Their Treasured Bride (5 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Vale

BOOK: Their Treasured Bride
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It was long and thick and a ruddy red color. Dash held it securely
within his fist at the base and the top of it was wide like a crown
and with a small hole in the center, it seeped clear fluid. His fist
slid up the length and his thumb extended up and over the top to wipe
the liquid away. It was unbelievably large and it was supposed to go
inside of me? I retreated another step as I darted a glance up to
Dash's eyes. His lids were lowered halfway and he was watching me in
a way that had me licking my lips. He wasn't naked, but he might as
well have been.

Connor's actions had my head turning toward him. Instead of undoing
his pants, he'd unbuttoned his shirt and let it fall to the floor,
all the while his eyes were on mine and he winked. Winked! He was so
relaxed and at ease with what we were doing that he winked as he
removed his clothes, piece by piece. His shoulders were broad and
curved with muscle. His chest had dark hair on it. While my nipples
were plump and full, his were dusky-colored, flat disks. His stomach
was flat and well defined with a narrow waist. The hair merged into a
V at his navel and then into a line that went into the top of his
pants. There I could clearly see a bulge pressing against the front

Glancing at Dash's...member then back, I could only assume Connor was
as equally large or possibly larger. Connor grinned wickedly and
didn't hesitate to toe off one boot, then another before undoing his
belt, the front of his pants and lowering them to the floor. He
stepped out of them, and then stripped off his socks to stand tall
once again. He was completely naked—and he looked like
I'd seen in books.

I couldn't help the quick intake of breath at the sight of him.

"These are cocks, sweetheart," Dash said as I kept my eyes
transfixed on Connor. His hand grasped his...cock now as well and
they were stroking them. Did Connor's just get larger?

"They are...," I cleared my throat. "They are quite

Connor's grin widened. "Your turn, lass."

I was given a reprieve by a knock on the door. Connor turned to
answer it, clearly unconcerned he was naked. "What are you
doing?" I whispered, my sense of decorum stronger than my
ingrained behavior to not question and dashed to the door and leaned
against it, preventing him from opening it.

"What?" Connor asked as he stood before me. "Tis only
your trunk being delivered from town."

"You can't answer the door like that," I hissed, my cheeks

"Verra well," he replied, so I moved away from the door. He
reached down to grab his shirt. I thought he was to put it on, but
instead he held the article of clothing over himself then opened the
door. "Quinn, come in."

Connor stepped back as a man as large and burly as my two husbands
carried my trunk inside. "I'm interrupting," he said, his
voice deep and with an American accent as he took in both men's
appearances. "Ma'am." He nodded his head to me in greeting.

I gave a brief head nod, and then turned my back on him, mortified.

"Ack, tis all right. Surely ye've seen a naked man before,"
Connor commented. Did he not have a modest bone in his body? "May
I introduce our bride, Rebecca? Rebecca, this is Quinn. We couldna
run the ranch without him."

I glanced at him over my shoulder and the man offered a weak smile
and nodded one more time. I tried to smile but the situation was
utterly ridiculous. Connor was naked and Dash remained seated with
his hand still wrapped around his cock. Thankfully, he had ceased
stroking it.

I cleared my throat. "How do you do?" I asked.

"Put it down over there, please," Dash directed.

The man did and went to the open doorway. "There is a second
trunk Mr. Arnold offered to deliver tomorrow. What with the supplies
and all, there wasn't room for both today. Congratulations on your
wedding," he offered. "I will let the others know to give
you some time."

"Tomorrow, Quinn. No visitors until tomorrow," Dash called

The man nodded as the corner of his mouth tipped up, then left.
Connor closed the door and tossed his shirt on the floor. His cock
stood erect and curved upward toward his navel. Were they always that
hard? How did they ride a horse or walk, even? "Now where were
we, sweetheart?" He tapped his chiseled chin with his thumb. He
would have looked thoughtful if he hadn't been naked. "Ah yes.
It was your turn to remove your clothes."

With shaking fingers, I began to work the buttons down the front of
my dress free. The men's eyes watched the progression as I pushed the
dress down over my hips and let it drop to my feet. Except for the
top swells of my breasts exposed and my bare arms, I remained
completely covered.

"You're like shucking an ear of corn. Every time you take
something off, there's more underneath," Connor commented. I
pursed my lips and stared at him, not very pleased with the

I still wore a petticoat, drawers, a corset, stockings, shoes and
shift. "I can remove nothing further without assistance with the

"I shall be your ladies maid," Connor said, coming over to
me, his cock bobbing before him. I spun on my heel as not to watch
the sight, but I now faced Dash directly and he sat, legs splayed,
working his cock with his hand. It appeared even darker and almost
angry in appearance.

Connor pulled and tugged at the ribbon on the back of my petticoat
and the layers of material lowered to the floor in meringue-like
fluff. He held out his hand and I took it, stepping out.

Squatting down, he removed one fashionable boot then the other before
standing to his full height once again. His hands worked and tugged
at the laces on the back of my corset. "These stays are as tight
as a cinched girth. Tis no wonder ye fainted."

I frowned. "An ear of corn and a saddle girth," I grumbled.
Neither man was fancy with his words.

With the last bit of laces undone, Connor pulled the corset away and
I took a deep breath, the first I'd had since morning when Mrs.
Tisdale tightened it. Little did I know then that I'd have two men's
eyes on me as the stays were undone.

Connor came around to stand in front of me, and both men's eyes raked
over me. My shift was white and made of a fine linen that was all but
transparent. My breasts were bountiful enough that the material was
stretched taut over their curves. These curves were where the men's
gazes rested.

"Nay, lass, ye are

I glanced down and saw that my nipples were tight and clearly
outlined. They weren't small to begin with, but they seemed blatantly
large now. The chemise hung to mid thigh over my drawers and my
stockings only came to just above my knees, so a portion of my thighs
was exposed. I crossed an arm over my chest, but it was not much of a

"Ye are fetching, lass."


Their praise warmed me.

Dash crooked his finger. "Come here, sweetheart."

Biting my lip, I stepped back between Dash's spread knees and his
hands came up to my waist. Without the material of my dress, his
hands were much warmer. He tugged me toward him for another kiss that
was soft and sweet and when he pulled back I was languid and some of
the tension had seeped away. Perhaps they were drugging me with
kisses. If this was their plan, it was working. "I could keep
kissing ye all day, but I have other plans. Take off your drawers,
sweetheart," he said, his thumbs moving back and forth and
eliciting tingles across my skin. Goose bumps rose on my bare arms.

Reaching beneath the hem of my chemise, I found the bow on the string
holding up my drawers, gave it a tug and let the garment fall to the
floor. I didn't want to work it off, for then I'd lean forward and
Dash would have an unobstructed glimpse of my breasts from the loose
neckline of my chemise. More importantly, letting them fall kept me

"Have ye ever pleasured yerself before?" Dash eyed me, but
it was hard to hold his gaze when his cock was jutting from his body
and pointing straight toward me.

I shook my head. "I...I do not know what you mean."

"Have ye ever touched yer pussy before?" Connor's question
had me tilting my head up to look at him, which was good because it
kept me from looking at his chest and...lower.

"I'm going to assume that you are not referring to a cat,"
I countered.

He grinned, teeth straight and white. "Nay, but if I stroke it
enough it will make ye purr."

"Lift yer hem up and show it to us. Yer pussy. I bet the hair
there is as dark as on yer head."

I flushed hotly. They wanted to know if I touched myself...there? Why
would I do that and how did it lead to any kind of pleasure? "I
don't want to," I said. "I know I am to do as my husband
bids, but...but I can't. I can't
it to you. I've only met
you this morning and you're asking me to expose parts of myself that
I have not shared with another."

I looked from one man to the other to see if their expressions held
any kind of anger at my contrary words. There was none.

"Verra well. For now. All right?" Dash asked.

A sigh escaped my parted lips. "Thank you."

"We can start with yer breasts. Lord, they are stunning and I
havena seen them yet." Before I knew his intentions Dash leaned
forward in his seat and put his lips around my nipple and sucked the
entire thing into his mouth, even through the chemise.

"Oh!" I cried, grasping his head, his fair hair silky soft
between my fingers and tried to pull him off, but I couldn't. "What
are you doing?"

"He's sucking on your nipple." Connor's words were right by
my ear. "Feel good, sweetheart?" He kissed the outer shell
of my ear, and then his tongue darted out to slide around the curve
before he sucked the lobe into his mouth, tugged on it with his
teeth, and then let go.


The wet heat of Dash's mouth, the strong suction and the decadent
movement of his tongue had me clenching my fingers tightly in his
hair. A sharp pull, not painful, but a little desperate went through
me. His mouth relaxed and he licked over the tip. Looking down, a
circle of the chemise was completely transparent and wet over my
nipple and the rose color was evident. The tip was tightly furled and
when his tongue flicked over that peak, I cried out.
"" My questions were all merged together
and made no sense for I was becoming nonsensical. How did just Dash's
mouth on my nipple make me...

Dash lifted his head and blew gently on the damp skin, then looked up
at me through his fair lashes. "How about the other one? Is it

A minute earlier, I wouldn't have known to what he referred, but I understood and it
lonely. It practically ached
for attention. While the air was warm, it chilled the wet tip and it
ached. Fortunately, Dash didn't need an answer, for he moved to the
other breast and suckled at the other tip as he had the first. Again,
my hands went to his head and this time, instead of trying to push
him away, I held him in place.

It felt so good, so unlike anything I'd ever felt before. And lower,
between my legs, I could feel myself growing warm. Not only that, I
felt achy and almost...wet. When Dash lightly bit down on the tip, I
cried out and my eyes flew open.

"I think you can make her come just like this," Connor
commented. "I want to try one. One for each of us, lass."

Dash pulled back and turned my hips so when Connor knelt on the
floor, his mouth was at the perfect height. Dash didn't delay in his
return to my other breast.

The two of them latched on and eagerly licked and sucked, nipped and
tugged on my nipples, touching me nowhere else.

My head dropped back and my eyes closed. I had to think of England or
the dark, scary closet at school or even Mrs. Withers, for I did not
want them to know how much I liked what they were doing. A small cry
slipped past my lips one time, but surely they would have thought it
was because they were too rough. I couldn't, couldn't be a loose
woman. I fisted my hands at my sides against the sharp twang of
pleasure that whipped across my skin and settled between my legs. My
pussy, or whatever they called it, was so very hot.

Dash pulled back and told Connor to stop. "She's fighting it."

"Ah, lass, dinna fight us. Dinna fight the your body's reactions
to our touch," Connor told me as he stroked a hand over my
forehead, pushing my hair back from my face.

I opened my eyes and looked down at them. "I...can't. I can't
like it" Dash frowned and held me in place.

"Why ever not?" he asked. "There's no shame in finding
pleasure in your husbands' touch."

I nodded fervently. "Yes. Yes, there is."

"We're nae back to the thinking of England, are we?"

"I'm not supposed to like it," I countered.

Dash's eyebrows arched up beneath his hair. "Yes, ye are. They
were lying to ye."

"A husband doesn't want a woman who's passionate, for he will
question her countenance."

"Aren't ye also supposed to do yer husbands' bidding?"
Connor asked, continuing to stroke the side of my face.

I couldn't help but nod, for that was what I'd been trained to be:

"Then ye must do as we say," Dash told me. "And we are
telling you—"

"Giving ye permission," Connor cut in.

Dash nodded. "—to like it."

"In fact, if ye dinna let go and give in to us, then you will be
disobedient and then I'll have to take ye over my knee."



My mouth fell open at his words and I felt a moment of stark fear.
"You said you wouldn't beat me," I whispered.

Connor slowly shook his head and his eyes stayed heated, not angry.
"Beat ye? Never, but dinna think I willna turn ye over my knee
for a spanking if ye deserve it."

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