The Winter of Regrets (17 page)

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Authors: Needa Warrant

BOOK: The Winter of Regrets
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hiskey studied the woman sitting in front of him, admiring her beautiful black hair and the long eyelashes that swept up as she looked back at him. She was unlike any woman he’d ever been with. Blondes were much more his taste. There was something that drew him to Elena. He admired her for being so strong and not letting her troubles bring her down. He vaguely remembered Hunter’s funeral and didn’t recall seeing her. He’d inquired last night about Elena and everyone said good things about her. Darko’s warning only made him more interested in getting to know her. Thrash’s interest in her had been disclosed and he didn’t give a fuck about it.

“Are you and Thrash seeing each other?” he asked her. “I’m not going to cause trouble, taking you to lunch?”

Elena sighed and sipped her drink while looking at Whiskey’s poker face.

“I don’t understand why everyone is pushing him my way,” she remarked heatedly. “I’m not interested in him like that. He’s a friend, a very bossy friend and I’m not looking for an ol’ man. Certainly not one in Bound for Hell, either.”

Whiskey nodded. “I can see you’re not the kind of woman who needs a bossy man. You’re independent and strong. I like that. Not a wilting-flower kind of chick. I bet you’ve fought hard to get what you’ve gotten in life.”

“I’ve done this dance before, Whiskey. What is it you want from me?” Elena never took her eyes from his face.

“Just a chance to know you better, darlin’,” he answered. “And a date for my daughter’s wedding. I don’t need anything from you, Elena, just your company. Is there anything wrong with me wanting to get to know you?” His amber eyes looked into hers.

Elena felt her body heat up at his words. “No, as long as you’re straight up and honest with me, I don’t like liars or men that are bossy. I’ve done that and it didn’t work out well. I like who I’ve become.”

Again, Whiskey’s smile caught her off-guard and she found herself drawn to this man everyone said was heartless and power hungry. She chewed at her bottom lip as she thought about him. Her common sense told her to run now, but her heart told her he was a better man than he let people know. It was just a date to Dee and Jack’s wedding, anyway.

“I think you and I are going to get along really well,” he told her, his smooth voice calming her urge to run. “I wasn’t looking forward to seeing my Deidra getting married after all the bullshit in the past two years. Thank you for making this affair be a pleasurable one.”

“I wasn’t really looking forward to it myself,” confessed Elena. “I love the couple, but the company going, not so much. I don’t like Bound for Hell and I didn’t want to be stuck with Thrash all night either.”

“Darlin’, Thrash won’t be a problem to you if that’s what you want. You do know he feels he has a claim on you?” Whiskey’s eyes bored into her.

“A claim? No, he thinks he is in love with me but he doesn’t know me. He has never tried to understand me. Maybe years ago, we could have had something but it was long ago. He used to flirt with me and I wasn’t always happy with Hunter. It was like a game with us that never went anywhere. I won’t ever be with a man who cheats. He might have feelings toward me because of Hunter, but I’m not the one for him.”

“I didn’t know Hunter well. I’ve heard a lot about him. You weren’t together when he died were you?” he asked, sipping his whiskey.

“No. We’d drifted apart a long time ago. It was easier to stay with him and pretend things were good,” she admitted. “Hunter chose to make me leave when he found out he was sick. I’d have stayed with him to the end and taken care of him. It’s not a subject I’m really comfortable with, Whiskey.” Elena stared into his eyes.

Whiskey took her hand, turned it over, then stroked her delicate wrist, his fingers at her pulse. “Then it is a closed subject,” he decided. “But know, if you
want to talk about it, I’ll listen.”

Elena’s heart was fluttering when she softly replied, “Thank you.”




ack had been sent to his mother’s house to get ready, and all the girls in the wedding party were at Deidra’s house. She had refused to go out to party before the wedding. Jack had done the same, or so he said.

Dee was a bundle of nerves and decided to take the valium Jack had left for her so she retreated to her bedroom. Champagne and mimosas were flowing and the girls’ chattering was getting to her. The hairdresser had pulled her blonde hair up into a French twist. Her makeup was flawless and her dress fit her perfectly. She paced the room waiting for her father to pick her up. Her hand stroked Willie’s fairy wing pendant. She wanted this affair to be over with and she missed her mother.

Kima opened the door and looked at the back of Dee’s wedding dress. She looked lovely and had posed for pictures and done everything that was asked of her almost as if she was a doll. She felt sorry for the young girl. Willie, Teddy, and Dusty were all dressed and waiting downstairs. Melora was sitting with Donna quietly in her flower girl dress like a perfect angel.
Thank God for Donna’s help,
Kima thought.

“Deidra, your dad is here, it’s time to go.”

She turned quickly and looked at Kima with frightened eyes. “Is he sober? I wish I didn’t have to ride alone with him!”

Kima tried not to look at Dee with pity. “Whiskey is sober and he looks very handsome. It’s a short ride. You can do this, Dee. Come downstairs and let’s get that cape on you. Everything is going to be fine.”

Deidra looked at Kima. “I wish I truly believed that, Kima. I am sure something will go wrong and my dad will be the cause of it.”

“I don’t think so. Elena is his date for the wedding. She won’t let him get drunk or rowdy. Come on, now.” She held her hand out to Dee, who finally took it, grateful for her support.



itting beside her father, Deidra was at a loss for words. Her dad looked good, more like the man she remembered as a young teenager. He was about thirty-eight, or so she thought, and women loved him because of his demeanor and looks.

“Deidra, I wish your mother could see you looking as beautiful as you do today.”

“I do too, daddy. Please don’t let anyone turn my wedding into a fight. Just one perfect day, daddy, please. Do it for mom if not for me.” Dee pleaded.

Whiskey’s eyes hardened. “I’m sorry for the shit that happened after she died, Deidra. I lost it, but I’m trying to be a better man. Lacy-Jane asked if she could move up here with Shanna so you could see her and I agreed. You should get to know your sister.”

He reached his hand out to Dee. She grabbed it like it was a lifeline. “Thank you, daddy. I’m glad, and I know Lacy-Jane will take good care of Shanna. Dad, I have a bad feeling about today.”

“Deidra, I give you my word that I will be on my best behavior and my club will not cause any problems.”

“I hope you told Violet that. Angie and Bebe are coming and, well … toss Dusty into that mix …” Her words trailed off as they approached the country club.

Whiskey laughed. “Rebel will handle her. Violet won’t make a scene at your wedding. With Angie and Bebe coming, hmm. Did you invite them?”

“No. Lacy-Jane informed me they were coming so I told Jack’s mother to arrange seating for them—and not near Violet, either.”

The limousine came to a stop and Whiskey got out to help his daughter exit gracefully. Her bridesmaids all gathered around her as they walked into the Ocean View Country Club. Dee was whisked off to a side room to get ready. The mayor of the town would be officiating the ceremony.

Whiskey looked around at the country club, noting the fancy crown molding and the yellow roses with fall leaves in glass arrangements.
Shannon would have loved this,
he thought. He got their daughter a decent man, even though she would have killed him for doing it the way he had. He felt so distant toward everyone in the room until a warm hand touched his. He knew by the perfume and the touch who it was: Elena.



ailz sat with Jo, and Thrash was on his other side. He felt like he was between two powder kegs waiting to explode. Thrash was glaring at Elena’s back. She sat on the bride’s side and he knew that she was Whiskey’s date. He didn’t like it at all, sitting there tense and angry.

Jo had her lips in a tight line and Nailz held her hand, giving it reassuring squeezes. She had sworn she wouldn’t fight with Kima or act out, but Nailz never knew, considering her moods lately. She tensed up as the bridesmaids came down the aisle. Her body became rigid as Kima passed by them. Kima had looked straight ahead and Jo glared at her.

Nailz was so busy watching Jo that he never paid attention to the actual ceremony. He caught the kiss between the bride and groom and held fast to Jo as the couple walked down the aisle to the receiving line.

Whiskey stood with Elena draped on his arm, and he thought they made a good-looking couple. Soon, all the guests had gone down the line and into the reception room, leaving the three of them sitting there. Neither Thrash nor Jo had wanted to walk over to congratulate the couple.

“Nailz, I have to use the ladies room,” Jo hissed.

“Do you want me to go with you, or meet you at our table?” Nailz didn’t want to let Jo out of his sight.

“I’m perfectly able to pee by myself.” Jo glared at him and he watched as she moved toward the door leading to the hallway.

“I can’t believe Elena is his date,” Thrash hissed. “What the fuck is she thinking? She was supposed to come with

Nailz tried to calm him down. “Bro, did you ever ask her outright?”

Thrash thought about it. “No. I figured I didn’t need to. I should have.”

“I doubt she would have gone with you anyway. Let’s go get a drink. I don’t need Jo in there alone.”

The two huge bikers walked into the wedding reception room and headed to the bar. At the bar were members of Nefarious MC, Bound for Hell MC, and Satan’s Attitude MC. Most looked uncomfortable in their suits. A few had colors over them, but most had decided to wear just their club rings and necklaces.

Two women entered the room with a tiny girl. The blonde was stunning with her light blonde hair, which hung down her back and was curled at the bottom. She was holding the child’s hand and both were dressed in dark blue. The other woman was taller with dark hair that she had curled the same as the blonde. She wore a black gown with a plunging V-neck. It was as if time stood still as the bikers all looked at the two women and the child.

One of Satan’s Attitude spoke up. “Well, I’ll be damned, if it isn’t Angie and Bebe. Shit is gonna get real interesting, now.” He turned back to the bartender and asked for a beer and a shot.

Thrash looked at the women as Dusty rushed up to them. Behind her came a woman dressed in a purple gown that left little to the imagination. A purple rose was tattooed across her breast with the words Rebel’s Rose.
So this is Dusty’s mother,
he thought. The air around them seemed almost charged with electricity. A large biker with grey streaked brown hair pulled into a pony tail was hot on the heels of the woman in purple. Thrash watched as he tried to get them to a table and noted that the biker wore colors.
he realized, looking at Rebel Rose.
Damn, that biker was right,
he thought,
this was going to get interesting.



o had used the bathroom and found the room that was set aside for the bride and her attendants. She sat on the sofa and waited. She wasn’t sure what she was really waiting for. She’d promised Nailz she wouldn’t make any problems, but this just wasn’t fair. She had been left out of everything again. She was looking out the window when she heard the door open. Dee and her cousin Lacy-
had come in laughing and happy.
This won’t do,
she thought as she pulled herself off the sofa.

Deidra noticed Jo right away and wondered why she was in the room. Lacy-Jane stopped short as she saw Jo advancing toward them.

“Jo, is something wrong? Would you like us to get Nailz or Jean for you?” Dee tried to speak kindly because she could tell Jo was upset.

“What is
is that my brother married
like you!” she spat back. “He didn’t need you. You made friends with Tears. This is all your fault, Dee. That Thorn left his club. You and Jack influenced him! I wish you had never come here,” she said acidly. Her face twisted in anger. “You’re pitiful, Dee, trying to marry into the Regan family when nobody wanted you. I heard how Jack took you in. You’re not good enough to be a Regan. It’s your fault that Thorn and Tears won’t talk to Nailz and I.”

To that, Deidra raised a hand and smacked Jo across the face hard.

“You were just like me, Jo!” she shouted back. “Nobody wanted you
, so I’d say we have something in common!” Jo looked outraged, nursing her face where Dee’s hand had met her cheek. “However, I am a
, my children will carry the
name, and you’re nothing.” She watched the welt form on Jo’s face. “You are being a pain in the ass to this whole family. You will NOT ruin my wedding day. Lacy-Jane,” she said, turning to her. “Go get my husband and ask for Nailz. This bitch needs to go home. She’s clearly crazy.”

Lacy-Jane ran from the room, leaving Jo and Deidra standing almost toe to toe.

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