Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (34 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Sa’Cari and Ashlyn were enjoying their music as they rode, heading for the barbershop and beauty salon respectively.

I’m going to drop you off and come back and get you,” Sa’Cari told her as Ashlyn nodded.

What’s wrong baby, you’ve been really quiet,” he asked seeing that something was on her mind. “You’re not chickening out on me are you,” he teased as she smiled slightly.

No, I’m still going,” Ashlyn returned as he grunted and again pressed her about what was going on.

Just stuff with my parents,” she told him as Sa’Cari told her okay and waited for her to share.

Ashlyn told him she just felt like they didn’t trust her judgment or treat her like an adult.

I mean, I’m eighteen now, almost nineteen,” Ashlyn told him as Sa’Cari commiserated with her.

It’ll be okay Ashlyn,” he said sweetly, kissing her hand as she smiled.

You are so sweet,” Ashlyn told him looking into his eyes lovingly.

She had fallen really hard for her man and he seemed to feel the same way about her.

Sa’Cari,” she began tentatively.

Yeah baby, what’s up,” he threw back turning onto another surface street.

Did your mom like me, I mean honestly,” she asked as he gave her a quizzical look.

Yeah girl, why would you ask that,” Sa’Cari threw back watching her closely.

I just wanted to be sure, nothing big,” she replied as he pulled the car over into the shopping plaza they were passing, parking in front of the Coldstone Creamery and giving her his full attention.

Ashlyn, baby, what’s eating you,” Sa’Cari asked as her eyes welled.

I don’t want to lose you,” she said quietly as he looked at her quizzically again.

Why would you even be thinking craziness like that,” Sa’Cari questioned, lifting her head and making her look into his eyes.

Did your parents say something,” he questioned his eyes narrowing.

Ashlyn swallowed hard before she spoke.

My sister,” she corrected.

Tae,” Sa’Cari questioned momentarily forgetting her other sister.

No, she’s the only one who doesn’t dump on me,” Ashlyn corrected. “My oldest sister Prissy,” she told him.

What did she say Ashlyn,” he questioned trying to keep the anger out of his voice.

It pissed him off to see Ashlyn hurting, especially over something he was pretty sure was stupid.

She said that I was just a college fling for you and once you graduated or found someone else, I’d be a distant memory, so I shouldn’t get all wrapped up into you,” Ashlyn haltingly managed to tell him.

Sa’Cari was furious but he couldn’t blow a fuse. He had to handle this delicately, thinking her sister had actually given him the opening he needed.

Ashlyn, you know better than that,” Sa’Cari tried sweetly, still looking into her eyes. “Girl, I am straight crazy about you,” he added as the tear rolled down her cheek.

I mean, Sa’Cari, I know that --,” she started and faltered.

Ashlyn Rajiya Russell I need you to stop trippin’ on me,” Sa’Cari told her using her full name as his tone became a bit sterner.

I love you, there is that how plain you need me to say it,” Sa’Cari questioned as Ashlyn smiled slightly.

I absolutely love you, with my whole heart,” he told her gently now, kissing her lips. “I love you so much Ashlyn, that I want to make you my wife,” Sa’Cari told her as her eyes grew big.

So, will you marry me,” he asked again as Ashlyn continued to watch him, eyes big, mouth open.

Baby, you kinda have to answer the question for me to know,” Sa’Cari teased as she finally blinked and closed her mouth, leaning over and hugging him tightly.

Is that a yes,” he teased as she began saying yes again and again.

Still holding her, Sa’Cari began kissing her deeply. When they parted he began speaking again.

We’re going to the jewelers after our appointments so I can get your ring,” he told her as Ashlyn nodded, not trusting her voice.

Sa’Cari asked if all her fears were settled now and she excitedly told him yes as he started the car and they once again headed for their respective hair appointments.


Kaitlyn chuckled at the return text from Tariq shaking her head as she went into the bathroom wanting to brush her teeth. She was going out and enjoy the city for a little while, do some shopping, see some sights. Ian hadn’t checked in this morning which was a bit odd, but she didn’t worry about it. He was more than likely extremely busy with the business he’d gone to the Bayou to handle. Looking at her reflection in the mirror she asked herself what she was doing.
You have to break it off with him this weekend, stay strong and do this,
her mind told her as Kaitlyn sighed softly. That was so much easier said than done. First of all she loved him, so that was a huge chasm all its own. Then there was the fact that Tariq was more stubborn than a mule and he wouldn’t take no for an answer or let her walk away without one huge fight on his part. Still Kaitlyn knew she owed it to the man to cut the ties and let him live his life.
You tried that remember,
her mind brought back. He’d gotten involved with Cyiarra and had a child.
Yeah then came looking for you,
her mind again pestered. Kaitlyn heard the suite door open and smiled. Turning, she walked out of the bathroom into the sitting room sure Tariq was there waiting.

Hi,” he greeted as she stopped in her tracks. “It’s been a long time Lauren,” Blue told her gently as she still stood speechless. “You’re still beautiful,” he added as Kaitlyn shook her head trying to clear the cobwebs.

Blue,” she said softly, almost questioning her vision at the moment.

Yes, Lauren, it’s me,” he told her taking a step toward her.

What, where have, I mean --,” she got out as he closed the gap and stood directly in front of her now.

I’ve missed you so much,” Blue told her, reaching out and stroking her face gently.

The gamut of emotions running through him right now threatened to overtake him. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. They were entirely too close for him to mess up now. She was standing right in front of him and all the years of waiting were about to pay off. He saw the tears fill her eyes, softly wiping away the one that overflowed.

Blue, how did you find me, here of all places,” Kaitlyn asked, the lump in her throat painful.

I’ve been looking for you since you left me,” Blue told her. “You didn’t keep your promise,” he chided without malice.

Kaitlyn averted her eyes. “I’m sorry, I just,” she told him and stopped mid sentence.

You wanted to forget me, forget us,” he questioned as she shook her head no.

I just needed to forget the hell,” she answered quietly.

Kaitlyn finally returned her gaze to his own as Blue smiled reassuringly at her.

It’s all right Lauren,” he told her sweetly. “I forgive you.”

She smiled slightly then seeming to gather herself a bit more.

There’s so much to catch up on,” she told him before stopping again.

How did you get into my room,” she asked giving him a look.

Told the desk I was your husband,” Blue replied.

It was a lie, but she had no way of knowing that. She chuckled lightly at that. Kaitlyn’s mind was spinning. She was thrilled to see him; thrilled that he was alive and seemingly doing fine. Still there were soft alarm bells going off in her mind. Something about his demeanor was off, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.
You’re tripping,
her mind chastised.
You haven’t seen the man in years, of course he’s different to you,
it immediately dismissed her suspicions.

I see,” Kaitlyn told him as he smiled again still looking into her eyes.

So, can an old friend take you to lunch,” Blue asked.

Yeah, I think I’d like that,” Kaitlyn replied.

Unable to stop himself, Blue kissed her softly. “I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized.

None needed,” Kaitlyn replied honestly.

She had so many questions for him, what had he been doing all these years, and she wanted a real answer to her earlier query of how he found her.

Let me change if that’s okay,” she told Blue as he graciously told her to take her time.

Waiting until she’d gotten into the shower, Blue pulled out his phone and made the call.

I’m here and she’s coming with me,” he told the party on the other end.

Excellent,” was the reply as he acknowledged it and disconnected.

Kaitlyn returned to the room moments later changed and smelling divine.

You’re still damned sexy Lauren,” Blue remarked as Kaitlyn blushed slightly and thanked him for the compliment.

You ready,” she asked as he rose and told her he was.

What are you in the mood for,” Blue asked.

I don’t know, surprise me,” Kaitlyn replied smiling and shrugging slightly.

Smiling back Blue told her he could certainly do that as the doors closed and he pressed the lobby button.



I’m glad you found time to come see me again,” Shango told Dee as she once more entered his room.

He’d called her earlier when she told him she was working but could spare a couple hours after she got off and changed. Shango was a bit taken aback, not entirely used to a woman making him wait. Still he’d accepted her offer, handling various business dealings in the meanwhile until she arrived now that it was after 7PM.

You want a drink,” he asked once more enjoying some vodka.

Nah, not tonight,” Dee replied calmly.

Hmph okay,” Shango replied sitting on the bed as she came and joined him flipping on his TV.

Long day,” he asked giving her a look.

Long enough,” she replied calmly.

Putting his glass down, he began massaging her neck and shoulders as Dee closed her eyes and sighed softly.

Mmm, nice,” she complimented.

Shango smiled and continued his work, his hands taking in the shoulder blades and now her lower back. Dee smiled slightly knowing very well what he was up too, but still finding his touch very pleasurable. Shango was good at what he did. It was the only reason she’d agreed to see him again. Dee didn’t believe in wasting time with men who had no clue.

Why don’t you let me make you more comfortable,” Shango said softly in her ear.

Dee smiled slightly and shrugged. Taking that as his clue, he began unzipping the dress she wore; pulling her to her feet as he slowly removed it from her. Shango licked his lips again taking in her hot pink almost nothing bra and matching lace panties.
This woman is sexy as hell,
he continued to think, kissing her body softly as she still stood before him. He took his time removing the bra first, enjoying her succulent breasts, nipples hard as he worked his tongue around and around, hearing her moan softly. Still holding her tightly, Shango began sucking them more forcefully as Dee groaned deeply this time, loving his skill. Willing himself to move on, he began softly licking her stomach as his hands caressed her firm butt and thighs. Dee’s head fell back as he began removing her panties using his teeth.
Wicked man,
she thought smiling inwardly. She was definitely looking forward to a replay of the great sex they’d had the night before. Shango removed her panties, working his way back up to her throbbing sex, placing one leg on his shoulder as his tongue made contact.

Mmm damn,” Dee murmured not sure how much longer she would be able to maintain her balance while he worked her over.

Shango seemed to sense her dilemma; rising and kissing her again as he casually backed her into the wall of the suite. With support now, he kissed his way back down her body and picked up where he left off. Dee came quickly as he sucked her clit, blowing on it gently in intermittent spurts.

Aaah,” she sighed evenly as the sensations rippled through her body.

Shango’s manhood was screaming at him as he once again found her lips. Dee tried to tell him to get the condom, but he had a mind of his own this evening, plunging his throbbing hardness deep inside her as he held her almost spread eagle against the wall.
Shit, the man has strength and stamina, I’ll give him that,
Dee thought as Shango began thrusting deeply inside her hitting her clit and g-spot simultaneously. Her eyes rolled back in her head and until she got the orgasm his skill was promising, she didn’t give a damn what he did to her. Shango heard her sex gushing softly as he plunged in and out of her.
Damn shame I had to come hours down the road to find pussy this damned good,
he thought breathing hard now almost at the finish line. He felt Dee’s nails pressed deep into the flesh on his back, spurring his movements as the urge to let go became stronger and stronger.

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