Their Treasured Bride (6 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Vale

BOOK: Their Treasured Bride
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They seemed to be resolved that I would simply bow to their wishes in
this, when the feelings they wrought, just by their mouths on my
breasts—they'd barely touched me!—was unlike anything I'd ever
known. On one strong pull by Dash's mouth, my hands went to their
heads and held on. Perhaps their attentions were more ardent as if
trying to force pleasure upon me. I quickly gave up that notion for
they did not seem to
to force me at all. They were
coaxing me, slowly and rather easily, into pleasure.

"We want to touch ye, lass, we want to pleasure ye. We want ye
to know how good we can make ye feel." Dash's voice slipped to a
husky whisper as a hand rested on my hip, then another on my other
hip. Their touches were gentle, the heat from their hands seeping
into me.

"Dinna be afraid. Ye are our wife and we can't keep our hands
off ye."

"Yer skin, tis like silk."

My eyes slipped closed as they continued to praise me, to tell me how
much they loved my body, how I made them feel. Apprehension washed
away as I realized they were pleased with me, that they
to desire them. I felt the fabric snag on their work-worn hands as
they ran them over the bare skin of my thighs. Their palms were hot
and as they changed path back up to my hip again, pushing my chemise
up so they were cupping my bottom.

"No," I whispered when they both pulled away, not because I
wanted them to stop, but because I wanted them to continue. My
eyelids fluttered open and I saw new looks on their faces. Gone were
the almost tender expressions, replaced now by tight jaws, parted
lips, and heavy lidded eyes that looked at me as if I were dinner.
Based on the way they'd been nibbling and sucking on my flesh,
perhaps I was.

Connor moved to stand behind me and took hold of my wrists, lifting
my arms above my head. Dash slid his hands up the side of my ribs,
raising the chemise all the way until Connor could grab it from him
and pull it up over my head and toss it onto the growing pile of
clothes on the floor.

Dash froze, his eyes intent upon my body. "Holy hell, woman, ye
are stunning."

"Her ass is perfect," Connor said as he lowered his head
and kissed my shoulder.

I didn't have a moment to feel awkward, for their hands began to run
over my skin. Hips to belly to thighs to breasts, Dash's hands roved.
Connor's cupped my bottom, stroked over my back as he kissed and
licked along my shoulder to nip at the juncture with my neck.

It was as if my body had been asleep and they were awakening it. My
skin tingled all over, warmed beneath their rough hands. My nipples
were distended and red from their attentions. Somehow, between my
thighs, I was slick and almost swollen, as if my flesh there was
preparing for their...for their cocks. What had been preposterous
only a few minutes ago now seemed to be something I needed.

They were murmuring to each other, as if reveling in my body as much
as I was savoring their touches.

She has delectable curves. Her breasts, they overflow my palms.
Her arse is round and perfect for fucking. Her pussy's glistening. I
can smell her arousal. She tastes so sweet. I wonder if the rest of
her is as sweet. She has a glorious thatch of hair on her pussy, but
it will have to go. I want to see that perfect pearl all hard and
eager for us.

My head fell back against Connor's shoulder as they continued to
learn me. I was lost, completely lost in their voices and their hands
upon me so when Dash said, "Touch yer pussy, sweetheart,"
it took me a moment for his words to make sense.

I opened my eyes and glanced down at him. He'd stopped touching me,
his hands resting on the arms of his comfortable chair, but my skin
still felt tingly and warm. His cock was still erect and pointed
straight at me.

"Touch my...?"

Connor took hold of my wrist and brought it around in front of me so
that my fingers brushed against my womanhood. "This is yer
pussy, lass. Dash wants you to touch it. Run yer fingers over those
pink lips and find your clit. I bet it's nice and hard. Show us what
ye like."

Dash's gaze held mine. While Connor spoke, I knew it was what Dash

"I...I shouldn't."

"Ye can," Dash countered.

"But—" I began, ready to explain why I couldn't touch
myself in such a way. It was forbidden!

"Either touch yer pussy or we will."

He wasn't offering much of a choice, but I decided having my own
would be better than either of the men's. Slowly,
I stroked my fingers over myself.

"There's...there's something wrong," I admitted as I felt
my folds of woman's flesh warm and quite slick. It had never been
like this before.

Connor moved around me, and then squatted down. "Something's
wrong with yer pussy? Let me see."

I tried to take a step back, but he was quick. His arm was about my
waist and his other hand was between my thighs before I could even
blink. "If there is something wrong with ye, we need to know."

I squirmed in his hold, completely unused to my hand there, let alone
a man's. His touch, though, was gentle and almost hot. My flesh there
heated on contact with the tips of his fingers and I felt even
slicker that before. I couldn't help the breath that hissed through
my teeth.

His fingers slipped over the hair that protected my womanhood, then
over the plump folds before parting them. There, he brushed against a
place that had me crying out and my eyes flying open. "What was
that?" I gasped.

Connor grinned.

is yer little clit." That was all the answer
he provided and didn't touch that place, that glorious place that
sent a flood of pleasure through my body again. Instead, one blunt
finger circled my entrance but did not dip inside.

"I find nothing wrong." He pulled his hand away and my hips
shifted forward as if to follow him. "Why do ye think there's
something amiss with such a perfect pussy?"

I couldn't look at either man's questioning gaze.

"Rebecca," Dash's voice was deep and insistent.

"It's wet there and I think even dripping down my thighs. That's
never happened before."

I saw Dash's arm reach out and felt a finger slide up the inside of
my upper thigh. When he brought that finger to his mouth, my mouth
fell open as I watched him lick my moisture from it.

"Mmm, sweet. Just as I thought."

Tears lodged in my throat. "I'm...I'm sorry," I admitted,
trying to step back. Dash grabbed my hips and tugged me forward and I
had no choice but to put my knee on the chair beside his pant-clad
thigh. Another quick tug and my other leg was placed in a similar
fashion on the other side. My swaying breasts were inches away from
his mouth.

"Ye are supposed to be wet. Dripping, even. That's a sign yer
body wants us, that it wants to fuck. So while your pretty pink lips
may be saying no, yer body is saying yes."

"There's...there's nothing wrong with me?" I asked, still

"Nay, ye are perfect." Dash's words made my worries melt
away. "I would ask ye if ye liked Connor's fingers on yer pussy,
but we know the truth. We're going to touch ye there now, get ye all
ready for my cock."

Connor moved back around behind me and I felt his fingers over my
flesh, his forearm against my bottom. Dash's hand—palm up—stroked
me from the front. Combined, they touched me everywhere. The seam of
my womanhood was stroked, then parted, and a finger—I didn't know
whose—found that place, my
that throbbed and pulsed
and made me buck up higher on my knees. It flicked and then circled
that spot until a second finger joined, squeezing then pinching that
sensitive bundle of flesh. As this was happening, another finger
circled my opening, and then dipped inside. I couldn't remain silent;
it was truly impossible.

"Oh dear Lord," I whispered.

My hips moved of their own volition and I felt a sheen of sweat mist
my skin. Nothing mattered except the feelings they were working from
my body. Nothing existed but my pussy and what Connor and Dash were
doing to it.

The pleasure built and built and I became frantic. I didn't know when
I put my hands on Dash's shoulders, but I held on, digging in to the
hard muscle. The finger inside me began to move, out and then in,
again and again.

"Ah, there's her maidenhead. It's nae verra deep."

Neither hand stopped its ministrations and I didn't think much of
what Connor had said.

"Break it," Dash replied. "I dinna want to see pain on
her face when she sinks down on my cock."

The finger on my clit began to circle faster.

"A small bit of pain, lass, then nay more."

"What? I—ah!" I cried out Connor's finger slid all the
way into me. I felt my maidenhead tear and their words made sense. My
hips stilled as I was filled so deeply with Connor's finger. While I
didn't move, his finger didn't stop, sliding in and out, and then one
was replaced by two, stretching me wide.

It had hurt, but briefly, nothing more really than a pinch. The
feeling of his two fingers deep inside me though was not exactly

"She's so bloody tight," Connor growled.

Tight. That was the word. My muscles were not accustomed to being
parted and opened as they were, but it did not matter, nothing
mattered, when Dash did something different to my clit.


Dash grinned wickedly. "Dinna fear the rush of feelings,
sweetheart. Let us take ye over. We won't let anything happen to ye."

He was almost crooning to me as the two men worked my pussy in a way
that made me frantic; my eyes squeezed shut, my face pinched in
desperation, a need inside me was so great I could barely stand it.
"I...I don't know how. What is...? Dash, please!"

Both men must have sensed my frustration, for the two fingers inside
me curled and ran over the inner wall of my womanhood, brushing
against some place, some sensitive spot that had my eyes popping
open, my breath catching in my throat. The pleasure overtook me as I
looked at Dash in surprise. It was like the fireworks I'd seen at a
ball in London, hot and bright and full of spark. It overtook me, and
I could hear my ragged breathing, feel my body rock and shift on
their agile fingers. They continued to stroke and circle until the
last hints of the pleasure eased away, leaving me wilted and so
blissfully sated.

"What...what was that?" I asked, licking my dry lips.

"You came, and quite beautifully." Dash gripped my hips
securely and began lowering me down onto his cock as he continued to
speak. I felt my slick essence that had coated his fingers on my hip.
"Connor broke yer maidenhead so I'll slide right in."

Carefully, Connor's fingers slipped from me and the hands on my hips
lifted me, pulling me forward, then lowering me back down until I
felt something large and blunt notch perfectly against my entrance.

Connor moved before me and held up his two fingers that had been
inside me. They were glistening and wet, although a tinge of red
coated them as well. I recognized it as my virgin blood. I could feel
my walls stretching, widening as that broad head pushed in.

"You're too big," I told Dash, breathing hard.

Dash shook his head. "Nay, lass. I'll fit. Remember the place
that Connor touched inside ye, the place that made ye scream?"

I would have flushed with embarrassment, but I couldn't, for I never
actually lost the eagerness, the pleasure that took away my

"My cock's going to nudge that spot." He lifted and lowered
me, taking his cock deeper and deeper each time. And when he did
nudge that place, my eyes flared wide and I pushed my hips down on my
own. He slid in almost all the way and Dash hissed out a breath as I
groaned. I was so full, so stretched.

"Lean back, sweetheart," Dash growled. I did as he bid and
he easily slipped the rest of the way into me so I sat fully upon his
lap. I could feel the fabric of his pants against the backs of my
thighs. He'd only undone his pants while I was completely naked.

Connor's hands came around from behind and cupped my breasts, fingers
rubbing over the nipples.

"Ride me, Rebecca," Dash instructed.

"How?" I asked.

"Take me for a trot. Up and down ye go."

I thought of the slow pace set by a horse and came up onto my knees,
his cock sliding out easily, the broad head catching just on the
inside of me. Lowering down, he slid back in.

"Oh," I cried.

"Aye. Oh," Dash repeated. "A trot, sweetheart."

I began to move then, slowly going up and down, feeling every inch of
his cock and I loved how it scraped and rubbed over each blissful
inch inside of me. There was no pain, only pleasure.

"Now a canter."

As I began to lift and lower myself a little faster, Connor kept hold
of my breasts, cupping and supporting them, as they would have
bounced otherwise. The pleasure built again and I felt Dash's shirt
become slick beneath my palms. I was just as heated, just as needy as
when they'd used their fingers on me. Soon a canter wasn't enough and
I began to move faster, to rock forward and rub myself, my clit
against his body.

"Gallop," he ordered, his voice louder, rougher.

My body did not need the instruction for it instinctively sped up,
desperate to reach the same pinnacle as before.

"Come, sweetheart, come all over my cock."

At his words, I did as he bid. I didn't know if it was because he was
allowing me to feel the pleasure or because I was there, right on the
precipice, when he spoke. Perhaps it was both, but it didn't matter.
As I came, I clenched down on his cock and this time, the feelings
were even more intense. I loved being filled, the need to have Dash
inside of me was so great, so hot, so...
I screamed. I
couldn't help it, for while Dash thrust his hips up into me, Connor
pulled on my nipples, then gave them a painful pinch and it

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