Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (36 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Shango chuckled again and thanked him as they continued to talk over the plans, the money exchange and what would happen after the smoke cleared. Hearing the soft knock on the door, Shango told Blue he had to go. He’d managed to talk Dee into going out with him to a couple clubs. He was also hoping to talk her into coming back to his hotel and staying the night with him.



Sapphire was kissing his stomach lightly as Horse slept. She was careful not to wake him just yet. She began kissing his growing erection knowing he thought he was dreaming. She licked it gently as it began to gain more and more life.
What a beautiful tool,
Sapphire mused as she gingerly lifted it and put her mouth on the head, gliding up and down the now hard shaft. Horse was extraordinarily endowed, just like Cartier and she enjoyed every inch he had to offer when they made love. She established a slow and steady rhythm as his breathing grew shallower. She chuckled inwardly becoming a bit more aggressive, nursing the head as she worked it over with her tongue. Horse sighed softly but didn’t open his eyes as she glanced up his way. Returning to her work, she took his scrotum into her hands gently manipulating them as he groaned once more. Pleased that he was enjoying his erotic dream, Sapphire went down his shaft again, relaxing her throat muscles, swallowing his huge offering.

Horse’s eyes popped open when she did that, unable to fake it any longer. He’d been awake from the moment she started being a very aware sleeper. Still he didn’t let on, completely enjoying her touch and the feel of her mouth on him.

Damn baby,” Horse murmured as Sapphire heard him and her head popped up.

Don’t stop,” he begged as she smiled and kissed his stomach again, before returning to her task, his hands lovingly caressing her breasts as she remained on her knees.

Horse loved every facet of the woman he now called his.

So good,” he murmured once more, closing his eyes again and enjoying the sensations she was bringing now, working him openly.

Horse felt his orgasm getting closer and closer, his body starting to tense and build with anticipation.

Shit,” he murmured, forcing Sapphire to stop as he deftly rolled her over and slid deeply inside her, holding her tightly as he rode her hard.

So fuckin’ good,” Horse murmured as Sapphire screamed her approval of his skill and equipment.

Get it boy, all of it,” she told him in his ear, licking his neck as Horse grew nearer and nearer.

Pussy so damned good girl,” he told her lewdly as Sapphire bit his neck in response.

Give me all that dick baby, every inch,” she sparred with him as he began sucking her breast now, slowing momentarily, teasing her clit now.

Horse, damn, don’t do that,” Sapphire screamed as she came hard, gushing her finish as he returned to her lips.

Horse slowed all the way down, forcing his mind to relax. He wanted to stay inside her for a while. His strokes became slow and deliberate as Sapphire continued to moan and whisper her pleasure and approval. They kissed passionately looking into each other’s eyes as he continued to consume her.

Mmm Horse, I’m cumming again,” Sapphire moaned arching her back as Horse began drilling her and she wrapped her legs around his waist taking every inch.

Sapphire, baby,” he moaned as she again gushed her finish and continued telling him how good he felt inside her.

Horse felt her walls contracting around his manhood, a stranglehold of ecstasy each time he thrust into her. He was still desperately trying to hold on as her hands ran over his butt, finding his balls and caressing them.

Don’t,” he told her hoarsely as she chuckled wickedly in his ear.

Why,” Sapphire teased feeling his breathing and his rhythm increase.

You feel that cum rising,” she continued to tease, close to his ear as she continued to manipulate the scrotum. “You want to shoot it in me don’t you,” she cooed once more as Horse pulled her even closer, pushing himself completely inside her and shuddering as his body released his orgasm.

Mmm,” Sapphire purred feeling his release and reaching yet another explosion of her own.

You’re terrible,” Horse teased as they continued to relax together.

Sapphire laughed and told him she had her moments. He looked into her eyes for a long time saying nothing when he finally opened his mouth to speak.

I know,” Sapphire told him, putting her fingers over his lips.

His eyes told her everything his heart felt and she didn’t need to hear him say the words. Smiling, Horse kissed her again.

You going to be okay without me for two days,” Sapphire asked.

She was going to Ohio to visit her mother for the weekend.

I guess I’ll get along,” Horse replied pouting slightly.

She giggled at the reaction, kissing his cheek.

Sapphire,” he began anew as she turned her attention once more to his eyes.

Yes,” she replied waiting on him to speak.

Do you have a woman doctor,” he asked as she shook her head and told him her doctor was a man.

No, I mean one for women’s problems and stuff,” Horse clarified as she laughed finally understanding.

Yes of course, why do you ask,” Sapphire replied, perplexed.

Horse cleared his throat uncomfortably and she frowned in confusion.

I um, well, I was wondering if you could get him to prescribe you some birth control or something,” he finally got out.

Sapphire was stunned for a moment.

Wow, I hadn’t thought about that,” she replied honestly. “I guess that is a real concern,” she added almost to herself.

I mean I’m not going off the deep end if it happened, I just didn’t know how you would feel about it,” Horse explained as she shook her head of her understanding.

I’ll call him Monday when I come back and make an appointment,” she told Horse. “Good thing I’m going to be gone for two days then, Mr. I hate condoms,” she teased as Horse burst into laughter kissing her once more.

So um, about that one for the road,” he began sensuously as Sapphire smiled and told him he was trouble.


Ian saw the door open, but remained on his bed, simply choosing to watch. The hooded figure was pushed into the room and Ian immediately recognized the form. Still he didn’t move or speak as the men removed the shackles and handcuffs, before snatching the hood off and stepping out of the room, closing and locking the door. “What the fuck is going on,” Ryan asked as he looked over and saw his brother.

Ian shrugged and told him he had no clue. There had been a bed added to the small room before Ryan arrived so Ian assumed whomever held them prisoner was letting them remain together.

You seen Creeper or Pirate,” Ryan asked wanting to see if he and Ian were on the same page.

Ian pointed at the monitor suspended in the corner as Ryan grunted and told him there had been one in his room as well.

They have Gabrielle,” Ian returned evenly the edge evident.

Ryan told him they had people watching Nikki and Rayne too.

Who the fuck are these assholes,” Ryan asked, his voice a hushed whisper.

I don’t know, but I do know I want their nuts in a jar when this shit is over,” Ian returned deadly serious.

Good evening gentlemen,” the voice once again commanded their attention as the monitor came to life.

They once more saw Creeper and Pirate, this time the third cell was zoomed in and they saw the occupant clearly.

That shit isn’t good,” Ian mumbled as Brent raised his head and looked around.

He looked dazed or drugged, Ian wasn’t sure which. He was sure however that Ray would rain down Heaven and Hell if he found out who these idiots were.

What’s your point,” Ryan threw out, more than tired of the cat and mouse game.

You’ll find all that out tomorrow,” the voice returned calmly.

Ice,” the voice began as the monitor cut to Gabrielle. “She’s not really what you normally go for, so what’s the game here,” the voice asked as Ian and Ryan watched the woman on the monitor.

She was scared; it showed clearly on her face. Her eyes were red and bloodshot alerting him she’d been crying.

Why did you bring her here,” Ian returned instead of answering the question.

A slight chuckle preceded the answer.

She’s a part of the game naturally,” the voice returned as Ian hissed but said nothing more.

She’s being well cared for,” the voice began anew. “She is fed a balanced diet, and given her prenatal vitamin,” it added as Ryan gave his brother a look but said nothing.

I trust that you two will find each other’s company suitable,” the voice began again. “We’ll meet tomorrow evening and I’ll answer all your questions,” it told them as Ryan sucked his teeth and turned his back to the monitor.

Ian continued to watch Gabrielle for a while longer until the monitor shut off and then he returned his attention to Ryan.

She’s pregnant already,” he asked Ian.

She’s fertile,” Ian said simply.

What happens when KiKi gets wind of the shit,” Ryan asked needing Ian to see the dangerous game he was playing.

Ian shrugged but said nothing for a moment.

I have that planned,” he returned as understanding dawned for Ryan who simply grunted and sat down on the bed.

King Diesel, still watching and listening to the men, was confused.
What is he talking about, what plan,
he continued to ponder before dismissing the thoughts. After everything was said and done tomorrow night it wouldn’t matter what nonsense Ian Bailey was spouting. He and his brother would be finished, as would every one of their friends and enemy alike. Satisfied for now King Diesel summoned one of his men and told them to bring Brent to him in the designated room. He needed to get some questions answered.


Ashlyn dialed her sister’s number, too keyed up and excited to sleep, she needed someone to talk too.

Hello,” Tae answered sleepily.

Hey Tae, I’m sorry I woke you up,” Ashlyn returned remorsefully.

Yawning Tae assured her it was fine.

You all right,” she threw back immediately on guard.

Ashlyn chuckled and told her she was fine.

I’m just so excited and I had to share,” she told her sister as Tae sat up and glanced at the clock.

It was after 3AM and Shells was still out. She wanted to be mad but couldn’t. He’d texted her earlier letting her know about the strip club and hanging out with the boys. She decided to let him have his fun, because later tonight at the party she and the girls were definitely going to have theirs. She almost chuckled aloud before remembering Ashlyn was on the phone.

Okay, so spill it, what’s got you all keyed up,” she teased as her little sister giggled.

Sa’Cari asked me to marry him,” she gushed as Tae’s mouth dropped.

What,” she threw back as Ashlyn repeated her earlier statement.

Dang, that boy don’t be playin’,” Tae chuckled telling Ashlyn congratulations before admonishing her to wait at least a year or two before they actually married.

Thanks Tae,” she returned happily. “Yeah, I told him that too, but he really wants to go ahead and get married soon,” she told her sister.

What’s the rush Ash, are you pregnant,” Tae questioned.

No, well I don’t think so,” she replied a bit hesitantly.

Ash,” Tae began her tone changing. “You have been taking your pills right,” she questioned.

Ashlyn told her she did take them and she tried to stay on track, but sometimes she forgot and she took them late.

Sa’Cari has been trying to help me,” she told her sister.

So he needs to strap up then,” Tae told her as Ashlyn told her she knew but they got carried away and how much Sa’Cari hated using the prophylactics.

Tae sighed deeply. She could understand where the girl was coming from, she hated condoms too, but she made her boyfriends use them.
You didn’t make Shells use one,
her mind convicted. Letting the conversation go after one last caution to Ashlyn to be careful, Tae returned to the subject of her impending marriage.

When are you going to tell the folks,” Tae questioned as Ashlyn sighed deeply.

Well, I was kinda hoping you would help me,” she began to whine as Tae chuckled.

Mmhmm of course you did,” she laughed.

It was a well-known fact that Tae was a chief contributor to Ashlyn’s spoiled ways, one she didn’t apologize for. Tae loved her baby sister and there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for her.

So when are WE going to tell them,” she asked as Ashlyn thanked her profusely.

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