Their Treasured Bride (9 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Vale

BOOK: Their Treasured Bride
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It was all I could do not to relieve the ache in my cock by sliding
into her. But Dash slept behind her, his front to her back and we'd
pushed her yesterday, nae only taking her virginity, but forcing her
to change some hard learned misconceptions. She'd questioned
everything we'd done with her, nae because she was contrary, but
because she didna know they were even possible or allowed.

She'd told us about her time in boarding school and I wanted to find
the headmistress who’d condoned the beatings she’d received—that
received—get ahold of the bloody ruler or switch
she'd used and beat her with it. I wanted to put her in her place for
laying a hand upon my bride, even at a time in her life when I didna
know her, but also for putting ridiculous notions into her head
regarding a wife's place.

It wasna quiet and subservient at all times. It wasna beneath me
still and unmoving as I fucked her.

Our reason for nae returning to Scotland after our time in Mohamir
was based on the cruel actions of our commanding officer, Evers. It
had nae been a choice, but I didna miss the staid and almost prudish
notions that society held women to. Husbands could leave a woman
unfulfilled, cold and alone as he ventured to a brothel to dabble in
his baser needs. A wife had to be virtuous, frigid and faithful. A
husband could be anything he wanted, including dishonorable, just
like my own da had been. Wealthy and highborn in his own right, he'd
married my mother for her own money, merging it into a vast fortune.
The only merging my parents had besides money was the night I was
conceived, for I remember the women my father paraded in front of me,
my mother, the entire county, without a care.

She'd been raised to be as biddable as Rebecca, but it had been my
father who had taught her she was frigid and solely a broodmare for
his heir. Me.

What my father had done, what Rebecca had been taught was nae our
way. The men of Bridgewater Ranch held themselves to a higher
standard. We were faithful, possessive, and very loving. In return,
wives did as bid with regards for their safety and also for their
pleasure. We were nae modest, we were nae the least bit chaste. If a
wife needed attention, we didna delay. While my cock had been hard
since I fucked her last, Rebecca was surely sore and so my needs were
second to her comfort.

She mightna be inclined to believe Dash or me about how a woman
should behave, although we were her husbands and her pleasure was
proof that our every forward demand was for her benefit, so I would
enlist help from the others. The other ladies would know of her
concerns and surely assuage some of the guilt she felt, alleviate
some of the confusion. Carefully, I climbed from the bed to go to the
barn, begin my chores and to ask the men for their wives' help.
Knowing Dash would be with Rebecca when she awakened, I quickly
dressed and headed downstairs to start the potbellied stove in the


Connor was not in bed with us when I awoke. That did not seem
strange, for it was the first night of my life sharing a bed and
waking up beside a man. Dash had rolled me onto my back and kissed me
silly, but nothing more. They'd put that...that plug in my bottom the
night before and even though they only left it in me until after
Connor had...had fucked me, I was sore there as well as my pussy.
After one day with Dash and Connor, I was using their crude words in
my thoughts!

Why Dash only kissed me and then helped me dress was unclear to me.
They'd been so bold and forward with me the day before, so I was
surprised he lacked the same...eagerness now. He was attentive enough
as he helped me dress and I remained silent through it all, for I
worried he might change his mind and force me to remain unclothed
another day. With consideration, I could see that while I had been
uncomfortable with my nakedness, they had kept me unclothed because
it brought them pleasure, which in turn brought me pleasure.

When Connor had returned to the house, Dash and I were ready to leave
for Kane and Ian's house

"Turn around, lass and put yer hands on the door."

My eyebrows went up at his question, but I did as he bid.

"I want a glimpse of my pussy before we go."

My body heated at the carnality of his words and I all but melted
against the door. He lifted up the hem of my skirt, his hand
skittering along the back of my leg and higher...higher still until
he had it bunched over his wrist at my waist. Dash had not allowed me
drawers as part of my outfit and I could feel the cool air on my
heated flesh.

His hand dipped between my thighs and stroked very gently, very
slowly over my pussy. I thrust my bottom up toward his hand before I
had to think about how forward the action was. He groaned against my
ear as he found me wet.

"See, lass," he'd said. "I knew ye'd like having yer
pussy bare. I love how ye arch yer back and give it to me."

I put my cheek against the cool wood and closed my eyes at the
delicious feel of his finger on my very used flesh. He didn't linger
though, nor did he bring me to climax. Instead, he removed his hand
and my dress fell to my feet.

I opened my eyes and looked at him over my shoulder in confusion.
"Didn't you want to...? I mean—"

"There, ye should be nice and warm for the journey."

He'd grinned at me, while I, in turn, fumed. I was prepared to beg
for him to continue and then I remembered what they'd said the day
before—that I
beg for it. Lord, they'd been right!

As we walked across the open expanse between houses, it began to
snow. Fortunately, I had been prepared for the long Montana winter
weather, having a long wool coat, fur-lined gloves, and a thick scarf
to wrap over my head and around my neck that had been in the
delivered trunk. Plus, Connor had been correct. His illicit touches
had warmed me to my core and helped keep the chill at bay. Even so,
Dash wrapped an arm about my waist and I huddled in closely to him as
we walked. For October, I assumed this was typical fickle Montana
weather, but the lead-gray of the clouds indicated this probably
wasn't a passing cold snap.

Dash opened the door to Kane and Ian's house and I entered first.
Connor quickly shut the door behind us, keeping the gusty wind and
cold outside. Ann, with her fair hair pulled back with a ribbon, met
us at the door.

"Good," she told me. "The men are letting you out of
their sight, and only after being married a day! A treat for us."

She took my gloves and scarf and carried them from the room, leaving
me with the men. Dash helped me remove my coat.

"You're leaving me?" I asked, surprised.

The men held their hats in their hands but kept on their coats. "We
must bring the cattle in from the far fields. While it's only
October, this could be a bad storm and we need them close."

"Can't someone—" I cut off my words and realized I was
arguing with Connor about how they ran their ranch and being
petulant. "Of course, I understand."

"You will be safe here with the women. Quinn will be remaining
behind, as will another hand. The others know what to do if there's a
problem and we should be back before dark."

I nodded and folded my hands before me. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I recognize that mild tone," Dash replied. "Ye are
being complicit against yer wishes. Tis all right for you to miss us
and tell us so."

My eyebrow went up and I couldn't help but smile. "Do either of
you have
modesty?" I pointed at Connor. "Yesterday,
answering the door—" she looked around and lowered her voice,
"—naked, and you—you are seeking praise where there is

"Verra well," Connor replied, grinning. "I shall tell
ye the truth." He put his hand to his chest and leaned in close
to whisper in my ear. "I will miss ye and yet I will stay warm
thinking of yer pink nipples and yer pink pussy and how yer cheeks
get pink when I talk without any right now."

I pushed on his chest and he stepped back, only because he chose to.

"I will have pink thoughts as well," Dash added, the corner
of his mouth tipping up, but I saw the heat in his eyes.

"Go," I replied, smiling. "Tend to your cows. I will
be fine. Truly."

The men watched me closely for a moment, then each gave me a kiss in
turn. These weren't simple pecks on the cheek. They were kisses that
spoke of promises to come. Seemingly satisfied, they put on their
hats and left. I, on the other hand, was not satisfied at all. I was
overheated and my lips tingled and between my legs I was not only a
little sore, but wet as well from when Connor touched me. I was not
satisfied in the least, and I was quite anxious for my men's return.
Was this their intention? If it was, it was working quite well.

I followed the sound of women's voices coming from the back of the
house. Ann, Emma, Laurel and Olivia were in the kitchen. Emma was
holding baby Ellie, and a little Christopher was sitting in a high
chair with a spoon and a bowl of what appeared to be porridge. I
cringed at the sight of it, for in school we had it every morning.
Half of it was all over his face. Laurel was quite pregnant, the
round swell of her belly looking like a watermelon beneath her dress.
She sat at the table with her feet up on a chair and Olivia brought
her a steaming cup of coffee.

I stood in the doorway and watched them, comfortable and settled in
their lives here at Bridgewater. Clearly their men were tentative
enough for three of them to have had or be having a baby. From what
Olivia said the day before at lunch, perhaps she had not been married
long enough yet to be part of this distinction.

Olivia was the one who saw me first. "Rebecca! Oh good, you've
joined us. Come in. Would you like some coffee? Or are you a tea

I smiled and came into the room. I
a tea drinker, but
coffee seemed to be more of an American drink and I needed to learn
their customs if I was now one of them. "If coffee is made, that
will be fine. Thank you."

"We are surprised to see you," Emma said.

"Walking," Laurel added, one hand over her mouth trying to
hide her smile.

I knew to what she spoke of. Now. The day before, I'd had no idea. I
was sore between my legs. My pussy, as the men called it, throbbed,
not only from being filled and stretched by two cocks, but also from
the lingering feelings of pleasure they'd wrought. My back entrance
was tender, too.

"I had three days before I was allowed to wear clothes again,"
Olivia shared. "I have three husbands, so I was alone with them
for three days."

"You were naked for
days?" I asked, stunned.
My men had only required it for one.

"And even naked for that long it still took you three whole
months to become pregnant," Ann added.

Olivia put a hand to her still flat belly. "The amount of times
they took me back then—even now—you'd think it would have
happened right away."

I was stunned by their easy conversation about a topic I would never
have mentioned, let alone thought about, before Bridgewater.

"I became pregnant the first month," Ann admitted.

"Two months," Emma added.

All four women looked to me. "You think...I couldn't be
pregnant," I sputtered. The idea was preposterous.

All of them frowned. "They didn't claim you?" Emma asked.

I felt my cheeks heat. "Well, I mean...."

Ann held up her hand as she wiped her son's face. "You don't
have to say anything, we can tell they did. And, yes, you
pregnant. Those men of yours are most certainly virile."

I remembered the copious seed that had come from Dash's cock when
he'd stroked himself to completion. Based on that and the amount that
had dripped down my thighs, I had to admit the chances certainly were
possible. I flushed at what we'd done.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to talk about it soon enough."

I shook my head then. "I'm not like you. I was raised to be seen
but not heard, to accept whatever husband my father chose for me and
then to turn a blind eye when he dallied with an opera singer."

"I lived in a boarding school in Denver from the age of seven,"
Laurel replied.

"I was six and the place was horrid," I admitted. "Just
looking at that porridge makes me feel ill."

Ann glanced at the bowl in front of her son. "Oatmeal? I'll be
sure to tell the others that they should serve you something else
when we make it for breakfast."

Laurel smiled at me, but this time in a way that said she understood.
"Mine wasn't terrible, they were all quite nice actually, but I
pined for the day when my father would actually want me. That day
came last winter, but it was not for love, but for an alliance.
Needless to say that did not happen. I've learned that what you
expect isn't actually what you really want."

I thought on her words as I drank some coffee, trying not to wince at
the bitter taste. I found a small pitcher of cream on the table and
added some, then stirred it with a spoon.

Did I really want a man who would pay me no attention and offer me no
pleasure because it was appropriate? The man Father had chosen wanted
me solely to beget an heir, but other than that duty, I was of no
value to him. He'd have a mistress or two and would shower those
women with all the carnal pleasure they desired. I, on the other
hand, would have been left cold and without any knowledge of what
Connor and Dash showed me in only one day. He'd have come to me in
the dark and fumbled with my nightdress beneath the covers and rutted
into me. I would never have known the pleasure to be found in my
body, at the hands of men who were eager for me.

"Did you...did you know you were marrying two men?" I
asked. I kept my eye on the spoon I stirred instead of meeting any of
the women's eyes.

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