William, 396

Vanderbilt, George W., 341, 428

Van Dyke, T. S., 416, 417, 418

“Vanishing Moose, The” (Grant), 276

Vardaman, James K., 405, 431–32, 701

Vermont, 39, 84, 281, 372, 378

T.R. in, 389–90, 426

Vermont Fish and Game League, 390

Verner, Samuel Phillips, 657

Verreaux, Jules, 44, 54–55

Vest, George, 206, 240

Vicksburg Battlefield, 700–701

Victoria, Queen of England, 11

Virginia, 226, 431, 492

Virginian, The
(Wister), 262, 316, 321, 463–67, 592, 623, 688

Vitagraph, 327

Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, The
(Audubon), 56

volcanoes, 690–91

voles, meadow, 512, 515

(tugboat), 551

Voyage of the Beagle, The
(Darwin), 23, 30

vultures, 27, 58, 330, 331


Wadsworth, W. A., 385

Wagenknecht, Edward, 636

Waggoner, Guy, 598, 599, 600, 602, 607, 608

Waite, Davis, 272

(Burroughs), 217, 219, 222, 369

Walcott, Charles Doolittle, 397, 423, 424, 779–80

Walker, Lucy, 140–41

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 777

Wallace, Henry, 784

Wall Lake, 133

Wall Street, 2, 319, 348, 551, 675, 684–85

walruses, 100, 242, 564

Walsh, Herbert, 274

Walton, Izaak, 84

Walton, Mason A. (Hermit), 518

warblers, 1, 72, 106, 108, 412, 767–68

Ward, George B., 206

Ward, G. M., 365

wardens, 20–21, 304, 377, 571–72, 580

first, 492

in Florida, 477, 482–83, 491–500, 728–31, 739, 743

Job’s views on, 708

lack of, 242, 366

in Long Island, 364

murder of, 497–99, 727, 730, 731

in Pacific Northwest, 551, 714

science background for, 304, 357

War Department, U.S., 313, 324, 332, 581, 639, 662, 670, 775

Wardman, George, 562

Warford, David E., 323, 331, 398–99, 400, 403, 526

Warner, Charles Dudley, 504

War of 1812, 297, 414

Warren, Francis Emroy, 424, 633

Warren, Louis S., 141, 440

Warwick Woodlands, The
(Forester), 82

“War with Spain—1896” (Roosevelt), 310

Washburne, Charles G., 113

Washington, 425, 676 bird reservations in, 714, 715, 718–21, 728

Cleveland’s forest lands act and, 291, 293

Great Loop tour in, 508

timber interests in, 680

Washington, Booker T., 373, 404–6,

T.R.’s dinner with, 404–5, 424, 431–32, 442, 572, 617, 701

Washington, D.C., 21, 45, 206, 216, 220–23, 813–16

Cosmos Club in,
Cosmos Club

inauguration parade in (1905), 581–83, 594

National Mall in, 556–57

Roosevelt house in, 230

Taft inauguration in, 814–15

T.R.’s move to, 223, 282, 336

zoo in, 282, 521, 589

see also
Smithsonian Institution; White House

Washington, George, 39, 45, 69, 374, 554, 816

Washington Maritime NWR Complex, 719

Washington Post
, 440–41,
, 560, 600–601, 612, 666, 675, 683, 804

water, 342, 397, 692, 785

pollution of, 84, 92, 352, 353, 372, 790

in Puerto Rico, 445

see also
irrigation; reservoirs

Water, Land, Law in the West
(Pisani), 566

Waters, Edward, 270

watersheds, forests’ protection of, 239–40, 307

Waters-Pierce Oil Company, 634

Waterton, Charles, 67

Watson, Chandler B., 454

Watson, John B., 725

Way to Rainy Mountain, The
(Momaday), 632

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