Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning (35 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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Shango, damn,” Dee cried out loudly as she came hard, him right behind her groaning deeply as they both shuddered, becoming still, breathing hard.


Ray was absolutely furious as he continued to read the note. He’d gone to check on Brent and see what progress was being made when he arrived to find an empty room, no explanation, and the note he now held.

What would you like to do, Mr. Lockhart,” Rahja asked calmly.

Closing his eyes and breathing deeply Ray’s mind continued to work. As outdone as he was with his son’s stunts, Brent was his son and Ray didn’t play about his family.

I need things set up here, then we’re taking a trip,” he told Rahja who nodded, immediately pulling out his cell phone.

While they sat he arranged the small army that would protect India, Necie and Diamond from any intruding force. After that was done and Ray’s approval given, Rahja rose telling him he was going to get the necessary items and manpower to make the trip.

That’s fine,” Ray replied his mind still racing.

Alone now, Ray pulled out his cell and called Santana. He quickly brought him up to speed on what was transpiring now, leaving out the portion of Brent’s stay at Mountain View simply telling him of the abduction.

Rahja and I are leaving within the hour,” he told Santana.

Not without me,” was the immediate reply as Ray thanked him, disconnecting.

He quickly called Rahja and arranged more protection for Charisma and Ayana.

Satisfied for the time being Ray, let himself relax a bit.
Entirely too much drama to contend with right now,
he thought wearily. Ray was extremely disappointed with Brent’s behavior. He’d actually been seriously contemplating turning over the entire operation to him and Santana, wanting to relax and spend time with India and their new child. Now that wouldn’t happen anytime in the immediate future. Brent’s greed and selfishness made Ray realize he still had a lot more work to do with the young man.
He needs to begin to use more reason, more logic,
he thought as he sipped the liquor in his glass. His cell vibrated and he smiled seeing the text from India asking if he were all right. He quickly texted her back that he was fine, simply handling a late business deal. He added a line that he would be home soon and she’d better be in bed. Her response was a smiley emoticon, sticking its tongue out.

Ray chuckled slightly shoring his resolve to make this trip and handle the ensuing threat so he could return to his life.
What about Brent,
his mind questioned. Ray decided he would make that choice once the imminent danger was removed and he’d had time to think about it. Rising he headed out of the office to his car, getting inside and heading toward his home. Once India was in bed and asleep they would leave, Ray continued to plan. He would explain it to her as a simple business trip.
You’d better pray it all works out the way it should,
his mind told him as Ray sighed deeply. He was getting too old for all the extra drama and one of these days he was almost sure he might not make it out alive.


Tariq, Mook and Shells were enjoying a drink at the club as they relaxed finally. It had been a long and hectic day.

Shit, I’m glad everything is finally done,” Mook threw out as Tariq agreed with him.

Tomorrow it’ll all be worth it though,” he added as the other men murmured agreement.

We’re hooking up with Jacoury, going to take in some skin when we leave here,” Mook began, looking at Tariq.

You down,” he fished, having a feeling the woman Tariq was seeing was near.

Smiling slightly he told them he might as well. Mook smiled telling him that was good to hear as he rose and stretched.

Got to keep my eye on Tae tomorrow,” Shells tossed out as they all readied themselves to leave.

Mook grumbled slightly as Tariq gave Shells a quizzical look. He explained that he’d told Tae the whole story about Layla and the market and she was still pissed with the woman. Tariq chuckled.

Hmm, yeah, we’ll all keep an eye and make sure those two don’t end up in a room alone,” he threw out as they burst into laughter walking outside now.

Tariq locked the door as Shells suggested they ride together.

I can drop you all off to pick up your trucks, or at your house, whatever you want to do,” he told them as Mook and Tariq agreed climbing inside.

Mook sat up front with Shells as they began to talk and smoke a blunt. Tariq’s mind was racing thinking about Kaitlyn and the text she’d sent him earlier. She had to fly back home for an emergency but assured him she would be back tomorrow night long before the opening. He was saddened they wouldn’t be together tonight, but pushed it aside knowing he would see her tomorrow.
You’re in too damned deep,
his mind warned him yet another time.

Here Top, you need to hit this,” Mook told him breaking his thought.

Tariq took the blunt and inhaled deeply, letting the acrid smoke invade his lungs and relax his mind. He needed to keep his mind off Kaitlyn. Deciding he would get as blitzed as possible at the strip club, Tariq told them to stop at the ATM so he could get some money.

Got have something to make it rain on them hoes,” he quipped as they all burst into laughter and pulled into the bank.

They arrived moments later after their stop and picking up Jacoury, pulling into the parking lot.

OK, now don’t go in here and get in trouble,” Tariq joked as Mook and Shells swore they were only going inside for the wings they sold.

Everyone cracked up over that quip and headed to the door. The bouncer hassled them only momentarily until he realized who they were, then opened and held the door for them, requesting VIP treatment. Settling back in his chair at the table, Tariq let the gyrating mocha sister smiling at him take his mind off the dilemma he still faced and the impossible solutions he was trying to come up with.


Kaitlyn came to only to find herself immobile. Her arms and legs were chained to the solid oak bed she lay atop.
What the hell is going on,
she wondered trying to remember how she’d even gotten here. She and Blue had gone to lunch at Maggiano’s a popular Italian eatery in the city. They’d laughed, had some wine, talked about the past and everything he’d been doing since he got out of prison. They paid their tab and rose to leave, but that’s where her memory ended. She couldn’t recall anything else until opening her eyes now.

Hello,” Kaitlyn called out.

Blue,” she tried again trying to stay calm and not panic.

You should have followed your mind,
Kaitlyn kicked herself. She knew there was something off about him. Now she was trapped and God only knew what he had planned for her. She caught her breath as the door opened. Turning her head toward the sound, Kaitlyn’s eyes grew big as the shadowy figure approached her.

Lauren,” he said softly recognition of his voice scaring the hell out of her.

No,” she breathed softly trying to move away from him as he walked closer.

No,” she yelled more forcefully this time.

Blood that is my blood,” he spoke again, in fluent French.

Kaitlyn began to cry hysterically screaming no again and again as he reached out a gloved hand and touched her.

It was too much and she passed out. Standing up again and regarding her for a few moments more, King Diesel turned and walked out of the room leaving her alone again. He returned to the room where Blue waited, still trying to stay his breathing and blink away his fury before King Diesel noticed. The man sat down and began removing the mask. Blue knew he was depraved but tonight he’d taken it to a whole new level. King Diesel had one of his contacts make the mask, an exact facial replica of Carlo Cisneros, almost a year ago. The voice was easy enough, using simple recordings from the trial and an impromptu interview he did with a reporter back in the day. Blue wasn’t exactly sure just how much more he could take when it came to his terrorizing Lauren.

Go to her,” King Diesel said finally turning and regarding Blue. “Make her believe what you tell her, or --,” he trailed off as Blue again used every ounce of restraint he had and quickly nodded his understanding, leaving the man’s presence.

Walking back into the room where Lauren was still unconscious, Blue gathered himself. He wasn’t stupid. King Diesel was watching his every interaction and the microphones in the room recording his every word.

Blue reached out and gently stroked her face. She began to stir slightly, her eyes suddenly popping open as the terror returned to them.

Shh, it’s me Lauren,” Blue told her sweetly as her eyes narrowed in anger.

What did you do to me,” she fired off. “What the hell is going on, where the hell am I,” Kaitlyn railed, her eyes darting around the room looking for the figure she’d seen earlier.

Lauren, baby, you have to trust me,” Blue began. “Everything is going to be fine,” he assured her as Kaitlyn returned her gaze to him, suspicion filled.

She heard the sound then, softly at first, but now it was beginning to grow louder.

Do you hear that,” Kaitlyn asked, fear replacing the suspicion.

Hear what baby,” Blue asked calmly, still regarding her.

That,” Kaitlyn threw back, the voice clear, and the volume growing louder.

I don’t hear anything, Lauren,” Blue soothed, lying.

He knew the plan and he heard her father’s voice reciting the incantation just as she did.

You don’t hear him Blue, you don’t hear his voice,” Kaitlyn threw back becoming unglued once again.

Shh, baby calm down, you’re hearing things,” he told her as she looked into his eyes.

Maybe she was losing it, Kaitlyn thought. It wouldn’t be the first time. Still, why was she here and why did he have her held prisoner.

Blue, please, I don’t understand,” she returned the tears falling now.

Blue’s heart was breaking but he had to stay strong. For both their sakes and sanity he had to stay objective and see this thing through to the end.

Rest baby,” Blue told her sweetly the room now silent. “I promise I’ll explain later,” he added for good measure as Kaitlyn’s confusion still rested on her face.

Just rest,” Blue told her again, kissing her cheek gently.

He rose and left her again as King Diesel continued to watch her on the monitors. He sighed softly as she finally closed her eyes and remained still.
Almost there,
he thought simply, making himself a drink and heading to the dining room for dinner.


Blue and Shango were speaking once again. Dee had left him an hour or so earlier, telling him she had a great evening and would look him up if she ever got to Detroit. Shango smiled once more thinking how cool and aloof the woman was.
Quite the challenge,
he thought and returned his attention to Blue.

I got the layout and everything is good,” Shango told him.

Blue grunted his acknowledgment telling him he would be glad when it was over.

Relax, patience man,” Shango chided his friend gently.

Blue told him he understood, his nerves were simply on edge.

It’s very different seeing her, having her right here,” he told Shango who again told him he had to be patient.

You been planning this for three years, don’t mess up now,” he added as Blue told him he was right.

I’m out as soon as it goes down,” Shango told him, alluding to him leaving the city.

We won’t be far behind you,” Blue replied as Shango grunted.

Did you at least get out and do something today,” Blue asked as he chuckled.

Blue asked what was so funny and the man enlightened him of his trysts with Dee. “Ohh, so you did find something to get into,” Blue laughed.

Everyone still sure this is what they want,” Shango asked, returning to business now. “Can’t back out once the deed is done,” he added.

Blue sighed softly telling him everyone was still on the same page.

We go with the plan just like we discussed,” Blue returned. “His trick has given us exact times as well as the layout, she knows her part, and I’m sure for the money he paid her, she’ll do what she was paid to do,” he added.

Shango chuckled again.

You don’t like her very much do you,” he asked of Layla.

No,” Blue returned flatly.

You wanted to fuck her,” Shango asked, trying to get to the why.

Hell no,” Blue quickly corrected. “I still don’t trust her ass, money or no money,” he told Shango who got where he was coming from.

Well if she acts a fool, cancel that ass,” he said simply as Blue told him to be his guest.

BOOK: Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning
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